Do you believe in God?

  • Thread starter Patrik

Do you believe in god?

  • Of course, without him nothing would exist!

    Votes: 623 30.5%
  • Maybe.

    Votes: 368 18.0%
  • No way!

    Votes: 1,050 51.5%

  • Total voters
As far as motorsport is concerned, they know the risks before they get into that car.

If you're going to give my God the bad credit, be sure to give him the good credit to.

For sure. Honestly, how many people have those conditions (in a percentage). Probably in the 0.00000001% region. I agree with Pako here, so God is evil for these people being born with conditions, but not great for making say.....jessica alba? :)
Lets take a look at Genesis.

You say that the day isn't defined until the completion of the fourth day where it says in Genesis 1:17 "God set them in the expanse of the sky to give light on the earth, 18 to govern the day and the night, and to separate light from darkness. And God saw that it was good. 19 And there was evening, and there was morning—the fourth day.". If I am understanding you, you are saying that defines the day that the Bible is referring to at the completion of the fourth day.

If that is so, what is the "Evening" and "Morning" that is being referenced even before the completion of the Fourth day? Note that the "Evening" and "Morning" are referenced throughout, not just before, and not just after the end of the fourth day.

I will continue to say that a day to God, "And there was evening, and there was morning", is still "Like a 1000 years" to us, and a 1000 years to us is like a day to God.

I've always been skeptical of the Creation story since Sunday School and through my years at a Catholic High School, and I have to say that even if you interpret a day as a figure of speech it doesn't explain how such an event could have happened in keeping with the evidence we have. For example, the order in which everything was created doesn't correlate to what we now know, even when factoring in the time differences that aren't implied in the Book but which have been proven through research.
be sure to give him the good credit to.
Why? He doesn't excist...

Haha, I'm LMFAO right now...

Hahaha, one of the funniest things in my opinion is "God Bless America"! If this god excist, why in hell should he "bless" America!? Americans, which doesn't give a damn about anything except themselves and their own country, they are responsible for the biggest oil and petrol consumption, they gave us 🤬 like McDonalds, Burger King and Pizza Hut, they destroyed the native americans, they used black people as slaves, they kill innocent people in war. The list just goes on. (As some of you may know though, I love american cars and motorsport, so thanks for those!).

Parts of the world that should be blessed (and it's kind of another anti christ proof that they aren't), would be the poor parts of Africa, Asia and so on. But God only care about americans, right?
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Granted, Americans are patriotic, but I think you've just ranted about the stereotypes. I think all of the Americans on this board are nothing like you said, so expect them to come soon and show you otherwise ;)
Why? He doesn't excist...

Haha, I'm LMFAO right now...

Hahaha, one of the funniest things in my opinion is "God Bless America"! If this god excist, why in hell should he "bless" America!? Americans, which doesn't give a damn about anything except themselves and their own country, they are responsible for the biggest oil and petrol consumption, they gave us s**t like McDonalds, Burger King and Pizza Hut, they destroyed the native americans, they used black people as slaves, they kill innocent people in war. The list just goes on. (As some of you may know though, I love american cars and motorsport, so thanks for those!).

Parts of the world that should be blessed (and it's kind of another anti christ proof that they aren't), would be the poor parts of Africa, Asia and so on. But God only care about americans, right?

This isn't the first time you have been ranting about how stupid Americans are. :rolleyes:

Why do you pander to stereotypes?
Why? He doesn't excist...

Haha, I'm LMFAO right now...

Hahaha, one of the funniest things in my opinion is "God Bless America"! If this god excist, why in hell should he "bless" America!? Americans, which doesn't give a damn about anything except themselves and their own country, they are responsible for the biggest oil and petrol consumption, they gave us s**t like McDonalds, Burger King and Pizza Hut, they destroyed the native americans, they used black people as slaves, they kill innocent people in war. The list just goes on. (As some of you may know though, I love american cars and motorsport, so thanks for those!).

Parts of the world that should be blessed (and it's kind of another anti christ proof that they aren't), would be the poor parts of Africa, Asia and so on. But God only care about americans, right?

You were just blaming "My God" for all those terrible things, which is fine if you choose to do that, but give him credit for the good stuff to. Watching those video's also gave me a great sense of gratitude for the wonderful healthy family that I have. Maybe that was part of His plan also so people can have more gratitude than they would otherwise. I don't know the people in the video, but I know people with other afflictions that are the most loving and gracious people that you could ever meet. They have more to offer than most and love life and God all the same.

As far as your anti-american comments, I'm American but I don't own a slave, I have Native American friends, Cherokee, Sioux, and Blackfoot to be exact, I've never killed any one (yet), and I hate Pizza Hut and other fast foods. I also have many concerns for other countries as well, and try to do what I can which includes supporting world missions that has built housing, churches and orphanages for these third world countries.
Americans, which doesn't give a damn about anything except themselves and their own country, they are responsible for the biggest oil and petrol consumption, they destroyed the native americans, they used black people as slaves, they kill innocent people in war.

So we use the most oil and petrol... Take a look at this country. There are only a select few areas you can live without a car. Most places you'll definitely need transportation to get anywhere, and considering those places are also the ones with absolutely no buses running and very few cabs available, well... Yeah. Everyone has a car. Considering our overall population, I guess it's not all that surprising is it?

Further, do you think we Americans are at all proud of the way we took over pretty much ALL the natives' land? Fine, some ignorant assholes might be, but most of us sure aren't. That was, ehhh, 150 years ago or thereabouts? Same for slavery?

So 150 years isn't long enough for you, who wasn't alive or involved in any of it, to hold it against an entire nation? Okay then.
So we use the most oil and petrol... Take a look at this country. There are only a select few areas you can live without a car. Most places you'll definitely need transportation to get anywhere, and considering those places are also the ones with absolutely no buses running and very few cabs available, well... Yeah. Everyone has a car. Considering our overall population, I guess it's not all that surprising is it?

Further, do you think we Americans are at all proud of the way we took over pretty much ALL the natives' land? Fine, some ignorant assholes might be, but most of us sure aren't. That was, ehhh, 150 years ago or thereabouts? Same for slavery?

So 150 years isn't long enough for you, who wasn't alive or involved in any of it, to hold it against an entire nation? Okay then.

I've always been skeptical of the Creation story since Sunday School and through my years at a Catholic High School, and I have to say that even if you interpret a day as a figure of speech it doesn't explain how such an event could have happened in keeping with the evidence we have. For example, the order in which everything was created doesn't correlate to what we now know, even when factoring in the time differences that aren't implied in the Book but which have been proven through research.


For me, the interpretation of the word "day" doesn't end at merely debating how long a period of time is being referred to, but that the very concept of what a 'day' is, or what its constituent parts mean - morning, evening, night etc. - are concepts that we now know, unequivocally, to be entirely based on first hand experience of living on a planet... "days" simply do not exist in the vast majority of the universe. There never is any darkness when you are anywhere near a star like the Sun, unless you happen to be on an object that rotates and occasionally faces the other way. Even so, the idea of "day" and "night" is only region-specific. From a global perspective, it never is day or night - it is always both. Only on a planet would you have the vaguest notion of what a "day" is.

This for me is a pretty telling clue that the Genesis account of creation was almost certainly conceived right here on Earth and therefore shouldn't (or indeed can't) be taken as a literal account of "universal creation". It is in our nature to interpret things as we see them, and everything about the way Genesis is worded reveals that it has been written in a distinctly human frame of mind...
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Hahaha, one of the funniest things in my opinion is "God Bless America"! If this god excist, why in hell should he "bless" America!? Americans, which doesn't give a damn about anything except themselves and their own country, they are responsible for the biggest oil and petrol consumption, they gave us 🤬 like McDonalds, Burger King and Pizza Hut, they destroyed the native americans, they used black people as slaves, they kill innocent people in war. The list just goes on. (As some of you may know though, I love american cars and motorsport, so thanks for those!).
We have done a lot. I'm not so sure I can think of anything that Sweden has ever done. If your attitude was a little different I might have actually offered some examples of great American accomplishments that have helped people around the world, but I don't think you'd even read it.

I think you're getting a little riled up over something that's not that big a deal. When people sing "God bless America", they're simply wishing for good fortune, and the strength to do what is right. There's nothing offensive about it at all.
I agree with Pako here, so God is evil for these people being born with conditions, but not great for making say.....jessica alba? :)

So overall God is neutral?

So we use the most oil and petrol... Take a look at this country....Considering our overall population, I guess it's not all that surprising is it?

It makes sense with the USA being a well-developed country and one state being about the size of one country in Europe.
You say that the day isn't defined until the completion of the fourth day
Yeah well from the forth day onwards (at least).
i thought i wrote that, pardon my English Pako.
The main point is; at some point in genesis a day is defined, combine your quote with this (Gen1:14, on day 3.)
Then God said, "Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night, and let them be for signs and for seasons and for days and years"
That seems like a pretty solid definition of a day to me, taking a thousand years for a day or whatever is not consistent with the definition given here, it simply does not fit anymore.
If that is so, what is the "Evening" and "Morning" that is being referenced even before the completion of the Fourth day? Note that the "Evening" and "Morning" are referenced throughout, not just before, and not just after the end of the fourth day.
Sure, i understand that, i'll explain.
Up to that point in genesis there was no sun and no definition of a day. Hence, if someone would persist that could be millions of years(and some do), then i have no actual argument against that (not in scripture anyway).
but that changes at Gen1:14, because then a day gets clear definition and meaning.

I mean, according to physics the heavy elements that the earth is made from are formed by supernovae, so how the earth existed before any star is also be a mystery to me, but since i have lots of discussions with christians, i know that physics does not always 'mean' something to every theist, scripture usually does.

I will continue to say that a day to God, "And there was evening, and there was morning", is still "Like a 1000 years" to us, and a 1000 years to us is like a day to God.
Sure, i understand you will continue to do that, likewise i will continue to point out that in Gen1:14 a day is clearly defined, so if you do, you are not using the definition of a day which is given in that very passage.

Secondly, what method are you going to use to determine if you should interpret any biblical passage from god's perspective, or from a human perspective?
if that is 'the context', then explain what gave it away here..
and what would determine i.e. in 'Joshua's day' (where the sun stood still for 'a day') that that was not a 1000 years?).

Thirdly, what method did you use to come arrive at it being a 1000 years, why not 4 seconds? (corrected from 0.25 i mentioned before), which is equally applicable, you're using the first part, why not the second? that seems like an arbitrary choice.
With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day
fourthly, that bible quote in context (please explain if you see things differently), relates to why "it's taking so long before god fulfills his promise".(i am aware the first part of that chapter refers back to creation and noah's flood .(yet i don't think you say the 'days' of noah's flood were in fact 40.000 years, see my second point).

It is merely saying something in the lines of how god is very (conveniently) patient with unbelievers like myself.
8 But do not let this one fact escape your notice, beloved, that with the Lord one day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years like one day. 9 The Lord is not slow about His promise, as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance.
And perhaps most important, and like i outlined already:
What a day is like (to anyone) has no bearing on what a day is. And a definition determines what something is.
A minute in fear may be like an hour, but it is still 60 seconds, not 60 minutes.

I have no intent to offend anyone, i hope that is reflected in the words chosen. I like these discussions (as will be obvious by the post i guess) and like i said before Pako, i like your view in this thread.
Therefore i am genuinely interested in your take, so you may understand i am somewhat disappointed since i was hoping for a bit more 'beef' accompanying your dismissal

and funny enough,
You were just blaming "My God" for all those terrible things, which is fine if you choose to do that, but give him credit for the good stuff to.
I seem to always have to say this the other way around ;)

== edit==
We have done a lot. I'm not so sure I can think of anything that Sweden has ever done. If your attitude was a little different I might have actually offered some examples of great American accomplishments that have helped people around the world, but I don't think you'd even read it.
Well, i'll leave that little quarrel between you two ;)

I think you're getting a little riled up over something that's not that big a deal. When people sing "God bless America", they're simply wishing for good fortune, and the strength to do what is right. There's nothing offensive about it at all.

Sure, but the 'one nation under god' in 'the pledge' is somewhat more sinister imo.
And the god bless america, though it may very well be intended in the best way possible, may be looked upon quite differently by people outside of the USA. For one, it's pretty arrogant if you're a believer of the same faith in a different country.
And it may very well be taken as an offense if you live in country of a different faith, i don't think i need to specify which countries i'm thinking of here.

and again :cheers: :)
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I think the sayings "god bless America" and "one nation under god" can be offensive to some people, not to mention not exactly Constitutional as it's more or less declaring the US to be a Christian nation. Personally I support the saying "one nation united by freedom" which is not offensive to anyone or violating the Constitution.

In a way I would wonder why if there was a God he would only bless America and no where else. It is a rather arrogant statement in my opinion, if we assume there is a higher power of course. And also how can we be so sure there is only one god? Isn't there an equal chance of there being numerous supernatural powers?

And Patrick, while I can understand where you are coming from, you probably should have addressed it differently. It would be like me saying that all Swedes are Vikings hellbent on raping and pillaging. Are there probably Swedes who think your culture should go back to the old ways? Probably. Just as if there are numerous people here in the states that think slavery should be reinstated and that the native population should be phased out.
I think the sayings "god bless America" and "one nation under god" can be offensive to some people, not to mention not exactly Constitutional as it's more or less declaring the US to be a Christian nation. Personally I support the saying "one nation united by freedom" which is not offensive to anyone or violating the Constitution.

In a way I would wonder why if there was a God he would only bless America and no where else. It is a rather arrogant statement in my opinion, if we assume there is a higher power of course. And also how can we be so sure there is only one god? Isn't there an equal chance of there being numerous supernatural powers?

And Patrick, while I can understand where you are coming from, you probably should have addressed it differently. It would be like me saying that all Swedes are Vikings hellbent on raping and pillaging. Are there probably Swedes who think your culture should go back to the old ways? Probably. Just as if there are numerous people here in the states that think slavery should be reinstated and that the native population should be phased out.
Of course there are many swedes and scandinavians, who would like to go back a thousand years... Yes, a thousand years.

Me? I think history is one of the most intresting subjects. I'm the kind of person who really likes to know how things are and has been. Although I haven't made much research about things, history really gets me excited! Religion included, although I'm an atheist, it's really intresting!

Funny enough, now when I'm sort of drunk, I can see how stupid I was while making those statements about americans. I know you're not that bad. A bit childish and stupid perhaps, but perfectly OK, lol... :lol:

I know how it feels. When I hear americans say (the only thing those swedes have are their meatballs.), I get quite pissed, since I know it's as far from the truth as you can get...

To be honest with you, the #1 thing I'd like to do is to go on a road trip through US. Start in NY and end up in NY again. Go down through Florida, up thorugh Texas and Alabama, thorugh Nevada (gotta go to Vegas baby!), then through LA and San Francisco, up through Seattle and Chicago, match the date so I can see the NHRA Mac Tools US Nationals in Indianapolis, then back to NY and back to Sweden...
I see you steer clear of Montana.... ;) Good choice, we all eat red meat and are packin heat with chewing tobacco sticking out our lips. :D
Funny enough, now when I'm sort of drunk, I can see how stupid I was while making those statements about americans. I know you're not that bad. A bit childish and stupid perhaps, but perfectly OK, lol... :lol:

I believe every nation have their jesters.:sly:

I see you steer clear of Montana.... ;) Good choice, we all eat red meat and are packin heat with chewing tobacco sticking out our lips. :D

Montanians ain't gots nutt'n on us Tennesseeians.
I think the sayings "god bless America" and "one nation under god" can be offensive to some people, not to mention not exactly Constitutional as it's more or less declaring the US to be a Christian nation. Personally I support the saying "one nation united by freedom" which is not offensive to anyone or violating the Constitution.

Personally, I find that phrase not offensive. I guess it's just because Americans are more patriotic than us, or so it seems to me. But when the typical American stereotype comes out; the laying on the bench with a beer, the truckers cap, the fat one, typical American stereotype, saying that America is the best country in the world, that's when my eyes start rolling ;) And before I may get shot here; I was not addressing to anyone here, nor trying to offend anyone 👍
We have done a lot. I'm not so sure I can think of anything that Sweden has ever done. If your attitude was a little different I might have actually offered some examples of great American accomplishments that have helped people around the world, but I don't think you'd even read it.
No I wouldn't read it, because you dont read what I'm saying either. No Sweden hasen't doneanything to the world... Keep in mind that we have a population as New York City (9 million people). And we're not saying "God Bless Sweden" either... So what's your point?
No Sweden hasn't done anything to the world...

Well, i disagree with that!

But before we can have a meaningful discussion on this, i think we need a new thread and a definition of what constitutes as 'having done anything to the world'.

I guess that will mean discussing things like development aid, technological advancement, 'eco awareness' and weigh them to negative things such as intermingling, pollution etc..

Sweden not having many inhabitants is not an issue because we can use relative figures rather then absolute's.

I cannot find the figures right now, but i'm pretty confident i'll be able to back up why i disagree with Sweden not contributing. You can be proud of your country Patrik. (still, i like modesty)

That said, that was my only point, and i have no desire to start finger pointing for things done in the past, it's irrelevant now really.

I am confident both countries (the USA and Sweden) have contributed great things in the past, but we all need to contribute more in the future.

So, no new thread if it's up to me :cheers:
No I wouldn't read it, because you dont read what I'm saying either. No Sweden hasen't doneanything to the world... Keep in mind that we have a population as New York City (9 million people). And we're not saying "God Bless Sweden" either... So what's your point?

I'm just curious how a Swedish atheist has a Irish username and its also the same as a famous Irish Catholic Saint.

BTW all us Americans are a conglomerant of people from every Nation on earth including Sweden. As time goes on we become more mixed together. When you bad mouth us how do you know your not talking about some Swedish decendants.
I'm just curious how a Swedish atheist has a Irish username and its also the same as a famous Irish Catholic Saint.

He doesn't, the Irish, English, French, German form of the name is Patrick while the Czech, Hungarian, Swedish form of the name is Patrik. The Irish saint's name is spelled Patrick.
He doesn't, the Irish, English, French, German form of the name is Patrick while the Czech, Hungarian, Swedish form of the name is Patrik. The Irish saint's name is spelled Patrick.

Gotcha, thanks.
I saw it was spelled without the c, but I didn't know thats what it meant.
I'm gonna break from the current conversation for a bit, and just submit my reply to the above question, just to see how my beliefs compare to everyone else's.

I do, very firmly, believe in God, and I'm a Catholic, but I disagree with a few things with Catholicism. However, in thinking about the comments with "great people dying horrible deaths," and all of the injustice in the world, I came to an idea. What if God originally created us to spend eternity with him? I mean, Adam and Eve were originally perfect, "made in God's own image," until they sinned. God then cast them out of Eden. However, what if Eden was actually Heaven, since the Garden of Eden has never been found on Earth. Jesus also died "so that we may reach Heaven," so maybe Jesus was the redeeming factor that reopened Eden, or Heaven. So, maybe now Earth acts as a bit of a proving ground, an elaborate test constructed by God to see how we treat our free will, and whether we are worthy to spend eternity with him. Maybe the ones who die early are needed in Heaven by God, and maybe the ones who die terrible deaths do not deserve it, but have been judged accordingly by God, and will be rewarded in Heaven, while the criminals and corrupted individuals who lead posh lives here on Earth get what they deserve in the Afterlife. In my mind, it may work almost like a Karma system, where, you may get away with something on the test, but don't after you die. Or, put in real-world terms, if you cheat on a test in school, you are not punished immediately, but afterward; you are punished when the teacher finds out. However, God is perfect, so he would always know.

One more thing, God is described in the Bible as loving and compassionate, so I believe, unless you have done something truly, truly terrible, you will have it removed in Purgatory, so that you may be judged clean by God.

I don't mean to offend anyone here by this post, these are just my beliefs and a theory I thought up.
I just watched Bill Maher's Religulous earlier. I'm not so sure if he actually made a decent point or not, but it was a pretty funny documentary.
Sure, but the 'one nation under god' in 'the pledge' is somewhat more sinister imo.
And the god bless america, though it may very well be intended in the best way possible, may be looked upon quite differently by people outside of the USA. For one, it's pretty arrogant if you're a believer of the same faith in a different country.

Woah woah woah woah.

First, as Joey says, having "One nation under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance is entirely unconstitutional, even if it has survived legal challenges for whatever reason.

Second, that line is not saying we're the ONLY nation under God. It's saying we are united under God. Other than the arrogance of religious people over atheists (including atheist Americans), I do not see how that is arrogant towards other nations.

Third, we're certainly not the only country that has songs asking God to keep our country. What about "God Save The Queen"? It's not like the words to "God Bless America" call for wrath and vengeance against our enemies. They just call for God's blessing on our country. Again, I fail to see much arrogance in that.
Woah woah woah woah.
First, as Joey says, having "One nation under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance is entirely unconstitutional, even if it has survived legal challenges for whatever reason.
And that is part of the reason i said it's somewhat more sinister. (i did not mention that though). Imo mainly sinister because i think the guy who "got it in" is a sinister guy and he had a sinister motive :)

The arrogant part referred to the 'god bless america' (which i incidentally wrote right before that remark i made, didn't i ?)

Thanks for the explanation anyway,always keen to learn :)
i do think "one nation under god" is phrased somewhat ambiguous though, understanding is half the work.
That said, who cares anyway :cheers: (well, apart from it being unconstitutional, even the "United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit in California" says that.)

I'm not sure how my comment on 'god bless America' in any way condones phrases like 'god save the queen', and besides, how does pointing to 'they do it too' make it any better? They do it wrong too, though in Brittains case, now it's mentioned, i think the "Rule Brittannia....." song is a lot more arrogant, but reading the lyrics of god save the queen, that's pretty yuk too :)

To take it closer to (my) home, our money used to say "god be with us", and i was opposed to that too :)
Fortunately we now have the Euro and that got rid of my that annoyance for me :cheers:

"They just call for God's blessing on our country. Again, I fail to see much arrogance in that. "

Well, i can think of a couple, perhaps arrogant wasn't the correct word, but i can give some reasons 'for', for your 'rip them apart' pleasure :cheers:

one way, is that though (most) Christians believe their god has a perfect plan and is omniscient etc, they are asking him to bless them.
That's seems pretty arrogant to me, do they think god's plan is not so perfect, that they need a bit more blessing then they're getting, do they think god is unaware of something and they're pointing it out him, etc etc...

Second, here arrogant may be the wrong word, but why bless America?
Isn't America already doing pretty well compared to most other nations, why not ask god to bless the needy in stead (the ones in the USA included), in my eyes that would be the more "christian" thing to do too :)

In the end, i (like you i think) it's quite futile to ask god to bless anything, so, well, lol :)

Well, don't be too hard on me and my distorted worldview, hehehe

Edit, i thought nk4e missed a crucial point (well a couple of, but this one has been blowing my mind since i knew about it).
And one that Pako despite me asking several times, seems to avoid every instance... Perhaps gmrtom7 is a sports....
One more thing, God is described in the Bible as loving and compassionate, so I believe, unless you have done something truly, truly terrible, you will have it removed in Purgatory, so that you may be judged clean by God.

According to that same bible, everything is indeed forgivable, except for one thing, so let your imagination free to wonder what the 'truly, truly terrible thing' is.
I'll do it right now, so hold on to your seat, the one and only thing that is unforgivable is.... no, not child molesting, serial killer? not even close!!
Here we go,

believers, don't read out loud !!, or just don't look.

"i don't believe the holy spirit exists"

there it was, you can look again now, look at Matthew 12:31-32 or Mark 3:22-30 for example :cheers:
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since the Garden of Eden has never been found on Earth.
I saw on TV( well, who can really trust it) that some people believe that the Garden of Eden is in the Middle East. ( thank you History Channel)
Jesus also died "so that we may reach Heaven," so maybe Jesus was the redeeming factor that reopened Eden, or Heaven.
I am not mad though I always heard that Jesus is the redeeming factor of Humans being ignorant for what they have done.
maybe the ones who die terrible deaths do not deserve it, but have been judged accordingly by God, and will be rewarded in Heaven, while the criminals and corrupted individuals who lead posh lives here on Earth get what they deserve in the Afterlife.
What happens to those gangsters who turn to religion for a second chance? do you believe that they will get one?
In my mind, it may work almost like a Karma system, where, you may get away with something on the test, but don't after you die. Or, put in real-world terms, if you cheat on a test in school, you are not punished immediately, but afterward; you are punished when the teacher finds out.
Cheating on a test isn't bad "if " the teacher doesn't find out. What happens to the person that fails the test but studies so hard for it? Would you want Bart Simpson to cry again over a test.