You asked the equivalent of "If a tree falls in the forest and no-one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?". I asked if that was what you were really asking and you said both yes and no... If you don't want to clarify your question, how is anyone to answer it?
No that's not the question I asked, but rather your question to my original question which was:
While I probably will regret asking you this.........ah what the heck.
If you remove the individual, whats left?
Then I clarified your question with:
No, that's removing the individual from the forest.
I'm asking about removing the individual entirely.
BTW if you remove the individual entirely, obviously that would include the forest.
Perhaps in hindsight I should have replied in a more detailed fashion to your question such as:
"No, that's removing the individual from the forest,
Perhaps as well this should be explained in more detail, so:
If you remove the individual from the forest only, which implies an individual still exists elsewhere,
then perception still exists, and therefore upon a tree falling with no individual present, the associated sounds can be attributed by way of individual perception, assuming, there is at least one individual having been in the forest prior to removal and that person not being deaf, had heard the associated sounds.
And further if so desired but not of necessity, assuming that same individual not being dumb, could relate such sounds to other individuals, assuming there are other indivduals to relate too, and as per establishment his testimony is believed.
However, if you remove the individual entirely, you also remove all capacity for perception, wherein as well, all means of determination being an unqualified perequisite for the establishment of anything, is removed.
Hence there is nothing.
It sounds almost mobster like, doesn't it?
Nice soul. Be a shame if something... happened to it.
I guess there's a reason they call lead mafiosi "God"fathers...
Granted there are similarities. But the establishment of "God" fathers" are to exclusively carnal, authoritative purposes, and are dimensionally void in other aspects.
For instance it maybe deemed necessary that one be sacrificed under the rules of a Godfather organization.
Under God instead of that scenario, he sacrificed his son who was also willing to do so, to prevent us from being eternally damned.
Jesus clearly said: "I have come to save that which was lost".
Perhaps you would have rather been made an Android, Robot or some such thing?
And I have another question as well.(Big surprise)
What is the one thing that all of us seek universally?
You didn't read anything I wrote, did you?
Oh I can assure you I did.
And I did not miss your point of concern.
Providing another perspective does not mean I did not read it or understand it.
If someone is warning you of how they're going to mistreat you as a result of certain choices that you may make, that's blackmail, not compassion.
Again Imari, that is a matter of individual interpretation of intent.
Of course you can interpret it that way, but there is also another way.
When I was a boy or even a young man living at home, my Dad on a few occasions would tell me in no uncertain terms the way this deal is going to work. And that would be with or without my cooperation.
Now it would definitely be better with my cooperation and he would prefer it be that way, but it was going to work the same, one way or the other.
Now at the time, I thought that he was just being dictatorial, unfair, unequitable, overbearing, and a bully.
Some years later I realized that wasn't the case at all.
He did those things for two reasons.
The first was because he loved me and had my best interest at heart.
And secondly, a open challenge to his authority could only be negotiated to a point.
Otherwise when that was exceeded, enforcement was the only available remedy left to sustain that authority.
Similarly is God's position with us.
And he has proceeded as per the same two reasons.
Explain why having free will means that I need to be blackmailed into behaving a certain way.
I'm in hopes that I already have.
His offer is one of appeal, not blackmail.
That is precisely why it is provided the way it is, void of conclusive evidence.
He wants you to choose him, because you want to, not because you have too.
Otherwise there is no value in it for him or you.
Thats the same thing my Dad wanted.
Let's assume that everything you say is true, that I do what God tells me to or I suffer for eternity.
Just a note here.
God did not create hell for you.
It was created for the Devil and his angels.
Thats why you do not want to go there or even should go there.
Better yet, you do not have to go there.
But if you insist, God will permit it.
I don't trust someone who behaves in that way. If I do what he wants, he may let me into heaven. Or he may decide that there was some additional hoop that I didn't jump though. Maybe I didn't stone enough homos to death. Maybe I like bacon. Maybe I sometimes consider other Gods. Whatever.
Don't forget about Danoff's polyester, that could be unforgivable, sure enough.
In reality you do not have to worry about any of that.
Jesus already paid the price for all of it.
Even completely as described, the dude sounds like an irrational lunatic, and I'd be insane to trust my eternity to him. As such, I'd rather take what I can get now and enjoy my life, and when we get to the afterlife I'll roll the dice then.
If I end up being judged by a psychopath, it hardly seems to matter what I do now.
A roll of the dice then, is a pretty big assumption considering.
That's logical thinking, that when faced with the choice of putting oneself at the mercy of lunatics or taking what little one can get in the here and now, I'll take the one that guarantees me at least some happiness. I am not willing to gamble everything on the chance that a madman will like me enough to let me into his special club.
Why are you worried about gambling something away?
If you are worried about being good enough, thats the whole point, you aren't and neither is anyone else.
He is, and thats all you need to know. He will work with you on any issues in due time.
John 3:16
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life."
In my interaction with him thus far, he is anything but a lunatic or madman.