Do you believe in God?

  • Thread starter Patrik

Do you believe in god?

  • Of course, without him nothing would exist!

    Votes: 624 30.6%
  • Maybe.

    Votes: 368 18.0%
  • No way!

    Votes: 1,051 51.5%

  • Total voters
This "all or nothing" that comes out so much from the "religious" (be they "Christians" or "Atheists", they are still practicing SOMETHING) is just so sad.

Nothing is written in stone. EVER.

What you personally accept as your level of belief and action is what you yourself will be held accountable for. Relative ONLY to your personal understanding of where you set yourself to live to.

Having said all that, if there really WERE nothing out there, why do we hold ourselves to ANY standard?

Rubbish. The absence of belief comes naturally, it is not something that can be practiced.

The sadness is all in your head.
Well that explains why a man's G-Spot is up his arse.


There goes my spit-take of the day. :lol:

What you personally accept as your level of belief and action is what you yourself will be held accountable for. Relative ONLY to your personal understanding of where you set yourself to live to.

Not according to the Bible. More to the point, does that make tribal cannibals who revel in treachery and murder non-accountable, since their culture leads them to believe that these are good things to do?

I'm not a religious person, but an interesting take on this is found in "The Peace Child"... worth looking up. It's an interesting reminder that cultural values are not identical...

Having said all that, if there really WERE nothing out there, why do we hold ourselves to ANY standard?

Seven billion other human beings whom you can help, hurt, love or hate... that's nothing?

Humanism is a more noble ideology than Theism. Because with Humanism, you uphold the rights and dignity of other people not because a higher authority tells you to, but because you truly believe other humans (and humanity in general) are worth valuing, in and of themselves.

It's pretty easy to work into a religious context, if you are of the belief "Thou Art God." (Robert Anson Heinlein, Stranger in a Strange Land) An omnipresent deity is present in all people, be they religious, atheist, homosexual or straight. So why should we discriminate?

Unfortunately, most religions nowadays are saddled with dogma and tradition, built around patriarchism, racism, misogyny and centuries of sordid, bloody history. If you really would like things to be as you've explained them, you really ought to start your own religion.
And something to all atheists here. You might choose to remain atheist (I wish you keep searching for the truth), but don't try to persuade others to become as you.


You mean it's OK for Christians to "provide information" about their beliefs, but atheists shouldn't? What a strangely balanced and non-judgemental opinion.

So, you can keep your faith to randomness...

Come back when you have any idea what you're talking about.

Having said all that, if there really WERE nothing out there, why do we hold ourselves to ANY standard?

Because we're not :censored:holes.

Because good people want to make the world a better place for themselves and those around them. And unlike the Christian teaching, which tells us that we're all secretly evil and given half a chance will do horrible things, I rather find the opposite. That actually, most people are at heart pretty nice and given the opportunity would prefer to do something good for others.

There are exceptions, and we call these people :censored:heads and criminals.

Basically, it's the Golden Rule. Which is about as good a reason as you'll ever get for doing anything.
Problem is that this specific sin goes against the nature of our bidy construction. All organs serve a purpose when used. God made us the way we are.
I am going to keep all of my statistics confined to the United States.
According to The Williams Institute, there are about 9 million LBGT people living in the US. There are about 19 million that have fiddled about at least once. And nearly 26 million have said they have had some attraction to the same sex.

So That gives us 19 million who have sinned, and about 9 million that continue to sin.

I would love to know why Christians like yourself feel this is such a priority.

Here in the US there is another group, over 42 million people, that sin just as have you have described. I don't see any Christians going after them. In fact it is the freedom stealing left wingers I see going after them.

They are the people who use their lungs, not just for collecting oxygen as god intended, but for collecting nicotine. Surely in your view smoking must be a bigger abomination. It certainly kills more.
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I am going to keep all of my statistics confined to the United States.
According to The Williams Institute, there are about 9 million LBGT people living in the US. There are about 19 million that have fiddled about at least once. And nearly 26 million have said they have had some attraction to the same sex.

So That gives us 19 million who have sinned, and about 9 million that continue to sin.

I would love to know why Christians like yourself feel this is such a priority.

Here in the US there is another group, over 42 million people, that sin just as have you have described. I don't see any Christians going after them. In fact it is the freedom stealing left wingers I see going after them.

They are the people who use their lungs, not just for collecting oxygen as god intended, but for collecting nicotine. Surely in your view this must be a bigger abomination. It certainly kills more.

In most countries tobacco is taxed very heavily. Perhaps taxing gays at a higher rate will make christians more comfortable with them?
In most countries tobacco is taxed very heavily. Perhaps taxing gays at a higher rate will make christians more comfortable with them?

We could have a scissoring tax. Any time an individual interlocks legs with someone else of the same sex, that's 0.5% of your salary. We could install cameras to enforce this.

Also, forbid children from sitting with their legs crossed, because that's masturbation.
I'm not sure I grasp why you say that.
You said that without sin it would be "okay" to [insert various violent images here].

Sin is the concept of offending a deity, or an offence against divine law. I want to know why killing other people would, in your eyes, be okay without sin existing (on the basis of no deities existing).

Bear in mind that "sin" does not exist without a deity and I, as an atheist who does not believe in any deities, am not currently out killing, raping or torturing under the misapprehension that it is "okay" to do so.
Being a believer in God, I accept certain rules as ones that I should live by. That is what I personally have accepted as MY "normal".

As such, God will judge ME on the "rules" that I personally have accepted to live by.

However, a cannibal in BFE wherever would NOT be held to the same level of "rules".
Do you believe that ignorance of the law (of God, in this case) is an excuse for breaking the law (again, of God, in this case)?

Incidentally, cannibalism is considerably less sinful or illegal than you might think it is. This, for instance, is cannibalism - apparently tasty, tasty cannibalism.
That is the wonderful thing about God. HE accepts us for where we are and what WE choose to accept/were taught is "good".
Do you believe that atheists go to heaven?

Do you believe that those who were indoctrinated into other (and presumably incorrect) religions go to heaven? Even if the actions that they undertake in the belief they are doing good are so far from what the Bible says is good as to be actually abhorrent?
This "all or nothing" that comes out so much from the "religious" (be they "Christians" or "Atheists", they are still practicing SOMETHING) is just so sad.
Atheism is neither a religion nor does it require anyone to practice anything.
What you personally accept as your level of belief and action is what you yourself will be held accountable for.
By whom?

And, more importantly, why?
Having said all that, if there really WERE nothing out there, why do we hold ourselves to ANY standard?
It is rational to do so.
And something to all atheists here. You might choose to remain atheist (I wish you keep searching for the truth), but don't try to persuade others to become as you.
I've not tried to persuade anyone to become anything, all I've done is ask some perfectly reasonable questions, the majority of which you have simply not bothered to answer.

Why is that and why are you not able to tell me which NT verse says you can't be a member here at GTP (fifth time of asking)?

I joined discussion just for the ones who seek for answers, not to spend time replying to provocative questions as the ones some here keep asking.
Untrue. You don't bother to answer most questions, instead you preach, which is ironic given your demand above.

So, you can keep your faith to randomness (pretty un-scientific faith to be honest as chances are too close to 0 that all were made randomly) and I will speak only to whoever I evaluate as possible to own an open mind.
WTF is a 'faith to randomness'?

Do not simply make things up and then assign them to others.

Some atheists are much more fanatic to their non-belief than most of the God faithful who they accuse of being fanatic. Pretty ironic eh?
Citation required.

This "all or nothing" that comes out so much from the "religious" (be they "Christians" or "Atheists", they are still practicing SOMETHING) is just so sad.
Please provide a link to these atheist practices that I apparently follow.

Nothing is written in stone. EVER.
Moses begs to differ.

Having said all that, if there really WERE nothing out there, why do we hold ourselves to ANY standard?
Because we have evolved as a social animal, with altruistic behavior linked to dopamine levels.

Like it or not we are hardwired to feel good by doing good.
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Moses disagrees.... HAHA! Good one!

You said that without sin it would be "okay" to [insert various violent images here].

Sin is the concept of offending a deity, or an offence against divine law. I want to know why killing other people would, in your eyes, be okay without sin existing (on the basis of no deities existing).

It is true that "sin" as religions put it is offending a god based on their rules. No problem with that.

Bear in mind that "sin" does not exist without a deity and I, as an atheist who does not believe in any deities, am not currently out killing, raping or torturing under the misapprehension that it is "okay" to do so.Do you believe that ignorance of the law (of God, in this case) is an excuse for breaking the law (again, of God, in this case)?

So let me put my take on this. We are basing OUR understanding on the laws that WE have learned, accepted, and chosen to follow (or even break knowingly). If someone does NOT have those laws, they are NOT judged by them.

Incidentally, cannibalism is considerably less sinful or illegal than you might think it is. This, for instance, is cannibalism - apparently tasty, tasty cannibalism.Do you believe that atheists go to heaven?

I didn't follow the link-don't have time, and that isn't part of my concern here. I understand that there are different levels of everything, though, so it's not surprising that cannibalism is accepted in SOME form.

Yes, I DO believe that if ANYONE has lived a good life and will be willing to accept God after this life, they have the OPTION of choosing whether or not to live with God. Each person has that choice, regardless of their life or what they were taught in THIS life.

Do you believe that those who were indoctrinated into other (and presumably incorrect) religions go to heaven? Even if the actions that they undertake in the belief they are doing good are so far from what the Bible says is good as to be actually abhorrent?Atheism is neither a religion nor does it require anyone to practice anything.By whom?

And, more importantly, why?It is rational to do so.

A Buddhist does not have the same set of (admittedly the more detailed end of things) laws that I personally follow. Same with the Amish. Same with.... (insert whatever religion or non-religion)

However, the entire argument comes back to what YOU personally are comfortable with. If you are a serial murderer, then you may accept that random acts of violence are okay (Clockwork Orange, anyone? Yeck....)

We have learned that it is acceptable to treat others in ways that allow everyone involved happier. The easiest way to put this is the "Golden Rule" of "Do unto others as you would treat yourself". It's interesting how, no matter the religion or circumstance, that thought process is what EVERYONE lives by. BDSM people are happy beating each other. "Christians" are okay with following their religion. This is why I ask what your personal limits are. I will imagine that following the law of the land is acceptable to you.

And why do we have those laws? Well, typically, they reflect the feelings of the majority in what THEY think is "good" and "decent". That is where MOST (good, anyhow.....) laws come from.

Much of the "good" and "decent" ideas reflect God's laws, so we COULD say that all laws can go back to that, but I guarantee you that we could find some people somewhere in BFE that have had no outside influences that STILL follow the same basic laws. Interesting how that works out. ;)

Now, by saying that Atheists practice a "religion", I am merely saying that they practice a set of beliefs. That does NOT mean they have a "set practice", just that they follow a set of beliefs, and, therefore, are following "something". Please don't take that the wrong way. I know that "non-religion" isn't a "practice", but in my mind (so it's subject to MY interpretation) it is still a set of beliefs that some choose to follow. Which (again, in my mind) is the definition of a "religion".
Now, by saying that Atheists practice a "religion", I am merely saying that they practice a set of beliefs. That does NOT mean they have a "set practice", just that they follow a set of beliefs, and, therefore, are following "something". Please don't take that the wrong way. I know that "non-religion" isn't a "practice", but in my mind (so it's subject to MY interpretation) it is still a set of beliefs that some choose to follow. Which (again, in my mind) is the definition of a "religion".
Please supply a link to this set of beliefs that atheists follow, I did ask before, but you seem to have forgotten.
Please read again the phrase "In MY mind". I'm not saying it IS a religion, it is just something (in MY mind) that I categorize those set of beliefs into. ;) Enjoy what you want to believe. I'm not saying you are right, wrong, or indifferent.
I think people confuse Atheists with Anarchists. As an Atheist I don't have a God, nor I do not have a Holy Book I read. And you don't have to have a God or higher power to live a life without "sin".
It is true that "sin" as religions put it is offending a god based on their rules. No problem with that.
Then, as an atheist, sin does not exist until a deity is proven to exist.
So let me put my take on this. We are basing OUR understanding on the laws that WE have learned, accepted, and chosen to follow (or even break knowingly). If someone does NOT have those laws, they are NOT judged by them.
What's your take on Judgment Day then?
I didn't follow the link-don't have time, and that isn't part of my concern here.
A simple mouseover on the link would have revealed the purpose entirely.
Yes, I DO believe that if ANYONE has lived a good life and will be willing to accept God after this life, they have the OPTION of choosing whether or not to live with God. Each person has that choice, regardless of their life or what they were taught in THIS life.
On what do you base this, as it seems not to be consistent with either the Bible or any Christian religion I've yet encountered.
A Buddhist does not have the same set of (admittedly the more detailed end of things) laws that I personally follow. Same with the Amish. Same with.... (insert whatever religion or non-religion)

However, the entire argument comes back to what YOU personally are comfortable with. If you are a serial murderer, then you may accept that random acts of violence are okay (Clockwork Orange, anyone? Yeck....)
That's interesting as you're now suggesting heaven is open to the deranged and inhuman so long as they can justify their actions to themselves. This would admit entry to, for example, rapists, paedophiles and the 9/11 hijackers - but not necessarily their victims...
We have learned that it is acceptable to treat others in ways that allow everyone involved happier. The easiest way to put this is the "Golden Rule" of "Do unto others as you would treat yourself". It's interesting how, no matter the religion or circumstance, that thought process is what EVERYONE lives by. BDSM people are happy beating each other. "Christians" are okay with following their religion. This is why I ask what your personal limits are. I will imagine that following the law of the land is acceptable to you.

And why do we have those laws? Well, typically, they reflect the feelings of the majority in what THEY think is "good" and "decent". That is where MOST (good, anyhow.....) laws come from.
I have absolutely no interest in following "the law of the land", precisely because they come from feelings and a majority vote. Such legislation has been responsible for the majority of atrocities of the modern human era.
Much of the "good" and "decent" ideas reflect God's laws, so we COULD say that all laws can go back to that, but I guarantee you that we could find some people somewhere in BFE that have had no outside influences that STILL follow the same basic laws. Interesting how that works out. ;)
So do many of the bad laws.
Now, by saying that Atheists practice a "religion", I am merely saying that they practice a set of beliefs.
That does NOT mean they have a "set practice", just that they follow a set of beliefs
and, therefore, are following "something".
Please don't take that the wrong way. I know that "non-religion" isn't a "practice", but in my mind (so it's subject to MY interpretation) it is still a set of beliefs that some choose to follow.
Which (again, in my mind) is the definition of a "religion".
Perhaps. That's part of the reason that atheism isn't one.
Please read again the phrase "In MY mind". I'm not saying it IS a religion, it is just something (in MY mind) that I categorize those set of beliefs into. ;) Enjoy what you want to believe. I'm not saying you are right, wrong, or indifferent.
No, you're not following.

Atheism isn't a belief, nor is it a "set of beliefs". No beliefs are involved in atheism - indeed it is, very specifically, an absence of belief.
Please read again the phrase "In MY mind". I'm not saying it IS a religion, it is just something (in MY mind) that I categorize those set of beliefs into. ;) Enjoy what you want to believe. I'm not saying you are right, wrong, or indifferent.
So this is simply something you have made up and you are unwilling to question that even given the new information that has been provided to you on the subject?
However, the entire argument comes back to what YOU personally are comfortable with. If you are a serial murderer, then you may accept that random acts of violence are okay (Clockwork Orange, anyone? Yeck....)
By this definition, it would seem to me that everyone would get into heaven. Everyone lives by the set of rules they are comfortable with, because that's how people decide what to do in the first place. If someone broke the rule that they thought was sacred, well, they didn't actually think it was sacred did they?

I suppose only those with regrets would be denied entry, but even then, if someone regrets their past choices, it only means their past actions don't align with their current ideals. But it's likely that their past actions do line up with their past ideals.

I guess what I'm wondering is, can you give an example of someone who doesn't live the way they are comfortable living?
Atheism isn't a belief, nor is it a "set of beliefs". No beliefs are involved in atheism - indeed it is, very specifically, an absence of belief.

This is precisely the point. Belief systems are what humans use when they have no evidence. My favorite website is for just this reason. Visit it, it updates daily.

However, if we can believe* an ex member of the US House of Representatives, we won't have to wait much longer for that evidence.

@SuperCobraJet , @TRLWNC7396 and @DCP, you will be thrilled with this news!

Just copy and paste this search term into your browser -

Michele Bachmann says the Rapture is coming

Ms Bachmann expects Jesus to return during our lifetime. She sees the signs and claims that Obama is actually the catalyst for some of those signs.

Such is the quality of our government and the gullibility of our voters.

Edit:- For you thinking, questioning people who read this thread, here is a reward:-

* yes I used that term deliberately, and in the sense of lacking evidence ;-)
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He has admitted - as now have you - that the he only knows it's God because God told him so. If Satan was in fact deceiving you into thinking he's God, that would be exactly the kind of thing he'd say - and you'd never know because it'd be Satan pretending to be God telling you he's God.

The Bible calls him "The Great Deceiver". What greater deception could there be?

When you know Christ, you know you have power over satan. You know you are not being deceived.
Can you humble yourself, confess your sins and ask Christ to make you a new creation in Him?
If not, then it's you who are held in captivity, not being able to break the hold satan has on you. It's that simple.

Let's start with a simple one.

Can God make a mountain so heavy that he cannot lift it?

There is no problem too big
God cannot solve it
There is no mountain too tall
God cannot move it
There is no storm too dark
God cannot calm it
There is no sorrow too deep
He cannot soothe it
Oh, if He carries the weight of the world upon His shoulders
I know my brother that He will carry you

We are not here to defend God. We are defending our faith in God.
He doesn't need us to defend Him. If you want to know if God can make a mountain too heavy to lift, you will first need to get there to ask him. Our God doesn't operate on if, buts, what ifs, could be, should be, maybe, etc.

Forget about it. Let it go.

Why, is the sin becoming a burden? It's called conviction. Don't ignore a life changing experience.

Something I've never understood is- If he died for our sins, why is homosexuality taboo? Why is eating shrimp and pork not okay? He died for our sins, rright? So why, even if these things are a sin, going to send people to hell? Not trying to start a flame war, just looking for a view from a religious standpoint.

What a stunningly arrogant reply!

How do know I've not read the Bible?

I have read it, along with the religious texts of a good number of world religions, don't assume that simply because someone is an atheist (which I am) that they are ignorant of religion, have not had exposure to religion in the past or are incapable of discussing the subject.

Reading the bible is one thing, knowing it's All Conquering Author is quite another. No, the 66 writers are not the author. They were the instruments used by the Author. Jesus is the Author and finisher of our faith.

Three things I don't like about religion:

1: There are too many rules
2: It can turn people into hateful beings who take advantage of the suffering of thousands of innocent people to spread lies and aggression
3: Hypocrisy. This preacher thinks it's ok for Christians to mock innocent people from other religions, but when other religions mock Christianity, he would lose his mind

Christianity is not a religion. They only tell you that. Know Christ first, then you will understand this.
It's only classed as a religion when compared to others, including evolution, whether you agree or not.

Why would God make is into something we weren't meant to be? The bible says that God made us in his image, but it's clear his image is not for us to be gay.

No one is born gay. If one man lusts for another man, that is his sin to bare, and his price to pay.
Don't make excuses for others, to justify your own crimes.
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Much of the "good" and "decent" ideas reflect God's laws, so we COULD say that all laws can go back to that, but I guarantee you that we could find some people somewhere in BFE that have had no outside influences that STILL follow the same basic laws. Interesting how that works out. ;)

Human beings have a propensity for logic (at a basic level anyway). The fact that people come to a general sense of morality regardless of whether they follow a particular religion or teaching argues that there is something to morality that has nothing to do with religion.

Beyond that, the God of Christianity is insanely immoral. Much of the teachings of the bible go directly against morality, and many Christians feel so strongly that it does, that they make up excuses for the behavior, or simply ignore/forget those aspects of their religion when convenient. Jews, for example, do not stone the infidels at every turn. This is even though the OT commands it and they refuse the NT. There are many barbaric things that the Christian God commanded in the OT that we all know to be immoral. So where does our sense of morality come from? It doesn't seem to come from God or the Bible.
When you know Christ, you know you have power over satan. You know you are not being deceived.

How can you tell if you are being deceived by a supernatural being into thinking you are not being deceived by it?

Try an answer that isn't:
Because the Bible says so (the Bible could be a deception)
You're at one with Christ (Christ/God/Holy Spirit could be a manifestation of Satan deceiving you)
No one is born gay.
Do you have any evidence for that, or is it right from the same playbook as "Animals aren't gay" (proven false, not retracted) and "AIDS comes from being gay" (proven false, not retracted)?

Who is feeding you this utter rubbish?
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You know, sometimes I just think, 'what if just being a Christian is a really good idea. I mean, as long as I somewhat follow the bibles rules and ask for forgiveness if I do anything wrong, its not that hard to be a Christian, and if Christianity turns out to be correct, then win, free pass into heaven!' :lol:
Reading the bible is one thing, knowing it's All Conquering Author is quite another. No, the 66 writers are not the author. They were the instruments used by the Author. Jesus is the Author and finisher of our faith.
He's rather fallible and contradictory for being all conquering, not to mention a plagiarist.

However seeing as you are in the mood for discussing Biblical text maybe you can tell me which verse in the NT says you shouldn't be a member here?

Christianity is not a religion. They only tell you that. Know Christ first, then you will understand this.
It's only classed as a religion when compared to others, including evolution, whether you agree or not.
Evolution is not a religion (it doesn't require faith, its supported by evidence), Christianity is (it does require faith and isn't supported by evidence)

No one is born gay. If one man lusts for another man, that is his sin to bare, and his price to pay.
Don't make excuses for others, to justify your own crimes.
Science disagrees.

Now could you tell me at what age one makes this hetrosexual / homosexual choice? You see I've got to 44 years of age, celebrated my 20th wedding anniversary today and don't ever recall having to make that choice? Do you get a booklet that outlines the options and then take a red or blue pill like in the Matrix? Or is it more of a daily thing? Wake up, seeing customers today so its the suit, cuff links, dress watch and I fancy a bit of bloke so gay it is. I'm just worried I've missed out on this. Do the 400+ species of animals that also have homosexual behavior get to make the same choice, if so how does that work?

Or is it that, and this I more that suspect is the case, you have simply made up a colossal amount of twaddle you can't actually support.
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When you know Christ, you know you have power over satan. You know you are not being deceived.
Can you humble yourself, confess your sins and ask Christ to make you a new creation in Him?
If not, then it's you who are held in captivity, not being able to break the hold satan has on you. It's that simple.

So basically it's switching deceivers from Satan to Christ, isn't it? What evidence is there to support that ludicrous claim that both of them exist? And if God does exist, I'd honestly like the heat of hell anyway! Kind of like a hot tub... :P

There is no problem too big
God cannot solve it
There is no mountain too tall
God cannot move it
There is no storm too dark
God cannot calm it
There is no sorrow too deep
He cannot soothe it
Oh, if He carries the weight of the world upon His shoulders
I know my brother that He will carry you

Then what CAN god do? Nothing.

We are not here to defend God. We are defending our faith in God.
He doesn't need us to defend Him. If you want to know if God can make a mountain too heavy to lift, you will first need to get there to ask him. Our God doesn't operate on if, buts, what ifs, could be, should be, maybe, etc.

Why, is the sin becoming a burden? It's called conviction. Don't ignore a life changing experience.

So turning to a supernatural being that has no evidence of existing can become a life-changing experience? It can, but if Jesus existed and god existed, why don't they answer our prayers? An all loving god, an all-knowing god, and an (im)moral god should answer our prayers, no? So why are there so many prayers unanswered today, why is there disease, greed, natural disasters, discrimination, hate, wars, murder, corruption, space debris possibly going to hit us, solar flares, 99.999999999999999999% of the universe being inhabitable, and plenty more that can kill us on the spot. And you STILL have not answered my question that I've asked you:

What if there was a world with no religion? Would we be better off?

Reading the bible is one thing, knowing it's All Conquering Author is quite another. No, the 66 writers are not the author. They were the instruments used by the Author. Jesus is the Author and finisher of our faith.

Ah, the stereotypical Christian argument. "You're not a true Christian. (at least that's what I'm getting out of this)" What does define a true Christian anyway? How does a Christian act? Why is being gay wrong? Because the Bible contained acts of genocide, do you support those acts? If you do, then you would support the genocides of Hitler, Stalin, Al Assad, and plenty more because they were "for god." Is that how you support your arguments? Your god to me sounds like a "god of the gaps", kind of like that missing crayon from a crayon box. Seems like you use "god" for everything that we don't know. That's okay, because we used to do the same! For example, Ptolemy, a very highly valued astronomist made up a conjecture that the sun revolved around the earth. This was supported by the acts of religion, especially Genesis 1. This was the accepted theory until people like Copernicus and Galileo both disproved that same conjecture! If you could provide me legitimate evidence that God existed, I would change my viewpoint right away! And please explain how god created THIS in six days:



Christianity is not a religion. They only tell you that. Know Christ first, then you will understand this.
It's only classed as a religion when compared to others, including evolution, whether you agree or not.

Well, Jesus and God are part of religion, Jesus and God are part of Christianity, therefore, Christianity is part of religion.

No one is born gay. If one man lusts for another man, that is his sin to bare, and his price to pay.
Don't make excuses for others, to justify your own crimes.

Citation required. And why care about homosexuality when it's not your problem?

(Sorry for being extremely rude in this post, I wasn't in a good mood when I was making this post)
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Then, as an atheist, sin does not exist until a deity is proven to exist.What's your take on Judgment Day then?A simple mouseover on the link would have revealed the purpose entirely.On what do you base this, as it seems not to be consistent with either the Bible or any Christian religion I've yet encountered.That's interesting as you're now suggesting heaven is open to the deranged and inhuman so long as they can justify their actions to themselves. This would admit entry to, for example, rapists, paedophiles and the 9/11 hijackers - but not necessarily their victims...I have absolutely no interest in following "the law of the land", precisely because they come from feelings and a majority vote. Such legislation has been responsible for the majority of atrocities of the modern human era.So do many of the bad laws.Nope.Nope.Nope.Nope.Perhaps. That's part of the reason that atheism isn't one.No, you're not following.

Atheism isn't a belief, nor is it a "set of beliefs". No beliefs are involved in atheism - indeed it is, very specifically, an absence of belief.

I did mouse over that (why that didn't cros my mind....) and, yes I have heard of doing that before. I'm just not interested. However, I planted one under a rose bush once. ;)

Okay, yes, that was a bit TOO broad of a brush. There are still limits. However, I did NOT say that I personally truly WAS limiting. If a person wants to turn their life around, they can.

As far as why I feel as I do, try You may not agree with everything that I do, but that is how I feel.

However, there is something to think about. There is a section of scripture where a father is saying his final farewells at the end of his life. He speaks to his children, then to his grandchildren. To his children he says, basically, either "You have done well" or "You haven't". To his grandchildren he says this, though. "I bless you that you will not be judged for what you have been taught." (If you want to read these statements in full, go here: and read verses 1-9.)

It doesn't take away the fact that when a person feels bad about something, they shouldn't do it. However, if a person is TAUGHT to do bad (as are some extremists, and I will include conservatives, liberals, et al) they act on their belief system. If, at the end of it all, they would have accepted good and lived it, they have a chance.

I'm not saying who will be judged or how, but that isn't for me to say in the end. I'm sure that everyone will have the chance to say "yes" or "no".
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As far as why I feel as I do, try You may not agree with everything that I do, but that is how I feel.

We have all been fed a long line of crap about how our feelings are just as legitimate as the person next to us. And what we feel is right is all that matters, having the notions that swirl around your had be grounded in fact is not as important as whether you feel that they're right. And nobody can ever tell you that your opinions on any subject are wrong because that's how you feel. It's nonsense.

Feelings don't keep buildings standing. Feelings don't make cars fast, they don't keep planes in the air, and they don't help crops grow. Feelings are not to be confused with actual, factual data. Your feelings about how the earth came to be, or how human beings came to be, or how old that 80,000 year old tree is are irrelevant. Those are the domain of fact. And facts have the lovely property of being either right or wrong.
Yes, and at the same time, how you feel about those facts affects your interpretation of them. Many on this thread FEEL that God is a bad thing. So, any time someone brings up something they FEEL good about God, the interpretation tends to be pretty negative.

It ends up being subjective and relative no matter what. ;)
You know, sometimes I just think, 'what if just being a Christian is a really good idea. I mean, as long as I somewhat follow the bibles rules and ask for forgiveness if I do anything wrong, its not that hard to be a Christian, and if Christianity turns out to be correct, then win, free pass into heaven!' :lol:

Pretty much all religions make unverifiable promises. Are you going to "somewhat follow" all their rules just in case they might be right? There are tens of thousands of religions, so before you say yes, be aware, you might be a very busy person for the rest of your life!