You neglected to add adulterer to his list of accomplishments (2nd Samuel Chapter 11)
Adultery is not an accomplishment.
I'm honestly not sure anyone has ever missed the point as badly as you did right there.
This word definition game you are playing is getting old.....
You mean that game where every time someone points out a fallacy in your arguments, you squirm out from under it by claiming your own definition of a word is equally valid? Yes, that is getting quite old.
The general consensus in this thread and in its context is belief without evidence.
And it take more than concensus on a thread on a Racing Video Game website to define the word faith.
Conversations don't really work all that well if those involved don't use words the same way, especially concerning words that are central to the discussion at hand. In this thread, "faith" is a fairly important word, and it simply won't do to have us all using it in different ways.
I get it; the easy thing is to shout about multiple meanings, and paint the rest of us a having a petty squabble about it.
However, the practical thing to do is to look around, notice that nearly
everyone else here agrees on a meaning of the word that's different from yours*, and to adjust accordingly. If you want to go on using your own definition elsewhere, by all means do so. But while you're in this thread, I'd suggest using the consensus definition - otherwise the rest of us will continue to not be able to decipher what you really mean, and will continue to correct you in an attempt to get the conversation moving along.
*As an aside, I'm utterly baffled by this. I asked our dear old friend SCJ a similar question awhile back (of course, I never got an answer), and I'd like to ask you the same. When everyone else not only agrees that you're using "faith" incorrectly, but they also all agree on what the true definition is, how do you ignore that? It would be one thing if we all had our own unique definitions as well. But when we're all on the same page, and you're the only one flying solo? It just seems mind-bogglingly arrogant for you to continue to insist that you're right.