My statement, was that I can say without doubt there is no god, because I have no doubt in my mind that any such thing exists.
@Scaff said, I didn't makean extroadinary assumption, without any proof, my conclusion is based on logic. If no proof of something has ever existed, you can't say someone has to prove it doesn't exist, because it's logical to think it doesn't. People saying there IS a god, can't prove it, and so much of the bible has already been either disproven or thrown out by christianity, so christians tend to get upset when someone challenges their religion. A religion which has nothing to do with fact or reason or logic, and all to do with blind faith.
I am not religious, to say that I am because I believe their isn't any kind of god is laughable, I don't go preaching to people, I believe what can be proven, it has nothing to do with faith. I don't label myself an atheist or anything else because of the fact that I just don't care what people believe in, I don't buy into bull**** so easily.
If someone went on your local news network and said "there is life on Mars", you would want proof of such an extroadinary claim wouldn't you? Or with your logic, it would be up to you to prove there isn't?
Again, believe whatever you want, if it makes you feel less scared about your mortality then good for you. This thread asks for an opinion, and in mine, there is no god, because if there was, he's a **** head for allowing the atrocities that happen in the world, and having such ridiculous rules in the bible. I won't argue any more with anyone here, because you can't argue with someone who doesn't use logic or reason, they will never view things from a neutral position, because their view is based on emotion, not reason.