...Always thought DCP was a weekend warrior type guy, so didn't expect to hear from him so soon. Huh.
Oh, so you agree with me on that. Good. So God knows what's gonna happen. Super. So why bother with the illusion of choice, if it already knows the outcome? (Wait a minute, feels like I've repeated this question before.... Hmm.)
You have the power to change your current destination because of sin.
...Uhm, sorry but I don't quite get what you're trying to say here. I can change where I'm headed to, by sinning? I can only surmise you were meant to imply if I sin, I head straight to hell, right? But then... by your logic, since Adam and Eve sinned already, whether I commit extra sin or not, I'm still hell-bound, aren't I?
satan told Eve that she would become like God if she ate the fruit.
...So you also agree that the devil has the wherewithal to fool anyone he sets his eyes on.
If a talking parrot says you will become like God if you jump into the Hadron collider, would you go for it? Come on bru. Leave the childish arguments at home.
...Of course not, why would I listen to a parrot? Wait, are you comparing the former Head of Angels, a former general of Heaven's Army to a parrot? Oh boy. That's one lousy example there. If say, Stephen Hawking said something similar, I
might consider it. And then promptly forget about it two seconds later.
I mean c'mon, haven't you see Bruce Almighty? Why would I want to become a God, with all the associated headaches? I'll pass, thanks.
The tree was a great test,
...Again, seems redundant to me when God already knew the outcome beforehand. Or... maybe it didn't know which way it'll fly? Lack of confidence by God? Nah, it can't be, right?
Eve desired the fruit. It was her desire. Do you blame her?
She must've been hungry. God did design us to feel hunger after all. And no, I don't blame her.
The devil has deceived you. He has made you believe there is no God,
Quite possible, although you can't tell that unless you're Dean Winchester (or Sam, whoever.) Also, I don't quite recall me ever saying there ain't no God out there somewhere but for the argument's sake sure, let's stick with that notion I'm a non-believer. I'm totally cool with that.
Think about it. Satan hates everyone, including satan worshippers.
So he hates everyone. Hard not to feel for the dude, when he got his ass kicked out of home for simply demanding parity between creations.
If satan is a myth, why do you so absent mindedly fall into his hands?
...??? If Satan is a myth, then logically I wouldn't absent-mindedly fall into his hands, since his hands are a part of the myth. If he's
not a muyth, then sure now that phrase makes sense. But then, I'm curious here, what do you even mean by "his hands"?
Sinning, and desire to sin, are all by-products of God's creation isn't it? Not to mention the conditions of the lottery too.
you are going to hell anyway in your world view, either when the sun explodes, or when an unseen meteor hit's this earth that has been so lucky during mans reign.
...When the sun explodes? A meteor? I got a feeling you're trying to imply that those are the God's calamity, the so-called Armageddon (didn't mean to reference the Willis movie btw) designed to to wipe us all out in one fell swoop indiscriminately. What was that about the believers rising from the graves when Christ descends?
Is Christ a meteor? An exploding sun?
After all, it's just a fluke, right?
...I wouldn't know. Your God allegedly designed this universe that way, so it's better to ask it.
God doesn't send people to hell.
Right, it just paved the road leading there, calling it "TEST". How charming.
A true and Just God knows exactly what He is doing, and what He allows
...Right, otherwise it won't be much of a deity if it didn't know what it was doing. You don't have to be true and just to do that though. But what do you even mean by "He allows"? Are you saying God is allowing its beloved children to commit sin? Irresponsible parenting 101.
A person following the ways of this world, and the pride of satan, will outright ignore the God of the bible.
I hope you're not implying those two things are one and the same, 'cuz I really don' like saying "
citation needed" you see.
By the ways of the world, did you mean living daily without accepting God? I really really hope that's not you're saying but.... judging from your track record, I'm wasting my breath on that.
So all Muslims, Buddhists and what have yous are following the "Pride of Satan?" News to me, but well okay, you're the expert.
Your parents (Adam / Eve) used their free will got their faith tested by worrisome deity and ended up "sinning".
...Fixed that for you, free of charge. Out of my free will, no less.
And no, my parents are named Elton and Jane btw.
You can forgive them and move on, instead of blaming God.
...There's nothing to forgive here, since they were suckered into sinning. Now where did I hear the phrase, "Don't hate the playa, hate da game?"
As to blame God, why shouldn't I? You're not giving me much reasons not to here.
(Actually, I know your reasons already.)
Either way, since you don't believe in God, do you blame the "before big bang" for all the billions of years of pain and suffering, and that which is to come? I really don't know how they find sin out of this big bang.
...Again, never said I don't believe but since I said "Cool!!" to being an alleged bad guy, sure let's continue.
No, I don't blame Big Bang for what is essentially human conditions. And I'm not a clairvoyant, I can't tell what's to come. And yeah, I agree about you not understanding how someone can find a sinful act out of Big Bang.
Me neither.
It's illogical, thinking with my God-given brain.
...Whew, I'm tired. Good talk, buddy. 👍👍
Edit: ran across something I found funny, and reminded me of one of DCP's rants, so here it is: