It's impossible to gain any sort of favorable outcome when you're debating a group of people that will ignore half of what you say and then respond with a passage from your own book in order to make their argument appear stronger, and then repeatedly accuse you of cherry picking. I tried to have a sensible debate on this thread, for once, by asking a simple question. Not sure why I expected that to work. I'm going to stop letting you make me look like a fool and pray for you instead. God is wiser than any of us, and I hope my failed attempts at apologetics won't keep you from seeing the light.
Did Jesus not say that then?
Did he not then say "For truly I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or stroke shall pass from the Law until all is accomplished." ?
Do Paul and Ignatius trump Jesus when it comes to biblical canon?
Do Christian Churches throughout the world not have the Ten Commandments in them (everyone I have been in has)?
It would seem that the Christian faith is quite happy to use the laws of the OT when it wants, and ignore the bits that seem, well a bit mental (and even then some still like the mental bits - see below).
Oh and I've not ignored half of what you have said, you however have ignored two thirds of my post and only responded to the part you wanted to answer, why would that be? Did the information on the pre-Abrehamic faiths seem a little too close to the OT and NT verses to be coincidental?
Finally in regard to Christians kills homesexuals and the issue of rape victims. You seem to be rather blinkered in regard to Uganda's (a Christian country) anti-homosexual bill that would have resulted in the death sentence for LBGT people. A bill that was supported and funded heavily by US Christian evangelical groups; and lets not forget the Christina pastor who recently called for summary execution of homosexuals: (odd that he's citing the bits you claim no longer apply).
As far as rape victims go the church has often treated victims as either at fault or in the case of the baby if pregnancy has resulted totally ignored the women's rights. Here's a fun fact the Vatican has excommunicated more rape victims for having abortions that it has priests for sexual assault (only 1 priest has ever been excommunicated for that).