Moses disagrees.... HAHA! Good one!
You said that without sin it would be "okay" to [insert various violent images here].
Sin is the concept of offending a deity, or an offence against divine law. I want to know why killing other people would, in your eyes, be okay without sin existing (on the basis of no deities existing).
It is true that "sin" as religions put it is offending a god based on their rules. No problem with that.
Bear in mind that "sin" does not exist without a deity and I, as an atheist who does not believe in any deities, am not currently out killing, raping or torturing under the misapprehension that it is "okay" to do so.Do you believe that ignorance of the law (of God, in this case) is an excuse for breaking the law (again, of God, in this case)?
So let me put my take on this. We are basing OUR understanding on the laws that WE have learned, accepted, and chosen to follow (or even break knowingly). If someone does NOT have those laws, they are NOT judged by them.
Incidentally, cannibalism is considerably less sinful or illegal than you might think it is.
This, for instance, is cannibalism - apparently tasty, tasty cannibalism.Do you believe that atheists go to heaven?
I didn't follow the link-don't have time, and that isn't part of my concern here. I understand that there are different levels of everything, though, so it's not surprising that cannibalism is accepted in SOME form.
Yes, I DO believe that if ANYONE has lived a good life and will be willing to accept God after this life, they have the OPTION of choosing whether or not to live with God. Each person has that choice, regardless of their life or what they were taught in THIS life.
Do you believe that those who were indoctrinated into other (and presumably incorrect) religions go to heaven? Even if the actions that they undertake in the belief they are doing good are so far from what the Bible says is good as to be actually abhorrent?Atheism is neither a religion nor does it require anyone to practice anything.By whom?
And, more importantly, why?It is rational to do so.
A Buddhist does not have the same set of (admittedly the more detailed end of things) laws that I personally follow. Same with the Amish. Same with.... (insert whatever religion or non-religion)
However, the entire argument comes back to what YOU personally are comfortable with. If you are a serial murderer, then you may accept that random acts of violence are okay (Clockwork Orange, anyone? Yeck....)
We have learned that it is acceptable to treat others in ways that allow everyone involved happier. The easiest way to put this is the "Golden Rule" of "Do unto others as you would treat yourself". It's interesting how, no matter the religion or circumstance, that thought process is what EVERYONE lives by. BDSM people are happy beating each other. "Christians" are okay with following their religion. This is why I ask what your personal limits are. I will imagine that following the law of the land is acceptable to you.
And why do we have those laws? Well, typically, they reflect the feelings of the majority in what THEY think is "good" and "decent". That is where MOST (good, anyhow.....) laws come from.
Much of the "good" and "decent" ideas reflect God's laws, so we COULD say that all laws can go back to that, but I guarantee you that we could find some people somewhere in BFE that have had no outside influences that STILL follow the same basic laws. Interesting how that works out.
Now, by saying that Atheists practice a "religion", I am merely saying that they practice a set of beliefs. That does NOT mean they have a "set practice", just that they follow a set of beliefs, and, therefore, are following "something". Please don't take that the wrong way. I know that "non-religion" isn't a "practice", but in my mind (so it's subject to MY interpretation) it is still a set of beliefs that some choose to follow. Which (again, in my mind) is the definition of a "religion".