Do you believe in God?

  • Thread starter Patrik

Do you believe in god?

  • Of course, without him nothing would exist!

    Votes: 623 30.5%
  • Maybe.

    Votes: 368 18.0%
  • No way!

    Votes: 1,050 51.5%

  • Total voters
The thing that baffles me is, well, everything...

The magical man in the sky who created and controls everything but will never say Hi, The talking snake. Adam and eve who started the human race, even though they had two sons. The flood that covered the earth, even though there is no evidence of it (apart from a small one in the middle east). The fact that every species managed to get on to a boat. The idea that the world is only 6000 years old when know that it is billions of years old. The fact that God is a masochistic genocidal maniac.

Do people really read that stuff in a 1000 year old book and just blindly accept it? No one says "hang on a minute, this all seems a bit silly".

I mean really?


What does the bible have to do with a belief in god?

Backing up a few posts, I wanted to say something about the Einstein debate; He believed in a creator but not a personal god. I have never read or heard of him claiming the mind or imagination as a god lol.
The thing that baffles me is, well, everything...

The magical man in the sky who created and controls everything but will never say Hi, The talking snake. Adam and eve who started the human race, even though they had two sons. The flood that covered the earth, even though there is no evidence of it (apart from a small one in the middle east). The fact that every species managed to get on to a boat. The idea that the world is only 6000 years old when know that it is billions of years old. The fact that God is a masochistic genocidal maniac.

Do people really read that stuff in a 1000 year old book and just blindly accept it? No one says "hang on a minute, this all seems a bit silly".

I mean really?


Reminds me. Came across this a few months back:


I'm not one to jump out of line and laugh at or mock someone merely because we disagree, but I couldn't help to chuckle at this.
The thing that baffles me is, well, everything...

The magical man in the sky who created and controls everything but will never say Hi, The talking snake. Adam and eve who started the human race, even though they had two sons. The flood that covered the earth, even though there is no evidence of it (apart from a small one in the middle east). The fact that every species managed to get on to a boat. The idea that the world is only 6000 years old when know that it is billions of years old. The fact that God is a masochistic genocidal maniac.

Do people really read that stuff in a 1000 year old book and just blindly accept it? No one says "hang on a minute, this all seems a bit silly".

I mean really?


And that's just the new testament, dont get DQuaN started on the Torah and Quran or the Vedas (which I personally like)
It is a strawman that has been going on in this thread for years on end.

I remember a really nice article someone linked in here regarding scientists and religion that I found fascinating. Anyway, one of the talking points in it was god and guess what? While the vast majority of scientists polled or whatever, said they did not believe in god they were still affiliated with some sort of church or denomination.(religion without god)

The same can easily be true of, oh I don't know, Einstein?(god without religion)

The thing that baffles me is, well, everything...

The magical man in the sky who created and controls everything but will never say Hi, The talking snake. Adam and eve who started the human race, even though they had two sons. The flood that covered the earth, even though there is no evidence of it (apart from a small one in the middle east). The fact that every species managed to get on to a boat. The idea that the world is only 6000 years old when know that it is billions of years old. The fact that God is a masochistic genocidal maniac.

Do people really read that stuff in a 1000 year old book and just blindly accept it? No one says "hang on a minute, this all seems a bit silly".

I mean really?


I'm 35, blindly accepted what was printed about teeny-tiny particles and invisible things in my Physics text-books at college 17 years ago, and I'm pretty sure some of that's out of date already :lol: never mind 1000 years!

Though I do agree with squadops, belief in a God =/= the Bible, or any book for that matter. At least that's what I believe :lol But, this thread does like debating books a lot.
Something else I would like to add: Why is everybody (including JDmsz) referring to God with a lowercase 'g'? I can understand when you want to talk about a 'god' in general, but why when you are specifically referring to God, as in the god us Christians believe in? I'm not calling anyone out for blasphemy, but it's just grammatically incorrect.
I'm 35, blindly accepted what was printed about teeny-tiny particles and invisible things in my Physics text-books at college 17 years ago, and I'm pretty sure some of that's out of date already :lol: never mind 1000 years!

Though I do agree with squadops, belief in a God =/= the Bible, or any book for that matter. At least that's what I believe :lol But, this thread does like debating books a lot.

Certain people like debating one book hence why I said the comment I did with some sarcasm to DQuaN, but seeing his post in the past he probably does have things he would say against those texts I brought up as well.
And I'm not going to mention what I saw because all you atheist people going to say its a bunch of BS. I know what I experienced and I'm going to keep it like that. Its always this, "oh I need proof" The proof will come when you pass away and get judged. I'm not trying to force religion on people. I'm just trying to tell people there's really a god but I can't explain it.

OK, so you can't explain it. How about asking a few of the other people who experienced what you experienced to attempt an explanation?
And I'm not going to mention what I saw because all you atheist people going to say its a bunch of BS. I know what I experienced and I'm going to keep it like that. Its always this, "oh I need proof" The proof will come when you pass away and get judged. I'm not trying to force religion on people. I'm just trying to tell people there's really a god but I can't explain it.

See, if most people saw something they couldn't explain, it would be just that. They wouldn't have this problem with admitting that they didn't know what just happened to them. They could describe their experience, and that would be that. There's no need to put labels or explanations on things you don't know about, they just are.

If I see lights in the sky at night, I don't need to be able to explain them. It could be any of a number of things, or something that nobody has ever thought of before. But I can still tell people "I was standing on this hill here, looking east at about quarter to ten and this green light went across from north to south about thirty degrees above the horizon, and then a minute later it was followed by a blue light. Weird."

Religious people, on the other hand, have decided on the explanation before they've even started. It was God. The fear of revealing what happened to others comes from the fear that actually it wasn't God, it was just something normal that you happen to not know about yet.

That fear of ignorance comes to pretty much everyone over the age of about five. We are trained that we're supposed to know the answers, and that there's something wrong with us if we don't know.

It's ********.

Nobody knows even a fraction of the stuff that goes on. Really smart people can figure it out most of the time, if they happen to have access to all the right information, but even that is rare. Mostly, we live in a world where a bunch of weird stuff happens and the chances of us figuring it out before we die is low.

We're lucky these days in that we're educated with the last few thousand years of human knowledge, which helps a lot. But there's still a ton we don't know, and that's OK. Not knowing stuff is OK. Lumping everything we don't know into a big category called "God" isn't that helpful, that's what primitives do.

Maybe there's a god or God out there, and when the time comes it will be obvious to everyone. Until then, you can either share your experiences in the hopes of helping to enlighten the whole human race if it was indeed a true spiritual experience, or enlightening yourself if it wasn't. Or you can keep it to yourself and continue hoping that it was real, but always too scared to actually find out.

I was rewatching parts of Good Will Hunting following Robin Williams' death yesterday, and there's a bit where Robin Williams is laying into Matt Damon for meeting this great girl, but being too much of a pussy to go and ask her out in case she turns out not to be the perfect woman he thinks she is.

That's how I feel about this attitude to God. You're so afraid that He might turn out to not be what you think He is, that you refuse to think about it or pursue it too hard. And nobody ever fell in love that way, and nobody ever got the most out of their spiritual connection that way.

If you want a real connection with God, you have to accept that He is what He is, and it might not be exactly what you think or want him to be. Examine your experiences and learn more about what they mean, and you might learn more about Him, instead of simply confirming your own biases.
The magical man in the sky who created and controls everything but will never say Hi, The talking snake. Adam and eve who started the human race, even though they had two sons. The flood that covered the earth, even though there is no evidence of it (apart from a small one in the middle east). The fact that every species managed to get on to a boat. The idea that the world is only 6000 years old when know that it is billions of years old. The fact that God is a masochistic genocidal maniac.
Genesis 5:4
After Seth was born, Adam lived 800 years and had other sons and daughters.
Now the question is: How can someone live for 800 years? :lol:
Do I believe in God? - yes.

What I don't believe in is Hell or half the other rubbish churches teach.
Do I believe the Bible? - yes, but not most of the English (mis)translations. The Bible and Christian theology generally has been warped and twisted over the centuries to hardly resemble what it should and it's no small wonder people don't want to believe in God when He is mostly portrayed as the masochistic genocidal maniac alluded to earlier!
Hell is not a NT doctrine - it is a church doctrine. Hell is an Old English word which used to mean 'covered over' or 'unseen' which used to be a reasonably good translation but since the church fairly early on in it's history decided that scaring people into the church was a good idea it's meaning has totally changed.
Hell is not a NT doctrine - it is a church doctrine. Hell is an Old English word which used to mean 'covered over' or 'unseen' which used to be a reasonably good translation but since the church fairly early on in it's history decided that scaring people into the church was a good idea it's meaning has totally changed.

Quick google scan:

Revelation 21:8
"But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars--their place will be in the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death."

Matthew 25:46
"Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life."

Matthew 13:50
and throw them into the fiery furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

Jude 1:7
In a similar way, Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding towns gave themselves up to sexual immorality and perversion. They serve as an example of those who suffer the punishment of eternal fire.

2 Peter 2:4
For if God did not spare angels when they sinned, but sent them to hell, putting them into gloomy dungeons to be held for judgment;

Revelation 20:13-14
The sea gave up the dead that were in it, and death and Hades gave up the dead that were in them, and each person was judged according to what he had done. Then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. The lake of fire is the second death.
The second death is a spiritual one, something an atheist need not worry about as they have already conceded death and have no concern of a spiritual body.
The second death is a spiritual one, something an atheist need not worry about as they have already conceded death and have no concern of a spiritual body.

What about the firey furnace and the gnashing of teeth and the sulfur?
Because some will not want to go, but they will die all the same, no eternal hell in that verse.(It's a parable anyway lol)
Because some will not want to go, but they will die all the same, no eternal hell in that verse.(It's a parable anyway lol)

So let me get this straight:

- Sulfur
- Lake of fire
- Gnashing of teeth
- Eternal punishment
- Firey furnace

What that means is hell doesn't exist?
Simply means death, what do you think happens when one is thrown into a sulfury firey pit? I doubt they'd be gnashing teeth for long. Eternal punishment in the book means termination, just as we humans strap lads to a firey chair for their crimes.

Understanding what the bible says does not make it's writings any more true or false. The book has nothing to do with a possible existence of god but then again, that is the reason some of you like to use it when it suits you.
Simply means death, what do you think happens when one is thrown into a sulfury firey pit?

Turns out they actually answer that question - "eternal punishment". This is not punishment for your physical body - your physical body is dead. This is punishment for your immortal soul. What do you think happens when an immortal soul is thrown into a sulfury firey pit of despair?


Eternal punishment in the book means termination

Funny that they'd use a phrase that doesn't mean that then.

Understanding what the bible says does not make it's writings any more true or false.


The book has nothing to do with a possible existence of god

Except to the believer, to whom it is proof of god.
Hell and the Lake of Fire are not the one and the same. Death and Hades/Hell (literally the realm of the dead) are to be cast into the lake of fire eventually - then there is no more death - the second death is actually the death of death!
The lake of fire when translated and understood correctly is actually God. The words translated to be the lake that burns with fire and brimstone refer to a divine cleansing and purifying fire. It's not a fire to torment and torture endlessly but one to cleanse and purify.
Nearly all instances in the Bible that have been translated to eternal, forever etc., should more correctly be translated to EON or AGE, AGES, AGE during or lasting. There is no eternal fire - only an age-lasting fire.

Sodom and Gomorrah are also to be restored - as are to be those that are cast into the 'eternal fire'.
You need to check your translations Danoff. I have no idea if this site is worth a flip but at least it shows the words that where used. You could go from there if interested.

I skimmed it real quick and then I ctrl f'd hell and parish and so on. I don't think the word hell was ever written in the first language of the book.
Hell and the Lake of Fire are not the one and the same. Death and Hades/Hell (literally the realm of the dead) are to be cast into the lake of fire eventually - then there is no more death - the second death is actually the death of death!
The lake of fire when translated and understood correctly is actually God. The words translated to be the lake that burns with fire and brimstone refer to a divine cleansing and purifying fire. It's not a fire to torment and torture endlessly but one to cleanse and purify.
Nearly all instances in the Bible that have been translated to eternal, forever etc., should more correctly be translated to EON or AGE, AGES, AGE during or lasting. There is no eternal fire - only an age-lasting fire.

Sodom and Gomorrah are also to be restored - as are to be those that are cast into the 'eternal fire'.

Many citations needed.

It's not a fire to torment and torture endlessly but one to cleanse and purify.

So you're saying that the translation was intentionally misleading... and that the people who did it were not true believers.

I don't think the word hell was ever written in the first language of the book.

Only one of the quotes I provided uses "hell", so that actually doesn't help.

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