Do you believe in God?

  • Thread starter Patrik

Do you believe in god?

  • Of course, without him nothing would exist!

    Votes: 623 30.5%
  • Maybe.

    Votes: 368 18.0%
  • No way!

    Votes: 1,050 51.5%

  • Total voters
Anyone see "knowing"? (movie with Nick Cage)
Long story short, solar flares burn the earth, but before it does aliens take 2 of every being away to another planet.
Is this a throw of Scientology? It still wouldn't answer what/who made the aliens sooo....? Good movie though.
I think it's more of the Raëlian religion that believe in an alien origin of our species.
I think it's more of the Raëlian religion that believe in an alien origin of our species.
Well from what I got out of it, I guess it's really more of a theory that there are no "aliens" per se, because you could assume from the ending that we didn't originate on Earth ourselves.
I am sorry everyone about my posts that seems to have made you mad at me. I did not know I was going to offend you. I was feeling a bit mad at some of you at the moment for saying your comments to me which I took a little bit too serious. I did not mean that to happen. I should have just voted in the poll, or not have done anything in this thread. Once again, I apologize to all of you.

I doubt our post hasn't made anyone mad or offended anyone. The whole theme of the thread is to discuss whether you believe in god or not. Everyone is welcome to express their opinion, it is the Opinions & Current Events area after all. Just don't be surprised if your comments seem to be jumped upon, this is a long thread and there have already been many many long and in-depth debates on the subject, so if you just pop-up here and post something which is quite incendiary, you will get people trying to pull your argument apart.
^ What he said. No offense taken here, you'd have to try a lot harder to offend me than that! Your participation in this thread is more than welcome, but in a thread like this it's often very wise to read at least some of the posts and try and comment on these rather than jumping in with a comment that to some might have seemed a bit ignorant.
I am sorry everyone about my posts that seems to have made you mad at me. I did not know I was going to offend you. I was feeling a bit mad at some of you at the moment for saying your comments to me which I took a little bit too serious. I did not mean that to happen. I should have just voted in the poll, or not have done anything in this thread. Once again, I apologize to all of you.

NO, what you should have done is read the thread and put some actual thought into your contribution.

You did not get an offense for saying you believed in god. You got an offense for calling other people OUT OF LINE for not sharing your beliefs. Beliefs, I might add, for which you have offered absolutely no defense or explanation of how you have come to hold them.

Everybody is entitled to their opinion. However, you will find that without critical thinking that backs up those opinions, that the opinions themselves are valueless.

So feel free to post in here even if you believe in god. Just be prepared to defend your thinking.
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NO, what you shopuld have done is read the thread and put some actual thought into your contribution.

You did not get an offense for saying you believed in god. You got an offense for calling other people OUT OF LINE for not sharing your beliefs. Beliefs, I might add, for which you have offered absolutely no defense or explanation of how you have come to hold them.

Everybody is entitled to their opinion. However, you will find that without critical thinking that backs up those opinions, that the opinions themselves are valueless.

So feel free to post in here even if you believe in god. Just be prepared to defend your thinking.

Duke, you could have accepted my apology . That's all I asked for. Plus, I said, "If" I offended anyone, there may have been some people that were offended in a way. I'm not mad, I'm just telling you this.
I belive in God, I havent always . But if he wants to get your attention he will make it happen. I have seen proof of this myself in my own life. I dont push my belifes down peoples throats as i never want to be called a hypocrite (cause i didnt belive in God before) but i truly belive that Jesus died for our sins, and by that action we all have the option to walk with him.
I belive in God, I havent always . But if he wants to get your attention he will make it happen. I have seen proof of this myself in my own life. I dont push my belifes down peoples throats as i never want to be called a hypocrite (cause i didnt belive in God before) but i truly belive that Jesus died for our sins, and by that action we all have the option to walk with him.

Would you care to elaborate?
Duke, you could have accepted my apology . That's all I asked for. Plus, I said, "If" I offended anyone, there may have been some people that were offended in a way. I'm not mad, I'm just telling you this.

Your apology was not necessary, but nor was it rejected. No one, myself included, was offended by your comments, though it was easily possible. No one disputed your privelege to post here. You were given the infraction for what was effectively a spam post that could be interpreted as an attack. Apologizing is fine, but does not remove the infraction.

But again, you were not penalized for your beliefs, nor for the mere act of posting them here. I'm just explaining what is expected from people posting on this board - if you feel it is important to announce your opinion, you should feel it is important enough to explain and defend. You will find this is true on any subject here, not just religion.
The other day I was day dreaming a bit and found myself to be an old and greyish man living in a hot desolate land, a land that is marked by the only Two Great Rivers known to man at the time. And yes, it was many many years ago. It felt like the time of Creation. And lo and behold I got my hands on some documents containing text I was able to read.

So I started reading and got a bit confused, right from the start. But that was OK, because I was living in a land of confusion anyway. We were all confused. For example, we had never, in all our wisdom, been able to figure out where we came from and why. And how the world we all know so well came to be. But those scrolls were able to shed some light on all of those questions, but created some new questions while doing so.

For example, almost right from the start the author describes how this guy, he called God, created light, but did not explain why He (this God dude) did that. Somehow I got the feeling that the author and that God man are one and the same, but don't hold that notion against me. Anyway, there was light. But apparently God was not satisfied and decided to create more light, a lot more. One to rule the day and one to rule the night (why not one to rule them all?) and while He was at it, He added the stars. He was in a creative mood I guess.

I recognize those lights: One is clearly the Sun and the other the Moon. To be honest, He made a mess of it. First of all, the Sun is a bit wobbely throughout the year. Yes, it always rises in the east and sets in the west, but its zenith keeps changing. Travelers from the north told me that up there it is even more noticeable, with the Sun sometimes not even setting during the day or not rising during the night. They were talking about Seasons, but I have no idea what a season is (aside from food enhancement of course, I think...). And those who have travelled to the south said that the Sun almost always takes the same path through the daily heavens. Why did He make the Sun take such a wobbely path throughout the year and make it differ depending on where one is on this Earth?

Also, why make the thing so darn hot, it seems like such a wast of energy if you just want to have some light. If my calculations are any good, than the Sun uses only a fraction of its sources to create light and the rest is wasted on heat. But maybe that is explained later in the Book. I'm not done reading yet.

But there is still the other light, the small one, the Moon. Where the Sun is merely wobbely, the Moon is plain erratic. A light in the night sky, my foot! Only a few days a year the Moon gives a decent light and some days it's not even there at all! Anyway, most of the time it is just no use what so ever. Altough I must say that in moon light my first wife looks as ravishing as the day she was handed to me as my wife (she was quite old at the time, fourteen years or so, but I was just as old at the time).
So why did He bother with Creating the Moon? And, those same travelers from the north told me that they have a thing over there they call clouds (I think I know what they are talking about, I must have seen some of those weird things in all my years on earth) and that even when the Moon is in its full glory, that those cloudy things take away most the light anyway. Sounds like big G fudded up even more over there than down here. But as we say down here in our humble desert: One shouldn't look a given camel in the mouth and just be happy with what you got.

Time to read on....
Great story, Are you a priest??
You slept with the bible.
The other day I was day dreaming a bit and found myself to be an old and greyish man living in a hot desolate land, a land that is marked by the only Two Great Rivers known to man at the time. And yes, it was many many years ago. It felt like the time of Creation. And lo and behold I got my hands on some documents containing text I was able to read.

So I started reading and got a bit confused, right from the start. But that was OK, because I was living in a land of confusion anyway. We were all confused. For example, we had never, in all our wisdom, been able to figure out where we came from and why. And how the world we all know so well came to be. But those scrolls were able to shed some light on all of those questions, but created some new questions while doing so.

For example, almost right from the start the author describes how this guy, he called God, created light, but did not explain why He (this God dude) did that. Somehow I got the feeling that the author and that God man are one and the same, but don't hold that notion against me. Anyway, there was light. But apparently God was not satisfied and decided to create more light, a lot more. One to rule the day and one to rule the night (why not one to rule them all?) and while He was at it, He added the stars. He was in a creative mood I guess.

I recognize those lights: One is clearly the Sun and the other the Moon. To be honest, He made a mess of it. First of all, the Sun is a bit wobbely throughout the year. Yes, it always rises in the east and sets in the west, but its zenith keeps changing. Travelers from the north told me that up there it is even more noticeable, with the Sun sometimes not even setting during the day or not rising during the night. They were talking about Seasons, but I have no idea what a season is (aside from food enhancement of course, I think...). And those who have travelled to the south said that the Sun almost always takes the same path through the daily heavens. Why did He make the Sun take such a wobbely path throughout the year and make it differ depending on where one is on this Earth?

Also, why make the thing so darn hot, it seems like such a wast of energy if you just want to have some light. If my calculations are any good, than the Sun uses only a fraction of its sources to create light and the rest is wasted on heat. But maybe that is explained later in the Book. I'm not done reading yet.

But there is still the other light, the small one, the Moon. Where the Sun is merely wobbely, the Moon is plain erratic. A light in the night sky, my foot! Only a few days a year the Moon gives a decent light and some days it's not even there at all! Anyway, most of the time it is just no use what so ever. Altough I must say that in moon light my first wife looks as ravishing as the day she was handed to me as my wife (she was quite old at the time, fourteen years or so, but I was just as old at the time).
So why did He bother with Creating the Moon? And, those same travelers from the north told me that they have a thing over there they call clouds (I think I know what they are talking about, I must have seen some of those weird things in all my years on earth) and that even when the Moon is in its full glory, that those cloudy things take away most the light anyway. Sounds like big G fudded up even more over there than down here. But as we say down here in our humble desert: One shouldn't look a given camel in the mouth and just be happy with what you got.

Time to read on....
I voted maybe too, because I don't believe there is a God but I don't deny the possibility that there might be one. But I guess my view is better represented by the No way! option.
Allah FTW! lol, anyway

We can't prove god to someone else by using scientific means, or in what a text says that predated us for thousands of years. Religion is called faith, because that's what it really is.

Religion is supposed to bring out harmony in humanity, but unfortunately it brings out the worst in many people because they skew it and distort it. But for some people (in third world countries especially) religion is all they got.

I respect Atheists, but it kinda gets annoying when someone keeps telling me the G Man don't exist. Maybe he does or doesn't, but can they provide proof that everything that is created (universe, Earth, people) was or wasn't just some random occurance?

But I can see Atheists getting annoyed when someone preaches God is watching you.

To be honest, I'd take my chances in God at the end of things.
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I'm an atheist. I've never in my life seen or experienced anything pointing towards a god or gods. I don't know everything however and I admit there's a very, very distant possibility of a "creator", but there's still nothing that supports that idea in my humble opinion.

Religion however is to me obviously man made.
So...I am curious: has anyone changed their mind since voting in the poll?

Yes, catholic school warps your mind. I started "Of course, without him nothing will exist". I'm now a firm "no". I wish i could change my vote. I still attend catholic high school, but only because it's an awesome school (Government money, and Private money).

I meant i am NOW a firm "no"
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So...I am curious: has anyone changed their mind since voting in the poll?

Nope, still an atheist, and nothing anyone has written since I first looked in this thread has even slightly changed my mind.

I respect Atheists, but it kinda gets annoying when someone keeps telling me the G Man don't exist. Maybe he does or doesn't, but can they provide proof that everything that is created (universe, Earth, people) was or wasn't just some random occurance?

Errrr... well there's a wealth of evidence to suggest so. I'd recommend taking a look through as much of this thread as possible, as well as the Creation vs. Evolution thread (though I won't force you to read all 308 pages...). There have been some truly excellent posts in both (many of which not even made by me! :sly:) which provide some very strong arguements that the universe as we know it wasn't simply created by the hand of a God.
I'm relocating this from the "Creation vs. Evolution" thread, because it seems more appropriate here.

The whole Creation vs. Evolution discussion, and both US national and international events in general, have had me wondering: are we living through the last hysterical death throes of religion?

I've been thinking this over for a few years now, and my guardedly optimistic answer is YES. Unfortunately, my pessimistic prediction is that there is still a hundred years left in that old dog God, so it's he's likely to bite many more people before he's through.
This whole discussion, and world events in general, have had me wondering: are we living through the last hysterical death throes of religion?

I've been thinking this over for a few years now, and my guardedly optimistic answer is YES. Unfortunately, my pessimistic prediction is that there is still a hundred years left in that old dog God, so it's he's likely to bite many more people before he's through.

I definitely agree with you. That's partially what I was getting at (probably ham-handedly) with the "wall" analogy. I DO think, if you'll pardon the quip, that we're living in non-fundamentalist religion's "end times". To be fair, it should have gone out the door after the renaissance, but political leaders throughout history used religion for pragmatic reasons to such an extent that it became an "estate" of its own, so entrenched that it managed to survive.

But you're also unfortunately probably right about the "old dog". Even a hundred years, hell, a THOUSAND years from now, we'll still be tackling fundamentalists and true believers of some form. I think, too, the nature of certain specific religions will insulate them better against the growing tide of reason. Though it's quite un-PC (:yuck:) to single out individual faiths, Islam, in particular, has gone to great lengths over time to guard itself against encroaching modernity. I think we'll still be grappling with Imams long after the Vatican is relegated to a curious museum of history.

<edit> GAH, posted to quick to catch your edit Duke. Move this post, if'n ya need to. 👍
I do believe in God. I know this will sound really stupid, but do you non-god believers believe in parallel lines?
I do believe in God. I know this will sound really stupid, but do you non-god believers believe in parallel lines?

In theory yes - two lines can be perfectly parallel to each other. In practice this is difficult to achieve.

Please be more specific