How exactly is that a revelation given that the colloquial non-religious meaning has nothing at all to do with this thread or discussion.
Not religion, belief.
And by what means are we supposed to magically know this about your background and parents?
No, but I assume you read what I say and I've said that before to you, without the parents part. Would you like a citation?
However the arrogance you displace continues to amaze, so no chance at all exists that you could in any way be mistaken in either interpretation, context and/or the translation of that into English? None at all?
Funnily enough, there is. It's the same change that a god exists. So, it depends on your belief in that area
Drop the attitude - you will not be warned again.
What attitude? Care to explain exactly what rule I'm breaking?
Also, drop the not-so-friendly threats if you may, please. It's more effective of a warning when you present it in a friendly manner, like police officers (are supposed to) do.
And it doesn't mean its not, nor does it remove the potential issue of context and/or its subsequent translation into English.
It does if you speak Arabic and/or qualified to understand its history.
Actually no, the third option is that you provide proof.
Ok so let me ask you again, can you provide proof that you're a British citizen? If not, what is your citizenship and can you provide proof of it?
Quite frankly I have no intention of subjecting them to you.
Afraid I'll embarrass them, and thus put you in an embarrassing situation? Totally understandable. No sarcasm. I wouldn't want that kind of thing at work because of a guy on a forum either.
You claimed you provide the proof, and given this is an English language site provide it in that manner, as I find you claims that no one has ever translated it correctly to be highly suspect (everyone is wrong but me - seems to be your battle cry).
That's just wrong, again. I provided you with this:دين_(م...B1.D9.8A.D9.81_.D8.A7.D9.84.D8.AF.D9.8A.D9.86
At least twice now and you chose to either ignorant or call ********.
Sorry but I see that as Debt doesn't/didn't necessarily involve a deity, and debt is not the same as religion.
You are right, debt does not necessarily involve a deity. Which is EXACTLY why in Arabic, the word religion/deen does not necessarily involve a deity.
It's literally what it means
All for context my dear, but not when it changes the whole meaning of the word or its implications.
If you want to go by a sloppy use of the world belief - whose sloppiness is prevalent enough that it showed up in a dictionary - then we'll have to invent another word for it for the purposes of this discussion. The concept that I am talking about exists regardless of whether you think the word I am using is the right one. Do you ever get tired of making silly arguments about definitions of words rather than actually addressing the substance that you're being smacked in the face with?
The reason there's so much confusion in the world is because of how loose the words/labels are. You can't discuss concepts and ideas without giving them specific meanings first.
Preferably, ones that already satisfy the concept/idea.
@BHRxRacer Nah can't help you there sadly. Not qualified enough and wouldn't want to maybe add false info to the discussion.
I'm not asking you to get involved in the discussion, I asked you to translate one sentence which you should be able to do if you speak Arabic.
بمعنى آخر، هو طاعة المرء والتزامه لما يعتنقه من
فكر ومبادئ.
But okay, if you're sensitive about this whole thread you can say so.
I've no idea. It's practically impossible to get a straight answer out of you and even when you give one that is then discussed you claim you meant something else or were joking.Did you miss all the posts where I keep telling you that I have no beliefs and no religion and am an atheist? Or are you ignoring them out of convenience?
Nope. You can tell, because no statistics were used.
Agnostic atheists do not believe that they know whether there is a deity. Agnostics believe they do not and cannot know if there is a deity.
So we have a new one ladies and gentlemen. Agnostic atheists. Nice.
What straight answer do you want from me on this topic? Quiz me, and compare my answers to yours.
You forgot to give the source URL, please provide that.
You also seem to forget how a wiki-worky.
I did link, but here it is againدين_(م...B1.D9.8A.D9.81_.D8.A7.D9.84.D8.AF.D9.8A.D9.86
I know how wiki works, which is why I said there's no legit source online. There's only wiki (can be edit by any imbecile), or a blog/website that can be run and also edited by any imbecile.
Given that you guys LOVE sources though, I thought I'd give you one that's not edited by me. At least, that'll show that there's a significant number of people that agree with what's been said in it otherwise they would've edited it. So I'm not alone
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, the old "There's no such thing as opinion, there is only fact". Never get tired of seeing that every once and a while.
Can you answer the following question honestly? When was the last time you were wrong in this forum?
So I'm not entitled to my opinion?
Are you actually saying that?
Does that apply to all believers in God, or just me?
Anybody that disagrees with him, practically speaking, and based on the relatively short time I've spent here.