Do you believe in God?

  • Thread starter Patrik

Do you believe in god?

  • Of course, without him nothing would exist!

    Votes: 624 30.6%
  • Maybe.

    Votes: 368 18.0%
  • No way!

    Votes: 1,051 51.5%

  • Total voters
What I do know is that there is a world of religion. Many of them. And many of them feature Jesus Christ, and that is undeniable proof that this man walked the earth 2000 years ago.
No it isn't. In fact it's neither undeniable nor proof.

A great many works feature King Arthur and Robin Hood. Neither ever walked the Earth.

Thats great, except you don't know the tooth fairy.
With Jesus, the difference is, you know He existed, and you know the purpose of His sacrifice by now.
The Tooth Fairy has had more interaction with me than Jesus has. Which wouldn't be hard as Jesus is batting a zero.

Also no, we don't know that Jesus existed. If your evidence is that he's in a selection of religious tomes that extensively borrow off earlier works, you need to work on what constitutes proof.
...Wait, wait. ROBIN HOOD IS NOT REAL??????!!!!!

I'm here until the Rapture Scaff...:). Please give me that question again. I'll answer faithfully.

Which New Testament verse clearly states that you should not be a member here at GT Planet?

No I'm not a mass murderer.
No, I wouldn't kill anybody in that room, because that message wouldn't come from the God I have a spiritual relationship with.
Yes, if I was possessed, I would have killed everyone in that room, like most people are doing around the world today.
Godless people.
Only godless people are murders?

You really want to claim that?
Got a date? I don't want to miss it so have to check if I'm busy

No man knoweth the day or the hour, although look out for the signs and the seasons in the heavens, for it is at the door even. Receive Christ, then you will know all truth, else you have no other option, but to deny and make excuses.
No man knoweth the day or the hour, although look out for the signs and the seasons in the heavens, for it is at the door even.
But it should be soon, right? Like within a few years from now? Are you already preparing for the days leading to the Rapture, like stocking food and weapons?
Mike, I don't know. What I do know is that there is a world of religion. Many of them. And many of them feature Jesus Christ, and that is undeniable proof that this man walked the earth 2000 years ago.
Jesus said: He who denies Me, I will deny him before my Father in heaven.
Jesus didn't force you to believe in Him. You can choose whatever your heart desires.
The bible says, what a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.

Thank you for not answering my question!

However, your other answer does contradict what you just said:

If God wanted me to kill people I would do it

So therefore you're just trying to cover up what you just said?
What I do know is that there is a world of religion. Many of them. And many of them feature Jesus Christ, and that is undeniable proof that this man walked the earth 2000 years ago.

There are longer-established traditions in many societies of a mystery figure (sometimes male, sometimes female) who delivers presents to good children on the eve of important festivals. Undeniable proof of that figure's existence, according to your standard.

Jesus said: He who denies Me, I will deny him before my Father in heaven.

Oooh, an unprovable threat in a place that doesn't exist.
You asked whether resurrection and eternal life was the greatest lie ever told.
I suggested that all men being equal was in fact the greatest lie ever told.

I think you are confusing the term "equal" with the term "same".
They are distinctly different.
With regard to the Declaration of Independence:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

As defined here the "equal" term is a self evident state and is further a bestowment of their Creator(God) as a unalienable Right. Among which are "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness".

"Equal" is a standing for all, but not the "same" state of outcome for all.
The course of pursuit is individual and brings with it individual results.

Quite frankly you're behaving like a petulant child in this, an example of a control group has been provided, and because it undermines your world view you simply dismiss it by shifting the goalposts on an almost daily basis.

Again, hardly.
The specified regions are still Europe and the Americas as originally indicated.
So to claim I am shifting the goalposts, is clearly a misquote.

That's aside from the fact that religions without deities influenced the most populous country on the planet for over 2,000 years.

And that influence is estimated at less than 1% of the population in that country.
So at over 2000 yrs. it's influence volume wise is practically non existent.
Again perhaps you can explain how at that percentage in it's native country it will suddenly take the world by storm?
I'm still waiting for your evidence on that.

I know, I'm not the one who keeps demanding it be conclusive, you are.

That's not a demand, just a fact of life.

I've extolled nothing of the sort, don't make things up as a distraction.

Obviously from the facts above, since you appear to believe Buddhism is a major influence when it clearly isn't,
the logical conclusion is to suspect you could be a Buddhist.?[/QUOTE]

You know fully well that I'm an atheist, I've stated as much enough times in this thread.

Allegiances, can and do change from time to time.
As discussed above, a re-check of your position seemed to be in order.

Your reaffirmation does beg another question.
If you are not impressed enough by Buddhism to engage it as an acceptable moral standard for yourself, why do you believe it would somehow be embraced on a large scale in Europe and the Americas?

As such I can only conclude that your either being deliberately misleading or antagonistic. Neither are acceptable.

Well under the circumstances, I see no evidence to support your conclusion.

You are applying a standard you presented.

Once evidence is introduced into any examination, philosophical or otherwise,
evaluation and all subcategories of evidence come with it.
That is the only reality involving evidence.

Except that's not what I have said at all.

I've said that it was added by men, mortal men and that no evidence that what was added by those mortal men are the direct words of a 400 year dead divine being named Jesus.

No evidence, other than their testimony.
The fact it was added 400 years later, does not support a conclusion that it was added erroneously.
Only that it was added as compared to an earlier writing.

You clearly know this to be the case because you then tried to use a philosophical standard (which doesn't apply) to say that both are equally likely, and in doing so had to redefine the standard.

Let me be clear in this, you have still failed to demonstrate why a philosophical standard should be used for physical evidence? The standard you presented is less relevant to this discussion that citing Moore's Law as a standard, simply because you 'think' it fits doesn't make it so.

The only thing I have tried to do, prompted by your accusation, is cite a standard for proving a negative.
I did not write the standard or redefine the standard.
Obviously, since this examination is more philosophical as opposed to legal that would be the most fitting category of
the two.
However, your referenced evidence does not support your conclusion, philosophically or legally.
BTW you misquoted me four times in the above statements.

A claim would make it testimony and by your logic evidence.
You are a Blue Whale.

Definition of evidence, not logic of evidence.
And unlike the examination in question, easily proven conclusively false.

It either has evidence or it doesn't.

I am testifying to it as a fact, and there is only one way to verify it.
An individual must go from without to within.

No you were not asking, you stated it as a fact.
Once again assigning a position to others that they do not hold.
That you then rephrased it as a question when pressed on the matter doesn't change that you stated it as fact.

As a general rule or much of the time fact, yes.
As an absolute unequivocal fact, no.
That is clearly evident, in testing with an immediately following qualifying question.
Had I been stating it as an absolute fact, there would have been no qualifying question.

All you have done, once again, in this thread is miss-quote people, assign positions and beliefs to them that they do not hold, miss-use systems and methods that you don't understand and attempt to re-define them when that is pointed out to you.

Perhaps you can explain how asking a question, is considered assignment?
Or assignment based on statements made, is misquoting?
I have not misused any methods or systems and to the contrary have referenced known and accepted material.
Neither have I redefined anything.
Upon what evidence do you base such ridiculous unfounded accusations?
And all you have done again in this thread is make bogus accusations, completely void of any basis in factual evidence.
As to misquoting you must be going for a new record.

I will first tell you (and this is not subject to debate) that if you miss-quote another member or assign a position to them that they clearly do not hold you will receive a formal warning. Given your past history of this, the warning will see you banned as a member.?

If you wish to continue to discuss this subject then do so in a manner that actually demonstrates some respect for the other members here, rather than simply changing definitions and systems in an attempt to suit your own world view.

I will ask you one very simple question in regard to the current discussion.

Do you have any independently verifiable physical evidence outside of the Bible that the words spoke are a direct quote from Jesus?

Given my extensive experience in this thread, particularly as regards your heavy handed attitude and repeated propensity to attempt to ban me under practically any frivolous cause, I have no choice but to suspend replies to you from this point on.
Perhaps once again we should consult Jordan privately on this issue.

Nothing can be confirmed individually, most certainly not on the level you're trying to push. Two different scenarios below:

Your reasoning here is like the question "If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it, does it still make any sound?
The correct answer is, yes it makes the sounds that would be attributable, but there is no one around to hear it.
In reality everything is confirmed individually.
If there is no individual, there is no confirmable perception of anything.

1. You state "I believe in God, and have spiritual proof he exists".
2. I state "I believe in the Flying Spaghetti Monster, and have spiritual proof of its divine deliciousness."

Tell me why 1 is acceptable and 2 is not.[/QUOTE]

First, I do not know of any serious testimonial evidence that claims the latter exists.
Second, neither do I know of any serious testimonial evidence that claims the latter ever invited any one to dine with him.
Third, unique as it maybe you can only receive what is offered through Jesus Christ personally or individually.
And BTW he extends a personal invitation for you to dine with him.
Fourth, once received it is in common among those who have done the same.
In other words I know exactly and am familiar with the influence and perspective DCP has, having received the same Holy Spirit personally, just as he has.
Lastly, have you never received anything personally or individually?
In reality has not everything you have received been in that manner?
Is your paycheck made out to someone else?
So that is surly not an unknown concept.

It is only ever believed, from any position. A thought, on it's own, is neither truth nor proof.

In the final analysis, everything is a matter of belief or individual perspective.
I'm not sure what a thought has to do with it.
Again, hardly.
The specified regions are still Europe and the Americas as originally indicated.
So to claim I am shifting the goalposts, is clearly a misquote.
Except you only defined it as the West once it was pointed out that control groups existed. It was your first goal post shift.

It took you from the 21st April (the first time you tried that line) to the end of April to point that out, and you only did so when I pointed out that 2/3rd of the world isn't Christian. So no you didn't originally indicate that at all.

And that influence is estimated at less than 1% of the population in that country.
So at over 2000 yrs. it's influence volume wise is practically non existent.
Again perhaps you can explain how at that percentage in it's native country it will suddenly take the world by storm?
I'm still waiting for your evidence on that.
I think you will find that prior to a hundred years ago the percentage of followers in that country was far greater than 1%, its also a moot point as your claim was on the influence it had regardless of observance to the faith in question.

I also did not claim it would take the world by storm, that is not what is being discussed, but its interesting to note that you have given it a target of the 'world' but you narrowed Christianity to the 'west'.

That's not a demand, just a fact of life.
Citation required.

Obviously from the facts above, since you appear to believe Buddhism is a major influence when it clearly isn't,
the logical conclusion is to suspect you could be a Buddhist.?
Now aside from the fact that you haven't shown it to not have been an influence its not a logical conclusion at all.

Allegiances, can and do change from time to time.
As discussed above, a re-check of your position seemed to be in order.

Your reaffirmation does beg another question.
If you are not impressed enough by Buddhism to engage it as an acceptable moral standard for yourself, why do you believe it would somehow be embraced on a large scale in Europe and the Americas?
I've never stated it would be embraced on a large scale in Europe and the Americas?

Well under the circumstances, I see no evidence to support your conclusion.
What a surprise.

Once evidence is introduced into any examination, philosophical or otherwise,
evaluation and all subcategories of evidence come with it.
That is the only reality involving evidence.
No its not.

No evidence, other than their testimony.
The fact it was added 400 years later, does not support a conclusion that it was added erroneously.
Only that it was added as compared to an earlier writing.
I never said it was added erroneously.

The only thing I have tried to do, prompted by your accusation, is cite a standard for proving a negative.
I did not write the standard or redefine the standard.
Obviously, since this examination is more philosophical as opposed to legal that would be the most fitting category of
the two.
However, your referenced evidence does not support your conclusion, philosophically or legally.
BTW you misquoted me four times in the above statements.
Given that you tried to demand that conclusive evidence was called for by the standard you did attempt to redefine it, that's aside from the fact that you chose to use a standard that doesn't apply. The examination is not philosophical at all. Its based on a material document. The Bible exists as a physical document; you claim that Jesus existed as a physical, but divine being.

Oh, no I didn't.

Definition of evidence, not logic of evidence.
And unlike the examination in question, easily proven conclusively false.
Do so then, conclusively (as you like that so much).

I am testifying to it as a fact, and there is only one way to verify it.
An individual must go from without to within.
and we are back to 'its in my head so it must be a fact'.

I'm testifying that you are a Blue Whale so it must be a fact.

As a general rule or much of the time fact, yes.
As an absolute unequivocal fact, no.
That is clearly evident, in testing with an immediately following qualifying question.
Had I been stating it as an absolute fact, there would have been no qualifying question.
Then its not a fact, don't describe it as one.

Perhaps you can explain how asking a question, is considered assignment?
Or assignment based on statements made, is misquoting?
I have not misused any methods or systems and to the contrary have referenced known and accepted material.
Neither have I redefined anything.
Upon what evidence do you base such ridiculous unfounded accusations?
And all you have done again in this thread is make bogus accusations, completely void of any basis in factual evidence.
As to misquoting you must be going for a new record.
I cited every single example of you doing it, that is quite clear in this thread.

Lets take for example your claim that "The specified regions are still Europe and the Americas as originally indicated.", was it after this post?

Given my extensive experience in this thread, particularly as regards your heavy handed attitude and repeated propensity to attempt to ban me under practically any frivolous cause, I have no choice but to suspend replies to you from this point on.
Perhaps once again we should consult Jordan privately on this issue.
So unable to actually address this without resorting 'its in my head so it must be true' you refuse to talk to me and throw accusations around. Please feel free to report me, my posts and actions are well withing both the AUP and the mandate as a member of staff.
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Thats great, except you don't know the tooth fairy.
With Jesus, the difference is, you know He existed, and you know the purpose of His sacrifice by now.
You choose not to have any dealing with this Jesus. It's all good, because He respects your choice, and won't ask his followers to behead you.

You're assuming I believe the bible. I don't know that there was a sacrifice, let alone what the purpose was, let alone the REAL point which is what the effect was. None of that is anything I "know". I choose not to have any dealing with the tooth... jesus... because I don't think he exists.

Also, technically, Jesus is God right? Holy trinity and all that? Jesus, God and the easterbunny make one holy trinity, they are one in the same. So if Jesus is God, then Jesus is responsible for the old testament, and in that they seemed to favor stoning over beheading. The God of christianity is responsible for some pretty horrific acts and commands, and that's on Jesus too, and the easterbunny for that matter.
I think you are confusing the term "equal" with the term "same".
They are distinctly different.
With regard to the Declaration of Independence:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

As defined here the "equal" term is a self evident state and is further a bestowment of their Creator(God) as a unalienable Right. Among which are "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness".

"Equal" is a standing for all, but not the "same" state of outcome for all.
The course of pursuit is individual and brings with it individual results.

Hey look, it's SCJ misusing words again.

We treat everyone equally, but they're not all equal. Pick almost any system of evaluating people you like, and any two people you like, and you'll come up with different valuations for them.

The only system under which all people have the same value is one where IF(person), VALUE=X. Which is totally arbitrary.

The reason it works is because people do not agree on the relative value of people, particularly if one of the people is themselves. The only way people will agree is if everyone is deemed equal, even if they're not.

Even your God does not treat all people equally. Christians get different treatment than non-Christians, so clearly you can't claim that God treats all equally.
Hey look, it's SCJ misusing words again.

In what possible way is that a misuse?

We treat everyone equally, but they're not all equal. Pick almost any system of evaluating people you like, and any two people you like, and you'll come up with different valuations for them.

The only system under which all people have the same value is one where IF(person), VALUE=X. Which is totally arbitrary.

The reason it works is because people do not agree on the relative value of people, particularly if one of the people is themselves. The only way people will agree is if everyone is deemed equal, even if they're not.

So you believe that you must adhere to a false standard of equality for the sake of harmony?
Is that what you are saying?

Even your God does not treat all people equally. Christians get different treatment than non-Christians, so clearly you can't claim that God treats all equally.

To the contrary, everyone is treated equally and is of equal value.
However part of maintaining equality is his refrain from acting unequally by infringing on our equal empowerment to choose.
So we can all choose for ourselves according to the equal right to choose.
God says he is no respector of persons, or that one's standing among men carries no favor with him.
How is that unequal?
He also says he is not mocked a man shall surely reap that which he sows.
How is that unequal?
Now once the sowing and the choosing starts is where as I said concerning pursuit, the results start to vary.
So how is that unequal?
Now as part of the equal opportunity in choosing he provides man an invitation for an optional choice.
But to maintain equity it is freely offered to every man and in a fashion that is of undue influence.
How is that unequal?
Now if you choose his option you have chosen and sowed to that end.
So that which he has promised to one making that choice is attributable to them.
Likewise if one chooses to decline the invitation then one has choosen and sowed to that end.
Now since it is an open invitation to all freely to embrace, or refuse how is that unequal?

What utter bollocks.

While I probably will regret asking you this.........ah what the heck.
If you remove the individual, whats left?
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While I probably will regret asking you this.........ah what the heck.
If you remove the individual, whats left?
Did you just ask the equivalent of "If a tree falls in the forest and no-one is around to hear it..."?

Did you just ask the equivalent of "If a tree falls in the forest and no-one is around to hear it..."?

Just? This thread has 588 pages, and about 587 are him or DCP asking stupid questions and assuming that they prove his point.
Mike, I don't know. What I do know is that there is a world of religion. Many of them. And many of them feature Jesus Christ, and that is undeniable proof that this man walked the earth 2000 years ago.

Wait, really? Stories are enough to prove something? That makes Robin Hood, James Bond, and a host of other individuals real, I suppose. It also must imply other religious figures exist, too.

No I'm not a mass murderer.
No, I wouldn't kill anybody in that room, because that message wouldn't come from the God I have a spiritual relationship with.

How would you know the difference?

Yes, if I was possessed, I would have killed everyone in that room, like most people are doing around the world today.
Godless people.

"God" (or at least, religious beliefs in a powerful entity) is one of the leading causes of death in the world. Christians alone have killed plenty over the years in the name of their religion.

Thats great, except you don't know the tooth fairy.

The tooth fairy is an imaginary individual created in stories to coerce children into doing something on the promise of a future reward. That actually sounds incredibly similar.

With Jesus, the difference is, you know He existed, and you know the purpose of His sacrifice by now.

Actually, the difference with the tooth fairy is I definitely did get the reward!

Your reasoning here is like the question "If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it, does it still make any sound?
The correct answer is, yes it makes the sounds that would be attributable, but there is no one around to hear it.
In reality everything is confirmed individually.
If there is no individual, there is no confirmable perception of anything.

You'll have to excuse my lack of surprise at you missing the point. Misconstruing my post? Also, not surprised.

A single individual can confirm very little. Humans make mistakes; show fifty people a portrait of a person for five seconds, then ask them to describe that picture. You will not get the same results from each one.

Science tells me water freezes at zero degrees. I can test this, and get repeated results. So can you, or any other person in this thread. "Let God/Jesus/Flying Spaghetti Monster into your heart" doesn't have any reliable way to repeat the process and get the same results. It's someone telling themselves what they want to hear, in their own head.

1. You state "I believe in God, and have spiritual proof he exists".
2. I state "I believe in the Flying Spaghetti Monster, and have spiritual proof of its divine deliciousness."

Tell me why 1 is acceptable and 2 is not.

First, I do not know of any serious testimonial evidence that claims the latter exists.

1. Why does that matter? You've already said all that's important is what's within.
2. Replace the FSM with any other widely-recognized religious figure besides the Christian God.

Second, neither do I know of any serious testimonial evidence that claims the latter ever invited any one to dine with him.

Checked my inbox, nothing. Also, lacking a time machine (assuming he did exist at the time that's claimed), I'm afraid I'll be a few millennia late.

Third, unique as it maybe you can only receive what is offered through Jesus Christ personally or individually.

...which still proves nothing.

And BTW he extends a personal invitation for you to dine with him.

The invitation's a little passive-aggressive, though, isn't it? "Dine with me. I mean, your call, it's totally up to you, don't feel obliged. Oh, but there will be an eternity of damnation if you don't."

Fourth, once received it is in common among those who have done the same.
In other words I know exactly and am familiar with the influence and perspective DCP has, having received the same Holy Spirit personally, just as he has.

No you don't. You undoubtedly have very similar views - it's not hard, given how narrow they are - but as you can't enter his mind, nor he yours, you don't know the details of his views.

Lastly, have you never received anything personally or individually?
In reality has not everything you have received been in that manner?
Is your paycheck made out to someone else?
So that is surly not an unknown concept.

My paycheque exists. There is physical proof of it. Solid effort, that one.

In the final analysis, everything is a matter of belief or individual perspective.

How convenient.

I'm not sure what a thought has to do with it.

A thought is all you have as your definition of "proof".
So you believe that you must adhere to a false standard of equality for the sake of harmony?
Is that what you are saying?

No, there's no "must" about it.

I observe that western society holds that false standard of equality as one of it's central concepts. It does so because it makes for a good society, in part because of the harmony it promotes.

People don't have to behave in this way. We have lots of them. Racists, homophobes, etc.

To the contrary, everyone is treated equally and is of equal value.


Now since it is an open invitation to all freely to embrace, or refuse how is that unequal?

You can admit to the crime, or we can keep torturing you. It's a free choice, so I don't see how that's unfair.
Actually, the difference with the tooth fairy is I definitely did get the reward!

There is a reward either way.
The only difference is in the time frame, which could be shorter or longer depending.

You'll have to excuse my lack of surprise at you missing the point. Misconstruing my post? Also, not surprised.

A single individual can confirm very little. Humans make mistakes; show fifty people a portrait of a person for five seconds, then ask them to describe that picture. You will not get the same results from each one.

Science tells me water freezes at zero degrees. I can test this, and get repeated results. So can you, or any other person in this thread. "Let God/Jesus/Flying Spaghetti Monster into your heart" doesn't have any reliable way to repeat the process and get the same results. It's someone telling themselves what they want to hear, in their own head.

The point is, yes Science or Joe or whoever or whatever, is an exercise in individual perspective.
Take away the individual and there is no anything, since you remove all perceptiveness.

You can test what I am claiming as well.
It is repeatable from one person to the next.
DCP is one example, I'm another, as well as others who have posted in this thread.
There are literally millions worldwide.

Lastly, it is not necessarily something you want to hear.
But rather more in the line with something you need to hear.

1. Why does that matter? You've already said all that's important is what's within.

From a evidential standpoint it is still a factor since everyone begins from without.

2. Replace the FSM with any other widely-recognized religious figure besides the Christian God.

The only way you can conclude that is by biased assumption of false content
Somewhat of a drive by classification as being the same without a detailed and in depth examination of the claims.
Otherwise what evidence are you relying on upon which to base that conclusion.
And actually, more evidence to the contrary, as far as claims made testimonially.

...which still proves nothing.

Nothing conclusively from a physical evidence standpoint, yes.

The invitation's a little passive-aggressive, though, isn't it? "Dine with me. I mean, your call, it's totally up to you, don't feel obliged. Oh, but there will be an eternity of damnation if you don't."

Initially yes it can be percieved that way.
However, then again if someone warns you of a problem that produces negative consequences, is that truly a
slight, or do they perhaps have your best interest at heart?

No you don't. You undoubtedly have very similar views - it's not hard, given how narrow they are - but as you can't enter his mind, nor he yours, you don't know the details of his views.

Sorry, but oh yes I do.
There is a reason we have similar views and I already told you what it is.
We are on the same wavelength because of that factor alone.
I don't need to get in his mind, because he has already expressed whats in his heart.(spirit)
Or what spirit he is of.
I don't need to know the details of his views.
I already know the influence and perspective of where they originate.
And BTW he is not the only one that has posted in this thread that I have had the same in common with.

Ask DCP to comment on it if you wish.
See what he says.
Bear in mind I don't know him and he doesn't know me other than by what has been communicated in this thread.

My paycheque exists. There is physical proof of it. Solid effort, that one.

But the point is, it is made out to you personally and no one is allowed to cash it, but you.
Or you are the only one who is to have control of it.

How convenient.

Convenient or otherwise does not deter from the factual aspects.

A thought is all you have as your definition of "proof".

In reality it is much more than that.
You need to go back and read my posts that explain it in more detail.

No, there's no "must" about it.

I observe that western society holds that false standard of equality as one of it's central concepts. It does so because it makes for a good society, in part because of the harmony it promotes.

Extremely fascinating comment Imari.
And I must say you have proclaimed something thats a first for me.
I can't ever recall having heard that concept described before as a basis for a practiced philosophy.
Except for perhaps concerning marriage relations.
Very interesting.

People don't have to behave in this way. We have lots of them. Racists, homophobes, etc.

Even so, what does that have to do with equality, other than they are exercising their equal right to judge as a free will agent, such as it is?

Obviously you do not agree.
But I would like to know what exactly makes it unequal?

You can admit to the crime, or we can keep torturing you. It's a free choice, so I don't see how that's unfair.

For this I would have to restate the same reply as above:
Initially yes it can be percieved that way.
However, then again if someone warns you of a problem that produces negative consequences, is that truly a
slight, or do they perhaps have your best interest at heart?
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if someone warns you of a problem that produces negative consequences, is that truly a
slight, or do they perhaps have your best interest at heart?
If I didn't know better I would question if you were serious.

Really? Warning someone that I will personally send them to be tortured for eternity because they did something wrong, means I have their best interest at heart?
No, that's removing the individual from the forest.

I'm asking about removing the individual entirely.
... which also removes the individual from the forest.
Yes, really.
And you just answered the same question with both a flat no and a straight yes...
If I didn't know better I would question if you were serious.

Really? Warning someone that I will personally send them to be tortured for eternity because they did something wrong, means I have their best interest at heart?
It sounds almost mobster like, doesn't it?

Nice soul. Be a shame if something... happened to it.

I guess there's a reason they call lead mafiosi "God"fathers...
However, then again if someone warns you of a problem that produces negative consequences, is that truly a
slight, or do they perhaps have your best interest at heart?

Depends upon who is producing the negative consequences.

If someone warns me that going into the ghetto at midnight wearing gold chains and flashing a giant stack of cash around could get me injured or killed, then they probably have my best interests at heart. They're not going to have anything to do with it, they're just providing information that I might not be aware of.

If someone warns me that if I don't agree with them then they're going to break my bones and send me to the hospital, I'm fairly confident that they do not have my best interests at heart. They're informing me of the action that they're going to take in response to what I do.

Unless you're willing to accept that there are things beyond God's power which he can warn me about but not change, then he's very much in the second category.

To you, God is the creator of all. That means that any negative consequences arise from Him. For him to warn of negative consequences is the same as him threatening negative consequences. The comparison to the Mafia is apt.
"Leave the tooth under your pillow tonight or my associates will see to it you have a long stay at the unhappiest place on Earth, capisce?"​
"capiche." ;)
That's an accepted US spelling, yes. According to wiktionary at least.

Actually it seems more complicated. Americans use Capiche but that is not Italian. Capisce is how it should be spelled but has the wrong meaning in Italian.

Funny how a single word can lose and change meaning simply from being translated from one language to another. Imagine an entire book, translated multiple times!
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I am testifying to it as a fact, and there is only one way to verify it.
An individual must go from without to within.

In the final analysis, everything is a matter of belief or individual perspective.

In the torrent of words that have been pouring out: In the context of the Bible, and I will add; in a belief (not always religious) based context in general, IMO these two statements are correct, make sense, and explain much.

edited to improve readability.
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