Why? Why is there is even a deadline at all?
Because it is a process to accomplish something, and once it has been accomplished it ends.
There is no reason to make choices over something that doesn't exist, so no matter how much God might want something it's not going to have any effect on or value for rational people if he does not approach the situation in a rational way. It's basically as if the whole plan is designed to punish people who are honest and cautious.
No not exactly.
It's not about rational as much as it is relational.
I've said this before, that it is a lot like marriage in a comparative respect.
A sort of balance between the two.
In fact concerning that, let me ask you this question:
Of the two factors rationale or relationship, which do you think would be the stronger to rely on concerning fidelity, in the event you were tempted to cheat on your wife?
He is at fault automatically if all powerful. He is also at fault if he does not openly tell people what will happen instead of hiding easter eggs for people to maybe find.
He did openly tell them.
"Do not eat from that tree, for in the day you do you shall surely die."
You see we are in a shared power arrangement.
He has given us the power to decide our own fate.
This evaluation of value makes no sense at all. There is no value gained from choosing God for no reason, in fact such a choice has no value. This entire part of your argument is backwards.
I don't know about that.
I think there are quite a few good reasons to choose God.
You make someone love you by giving the person a reason to love you, not by pretending to not exist and hoping they decide you do exist for no reason and come looking for you.
As far as conditional love that is true.
But God's love is unconditional.
Thats why I said earlier he is a lot like a mum.
Thats what Jesus's example was all about.
I know you don't - and that's the problem. You cannot distinguish between the objective (stuff that is fact) and the subjective (stuff that is opinion). For you there's no difference between what someone's favourite colour is and what the wavelength of light required to produce that effect is.
No there is definitely a difference, but it does not change the outcome or reality of my claim.
As I indicated earlier, the Scientific method is specifically designed and structured the way it is, due to the fact that the goal of objectivity, can only be attempted and established through a subjective means.(the individual)
Therefore the subjectivity factor cannot be eliminated, only minimized.
Therein is what I believe you do not seem to recognize as the true underlying fact of the matter.
Now that being the case, in reality everything is a matter of individual perspective.
However, obviously through the process of Scientific method, objectivity being paramount, results are considered
objective, or at least to contain as little subjectivity as possible.
So now, if you remove the individual, you not only remove subjectivity, but all means to establish objectivity as well.
Let's tackle this step by step, why don't we.
What is a value oriented position? Are you saying that from some perspectives it was God's decision and from others it was not? How can something like that be open to interpretation?Well I know I never decided hell should be a consequence of anything. In fact I wasn't aware that from any position, "value oriented" or otherwise, people were cabable of deciding what things would be a consequence of other things.
A value oriented position is one wherein you want to preserve and maintain the establishment of
real or true value.
To do that God decided to impart Dominion and autonomy unto us along with a balance of potential.
In other words there is a balance of somewhat equal potential in the consequences of decisions in exercise of that Dominion and autonomy.
So please explain that.I can't decipher this.If I understand correctly, you think all humans are born with a disease, original sin.
That is what God has declared and precisely the reason Jesus had to come and pay the price to provide the cure.
Thus far in my examination and experience, I have found that to be a 100% accurate diagnosis.
Okay, so the cure to my original sin is belief in God and humbling myself to him yada yada.This is already a mistake. I cannot choose to humble myself to God because I don't believe god exists. And I can't choose to believe god exists because (as has been explained) belief is not a choice. It is a consequence of being convinced by things like observing evidence or hearing a logical argument which is based on other facts I know to be true. None of which you have provided.Ignoring the above flaw, you have missed the important thing here. God does not simply isolate the two. He sends all the diseased ones to be tortured for all eternity so they can live in pain and agony for longer than any being could possibly fathom.
The only establishable fact concerning God's existence, is he may or maynot exist.
It is not conclusive evidentially either way.
You can believe anything you want, among which is believing God exists.
That is your individual right.
Just remember if you have miscalculated in your belief, it is not God's fault.
Every man is given the measure of faith.
It's up to you whether you use it or not.
Last but not least, God does not send anyone to hell anymore than the law sends anyone to jail.
If you end up in either place your decisions are what put you there.
(In the latter it is possible to be falsely convicted, in the former it is not)
Now tell me, what purpose does torture serve to god?I wouldn't blame my doctor if, for example, I got sick and refused to take the medicine that my doctor prescribed.
I would however, blame my doctor if I got sick, and some strangers tried to tell me that the doctor can cure me if I tell him I love him, and also the doctor has no phone number and other strangers tell me a different doctor actually has the real cure and I can't contact him either, and then, because I decided these people were insane, didn't try to get help from any of those doctors, the first doctor who turned out to be real drove up to my house and abducted me and threw me in a dungeon where people set me on fire and jabbed pitchforks into me and forcefed me acid, all because I didn't ask for his help................ yes, I think I would blame him.Ah torture, of course it's the only way.Right, which is why when someone tells you bad things will happen if you don't love them, you can't really assume anyone actually loves them.
If that is the situation, god really hasn't thought any of this through.
Well first you are assuming God must take pleasure in torturing someone.
He doesn't.
If he is a righteous judge of things as he claims, he has no choice but to punish the guilty.
He would not be righteous if he did not.
The infection is a spiritual condition that everyone is born with.
There are no exceptions.
And it is a spirit of rebellion spread through contact and ultimately Adam and Eve's obedience to Satan.
So we are all born under that influence and are consequently allied with him.
Now if you will consult the Bible it gives instructions on how to get the prescription needed and the phone number to stay in touch. Just follow the instructions.
Afterwards, you will no longer be allied with Satan but God.