- 12,893
- Divided States of America
- MikuHime80
Even if being attracted to the same sex were a temptation from the devil, how do you explain the fact that gay people often have no attraction to the opposite sex?
Even if being attracted to the same sex were a temptation from the devil, how do you explain the fact that gay people often have no attraction to the opposite sex?
Now how can you call it temptation from the devil if a woman and a woman, or a man and a man have the same feelings about each other as love between a man and a woman? Or is love a mirage and everyone is tempted by the devil? It sounds to me at times like the devil has his priorities more straight than god. I like the heat anyways. Id rather be who I am and support the causes I want to support than be someone im not but be told I get to arrive in a all-but-fictitious land that will apparently reward me for being fake. And then I need to be fake for all of eternity because if I end up saying "I support homosexuals" in Heaven then im kicked out.
That was for homosexual rape, makes you wonder why the passage (so to speak) is quoted by anti-homosexualists so often. Do you think people often confuse consensual sex and rape, or only in a homosexual context?
Do you mean that because procreation is impossible then it's against our construction? That would presumably forbid genetically-infertile people from intercourse too, no?
I must have missed the Mexican part of the Bible. Do you think that women are subservient to men?
Well that explains why a man's G-Spot is up his arse.After all woman's and man's genital organs are made to offer pleasure when they become united.
Well let's compare the situations of God being present and God not being present.I don't think you are taking all the possiblities into account.
Is he punishing you, or are you punishing yourself?
As above, so long as no one else is being harmed, nothing is wrong. Homosexuality causes no one harm.Obviously none that you are aware of.
Highlighting the injury and damage isn't going to support your analogy. Yes, it's a pretty compelling reason to not take a sports car off road. However it doesn't make doing so wrong, also this has nothing to do with homosexuality since there is no injury/damage involved anyway.Yes and with an emphasis on injury and damage.
It is biased, but that does not mean it is necessarily wrong.
If God does not exist perhaps you are right.
However, if he does then you are claiming you are more wise and intuitive than him.
Sound's familiar.
Gen 3
5 For God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing the difference between good and evil and blessing and calamity.
That's Satan doing the talking, BTW.
Decide what? I just made a statement. A gay couple is going to have a really hard time accidentally having a child, while even a careful heterosexual couple might end up with one even if they're not in a good situation to raise a child.So you get to decide that?
I would say not in God's eyes if he considers marriage in a fashion he doesn't like a sin.Thats not the question.
You can partner with whoever you want, can't you?
I don't see why an all-powerful all-good being wouldn't bless gay marriage just the same.Who is stopping you?
The question is: " Is God's blessing on it?"
Any answer you receive is subject to being questioned. It doesn't really matter what sense you want to look at things in, unless you know absolutely everything, you don't know if you know absolutely everything, and since unknown unknowns are possible, you can never know if you really do know everything.In the carnal sense, that is absolutely correct.
Unless you recieve the drink I spoke of, you will never see true reality.
At least in this life.
Logic. Anything goes until you harm someone else. That's morality. What isn't morality is heterosexual sex only, eating only green food on the third Wednesday of every other odd year, and telling a super being that he's the greatest thing ever every Sunday.I would like to put forth a concept, feel free to challenge it if you wish.
I don't think many of you are considering the eventual consequences, that I am convinced will result from operating under the "God doesn't exist position".
If there is no higher being of authority upon which to base a standard of absolutes, then there is nothing to prevent the eventual consequence of basically "anything goes".
Correct. So whatever someone wills to do is fine, unless they mistakenly take their will to be better than someone else's and thus dictate how the other person should go about their business. That's morality.no one's idea of conduct is challengable by anyone elses.
Wrong conclusion. Having more people on your side doesn't make your will any more correct. It's still exactly as meaningful or meaningless of the minority.mob rule.
After all woman's and man's genital organs are made to offer pleasure when they become united.
You've contradicted yourself. If the purpose of love is companion then I think we are done here, because plenty of homosexual relationships have MORE companionship than heterosexual relationships. Organs are still pleasured with same sex intercourse, and you are simply refusing the logical, scientific, statistical facts.Marriage's biggest purpose is companion, not giving birth to children. So, when a couple cannot make any children, having sex isn't forbidden. After all woman's and man's genital organs are made to offer pleasure when they become united. If this wasn't the case, humanity wouldn't exist after Adam and Eva. Natural instinct is one thing, unnatural one is sin by itself. Simple as that.
In other words, you refuse to be open minded but expect everyone else to be. Got it.And something to all atheists here. You might choose to remain atheist (I wish you keep searching for the truth), but don't try to persuade others to become as you. I joined discussion just for the ones who seek for answers, not to spend time replying to provocative questions as the ones some here keep asking. So, you can keep your faith to randomness (pretty un-scientific faith to be honest as chances are too close to 0 that all were made randomly) and I will speak only to whoever I evaluate as possible to own an open mind.
You constantly ask about what I think, instead of asking about the true meaning of Bible's text. You think you comprehend it
...or you can alter my writing's meaning eh?
Gen 2:18 "And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him."
The phrase "for him" needs intepretation to you to understand its meaning? I hope not.
WYC Genesis 2:18And the Lord God said, It is not good that a man be alone; make we to him an helper like to himself
Marriage's biggest purpose is companion, not giving birth to children. So, when a couple cannot make any children, having sex isn't forbidden.
And another answer to those who constantly say that Jesus didn't say anything about the specific sin. He clearly told that Moses' law is valid. He just fulfilled it and added the order of love above all.
And something to all atheists here. You might choose to remain atheist (I wish you keep searching for the truth), but don't try to persuade others to become as you. I joined discussion just for the ones who seek for answers, not to spend time replying to provocative questions as the ones some here keep asking.
pretty un-scientific faith to be honest as chances are too close to 0 that all were made randomly
because apparently Homosexuality is Gods problem to fix....Wait, wait, just when did this thread morph into this one?
*Homosexual's problem to fixbecause apparently Homosexuality is Gods problem to fix???
because apparently Homosexuality is Gods problem to fix???
*Homosexual's problem to fix
Sorry if I said the wrong in text and/or didn't mention, I was being sarcastic there.....Last time I checked, it's nobodies' to fix. It wasn't broken in the first place.
Id Like to add one:@Rotorist I have four questions for you to answer. Honest answers please.
1. Why is homosexuality a sin and wrong, even through that humans and some animals do it?
2. What if there was a world with no religion? Would we be better without it?
3. What do you really live for?
4. Did God create the world? You must use legitimate evidence, and this does not include the bible. Why do you believe in God?
It's really easy if you dispense with the idea of sin.
So, then what IS sin in your eyes?
Do you mean what I'd class as sinful behaviour (nothing - it doesn't exist) or what my thoughts are on the existence of the concept of sin?So, then what IS sin in your eyes?
Why would that be okay in the absence of a notion of offending a supernatural entity?Sort of the latter. My take on it is this: If there are no sins, then it's okay for me to hire a hitman to viciously torture someone to death in front of you, then do the same to you.
My instant reaction on reading that is to consider that around 6% of the UK population regularly practice worship to any god compared with around 60% in the US who specifically worship Christian God.
I'm then drawn to wonder which of the two countries has seen the most rioting and how recently.
I think God has little to do with it.
You seem to have fallen over your own metaphor here. Let's try again:
So "someone" went to a certain establishment and got a drink that was awesome. My response to them relating that tale would be "Really? Where is it?" not "That doesn't really exist so I wouldn't waste my time with it."
They'd give me directions to the establishment, and I'd go try for myself.
For your metaphor to be apt, you should be able to give me directions to the establishment where you found religion so I could go there myself and try the religion drink.
For some reason, the directions are always considerably more vague than "It's Jeff's on the High Street" - as if those who have found God don't actually want to share it, or if it's a process that does not repeat objectively.Either the directions are bad or the drink isn't available to all who seek it equally.
And I've been in some extremely large places of worship during services with a great many believers.
So God considers it a sin to be under the influence of a supposed being powerful enough to manipulate minds. Somehow he expects you to make a "choice" and change your sexuality, despite extensive medical and scientific research, and significant amounts of people testifying to the fact that this is not possible. Oh, and also the fact that extensive prayers, camps, and even exorcisms don't seem to work. It seems to me like god doesn't really care...
I assume the whim of man is a Zombie Jesus reference? Otherwise, I see no concept put forth.
Challenge accepted.
Religion doesn't have a lock on moral behavior (in fact religion gets it wrong a lot of the time), morals are a product of logic, this has been covered countless times before.
How does a homosexual relationship infringe on your right to live your life as you decide?
Also, to protect this right to live your life, you do realize you have to infringe on their right to do the same, yes? I'd be really interested in hearing your justification for that bit of hypocrisy.
I didn't know you had released a Greatest Hits album. Is the second track titled "What 'Evidence' Means to Me"?
It's utter 🤬, and more than a little arrogant, to claim that atheists are incapable of living morally.
It's about this statement:
If we trace it back a few quotes, you'll see that the "it" infringing upon others' rights is homosexual sex:
Essentially, SCJ thinks that, because homosexual sex somehow infringes upon the rights of others, it's okay to stop said sex from happening.
Of course, stopping them from having sex infringes upon their rights to live their lives how they decide to.
I'm challenging the hypocrisy of SCJ's apparent opinion that homosexuals don't have the same "right to live their lives as they decide" that everyone else gets.
Also worth noting that that's all based upon a faulty premise anyways. Sex between consenting people in no way infringes upon anybody else's rights. That's absurd.
We have the wrong type of Christians, eh?The drink should be available at any place of Christian worship, but I can't vouch for the strength of it.
Considering the statistic by TenEightyOne, perhaps in the UK they water it down.
A reliable and repeatable method would do.Are you asking for the particular establishment I got it from?
@Rotorist I have four questions for you to answer. Honest answers please.
1. Why is homosexuality a sin and wrong, even through that humans and some animals do it?
2. What if there was a world with no religion? Would we be better without it?
3. What do you really live for?
4. Did God create the world? You must use legitimate evidence, and this does not include the bible. Why do you believe in God?
Id Like to add one:
Regardless of your opinion, Why are you so against people living the lives that they want? @Rotorist
Perhaps you are unaware of a recent court case where a judge ruled that a Christian had no right for religious reasons to refuse to provide the floral provisions for a so called same sex marriage, and ordered them to provide the flowers, attend the ceremony, and pay the couple $135,000.00 in damages.
That idiot Judge whoever he is, is ruling in direct opposition to the 1st amendment.
Reynolds v US (1878)...laws are made for thee government of actions, and while they cannot interfere with mere religious beliefs and opinions, they may with practices... can a man excuse his practices to the contrary because of his religious belief? To permit this would be to make the professed doctrines of religious belief superior to the law of the land, and in effect to permit every citizen to become a law unto himself. Government could exist only in name under such circumstances.
ED-DHR of Oregon v Smith (1990)free exercise does not relieve an individual from the obligation to comply with a valid and neutral law of general applicability that forbids conduct that a religion requires
Actually it is.Thats not the relevant point.
As are yours, since they are in a book written and edited by men, changed countless times to suit the whim of whatever group is controlling the sect at that given time.The point is your morals have no authority, higher than the next guy, you being on the same level as him.
(just a man).
Yet oddly that's not what happens....That being the case, he has no obligation from an authority standpoint to observe anything you may deem as moral, since he is a man as well, and resultingly can justify practically anything under his own code.
His logic maybe completely different from yours.
And again as societies move away from religion they get less not more violent, you get less not more crime.As I've said before, proclamations of morality attributable to logic are quite easy to make, while you are resting in the luxury of 2000 yrs. of Christian influence.
Believe what you want, but 2000 yrs without it, in my estimation would not yield even close to that beneficial of a result.
Why would that be okay in the absence of a notion of offending a supernatural entity?
I really have to start using verily more.In Matt 10:15 He says: "Verily I say unto you, It shall be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrha in the day of judgment, than for that city."