I think it's more than nitpicking. Whatever color the coat or strawberries are is verifiable, even by those who are colorblind.
"From your point of view, and by point of view I mean your vision not opinion, it is whatever color you see it is. It's not just a belief, it's a fact."
There are multiple facts. First, the color is perceived in a certain way. Second that the color is of a certain set of wavelengths. As soon as the latter is determined, belief should go out the window as to what the color of the coat is.
That's basically nitpicking. You're not wrong(although I can still nitpick things from your posts), but I don't know what point you're trying to make by this. Showing off your knowledge? I've got some bad news for you if that's what you're trying to do.
They believe all evidence of gods to be false, ie. not evidence at all.
The sentence you're looking for is "They believe there is no evidence of gods"
There cannot be evidence of gods for an Imari/agnostic.
Absolutely 100%? What would happen if one day it turns up?
Why is that contradictory?
Because of your poor choice of words.
I'm not trying to offend you btw, I'm just frustrated with how you guys word your logics. Each one seems to do it differently, and you've done it differently within the same posts.
I could put a blue strawberry in front of you, and if you didn't believe that evidence of blue strawberries could exist you would refuse to accept that it was indeed a blue strawberry. You might claim that it was actually an off-shade of purple, or that it was a deformed raspberry, or that it was some kind of magical solid hologram.
So in the end, there was/is no evidence. I don't see how that's relevant.
Evidence is evidence when viewed objectively, but you cannot make people recognise what they don't want to see, and you cannot make people be objective. Just as anyone can shut their eyes and not look at what's put in front of them, people can turn off their rationality and refuse to proceed through the logical conclusions of the observations they've made.
People make false claims all the times, yes. Sometimes they regard false claims as evidence without proving it is, yes. I don't see how relevant, my friend.
Religious people do this a lot.
I have reservations on using that word, but I think I know who you refer to so I won't argue this anymore.
An agnostic can be provided with objective, concrete evidence of gods, and all they have to do to maintain their faith is sit there going "nuh uh". It's not rational, but belief is not rational. It's internally logically consistent though, given the axioms of their faith nothing put in front of them could possibly be actual evidence of gods.
An agnostic is not in an objective position, they're not viewing this thing in front of them with a totally open mind. They know what it can't be before they've even sat down. This is the problem with many belief systems, there are some things that they just know. This is the difference with atheists, any aspect of what they think they know can be changed by the correct objective evidence.
Seriously, do what I asked and point out the flaw in the logic I posted. Here, I'll post it again.
That contradicts what you said earlier.
What you said earlier AKA ImariONE/Agnostic:
Gods may or may not exist.
Evidence of gods does not exist.
Therefore, if gods exist there is no evidence of them.
What you said now, AKA ImariTWO/Agnostic
Gods may or may not exist.
Evidence of gods does not exist. And never will.
Therefore, if gods exist there is no evidence of them.
The "and never will" part makes all the difference. I don't know how many times I can explain that. I'm ImariONE/Agnostic, but I'm not ImariTWO/Agnostic. Get it?
I think
@Famine agrees with me on this. You may want to argue that with him.
How about you start responding to the substance of peoples' posts? Then maybe folks will be more inspired to respond to you.
You: I love that yellow fruit called strawberries. Do you?
Me: Strawberries are not yellow, what fruit are you talking about?
You: OH just start responding to the substance and tell me if you like it too or not or I'll put you on my ignore list.