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Define Belief then.No its not.
Are you ****ing kidding me?That nothing you can find agrees with you doesn't automatically mean that all those sources are wrong, it could mean that you are wrong.
Last month in the Islam thread, somebody posted what was supposed to be a quote from the Quran and it was so butchered I couldn't read the half of it. That's not my opinion, that's a ****ing fact.
There's other Arab members on here, would you like them to confirm?
I've linked you TWO ar.wikipedia links that both confirm what I said.You mean the one that every source says relates to a deity?
Are they also all wrong?
You linked only one, the en.wikipedia version. Do you not see what it contradicts the Arabic one??
My favourite part is etymology, almost completely ****ing made up. There is no mention of the word deen actually meaning DEBT. That's how/why they label "religion" deen in Arabic, because if you have worldviews etc they basically refer to your debt to the universe. The word debt/deen, might have come from the Herbrew word yes, that's the only thing close to accuracy in that article.
Oh the other thing you linked isn't defning deen/religion, it's defining SPECIFICALLY the deen of Islam, or the religion of islam.
Try again.
No.And in doing so (unless the children are deities) you would be incorrect.
It's worse because if it's me, it'd at least be up to ME to show my credentials. It's rude/silly on your behalf to ask that enough. When it's a friend, the rudeness would fall on ME for asking them to scan official documentation so I could show it to a bunch of guys on the internet.Which is not you and I fail to see how its worse.
I've also not asked you to validate who your friend is, I've asked you to validate his claims and what qualifies him to make them, which is a rather different thing. For example if he is a published author then that should be rather easy, as his published work will do the job quite well.
He's not an author. He has an Msc n political science and a minor in History or something. He would also not appreciate me telling you his name or anything about him, for the same reason I do not about myself.
You asked me to define the word with no mention of language. YOU ASKED ME TO DEFINE WHAT I MEAN WHEN I SAY THAT WORD in BHRxRacer world.Did I use a word in an other language that English?
Next time be more specific and ask "Define the word religion, as you think it means in English".
The English wikipedia article that contradicts the Arabic one, or the article literally defining the religion of Islam and not "Religion" itself? you're killing me.That however doesn't change the fact that every source available that I have found for the Arabic also includes a deity, if you have one that differs then please supply it, explaining why all the others are incorrect.
Please link me all the sources that you can find so that we at least know what we're dealing with.
I work for a large multi-national company, we have a number of offices in the Middle East, including one in Dubai that also runs all our training in the Middle East (in both English and Arabic - hence the professional translation services). I mentor the training manager in that office and have a conference call weekly with him.
I hope that professional translation firm are competent then. I don't think you read what I said. You know how a lot of English speaking people don't actually understand proper English? Arabs are generally worse, and it's such a complex language that most non-Arabs that learn English or work as interpreters often just use common definitions unknowning it's actually not Arabic. Such as the word "Google". It's technically an English word now, right? Most non-Arab professional translators are also unaware of different accents/dialects. I've met one that thinks زلمه(pronounced Zalameh/Zalamah) is Arabic for "man". It's not, it's Lebanese slang for "man", what they commonly use to refer to as a man. They use that word because it actually means trunk (like an elephant's, referring to a man's penis).
Would you like to see pictures of the view from the office? Would you like the address of the office? Would you like to see the view from the Window of my preferred hotel when I travel to the office? Would you like to know the name of the bar I visit when out their? Would you like me to supply visa scans to a nominated member of staff to show the last time I visited?
No, unlike you, I'm capable of taking somebody's word for it.
A reminder of the AUP is not a threat, and based on your track record its a reminder you need.
You can do that in a nicer way. Not in a form of threat.
If famine can slip words into definitions that change the whole definition...All of which is unsurprisingly uncited.
No matter, let's stick with the Arabic bit because your denial/stubbornness is rather amusing.
Yes it does, and you have yet to provide a single source that states otherwise.
I can't wait. In the mean timeI will also ask let them loose on the Arabic Wiki, we will see how many references to God and/or deities it contains.
أصل الكلمة
الدِين أو الدِيانة, من دان خضع وذل ودان بكذا فهي ديانة وهو دين، وتديّن به فهو متديّن, إذا أطلق يراد به: ما يتديّن به البشر، ويدين به من اعتقاد وسلوك؛ بمعنى آخر، هو طاعة المرء والتزامه لما يعتنقه من فكر ومبادئ. الدين في مصطلح اللغة العربية: هي العادة والشأن. والتدين: الخضوع والاستعباد، ينبني على الدين المكافأة والجزاء، أي يجازى الإنسان بفعله وبحسب ما عمل عن طريق الحساب. ومنه صفة الديّان التي يطلقها الناس على خالقهم؛ وجمع كلمة دين: أديان. فيقال: دانَ بديانة وتدين بها، فهو متديّن، والتديّن: إذا وكل الإنسان أموره إلى دينه.
الدين يتمثل بالطاعة والانقياد، فرجال الدين: هم المطيعون المنقادون، كما يُحمّل الدين الإنسان ما يكره، ومن هذا الباب تأتي كلمة الدَين (القرض): إِما بالأخذ أو العطاء ما كان له أجل، كما أجله الجزاء والحساب والعبادة والطاعة والمواظبة والقهر والغلبة والاستعلاء والسلطان والملك والحكم والتسيير والتدبير والتوحيد، وجميع ما يتعبد به للإله، من مذاهب وورع وإجبار، فالإله هو الديّان: أي القهار، والقاضي، والحاكم، والسائس، والحاسب، والمجازي الذي لا يضيع عملاً، بل يجزِي بالخيرِ والشرِ. ففي الديانة: عزة ومذلة، وطاعة وعصيان، وعادة في الخير أو الشر، والابتلاء.
See that word, قرض? It means debt. No mention of that in the English Wikipedia despite its importance. Hilarious. Whoever edited/wrote that English wiki page is not an Arab, I guarantee it.
I'm not sure how old they are or what their education is, you may ask other Arab members to translate that. Specifically the bold parts up there. You'll find them in the middle east GT academy thread.
OH and be careful when the "professionals" translate it. They can just look at the word "deen" and say oh it means there's a deity. Replace it(anything with in Italic) with X, for more accurate results.
الدِين أو الدِيانة, من دان خضع وذل ودان بكذا فهي ديانة وهو دين، وتديّن به فهو متديّن, إذا أطلق يراد به: ما يتديّن به البشر، ويدين به من اعتقاد وسلوك؛ بمعنى آخر، هو طاعة المرء والتزامه لما يعتنقه من فكر ومبادئ
Last sentence translation: In other words, obedience to one's beliefs regarding views and principles.
Have them translate the last sentence please
Perhaps you're not aware that some of our university textbooks are written by the professors themselves and not sold anywhere except the university, and to students taking that course.Why do I need a hard copy, provide me with the author and title that will be more than enough for me to provide to our translation team.
Doesn't matter, it's pretty similar to the Arabic wiki anyway.
If you really think so then I think our problem would be your lack of understanding of English or logic, not mine.No, they are not. They believe that gods may exist. They believe that evidence cannot.
"willing to concede that gods may exist" and "Were such evidence to be presented to them, they would deny it."
If they're willing to concede that gods may exist, how come if evidence were presented to them (such as god himself coming down to stare them in the face), they would still deny it? Which one is it? This is a genuine question I honestly cannot see how you don't understand that.
Really, if they're willing to concede, why not concede when evidence presents itself? When will they concede then?
Let's try another thing. Match the sentences to the following words. Theism, Atheism, Agnosticism.From a scientific view, it's a slightly ass-backwards sort of concept, but you're not dealing with people who necessarily subscribe to a scientific worldview. An omnipotent being could conceivably make sure that no evidence of himself ever reached lesser beings, and so it's at least internally logically consistent.
Because they believe that evidence of a god or gods cannot exist, they would deny any evidence of such gods as false.
The same thing can be seen with Russell's Teapot. Suppose one were to suggest that it was possible that there was a teapot there, but that we could never really know (for whatever crazy, illogical idea they want). Any evidence that you were to provide them of a teapot would be dismissed as a hoax, or a conspiracy, or whatever. They might accept that there could be a teapot there, but you couldn't provide them with information about it because you would be breaking their worldview. They could be floating in space in front of it, and they'd probably be speculating that they were in the Matrix or some such bollocks to explain why there wasn't really a teapot.
Or they could just change their mind, but then they wouldn't be an Imari/Agnostic.
[ ] on a scale from 0 to 10, one believes 10/10 that a god exists.
[ ] on a scale from 0 to 10, one believes 1-9/10 that a god exists.
[ ] on a scale from 0 to 10, one believes 0/10 that a god exists.
I would also like you to know that Traditional/proper Arabic, is not spoken in any Arab country. Each region or country have a distinct dialect/variation/accent of Arabic. So much so that often they don't understand each other at all. Because of that, a lot of mix-ups happen when defining words.
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