This is where you start to lose me.
I asked before how you could tell if something is spiritual or physical. You said that only the Bible defines what is spiritual.
Now you're telling me that if one becomes a Christian, then that makes one spiritual as well.
These two go together. The Bible defines the spiritual and the Holyspirit testafies to the same and can help with comprehending it. The Holy spirit, among other things is a teacher.
I think this is something that you haven't really given considerable thought to. I think that you're using emotion and what you've been told by others to judge whether something is spiritual, not any rational or objective judgement.
To the contrary, I've given it ample amounts of considerable thought, rationale, and objective judgement.
About 40 yrs. worth. As a matter of fact, it wasn't until I finally realized that initially, it had little to do with those,
that I began to make progress in understanding it. I know that sounds contradictory, but true nonetheless.
I compare it to being married those first few years, and you are trying to comprehend intellectually, how this thing works, but somehow it just comes up short.
At any rate, emotion can be affected by it, but it is not the source.
If this is not true, please go ahead and explain to me what spirituality is, or what makes something that is spiritual different from something that is not spiritual. The closest you've come is "it's not physical", which is not really that helpful.
Defining something as not something else only works if those are the only two possibilities. For example, I can't explain to you what red is by saying "it's not blue". That's just not helpful.
And in a similar fashion, I suspect what I would think when I use the word "physical" is not what you mean when you say it. If you want to define spirituality relative to physicality, you'll want to be clear about what you actually mean by "physical", which is why it would be much easier to just talk about spirituality directly. For example, "It's the animating force behind humanity that gives them free will and consciousness", or "It's something that has been in direct contact with the divine power and has retained communication with that power". These are completely made up on my part and likely nothing like what you believe, but I use them as an example of how one can describe such things.
For someone who doesn't know what I'm talking about, you defined it pretty well.
The physical or carnal which maybe a better term, is the body, mind, emotions, intellect, psyche, reasonings, philosophy, logic, desires, senses etc.
"It's the animating force behind humanity that gives them free will and consciousness"
I think this could be used as a description of the personal spirit.
And this one could be used to describe the Holy Spirit.
"It's something that has been in direct contact with the divine power and has retained communication with that power".