You either don't understand or are seeking to redefine (shock!) the word "non-falsifiable". It means "not able to be falsified". This is an immutable quality - and your deity's characteristics of omniscience, omnipotence and omnipresence are each individual non-falsifiable.Nope. The teapot is non-falsifiable.
Which only establishes the fact, as said there is absolutely no objective evidence,
currently, to preclude or establish existence.
You could have made the same "non-falsifiable" claim in 1800 regarding practically all the technological advancements in regular use today, and in 1800 it would have been true.
So much for your "non-falsifiable" claim.
As well, in reality, the only evidence that exists concerning the teapot is subjective evidence for existence.
There is absolutely no objective evidence to support existence or non existence.
However, obviously that does not constitute a conclusive case.
Unlike the teapot however, in regaurd to my deity, there is a voluminous amount of collaborative testimony or subjective evidence, in support of existence and no objective evidence either way.
Again as said, under the those circumstances, the only objectively reasoned position that can be taken is one of neutrality.
Le sigh.
No. It does not. That is the point of objective evidence, that it is not dependent on a subjective viewpoint.
Sorry, yes it absolutely is.
All evidence is established by subjective human beings.
Nothing can be established apart from that fact.
Objective evidence is an established consensus of those human beings on a guideline for
what is considered objective and to preserve it as such.
That is not to say, it is illogical or irrational.
Or if integrity is preserved properly, it is not objective.
The goal is to insure that it is not subjectively influenced, but that is close as you can get to a complete contradiction, considering the whole process is under subjective, not to mention imperfect, control.
There is no such thing as evidence of non-existence. There is only evidence of existence, or the absence of evidence of existence.
Perform this thought experiment. What evidence might you expect to find regarding the non-existence of hobgoblins?.
Only regarding a
belief claim of non existence, based on objective evidence is it a factor.
For basis purposes, the fact that there is no objective evidence to preclude existence balances the fact there is none for existence.
From a purely objective standpoint, there is actually no basis for any belief position.
In fact of reality, any belief position taken, including on hobgoblins, is based on a purely subjective assumption.
And BTW there is again, a huge contingent of subjective evidence for God's existence.
I am not aware of any for hobgoblins, unicorns, spaghetti monsters or any other obscure possibilities that bare no comparative relation.
In fact of historical reality, it is completely correct.
My 1800 example clearly shows that it is.
Non-falsifiable means that there is no test that can be designed to test the validity of the claim. Not now. Not ever.
Then your defnition here is patently false.
There is no entity of any kind in this world that is not entirely subject to the dynamic of time and space and the changes that it brings.
The future is completely unknown, along with what maybe discovered or applicable.
Therefore, there is no such term as
"Not ever" at least as can be applied indefinitely to any unknown.
Again this fact is clearly proven in the historical record, of which my 1800 example is a part of.
Your conclusion is purely subjective, since clearly established objective evidence is completely to the contrary.
This is different to being able design an experiment to test the validity but not being able to actually construct it. Which is what happened with the Higgs Boson, they knew how to test it but the technology literally didn't exist to be able to do so.
This statement is a direct contradiction to your statement that precedes it.
Prior to any knowledge of the Higgs Bosun, the concept could only reside with Russell's teapot.
Or "non falsifiable".
There is no test that would return results based on the existence or non-existence of God. He is by the Christian definition (and the definition of a lot of other religions) not falsifiable.
Again in reality,
thus far, my deity is "non falsifiable" .
Do you remember when I asked you what specific set of circumstances would convince you that your belief in God is wrong, and you answered "none"?
That's the problem. If there is no circumstance under which you would be convinced that God does not exist, even when given complete freedom to think of absolutely anything you like, then He's non-falsifiable.
If you can name some situation that might change tomorrow that would make God falsifiable, then be my guest. Prove me wrong. But I suspect the only way you're going to be able to do it is by Him losing some of his defining characteristics, in which case He isn't God any more.
No that's not the problem.
The problem is you fail to include the comprehensive scope of objective evidence to the contrary.
The year is 1800.
Practically everything in common use today is "non-falsifiable".
And that was just over 200 yrs ago.
That already clearly proves by objective evidence, your "non falsifiable" basis for determining existence, is seriously undependable as a predictor of what can exist.
You still don't understand that Teapot.
Name me one piece of evidence for non-existence. Of anything.
So given that there's no such thing as evidence of non-existence, we're left with two states.
1. We have evidence of existence. The thing exists, no problem.
2. We have no evidence of existence. The thing may or may not exist.
If we don't define 2 as "the thing doesn't exist", then there's no way to be able to say that anything doesn't exist. That might be fine for you, but it's not a very helpful way to think about the universe, that everything ever imagined is just beyond the next rainbow.
On the other hand, humans are very adaptable, and if evidence of existence turns up later then most of us are capable of saying "well, fancy that, there ARE Underpants Gnomes!" It's not a crime to be wrong, and most of the time if there isn't evidence of something's existence whacking you in the face, you're probably not going to be inconvenienced much even if you are wrong about saying it doesn't exist.
I already stated there is no objective evidence for non-existence. Or in other words it does not exist.
Unfortunately, your states are as woefully incomplete as your basis for existence.
Below I will list it in entirety.
Keep in mind I am doing so from the "out of common" perspective, as pertains to God's existence.
1. We have no objective evidence in support of existence or non-existence.
2. We have voluminous amounts of subjective evidence in support of existence.
3. We have a small amount of subjective evidence in support of non-existence.
4. God may or may not exist.
Believing God does not exist, under the actual circumstances present, can only be done from a subjective assumption, since there is no objective evidence in support of a belief.
The absence of objective evidence, leaves nothing else upon which to base a belief.
The historical record clearly shows that we can't even begin to imagine what the future may hold in store.