Do you believe in God?

  • Thread starter Patrik

Do you believe in god?

  • Of course, without him nothing would exist!

    Votes: 624 30.6%
  • Maybe.

    Votes: 368 18.0%
  • No way!

    Votes: 1,051 51.5%

  • Total voters
I dont have to prove anything, read the bible, quran, torah, or what ever, then chouse what you want to believe in, the call is yours...

The Bible is the #1 cause of people turning into Atheist.

Why does science have to prove everything but not religion?

Once again you are assuming non-believers have never believed in a god. Which is complete lunacy.

Go ahead and believe in god, that's your choice. But stating that people should open their eyes is a funny concept.
ROFL!!! Okay mate, whatever you say. How do you know they haven't opened their eyes yet if you haven't watched it. You've got it completely round the wrong way. I used to be a Christian, as I just said. So I've seen and heard both sides of the story. You haven't. So it's pretty much impossible to have a rational debate with you.
I can understand all religions, besides according to me, christian protestants or what ever you call yourselfs are not vaild christians. The vaild ones are in middle east, and the coptic church. Christianity is more complex and deep, and those things are rarely thaught in "ordinary" churches or bible camps etc. They are far to westernized teachings....
The Bible is the #1 cause of people turning into Atheist.

Why does science have to prove everything but not religion?

Once again you are assuming non-believers have never believed in a god. Which is complete lunacy.

Go ahead and believe in god, that's your choice. But stating that people should open their eyes is a funny concept.
Well, according to me, you havent opened your eyes, and they have never been opened. Religion can prove much, but in its special way. Dont forget god made everything, even science, its just you people that are to shallow to understand how it works. You just care about your parties, drugs, alcohol, pork meat ,etc, etc....
Im not religious, but i do defend the religions. Who says they are wrong, and what evidence do you have that they are wrong? Well, well, we will all see in the life hereafter :) As jesus said " I am the truth, stay with me and you will never be hungry again".

Oh dear... you really are confused aren't you? :rolleyes:
I dont have to prove anything, read the bible, quran, torah, or what ever, then chouse what you want to believe in, the call is yours...
Try this:

Read the Bible AND the Qur'an AND the Torah AND the teachings of Buddhism, Hinduism, etc. AND look at all of them CRITICALLY AND think about how much EVIDENCE exists for any one of them AND examine the scientific method to determine if belief in each of the belief systems is necessary, AND THEN maybe you have a chance at making an accurate decision.

Don't want to watch videos on the subject, or talk to people like me who want you to understand both sides of the argument before making the decision?

That's called closing your eyes. Have fun being blind. I think it's possible for people to analyze enough of this stuff critically and still make a rational decision to believe in a god, though probably not the Christian one (I need more information though, but at least I am looking for it) so someone can have their eyes open and believe in God. You, however, will be forever blind until you can actually take the few minutes it takes to watch these videos, and later examine those books, and have these discussions. Until then, you will be damned to eternal torture in Unicorn-hell.

Well, according to me, you havent opened your eyes, and they have never been opened. Religion can prove much, but in its special way. Dont forget god made everything, even science, its just you people that are to shallow to understand how it works. You just care about your parties, drugs, alcohol, pork meat ,etc, etc....
DEAR GOD! Is that really what you think of people who don't accept god? You are without a doubt the most shallow person i've ever communicated with. Absolutely shameful. Even your "god" would be disgraced by that stereotype. I've never taken an illegal drug or drank alcohol in my life, and to be honest I don't plan to. That you think all atheists do is incredibly offensive.👎
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I can understand all religions, besides according to me, christian protestants or what ever you call yourselfs are not vaild christians. The vaild ones are in middle east, and the coptic church. Christianity is more complex and deep, and those things are rarely thaught in "ordinary" churches or bible camps etc. They are far to westernized teachings....

This "debate" is getting boring. I'm going to call it a day. If you decide to watch this clip then let me know. But I'm guessing you wont because you're scared of what you'll learn. ;)
You are funny guys, arent you suppose to be religious in US? Well, i rest my case...i believe that your little videos cant prove anything, because they are looket upon with close eyes. If you look upon a religion with criticism, you find criticism, thats it. Just like jesus said, you believe what you want to believe, that why its called a belief, right?
DEAR GOD! Is that really what you think of people who don't accept god? You are without a doubt the most shallow person i've ever communicated with. Absolutely shameful. Even your "god" would be disgraced by that stereotype. I've never taken an illegal drug or drank alcohol in my life, and to be honest I don't plan to. That you think all atheists do is frankly very offensive.

Very well said 👍 . This guy isn't worth "debating" with. Goodnight everyone. :lol:
As jesus said " I am the truth, stay with me and you will never be hungry again".

When I read that all I could think of was the Wolf lying in grandmothers bed, dressed as the grandmother and asking Little Red Riding Hood to come closer.
I can understand all religions, besides according to me, christian protestants or what ever you call yourselfs are not vaild christians. The vaild ones are in middle east, and the coptic church. Christianity is more complex and deep, and those things are rarely thaught in "ordinary" churches or bible camps etc. They are far to westernized teachings....

So the protestant churches that throw off the dogma of the Catholic and Orthodox faiths and base themselves purely on the teachings of Christ are not true "Christian"? Do you actually know much about the faiths you're talking about?

No one can tell what will happen after, and hence, thats why there are religions, you got to make good deeds and obey god to be granted with peace in life hereafter.

What incentive do I have to strive to enter a "heaven" that accepts bigots, thieves, murderers and rapists, with the only stipulation being that they "believe."

Whereas no amount of noble work and self-sacrifice can merit you a place in it if you don't? I would rather be in a place full of people who treat each other right... wouldn't you?
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You are funny guys, arent you suppose to be religious in US?
You are so much more ignorant than you can imagine. Look. I'm American. I'm atheist. Now you know that Americans aren't all religious. Will this change your view of America? Probably not.
Well, i rest my case...i believe that your little videos cant prove anything, because they are looket upon with close eyes. If you look upon a religion with criticism, you find criticism, thats it. Just like jesus said, you believe what you want to believe, that why its called a belief, right?
How about this. I believe you're an utter buffoon with no understanding of religion, science, foreign countries, morality, or critical thinking. I've never called anyone a troll before, but if you really think Jesus said "You believe what you want to believe" you are either a troll or the biggest fool known to man.
What incentive do I have to strive to enter a "heaven" that accepts bigots, thieves, murderers and rapists, with the only stipulation being that they "believe."

Whereas no amount of noble work and self-sacrifice can merit you a place in it if you don't?

It's all about the Pork.
You are so much more ignorant than you can imagine. Look. I'm American. I'm atheist. Now you know that Americans aren't all religious. Will this change your view of America? Probably not.
How about this. I believe you're an utter buffoon with no understanding of religion, science, foreign countries, morality, or critical thinking. I've never called anyone a troll before, but if you really think Jesus said "You believe what you want to believe" you are either a troll or the biggest fool known to man.
Hmm critical thinking, im criticising your atheistic and anti religious thoughts...
I disapprove of your anti-atheist thoughts (All I care about is parties, drugs, alcohol, pork, meat, etc, huh?)
But here's a hint. That's not what critical thinking is. Try again. Look up critical thinking on Google, see what you come up with.
I disapprove of your anti-atheist thoughts (All I care about is parties, drugs, alcohol, pork, meat, etc, huh?)
But here's a hint. That's not what critical thinking is. Try again. Look up critical thinking on Google, see what you come up with.
Its critical thinking, i question your thoughts. But then again, as long as i dont agree with you guys im wrong right?
No. There are loads of people in this thread who I disagree with, but it doesn't make them wrong. You're wrong because you're ignorant.

And critical thinking is questioning your own thoughts. Questioning other's thoughts without questioning your own is the definition of arrogance.
No. There are loads of people in this thread who I disagree with, but it doesn't make them wrong. You're wrong because you're ignorant.

And critical thinking is questioning your own thoughts. Questioning other's thoughts without questioning your own is the definition of arrogance.
Well, not accoring to me, i question myself all the time, buy i also question others....

Beeing ignorant isnt the same as beeing wrong. You can be ignirant as a person, but you can still be right on certain things, right?
You all want to know something?

It's time Shem imparts some knowledge of his own and drops some hard facts into this debate. :sly:

Now, I'm not a religious type, no ties to any branch of any religion to be honest. That's not to say that I don't acknowledge the existence of a Meta Shema, just like you're acknowledging it by reading this.

The simple fact that there is a thread here, and even that you all have this idea of 'God' or some kind of force is proof enough of an existence.

Let's drop religion because that is to do with man, not 'god'. Religious books, Heaven, Hell, prophets and holy men; they are all man made concepts and nothing to do with the Meta Schema.

Here's where I'm coming from -
The idea of a Meta Schema (read: higher power) is innate within the subconscious all human beings. Why? Because we have this notion of 'God'. Where does it come from? Early man trying to explain why life existed? A hierarchy trying to control people by using 'God' as the bottom line in their religions? Remember, I'm leading away from religion here, it's a man made concept.

Take something mythical; a dragon, a unicorn. Someone's imagination produced these creatures. Take anything at all that you can possible think of, any wild thought or creation known. Where do these ideas come from?
Let me tell you. Our empirical senses. Touch, taste, sight, sound..........
What is a unicorn? It's a horse with a horn. A dragon? A crocodile with wings. You get the gist.

Anything we can imagine in our minds can be derived from our empirical senses. Except this notion of 'God'.

Without the Human race would there be anyone who could have this though of a 'God'? Before man, was there ever the thought of 'God' in early creatures on this Earth? Nope. It is an innate notion that comes from nothing empirical and resides within all concious minds.

Discover a tribe in the darkest heart of our planet that has not had any connection to the modern world and they'll have some idea about a 'God'.

Perhaps you know a thing or two about this, perhaps you've read 'The God delusion' by Prof. Dawkins. Good for you. Then you'll know all that Dawkins does is slander religion and shows how ridiculous religions can be in the name of 'God'. If anything, his work only adds credit to my argument that when we talk about 'God' we aren't really on the right track until we take man's corruption of the idea out of the equation.

Maybe you're a clever type who has read scriptures on religion and belief, maybe you think you're argument is valid because you've studied psychology or you can meditate and become one with the world. That's nothing to do with 'God' the way I book it. There are many factors involved here, mainly Meta Physics and Philosophy but any relation to religion or spirituality is purely a man made connection.

Do I believe in the existence of a 'God'? Why, of course, and so do you if you have posted in this thread, read this thread or ever read the title. By acknowledging the topic, either for or against believing, you are in fact acknowledging that a 'God' exists.
Well, not accoring to me, i question myself all the time, buy i also question others....

Beeing ignorant isnt the same as beeing wrong. You can be ignirant as a person, but you can still be right on certain things, right?
Perhaps. But it's far worse to be ignorant than to be wrong, because ignorant people stay wrong.

So do you believe in unicorns now? Or no?
:lol: Great post Shem. 👍

The way I look at it, the concept of a God does exist, because we can think of one. However, is this human conception and representation of "God" the one and the same as "God the Omega?"

Ask a rock if it knows why the universe exists. We are living matter, and obscured by an inner desire to find "answers" and "truth" to things. The rock doesn't need an answer. Living matter, in contrast, just wants to reproduce, because it doesn't know any better - that is just how it exists. The fact we can conceptualize things is but a side effect of this state of reproducing - resulting from the evolution of a brain that can observe the "outside world." We can think of lots of concepts, concepts like "creation", "big bang", "death", "logic", "existence", "truth", "concept". (:lol:) But that is all they are - concepts. The universe doesn't care how we conceptualize it. Neither does the rock.

All of these "scientific theories" and "knowledge" we have? They are just the result of finding the right door, that links between the "real universe" and our comprehension of it. Then, sometimes, we discover new evidence which shows that we're using the wrong door. But here's the thing - there is always another door. The doors are created from the human mind to fit our abilities of comprehending the universe. The doors we can never see will never "exist." Until they do. ;)

Is there a final door? Good question. My current guess is no, for reasons I already explained.

But by all means, we should continue to search for that invisible door, or reach that unreachable star - because someday, we might even find that door. If it exists. ;) Who knows, maybe even God will be there waving to us on the other side of it.
:lol: Great post Shem. 👍

Thanks. :) This happens to be a subject I spend hours debating with my friends and father, all of which are very knowledgeable on this topic being doctors and Professors of science and humanities.
If you are not into this religious things, forget to understand anything about spiritual stuff. How can one see, when he doesnt want to open his eyes?

And yet how many religious people refuse to open their eyes to science, for which there is evidence?

Or is the fact that much of the evidence is completely contradictory to their religion the reason they won't open their eyes? Nor minds, for that matter.
And yet how many religious people refuse to open their eyes to science, for which there is evidence?

I'm not going to say you're wrong about this but scientific fact is only fact until someone comes along and sets new facts making the old facts wrong.

Once the earth was flat. Fact. Clever chap does some study and finds it isn't, how bizarre!

Mercury was once a cure for sickness. Fact. Another clever chap does some research and points out that it is, in fact, highly toxic.

Evidence for the existence of a potato in my pocket is; that it's there. But how do you know there's a potato in my pocket? Evidence isn't all it's cracked up to be in science or in my pocket.

Fact is only the current acceptance of an idea with evidence for/ previously theory which is yet to be disproved. Welcome to science 101.
^ I think one should be careful with philosophising too much. As for aknowleding God's existance by reading and posting in this thread, I don't agree at all. You aknowledge the concept of god, not god's actual existance.