Do you believe in God?

  • Thread starter Patrik

Do you believe in god?

  • Of course, without him nothing would exist!

    Votes: 624 30.6%
  • Maybe.

    Votes: 368 18.0%
  • No way!

    Votes: 1,051 51.5%

  • Total voters
Re-post is old.

As is the claim that we get our morality from primitive ancient literature from desert men. So I'd love to be without the need to offer a visual reminder that the bible is an impoverished moral guide, but they just keep dragging out the same old lines.
As is the claim that we get our morality from primitive ancient literature from desert men. So I'd love to be without the need to offer a visual reminder that the bible is an impoverished moral guide, but they just keep dragging out the same old lines.

And so do you. For someone who is critical of those who believe what a book says, you seem to rely on them a lot yourself.
They believed in the wrong God my freind

Isn't that what all religions assert?

It is a remarkable coincidence that almost everyone has the same religion as their parents and it always just so happens they’re the right religion. (Richard Dawkins)

....the God Muslims beleive in and the God as in the trinity God the father son and Holy Ghost are 2 different things

No, they're the same Abrahamic god.
And so do you. For someone who is critical of those who believe what a book says, you seem to rely on them a lot yourself.

The difference is, the books I read can be dismissed if they aren't convincing. The same can't be said for those hypnotized by the Bible or Koran.

“The Good Book” - one of the most remarkable euphemisms ever coined. (Ashley Montagu)

Scriptures: The sacred books of our holy religion, as distinguished from the false and profane writings on which all other faiths are based. (Ambrose Bierce)

Beware of the man of one book. (Thomas Aquinas)
@Tic Tach

Thats why I said possibly Hitler, if your not familiar with Hitler then you should know that his beliefs were in serious question. Nobody knows if Hitler was Christain or atheist. Even if he was Christain what is your excuse for the other guys?


Why are you trying to twist my words. I never said that all atheists were evil. I was responding to Tic Tachs post that said atheist beliefs were so important because there arent any religious extremists. What I said was believing in God doesnt automatically make you good nor does not believing in God. And that there are just as many bad atheists as there are bad religious people. again I will say, crazy people will be crazy people no matter the belief. I know a lot of good atheists who are really cool and respect that I believe in God, unlike some people.
God and Allah are the same entity, just with 2 different prophets.

absolutly Not

There are many differences between the attributes of God and Allah. First, there is the attribute of knowability, the idea that human beings may know God and enjoy a personal relationship with the Creator. God, as He is revealed in the Bible, allows Himself to be known and fellowshipped with on a personal basis by those who have trusted in Him through His Son Jesus Christ. John 17:3 says, "And this is life eternal, that they might know thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent." The Bible presents God as a Being who intimately reveals Himself to man, and who encourages us to learn of Him and enter into ever closer fellowship with Him. The Bible presents a God who had a personal relationship with Abraham such that Abraham was called "The friend of God." The God of the Bible wants for mankind to come to Him, be cleansed of their sins, and enjoy this close personal fellowship. "Draw nigh unto God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded." (James 4:8)

Contrast this with the Islamic description of Allah as unknowable. Indeed, in Islam, it is considered blasphemous to "presume" that one can know Allah intimately or claim any sort of close, personal fellowship with him.
Allah is considered by Muslims to be unknowable, transcendent, so exalted that he would never lower himself to treat with man on a personal level of friendship and fellowship.
Why wouldn't an atheist be depressed about death? I'd hate to think of the pain it would cause my nearest and dearest if I was to die, why shouldn't I feel that if I'm non-religious?

Personally , death doesn't scare or depress me . I feel sadness when someone close to me passes , of course I do , it's human nature .

I don't claim to speak for all athiests . But I can say that you live & you die , with some interesting stuff in between . I don't need to believe in concepts such as heaven to find comfort in times of death for example . It's just not logical to assume a creative story as truth.

I was trying to see your rationalisation on your link to athiests and dictators. Don't forget the countless wars that have been & are currently being fought in the name of God . America is always doing that to find some good old fashioned oil by using God as a convenient excuse - . I do however agree with this statement you made though ....
...crazy people will be crazy people, no matter the belief or non-belief.
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Those who use the bibe for racisim dont o understand the bible who here on the forum is using the bible for racisim. Heck Im black! LOL

check it out

When did I insinuate that such behaviour was taking place on these forums?

I am referring to the debates that took place in the United States starting around the time of colonization and ending in the post Civil War reconstruction era referring to the institution of slavery in the United States. Throughout many pro-slavery documents throughout the first eighty years of the existence of the United States, the Bible, and more specifically the Torah, were used as reasoning for why slavery should be an institution.

Those in favor of the practice often argued that because it was accepted in the old testament, it was acceptable for an agrarian/protocapitalist society.

And you have yet to explain to me just exactly why I'm wrong.

And why should one believe that there is a trinity? If one believes that God is composed of a trinity, one is essentially arguing in favor of Christianity as a polytheistic religion.

Deuteronomy 6:4: "Hear, O Israel the Lord is God, the lord is One."

Jesus is alluded to as "Lord" and "God" (Adonai and Yahweh, respectively) repeatedly in the New Testament. Which was he? Lord or God? If one asserts that Jesus was God himself, then one is fundamentally arguing that God is not one, but in fact two. Add in the holy ghost, which was added later, sometime after the second century, and one arrives at the basic assertion by Christianity that God is not one, not two, but three.

If God is three, as Christian doctrine would have one believe, then there is little to differentiate it from the pagan religions it so vehemently vilifies.
Most of us have seen the type of material you link to, it's often offensive to theists and atheists all the same. It has nothing to do with the fear you claim.
Most of us have seen the type of material you link to, it's often offensive to theists and atheists all the same. It has nothing to do with the fear you claim.

Another excuse. I can assure you there's nothing offensive in the video. Kindly watch.
I understand it is a question but you too must understand my apprehensions for trying to explain something when I feel you're trying to bait me in :sly:. Also why is God a he/she? What makes you think God is even humanoid or with a gender, see that wording shows that your taking a context from popular religion and not the idea that a god could just be a powerful celestial being.

What Theory of God? I don't remember giving a theory of god, but I do remember giving my idea on it. Also with our limited understanding what makes you think the this being would have to be created by another force? How do we know it is a singular god and not several powerful celestial beings? I mean the questions can go on from here to Timbuktu, you nor I will be able to answer them. We can try with our opinions but that doesn't place things in a factual bearing.

That´s the problem with this conversation. I genuinely ask you questions but you seem very hesitant to answer them.
I´m curious that´s all.

You still seem so sure that there is a god though. How did you come to that conclusion? Mind made up?

I used to be a diehard atheist, but after studying and reflecting I ended up landing on to many unanswered questions that made me doubt it.

Like what?
You know Tic Tac it's just amazing that you can not comment on any other thread in GTP but as soon as this one becomes active again, BAM you're here. Wow you must have light a batman signal for this one thread. You're personal fight to abolish religion or the idea of god in the minds of people is quite intollerant, and extreme which is ironic since you're using the symbol of religious extremist to paint the whole town red, in which I mean a small section as the majority.

I guess since the black panthers and weather man group were domestic terrorist on the Left all liberals or democrats are domestic terrorist. Or since the the OKC bombing was due to right winged extremist, I guess all Republican and conservatives are out to blow up federal buildings. Gee I don't know why the whole world hasn't been thinking like you...Oh wait I do know why cause that's why Hilter did what he did:dunce:.

That´s the problem with this conversation. I genuinely ask you questions but you seem very hesitant to answer them.
I´m curious that´s all.

The sly is meant to be sarcastic if you don't know that you see how it comes right after what I say. Next time take it into consideration.
When did I insinuate that such behaviour was taking place on these forums?

I am referring to the debates that took place in the United States starting around the time of colonization and ending in the post Civil War reconstruction era referring to the institution of slavery in the United States. Throughout many pro-slavery documents throughout the first eighty years of the existence of the United States, the Bible, and more specifically the Torah, were used as reasoning for why slavery should be an institution.

Those in favor of the practice often argued that because it was accepted in the old testament, it was acceptable for an agrarian/protocapitalist society.

And you have yet to explain to me just exactly why I'm wrong.

And why should one believe that there is a trinity? If one believes that God is composed of a trinity, one is essentially arguing in favor of Christianity as a polytheistic religion.

Deuteronomy 6:4: "Hear, O Israel the Lord is God, the lord is One."

Jesus is alluded to as "Lord" and "God" (Adonai and Yahweh, respectively) repeatedly in the New Testament. Which was he? Lord or God? If one asserts that Jesus was God himself, then one is fundamentally arguing that God is not one, but in fact two. Add in the holy ghost, which was added later, sometime after the second century, and one arrives at the basic assertion by Christianity that God is not one, not two, but three.

If God is three, as Christian doctrine would have one believe, then there is little to differentiate it from the pagan religions it so vehemently vilifies.
Wow dude you really have it all twisted im sorry to here that. I think you need to really study the bible for what its worth. I am seeing that this thread is pointless no one is going to convince someone otherwise but its all good> whatever I say to argue isnt going to matter in here anyways lol. meh
I for one am not scared of death, hopefully it will come later than sooner, the unknown outcome of the transition is what bothers me. But at the end of the day, either you'll be nothing, or you'll be living a second life that is hopefully more pleasant than the first one.

I am currently studying Physics and I'm an amateur astronomer, so I tend to pursue Science a lot more than my religion. I don't attend church, but I believe in intelligent design, an afterlife, and I go by the moral values Christianity has to offer. It's easy enough for me to do scientific research without bringing God into the mix, unless of course the HST looks back 14.5 billion years and sees God lighting some TNT or whatever! :D

Could you expand on intelligent design?

Take the human eye for example.
You do know that we have a blindspot in our eye right?
The "cables" all go fram that place to the brain and that's why we have that blindspot.

Now.. why would a being (lets call him god) design an eye that bad?
I mean he created the universe so why could he not create a perfect eye?

You would think he would have a masters in electricity and made them wireless?

Or why we can only see a very small portion of the spectrum?

Where is this intelligent design?
They believed in the wrong God my freind the God Muslims beleive in and the God as in the trinity God the father son and Holy Ghost are 2 different things also there are people that are warped that htink blowing up an abortion clinic is the right way to do things. I fully disagree with all of that please do not assume and put everyone in the same catagory. the warning is that the towers are a sensative subject as I have lost freinds of my own soilders too.

Actually what the Al-Qaeda members did was response the call of the jihad, and the jihad(or holy war) is only invoked when one the Muslim believes there is a thread to their society or their community(defence of the Muslim), under these bases a more accurate representation of this is a call to war to protect their people, not by following the wrong god but by following the Muslim doctrine(which Al-Qaeda used as excuse to get militants into their terrorist attacks, and execute their attacks with suicide bombers).

For the sake of reference and before I get mistakenly identified as Muslim I should add that I don't believe in any kind of god or supreme being, because such thing is a creation of the human psyche to fulfils a need of support and reliability(me thinks, and by IRL experience this has been proven right thus far).

Now regarding the whole Islam god/Christian god there are two things that should be acknowledged, for one we can find that Jesus is identify by the Muslim as one of the prophets from Allah(as Isa to be precise), and the second would be the Constitution of Medina which basically worked as a union of the different beliefs to create a single nation written in the Quran(which is the Muslim equivalent of the bible) and can be consider as today's common believe of a western God.

Just like the Bible, the Quran was constantly updated and is some cases reformed as time changed, just like the Bible most of its original doctrines and rules set by the original prophet(in this case Muhammad) were changed or modified(in the case of the Quran this should not happen).

Now if both cases are explored is not hard to identify the existing similitude between both books(apart from being records and doctrine guides), but one thing that takes my attention in the Quran is the emphasis(not complete but constantly mentioned)on the knowledge as a fundamental base for this doctrine(and one of the main proprieties of their own god).

With this my point is this, the "doctrine" and its evolution depend only on the region in which these are evolved, a more actual(but absolute) representation of a god would be the one given by the Taoists in chine by consider nature and balance as the main elements that replaces the concept of all powerful god.

Here we find these 3 aspects of global religious beliefs which doesn't coherent which other and only demonstrates that the general idea of a single god(or the mere definition of it) doesn't actually exist, and only exists as an idea rather than a fact.

For quick reference consider the number believers in their respective doctrine(or religion):

>Taoists(200-400 million)
>Muslim(1.3-1.57 billion, around 21-23% of world's population)
>Christians(2.2 billion, around +25 of world's population)

Unfortunately these numbers are rounded based on very vague information, but is not as inaccurate to consider my point of population ratio/believe as incorrect.

And unfortunately I didn't consider Buddhists for this comparison(which is also a significant number in relation to the global population).
Faith didn't harness the power of:

(the rest)

The athiest doubters did.
All faith did was hold it back as long as possible.

Then when we finally put these forces to good use they are accepted?

Religion controlled people for thousands of years, now there's different forces to do that - powerfull media. There are generations of people who don't know anything except what they see on the TV.

I will say this though noone rocked my beliefs like Senna did.
Could you expand on intelligent design?

Take the human eye for example.
You do know that we have a blindspot in our eye right?
The "cables" all go fram that place to the brain and that's why we have that blindspot.

Now.. why would a being (lets call him god) design an eye that bad?
I mean he created the universe so why could he not create a perfect eye?

You would think he would have a masters in electricity and made them wireless?

Or why we can only see a very small portion of the spectrum?

Where is this intelligent design?

That really doesn't solve anything you're basically doing the same thing I did with my series of question. Why would a "god" or celestial being do such a thing, maybe are life form doesn't have such an ability but other do. Maybe this "god" is just experimenting cause it has nothing better to do and we're the odd man out. Why do you think our eye needs to be perfect, maybe we are pre-set to evolve down the road cause that's what the software says?

You ask these question as if you have some understanding for this "god" you don't believe in. Why can other creatures see parts of the spectrum we cant or why can we see things they cant? Why not create all creatures equal why are not all equally traversed on ground and water as well as air? I mean the series of never ending, never answered questions can go on and on as I've said before to you. Yet we run in circles and never solve whether or not a god is or isn't there.
That really doesn't solve anything you're basically doing the same thing I did with my series of question. Why would a "god" or celestial being do such a thing, maybe are life form doesn't have such an ability but other do. Maybe this "god" is just experimenting cause it has nothing better to do and we're the odd man out. Why do you think our eye needs to be perfect, maybe we are pre-set to evolve down the road cause that's what the software says?

You ask these question as if you have some understanding for this "god" you don't believe in. Why can other creatures see parts of the spectrum we cant or why can we see things they cant? Why not create all creatures equal why are not all equally traversed on ground and water as well as air? I mean the series of never ending, never answered questions can go on and on as I've said before to you. Yet we run in circles and never solve whether or not a god is or isn't there.

WRONG. You said intelligent design.

I you pick up a biology book you will see that NOTHING on this planet points to intelligent design.

Again, show me an example of intelligent design.

You claim i think i have some understanding of this god.
That's not true as i dont believe in any god at all so i cant really have any opinions about him.

So what do i do? I ask questions to someone who believes in a god (YOU)
And asks you to expand on your beliefs but you don't. you instead change the subject or ignore the question necause you know that your god is made up in your mind with absolutely nothing to support the idea.

Again, where is the intelligent design?
I refuse to vote in this poll.
This thread is very insulting to me.

And just for the record...
I always have and always will...

So, in other words, your first post isn't acceptable. Sure, your entitled to you own views/opinions, but dont dont just splurt out garbage that will upset others.

Your post: "I dont, never have and never will."
Could have been said as: "I simply don't, and dont think i will in the future", instead, you come out with a VERY provocative comment.
I refuse to vote in this poll.
This thread is very insulting to me.

And just for the record...
I always have and always will...

So, in other words, your first post isn't acceptable. Sure, your entitled to you own views/opinions, but dont dont just splurt out garbage that will upset others.

Man you guys are hilarious!
I think I posted here a long time ago, but if you guys wanna have fights, I suggest the Computers section where we have endless swearing competitions about Zalman heat-sinks, and Thermal-take cases, and weather or not to sand your CPU ;)(using the "🤬" emoticon, of course. 👍).
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WRONG. You said intelligent design.

I you pick up a biology book you will see that NOTHING on this planet points to intelligent design.

Again, show me an example of intelligent design.

You claim i think i have some understanding of this god.
That's not true as i dont believe in any god at all so i cant really have any opinions about him.

So what do i do? I ask questions to someone who believes in a god (YOU)
And asks you to expand on your beliefs but you don't. you instead change the subject or ignore the question necause you know that your god is made up in your mind with absolutely nothing to support the idea.

Again, where is the intelligent design?

Where did I say intelligent design? Wrong where, by asking a series of question like you did? Or do you just fizzle with excitement on the threads and try to coax people into thinking they're wrong? I have picked them up and read them but they don't prove or disprove intelligent design, however they do a great job of telling me how my heart pumps blood!!!

I said you act...when you ask questions like "why aren't our eye perfect, would this god give us perfect eye?" Why cause you think we should have them? I can't prove a god exist anymore than you can prove it doesn't exist, if a superpowerful celestial being is somewhere in this universe who's to say it isn't a being that wants to be found? I have expanded, you yourself ironically haven't answered questions that I've posed just now in the previous post and rather attacked me.

I think I posted here a long time ago, but if you guys wanna have fights, I suggest the Computers section where we have endless swearing competitions about Zalman heat-sinks, and Thermal-take cases, and weather or not to sand your PC ;)(using the "🤬" emoticon, of course. 👍).

:lol: best post yet ^
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Where did I say intelligent design? Wrong where, by asking a series of question like you did? Or do you just fizzle with excitement on the threads and try to coax people into thinking they're wrong? I have picked them up and read them but they don't prove or disprove intelligent design, however they do a great job of telling me how my heart pumps blood!!!

I said you act...when you ask questions like "why aren't our eye perfect, would this god give us perfect eye?" Why cause you think we should have them? I can't prove a god exist anymore than you can prove it doesn't exist, if a superpowerful celestial being is somewhere in this universe who's to say it isn't a being that wants to be found? I have expanded, you yourself ironically haven't answered questions that I've posed just now in the previous post and rather attacked me.

Ok let me try with another question.

You believe in god. How did you get to that conclusion?

Im guessing you have absolutely nothing to support that case apart from what you made up in your head?

I cant see any other way to how you came to the conclusion that a god exists.
Ok let me try with another question.

You believe in god. How did you get to that conclusion?

Im guessing you have absolutely nothing to support that case apart from what you made up in your head?

I cant see any other way to how you came to the conclusion that a god exists.

Damn it you got me! How can I lie to you, you know me like the back of your hand, I did come up with it in my head, to be honest I did it in the last five minutes.
Like what?

I explained this:

What started me to explore was that I found atheist to be rather angry and I never really knew at what, I saw myself doing it and I didn't feel that's how I wanted to live my life. You are exhibiting exactly what I didn't want to become, so I looked elsewhere and explored what I really thought about life.

This lead me to start wondering about things in the universe and left me with way to many unanswered questions. Things like what created the universe, it had to have had a start point at some time and the matter had to have been the product of something more then another universe. Just the way everything works and why it works began to make me think, you eventually run out of "whys" and "how comes" and you are left with nothing but a dead end.

I've also gone through some issues and I felt that spirituality played a positive role in trying to fix it. This wasn't a deal sealer by any means, I was already past accepting my own beliefs by then. I feel like if I was still an atheist I would have had a negative outcome.