Do you believe in God?

  • Thread starter Patrik

Do you believe in god?

  • Of course, without him nothing would exist!

    Votes: 623 30.5%
  • Maybe.

    Votes: 368 18.0%
  • No way!

    Votes: 1,050 51.5%

  • Total voters
This will probably get me into some hot water, but I think religion causes more problems than it hopes to solve. Religion gives people hope and comfort, but it's also responsible for people committing atrocities. I believe everyone should be allowed to believe in what they want to, but I really don't like it when someone tries to use their beliefs to justify war, hate speech/racism, or other unspeakable acts. There are so many conflicts and wars that have been fought over differing religious beliefs. We all bleed red and live on the same rock. I think we ought to realize that as humans, we are the same and should use the minds and spines we were given to benefit the lives of others, not destroy them in an attempt to make everyone think the same as you.

Let's be honest: people don't need religion to commit atrocities.

You could argue that religion causes people to commit atrocities, but I rather suspect it's the human condition, and religion simply gets used as an excuse because it's convenient. If there was no religion, then some other reason would be used. Whenever you have more than one group of people, you will have conflict. Because let's face it, most people are assholes.

If you magically erased religion from everyone's mind and memory tomorrow, the racist homophobic xenophobic warmongers would still do exactly the same things they've done every day of their lives. Because that's who they are.

I'd agree that religion makes it easier to be a racist homophobic xenophobic warmonger, because there's a ready-made group of people on the same page as you. But those exist outside of religious organisations as well (white supremacists, motorcycle gangs, etc). At most, it would be a change of venue.
I can't/never will be able to imagine life without the belief in God. Also - this is just an observation, but I have yet to meet or see an atheist that is truly happy. I don't know, just something I noticed. It seems like atheists are always unhappy, on the brink of suicide, or homosexual. I'm sure there are unhappy Christians, but I can't see it as being the same. Just my opinion.
Reminds me of this (nonsense)....


....from a perfectly happy atheist (and one who knows a large number of other happy atheists).
I can't/never will be able to imagine life without the belief in God. Also - this is just an observation, but I have yet to meet or see an atheist that is truly happy. I don't know, just something I noticed.
Hi there. I'm Famine, I'm an atheist and I'm positively chipper - as are my atheist wife and eldest daughter (who arrived at that conclusion by herself, despite school attempts to get her to believe in God and being taught, by me, as much about different religions as she has ever asked without prejudice).
It seems like atheists are always unhappy, on the brink of suicide, or homosexual.
I'm confused by the last part. Are homosexuals notoriously unhappy? Only in the words of Big Gay Al's Big Gay Boat Ride:
We're all gay and it's okay, cause gay means happy and happy means gay.
We're not sad anymore, cause we're out the closet door. It's okay to be gay!
I can't/never will be able to imagine life without the belief in God. Also - this is just an observation, but I have yet to meet or see an atheist that is truly happy. I don't know, just something I noticed. It seems like atheists are always unhappy, on the brink of suicide, or homosexual. I'm sure there are unhappy Christians, but I can't see it as being the same. Just my opinion.

What the flying bad-word-for-sexual-intercourse is that supposed to mean?
I can't/never will be able to imagine life without the belief in God. Also - this is just an observation, but I have yet to meet or see an atheist that is truly happy. I don't know, just something I noticed. It seems like atheists are always unhappy, on the brink of suicide, or homosexual. I'm sure there are unhappy Christians, but I can't see it as being the same. Just my opinion.

Criticise homosexuality all you like, at least it occurs in nature, unlike a belief in God/Gods. Actually, so do unhappiness, suicide, and not really having any beliefs. Funny that.
I can't/never will be able to imagine life without the belief in God. Also - this is just an observation, but I have yet to meet or see an atheist that is truly happy. I don't know, just something I noticed. It seems like atheists are always unhappy, on the brink of suicide, or homosexual. I'm sure there are unhappy Christians, but I can't see it as being the same. Just my opinion.

Causally it seems more likely that the people you meet with those emotional attributes are emotionally predisposed to openly express additional parts of their personality/identity such as their atheism.

Equally it could be that you yourself overlay your generalised flavour of bigotry on to them. Just my opinion.

Or it could be a coupling of the two, so to speak.
I have yet to meet or see an atheist that is truly happy. I don't know, just something I noticed. It seems like atheists are always unhappy, on the brink of suicide, or homosexual.
You are clearly hanging out in the wrong bars.
Pascal's wager implies that you look at all religions and compare all the "hells" they claim it exists.

After you do that, you'll chose to belive in the god of the religion that would punish you the most for not believe in it.

Of courese Pascal's wages is nonsense because god would know if you really believe in him or if you're just trying to outsmart him.
I can't/never will be able to imagine life without the belief in God. Also - this is just an observation, but I have yet to meet or see an atheist that is truly happy. I don't know, just something I noticed. It seems like atheists are always unhappy, on the brink of suicide, or homosexual. I'm sure there are unhappy Christians, but I can't see it as being the same. Just my opinion.

I, for one, am an extremely happy atheist. I rejoice in my relationships, I rejoice in my growing understanding of reality, and I have a fun time.

The ability to finally remove the delusions from my brain which were implanted before I had any critical thinking defenses also gives me great joy. No longer having to believe anything is a form of wondrous freedom.

Not having to lump homosexuality into a list which includes unhappiness and being on the brink of suicide is a huge advantage I enjoy. I can't see myself being happy under enforced bigotry.

Finally, I don't have to fear death, which is really cool!

Edit:- and not having to welcome death is also cool.

I can't say I look forward to it all ending, but that's life! It happens to plants and animals too, so I'm no different.
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I can't/never will be able to imagine life without the belief in God.

Try to. I know it's hard by try to look at the world from a clean and curious perspective. Figuring stuff out for yourself and not having to believe in a talking snake or magical man in the clouds can be refreshing and rewarding, as a lot of former theists in this thread will tell you.

Also - this is just an observation, but I have yet to meet or see an atheist that is truly happy. I don't know, just something I noticed. It seems like atheists are always unhappy, on the brink of suicide, or homosexual. I'm sure there are unhappy Christians, but I can't see it as being the same. Just my opinion.

This is just absolute tripe. How in the world can you lump brink of suicide and homosexual together? Really have a think about what I said above and try to undo some of the brainwashing that's been forced upon you. You will not get far in this world with that distorted and archaic way of thinking.

It seems like atheists are always unhappy, on the brink of suicide, or homosexual.
I'm an atheist, and I find life pretty great to be honest. I found your post almost pant-wettingly hilarious for a start.

Plus, I get to spend my Sunday mornings however I want, rather than joining a solemn congregation chastising each other for how sinful they've been during the week. That well-known joyous activity...
Well, I imagine the last one could be helped by the "GAY MARRIAGE IS A SIN!" proclamations from some Christian clerics and politicians (also Internet forum dwellers, but those can be against ANYTHING).

I'm highly against homosexuality, but that's just my opinion and how if was raised/I'm Catholic. I'm not going to try and argue, since roughly 75% of this site is Homo/Athiest. Do whatever you want. It's wrong in my opinion, but I'm sure it's right in your opinion - and that's fine. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and free to express it respectfully. ;)
Criticise homosexuality all you like, at least it occurs in nature, unlike a belief in God/Gods. Actually, so do unhappiness, suicide, and not really having any beliefs. Funny that.
It occurs in nature? Take a look outside at the two deer mating. Are they Male & Female or Male & Male?
I'm highly against homosexuality, but that's just my opinion and how if was raised/I'm Catholic. I'm not going to try and argue, since roughly 75% of this site is Homo/Athiest. Do whatever you want. It's wrong in my opinion, but I'm sure it's right in your opinion - and that's fine. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and free to express it respectfully. ;)

I'm sure those roughly 75% of the members of this site just love being called 'homo' :rolleyes:

It occurs in nature? Take a look outside at the two deer mating. Are they Male & Female or Male & Male?
Pascal's wager implies that you look at all religions and compare all the "hells" they claim it exists.

After you do that, you'll chose to belive in the god of the religion that would punish you the most for not believe in it.

Of courese Pascal's wages is nonsense because god would know if you really believe in him or if you're just trying to outsmart him.

Not really. As soon as you admit the possibility that there is more than one god, then you have to start assigning relative probabilities to them which breaks the whole thing down.

Besides, no one can punish more than infinite torment, unless you want to start in on the cardinality of infinities argument.

Pascal's wager is nonsense because it assumes that an omniscient and omnipotent God will be fooled by someone pretending to believe that they follow his designated religion. Maybe he will, maybe all he wants is for people to go through the motions.

Oh jeez, now the word 'homosexual' is offending. This is why we can't have nice things. :rolleyes:

You're aware we have an entire thread for this?

It's a valid discussion to have, but if you come into the wrong thread and label three quarters of the people as something that they're probably not, you're gonna have a bad time.

And there's nothing wrong with straight people objecting to being called homosexual, any more than there's anything wrong with people objecting to being called pencil sharpeners. It's just not correct.
Well it doesn't offend me. But i'm one of the 25% of straight guys on the site. I'm sure the rest, those chap-wearing, mustache-sporting, limp-wristed ones prefer the term 'gay'.
I'm not going to try and argue, since roughly 75% of this site is Homo/Athiest.
I hope you're drawing a Venn Diagram there, rather than equating atheism with homosexuality - or homosexuality with atheism.

You're also dramatically wrong.
It occurs in nature? Take a look outside at the two deer mating. Are they Male & Female or Male & Male?
More than 1,700 species of animal have been documented displaying homosexual behaviours. Amongst them are the following species of deer:

Black-tailed deer
Fallow deer
Père David's deer
Red deer
Roe deer
Sika deer
Swamp deer
White-tailed deer

Would you like to think a bit more about your question before you rephrase it?
Maybe you should try to think about things by yourself more, rather than acting exactly like your parents would want you to. You're an independent person, after all.
I see what you're saying, but my family is pretty religious. I would never consider becoming an atheist, but if I did, my parents would feel like a failure as a parent, and I wouldn't want to do that to them. You probably won't understand, and that's fine. It's hard for me to explain. If for some unfortunate reason I had no family tomorrow, I would still remain the religion I am today. My family would certainly object if I was atheist, but that wouldn't stop me. I am my own person, like someone said above. My family certainly influences me a little, because I care about them, but family or no family, I am and always will be Christian. That's my opinion. ;)
I hope you're drawing a Venn Diagram there, rather than equating atheism with homosexuality - or homosexuality with atheism.
I am drawing a Venn Diagram. I kind of categorize them together in my mind, though. Most, if not all homosexuals are atheist. It wouldn't make much sense to be Christian and then be a homosexual. That's a pretty big contradiction. I'm sure you will probably tell me I'm wrong, but that's fine. I have my opinion and you have yours.
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If anything since there are more Theists than Atheists in the world it stands to reason that homosexual Theists outnumber homosexual Atheists.
I see what you're saying, but my family is pretty religious. I would never consider becoming an atheist, but if I did, my parents would feel like a failure as a parent, and I wouldn't want to do that to them. You probably won't understand, and that's fine. It's hard for me to explain. If for some unfortunate reason I had no family tomorrow, I would still remain the religion I am today. My family would certainly object if I was atheist, but that wouldn't stop me. I am my own person, like someone said above. My family certainly influences me a little, because I care about them, but family or no family, I am and always will be Christian. That's my opinion. ;)
I'm sure God would be overjoyed that you believe in him because it would make your parents sad if you didn't and not because you believe in him. Do you think God is an idiot?
I am drawing a Venn Diagram. I kind of categorize them together in my mind, though. Most, if not all homosexuals are atheist.
Firstly, that would have to be complete and utter rubbish unless the 1 in 50 clergy who rape boys are not actually religious.

Secondly, even if you believe that all homosexuals are atheist, that doesn't make all atheists homosexual. I'm an atheist, married to an atheist woman and we have at least one atheist child...
It wouldn't make much sense to be Christian and then be a homosexual. That's a pretty big contradiction.
Not really. Do you want to know all the things Jesus, the guy after whom the religion "Christianity" is named and whose teachings are supposedly followed by Christians, said about homosexuals?

Here it is. Took me a while to assemble it:
Jesus H. Christ
Yup. Sod all.

And then there's all the clergy who rape boys. You're arguing that they're either not gay or not Christian...
I'm sure you will probably tell me I'm wrong, but that's fine. I have my opinion and you have yours.
Yep, but it doesn't get you out of having to support it. And if you can't, why the hell would you hold that opinion?

We just debunked the opinion you held that homosexuality doesn't exist in nature. What are we going to debunk next?
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If there's a God and I meet him when I die, then a good God will recognise that I've lived a good life. I've tried to help others when I can, and generally follow the Golden Rule.
If God turns out to be enough of an asshole that he would send me to hell just for not believing in him even though I've lived a good life, I have no desire to waste that life on him.

This is so true and main reason why I am an atheist. Well not really since it is only one of many reasons but anyways:D.. If the god is so good and all, why only those who believe can get in heaven even if the person is completely 🤬 while an atheist who tries to be as good person as can go to hell simply because he doesn't believe in god..
Most, if not all homosexuals are atheist. It wouldn't make much sense to be Christian and then be a homosexual.

If we're going to assume that gay people are never Christian, here's the problem with your reasoning. Christianity is a rather non unique religion that's competing with a bunch of other religions. These other religions include Buddhism, Hinduism, Toaism, Zeusism, and may more isms. Non christian =/= atheist.

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