Why would God make is into something we weren't meant to be? The bible says that God made us in his image, but it's clear his image is not for us to be gay.
In my post to Imari, the Satanic influence we are born under is what attempts to make us into something other than what we are meant to be, or abuse ourselves.
We all have pre dispositions to sin. Some one thing, some another, and some, something else.
Homosexuality is certainly not the only sin, there are lots of others.
So if someone loves someone in a sexual way, as well as a love them as a person does that cancel out sin?
I'm afraid not.
If that person wanted to do something what is essentially theirs and theirs alone, I have no problem with it. I don't get to dictate what someone gets to do with what they have.
Yes, I agree.
It's their life and their decisions.
However, I have to draw the line when it infringes on others right to live their lives as they decide.
My heart is for anyone that I want to have it, as well as anyone who wants to take it. For this matter, it would have to be my Fiance, but that wouldn't change my view even if it was a male either.
As said thats up to you.
How would you know what reality is if you cant even see it?
Obviously not all reality is optical.
You just got through describing something other than that.
I mean, for a start, it reads from beginning to end like a trip on mushrooms (largely due to the fact it is)...
Or it's due to the fact that drink I told you about is a lot better than any trip you can take on mushrooms.
What? It's your establishment and you had the awesome drink - therefore you can tell me where to find it.I've been to loads of those. I was even Christened in one. Jesus didn't appear.
No, it's not my establishment, it's his.
I got it from his establishment.
No one else dispenses it but him.
He has exclusive rights to it.
I didn't say Jesus would appear in the physical.
Did you decide to be Christened?
Do you have better directions?
Sorry, no I do not.
But I do not see how you can miss with the one's I gave you.
Assuming we were created and God wanted us to do something, why would not doing that be a crime? Creation of something inanimate implies ownership, but people are not such things. Unless God feels the need to be a slave owner, he is pretty far out of place for "punishing" people who do not do what he wants.
I don't think you are taking all the possiblities into account.
Is he punishing you, or are you punishing yourself?
There is zero abuse in a normal, loving homosexual relationship.
Obviously none that you are aware of.
I think that would have to do more with the fact that you're likely to sustain injury or vehicle damage doing so. There is nothing wrong with it though and to label it wrong is to show massive bias.
Yes and with an emphasis on injury and damage.
It is biased, but that does not mean it is necessarily wrong.
What is obvious? Two men/women can do everything a subset of heterosexual couples can except directly conceive (not something all hetero couples can do). This includes having a relationship, sexual pleasure (I don't see how there is any evil in that at all), raising children, caring for each other, etc.
If God does not exist perhaps you are right.
However, if he does then you are claiming you are more wise and intuitive than him.
Sound's familiar.
Gen 3
5 For God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing the difference between good and evil
and blessing and calamity.
That's Satan doing the talking, BTW.
Not being able to have children is a very distinct advantage at times, because unchecked population growth can be a major problem and there are situations that would just be miserable to be born into.
So you get to decide that?
Unless a person signed this directly, they can partner with whoever they want. Else it's God trampling on free will.
Thats not the question.
You can partner with whoever you want, can't you?
Who is stopping you?
The question is: " Is God's blessing on it?"
That's almost the opposite of what I said. Perception is all we see of reality. We do not see reality itself ever, "see" referring to any sense.
In the carnal sense, that is absolutely correct.
Unless you recieve the drink I spoke of, you will never see true reality.
At least in this life.
I would like to put forth a concept, feel free to challenge it if you wish.
I don't think many of you are considering the eventual consequences, that I am convinced will result from operating under the "God doesn't exist position".
If there is no higher being of authority upon which to base a standard of absolutes, then there is nothing to prevent the eventual consequence of basically "anything goes". Or whatever goes goes at the whim of man at whatever point in time. Same difference depending.
Now the reason that is an eventuality, is without a higher basis of estabished standard, no one's idea of conduct is challengable by anyone elses. Or in other words we are all on the same plane of authority, with no more basis for authority than the next fellow to judge what is wrong or right..
Isn't that what I'm hearing in this thread?
Or in short, mob rule.