Do you believe in God?

  • Thread starter Patrik

Do you believe in god?

  • Of course, without him nothing would exist!

    Votes: 624 30.6%
  • Maybe.

    Votes: 368 18.0%
  • No way!

    Votes: 1,051 51.5%

  • Total voters
Well yeah. Kinda expected if you try to corner a group. Any group: religious, race, fandom, etc. Kinda sad, but honestly Internet kinda works like that.
The FFRF mainly fights against religious intervention in government and education issues. I wouldn't really say they focus on cornering a specific group of people. The people sending the hate mail are the problem.
Wow, this is still going on. This thread has kept popping up in the newest post box for quite some time. I can't believe that a site such as GTPlanet, which I thought had quite a relaxed and restrained user base, would have a forum where people that have nothing better to do with their lives can argue about a trivial, useless topic and turn into bloodthirsty keyboard warriors. Let people believe what they want to believe, because whatever it is that they're believing doesn't affect you, so who cares?
Religion doesn't need to be gotten rid of, people value their traditions and science can exist without offending everyone. So please just chill out. Good day.

So basically, long thing short, keep an open mind.

Participation is voluntary. I don't think anyone is looking for a fight. I also think that there is value in discussing this topic because if people act on their beliefs, then those beliefs will impact the world around them.
...We can never know what God's thinking, whether it's true and just. You can cite Bible as much as you want, but let's be honest here, all of what's written in there are not God's direct words, but of the people who "heard" them. Meaning, the interpretation is open to change according to the individual writers' own perspectives and life experiences.

...You're forgetting that God is supposedly omni-everything. If so, then it already knows what choices we will make. I ask again, why bother with the charade? If it knows what our final actions are going to be then why not simply render the judgement now, and call it a day?

Is it because then it'll have less toys to play around with?

...So you respect the devil now? That's great.

Indeed Miss Eve had a choice not to listen to the devil. Unfortunately for her, didn't God create the devil? Wasn't he one of the highest ranked, most beloved of all Angels before the Fall? Doesn't that imply the devil has the wherewithal to tempt even the Pope, if it comes down to it? (Maybe that's not such a good example. Let's replace Pope with... Gandhi. Yeah, that's better.)

If we're to play the blame game, blame God for creating the devil. Or, the so-called forbidden fruit in the first place. Why the hell did it place such a dangerous item in the vicinity of innocent children? It must be out of its mind. Or read a bad Sci-fi novel, probably.

Of course I choose to remain on this earth. Where else can I go to? Mars? God made sure we can't live there (yet).

...Don't quite recall agreeing to this at all, but you're right, violence and wickedness has been a notable feature of all God's creations. Including its angels, "soldiers" of God's will.

I know this is a rhetorical question, but I'm still compelled to give you an obvious answer: from God. Well, your version of God, that is.

...Careful now, this paragraph sounds awfully like you believe in evolution.

...I agree. It meant nothing. Oh wait, it does mean something - I feel rather aggrieved by the fact I've lost a lot of time going to Bible study classes that I could've used for something more... constructive. Ah well, what can you do, right? When I die and stand before the pearly gates, I'll ask for refunds.

...This "flesh", didn't God create this too? And without us having our seeds sowed, then surely there will be nothing to save anyway, right? As for angels prefering human ladies over... their own, surely God should've known that might happen. If it didn't.... well, not much of omni-everything now is it, let alone keep its own house in order. The more I think about it, the less trustworthy God becomes in my eyes.

What you're supposing here is that free will is to "fault" for our sins, since we "choose" to disobey. But God gave all his children (those with reasonable faculties anyway - can't blame wild animals for acting sinfully now can we) the free will - so in essence, it gave us sin too, if we follow your chain of "logic".

...Right back at ya.

I can't comprehend why on earth a being claiming to love its children would subject the said kids through hell just to prove it's a nice guy. Makes no sense, thinking with my God-given brain.

...Quite possible. But I just thought of something now - who created God? Surely, it couldn't have just popped out of nowhere, and proclaim, "Oy, I'm God. Respect."

...This is one of my fav line you've wrote so far - if we're a bit honest here, I'd say in God's eyes, sin is good, since it weeds out the undesirables. With sin it can sort out those who'll follow its words blindly and unquestioningly.

So, yeah, let me repeat it once more: sin is a good evil in God's eyes.

Hell, that must be the whole reason why God created evil in the first place, to help him sort out the good eggs from the rotten ones; so we can appreciate all the "good stuff" God has created. If I didn't know better, this sounds more and more like this guy wants its ego stroked a bit.

Above is all under the assumption that your version of God is indeed the truth.

Which is questionable, to say the least.

If they didn't hear from God, how did they know that Israel will be scattered throughout the nations, yet will one day be reborn, and have their own language again? Consider 1900 years of scattered Jews, and 4 or 5 options of Jewish statehood in other countries, including Uganda and Scandinavia.
Do you know why they ended up back in Israel? Yeah, I'll tell you. It's because it is Gods will. Your excuses will never change this fact, written thousands of years ago. Isaiah 17 is another one you can look at. It's a long short, but we Christians keep the faith....:)

Yes, God already knows, but you don't. You have the power to change your current destination because of sin.

I didn't say anything about respecting the devil. Don't drift buddy. Likewise with satan, we also respect your hearts desires.
Again, satan told Eve that she would become like God if she ate the fruit. If a talking parrot says you will become like God if you jump into the Hadron collider, would you go for it? Come on bru. Leave the childish arguments at home.
The tree was a great test, and remember, Adam and Eve where in the garden a long time, also teaching their children not to disobey God. Eve desired the fruit. It was her desire. Do you blame her? If you desire a beautiful woman. Is that a blame game all of a sudden?

The devil has deceived you. He has made you believe there is no God, and that everything came to being somehow, even though it takes mankind another billion years to figure out how. Think about it. Satan hates everyone, including satan worshippers. He hates human beings, because he has had a desire to be greater than God, and thus, attempting to destroy Gods creation. If satan is a myth, why do you so absent mindedly fall into his hands?

Finally, you are going to hell anyway in your world view, either when the sun explodes, or when an unseen meteor hit's this earth that has been so lucky during mans reign. After all, it's just a fluke, right?
God doesn't send people to hell. People choose to remain in hell, which will be this earth, when the powers of heaven are shaken. People will only understand when these things start to happen unfortunately.
A true and Just God knows exactly what He is doing, and what He allows. A person following the ways of this world, and the pride of satan, will outright ignore the God of the bible. That again, is free will.

Your parents (Adam / Eve) used their free will and sinned. You can forgive them and move on, instead of blaming God.
Either way, since you don't believe in God, do you blame the "before big bang" for all the billions of years of pain and suffering, and that which is to come? I really don't know how they find sin out of this big bang.

Correction: You are being offensive, because you are making disrespectful assumptions about everyone in this thread since they disagree with your belief of what the truth is which apparently is a problem.

I don't really have an answer as to whether god exists or not. Maybe he does maybe he doesn't. But if he does exist I am pretty sure that being disrespectful to people isn't going to put you on his nice list and goes against his bro code.

Also this thread should have "The Offical TL;DR Thread" written on the title. Man you guys post alot. You could probably make The Great Wall of China with these walls of text you post. :lol:

Why would you think that? If someone sins, they must admit it. Taking offense is their problem, not mine.
Like I say, the truth hurts, as it suppose to. A lie will just lead them on.
Christ was very real when he called the scribes vipers and hypocrites. They didn't say He was offensive. They were able to assess their hearts and verify the truth in His claims. The beauty of conviction.

There is nothing to let go. You still don't realize that a just god and punishment don't go together at all. Perfect gods have no need for punishments. Perfect means no problems.

And even if we to just accept the story up to this point and not assign God the blame he deserves, we still don't get anywhere. No one except Adam, Eve, and Satan is guilty of anything. There is completely zero justification for pain, suffering, redemption, etc, for anyone else.

The more attractive option for many is to just stick to the truth. Your ideas are gaining support because they either don't make sense or are self contradicting. Why do "law givers" and "original sin" matter? Violence and wickedness are behaviors, and like most behaviors, they were shaped over billions of generations of biological competition and random mutations. The world is very easy to explain without religion. What is difficult is finding a way to fit gods in and make them meaningful. No religion does this.

And no one preaching free will wants to address how often it is violated. The very moment you are born, free will is violated because no one asks you where, when, who, you want to be. After that you get saddled with pointless rules that keep you from doing the best possible thing for yourself (according to Christianity) which is to commit suicide. Free will isn't doing anything for your story.

You are still arguing from a conclusion, so you don't really have a good chance of seeing things as they are.

Okay cool, so if they are guilty, why do you still sin? If you don't deserve justice, why do you sin? Very simple question.
Also, you say stick to the truth. What is truth? Who decides what is truth? If we all decide, then who is right?
You will always have a free will. Repent and move on, or remain in this fallen world, of continuous death, pain and suffering? You are going to die in this world soon, whether today, tomorrow, or when you're 90 something. No matter how man seems to give you hope of living on other planets. The reality is always, inevitable death. It's an enemy right?

I should note that there is a distinction between simply religious and having a "your religion (or not) is wrong and ours right" mentality and then constantly tell to follow them without even telling why they should.

Former doesn't need to feel threatened and goes with their lives as long as their community supports them and they acknowledge that different beliefs (or not) exists. If they got interested in your religion (or not), then congrats to you. If not then thats pretty much ok.

Latter are constantly feel threathened and they feel they should feed their religious norm to other people who dont have the same as theirs. For other people than them, of course it's felt like their beliefs are forced upon them. And when other people asks why they should, they'll basically say "i wont tell you exactly why but please join us and youll be saved ". I typically dont support this behavior, and as recent news told us it could be much worse in practice. But thankfully what @DCP done is just telling us. His intention is good, but the way it delivered only turns away people.

I have to be honest, religion isnt supposed to be an issue as long as you dont force-fed to others who is different. I think the resistance of change and the act of hate, thats the more real issue. Questioning beliefs is allright (ive done this many times), but in the end the choice of life remains on your hands. And hey, what can i judge.

Thanks bro. Appreciate it. Yes I am sincere, and I do care. I can't just be nice and talk about Gods goodness only.
Sin is a serious issue, and that it brings death. People need to realise that.

If we came from the big bang, why do we have sin? Whether thought or deed, why can't we get rid of it?
If Adam and Eve and satan are the culprits, why do we still follow in their footsteps? Why can't anyone person NOT sin?
It's very simple and straight forward question.

The other thing is, other guys are happy with their racing games, and have moved on from this boring discussion, while others, keep coming back to here the same story. I just can't figure out why. They don't believe in God, or don't want to, but they still keep coming back. It' like they understand the seriousness of sin, yet try to find a way to ignore it, to continue pleasing their lifestyles that are against the Creators will.
Leave the childish arguments at home.


Finally, you are going to hell anyway in your world view, either when the sun explodes, or when an unseen meteor hit's this earth that has been so lucky during mans reign. After all, it's just a fluke, right?
Other gods conveniently forgive their people, or accept sacrifices or good deeds. Real convenient.

@DCP The first time I asked you about this, you ignored it. I can't help but still be curious about it, though.

Why is a different god showing forgiveness something to be scoffed at, but your god showing forgiveness something to be lauded?

And what's this bit about "convenient" supposed to mean? Are you suggesting that your god makes it hard to find forgiveness? Really?

I'm sorry, God.

All of your sins are forgiven.

That's not convenient?

I'm baffled as to what you were trying to say here.
Yes I believe in God.

Having said that, and yes I know I am late to the party...
Wow someone started a religious topic in an online forum -- what could possibly go wrong?
Scientifically speaking, can this happen to earth or not?

The sun won't explode (although the it will destroy the Earth in a few billion years through gradual expansion) and we could get hit by a meteor, although it probably won't happen any time soon, and it's very unlikely it will happen in our life times. Although I fail to see how the Earth being destroyed means we are going to hell according to our world view, because according to our world view hell doesn't exist.
If they didn't hear from God, how did they know that Israel will be scattered throughout the nations, yet will one day be reborn, and have their own language again? Consider 1900 years of scattered Jews, and 4 or 5 options of Jewish statehood in other countries, including Uganda and Scandinavia.
Do you know why they ended up back in Israel? Yeah, I'll tell you. It's because it is Gods will. Your excuses will never change this fact, written thousands of years ago. Isaiah 17 is another one you can look at. It's a long short, but we Christians keep the faith....:)

Its kind of cheating when Christians engineer it to happen.

Yes, God already knows, but you don't. You have the power to change your current destination because of sin.

I didn't say anything about respecting the devil. Don't drift buddy. Likewise with satan, we also respect your hearts desires.
Again, satan told Eve that she would become like God if she ate the fruit. If a talking parrot says you will become like God if you jump into the Hadron collider, would you go for it? Come on bru. Leave the childish arguments at home.
The tree was a great test, and remember, Adam and Eve where in the garden a long time, also teaching their children not to disobey God. Eve desired the fruit. It was her desire. Do you blame her? If you desire a beautiful woman. Is that a blame game all of a sudden?

The devil has deceived you. He has made you believe there is no God, and that everything came to being somehow, even though it takes mankind another billion years to figure out how. Think about it. Satan hates everyone, including satan worshippers. He hates human beings, because he has had a desire to be greater than God, and thus, attempting to destroy Gods creation. If satan is a myth, why do you so absent mindedly fall into his hands?

Finally, you are going to hell anyway in your world view, either when the sun explodes, or when an unseen meteor hit's this earth that has been so lucky during mans reign. After all, it's just a fluke, right?
God doesn't send people to hell. People choose to remain in hell, which will be this earth, when the powers of heaven are shaken. People will only understand when these things start to happen unfortunately.
A true and Just God knows exactly what He is doing, and what He allows. A person following the ways of this world, and the pride of satan, will outright ignore the God of the bible. That again, is free will.

Your parents (Adam / Eve) used their free will and sinned. You can forgive them and move on, instead of blaming God.
Either way, since you don't believe in God, do you blame the "before big bang" for all the billions of years of pain and suffering, and that which is to come? I really don't know how they find sin out of this big bang.

Why would you think that? If someone sins, they must admit it. Taking offense is their problem, not mine.
Like I say, the truth hurts, as it suppose to. A lie will just lead them on.
Christ was very real when he called the scribes vipers and hypocrites. They didn't say He was offensive. They were able to assess their hearts and verify the truth in His claims. The beauty of conviction.

Okay cool, so if they are guilty, why do you still sin? If you don't deserve justice, why do you sin? Very simple question.
Also, you say stick to the truth. What is truth? Who decides what is truth? If we all decide, then who is right?
You will always have a free will. Repent and move on, or remain in this fallen world, of continuous death, pain and suffering? You are going to die in this world soon, whether today, tomorrow, or when you're 90 something. No matter how man seems to give you hope of living on other planets. The reality is always, inevitable death. It's an enemy right?

Thanks bro. Appreciate it. Yes I am sincere, and I do care. I can't just be nice and talk about Gods goodness only.
Sin is a serious issue, and that it brings death. People need to realise that.

If we came from the big bang, why do we have sin? Whether thought or deed, why can't we get rid of it?
If Adam and Eve and satan are the culprits, why do we still follow in their footsteps? Why can't anyone person NOT sin?
It's very simple and straight forward question.

The other thing is, other guys are happy with their racing games, and have moved on from this boring discussion, while others, keep coming back to here the same story. I just can't figure out why. They don't believe in God, or don't want to, but they still keep coming back. It' like they understand the seriousness of sin, yet try to find a way to ignore it, to continue pleasing their lifestyles that are against the Creators will.
Lots of noise about sin that has one slight issue.

It work on the presumption that sin exists!
...Always thought DCP was a weekend warrior type guy, so didn't expect to hear from him so soon. Huh.

Yes, God already knows,

Oh, so you agree with me on that. Good. So God knows what's gonna happen. Super. So why bother with the illusion of choice, if it already knows the outcome? (Wait a minute, feels like I've repeated this question before.... Hmm.)

You have the power to change your current destination because of sin.

...Uhm, sorry but I don't quite get what you're trying to say here. I can change where I'm headed to, by sinning? I can only surmise you were meant to imply if I sin, I head straight to hell, right? But then... by your logic, since Adam and Eve sinned already, whether I commit extra sin or not, I'm still hell-bound, aren't I?

satan told Eve that she would become like God if she ate the fruit.

...So you also agree that the devil has the wherewithal to fool anyone he sets his eyes on.

If a talking parrot says you will become like God if you jump into the Hadron collider, would you go for it? Come on bru. Leave the childish arguments at home.

...Of course not, why would I listen to a parrot? Wait, are you comparing the former Head of Angels, a former general of Heaven's Army to a parrot? Oh boy. That's one lousy example there. If say, Stephen Hawking said something similar, I might consider it. And then promptly forget about it two seconds later.
I mean c'mon, haven't you see Bruce Almighty? Why would I want to become a God, with all the associated headaches? I'll pass, thanks.

The tree was a great test,

...Again, seems redundant to me when God already knew the outcome beforehand. Or... maybe it didn't know which way it'll fly? Lack of confidence by God? Nah, it can't be, right?

Eve desired the fruit. It was her desire. Do you blame her?

She must've been hungry. God did design us to feel hunger after all. And no, I don't blame her.

The devil has deceived you. He has made you believe there is no God,

Quite possible, although you can't tell that unless you're Dean Winchester (or Sam, whoever.) Also, I don't quite recall me ever saying there ain't no God out there somewhere but for the argument's sake sure, let's stick with that notion I'm a non-believer. I'm totally cool with that.

Think about it. Satan hates everyone, including satan worshippers.

So he hates everyone. Hard not to feel for the dude, when he got his ass kicked out of home for simply demanding parity between creations.

If satan is a myth, why do you so absent mindedly fall into his hands?

...??? If Satan is a myth, then logically I wouldn't absent-mindedly fall into his hands, since his hands are a part of the myth. If he's not a muyth, then sure now that phrase makes sense. But then, I'm curious here, what do you even mean by "his hands"?

Sinning, and desire to sin, are all by-products of God's creation isn't it? Not to mention the conditions of the lottery too.

you are going to hell anyway in your world view, either when the sun explodes, or when an unseen meteor hit's this earth that has been so lucky during mans reign.

...When the sun explodes? A meteor? I got a feeling you're trying to imply that those are the God's calamity, the so-called Armageddon (didn't mean to reference the Willis movie btw) designed to to wipe us all out in one fell swoop indiscriminately. What was that about the believers rising from the graves when Christ descends?
Is Christ a meteor? An exploding sun?

After all, it's just a fluke, right?

...I wouldn't know. Your God allegedly designed this universe that way, so it's better to ask it.

God doesn't send people to hell.

Right, it just paved the road leading there, calling it "TEST". How charming.

A true and Just God knows exactly what He is doing, and what He allows

...Right, otherwise it won't be much of a deity if it didn't know what it was doing. You don't have to be true and just to do that though. But what do you even mean by "He allows"? Are you saying God is allowing its beloved children to commit sin? Irresponsible parenting 101.

A person following the ways of this world, and the pride of satan, will outright ignore the God of the bible.

I hope you're not implying those two things are one and the same, 'cuz I really don' like saying "citation needed" you see.

By the ways of the world, did you mean living daily without accepting God? I really really hope that's not you're saying but.... judging from your track record, I'm wasting my breath on that.
So all Muslims, Buddhists and what have yous are following the "Pride of Satan?" News to me, but well okay, you're the expert.

Your parents (Adam / Eve) used their free will got their faith tested by worrisome deity and ended up "sinning".

...Fixed that for you, free of charge. Out of my free will, no less.

And no, my parents are named Elton and Jane btw.

You can forgive them and move on, instead of blaming God.

...There's nothing to forgive here, since they were suckered into sinning. Now where did I hear the phrase, "Don't hate the playa, hate da game?"

As to blame God, why shouldn't I? You're not giving me much reasons not to here.

(Actually, I know your reasons already.)

Either way, since you don't believe in God, do you blame the "before big bang" for all the billions of years of pain and suffering, and that which is to come? I really don't know how they find sin out of this big bang.

...Again, never said I don't believe but since I said "Cool!!" to being an alleged bad guy, sure let's continue.

No, I don't blame Big Bang for what is essentially human conditions. And I'm not a clairvoyant, I can't tell what's to come. And yeah, I agree about you not understanding how someone can find a sinful act out of Big Bang.
Me neither.

It's illogical, thinking with my God-given brain.

...Whew, I'm tired. Good talk, buddy. 👍👍

Edit: ran across something I found funny, and reminded me of one of DCP's rants, so here it is:

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The devil has deceived you. He has made you believe there is no God, and that everything came to being somehow, even though it takes mankind another billion years to figure out how. Think about it.

God has deceived you. He has made you believe there is no Flying Spaghetti Monster, and that everything came into being by his will, even though it will take mankind another billion years to figure out it all just came from His Noodly Appendage. Think about it.
Why would you think that? If someone sins, they must admit it. Taking offense is their problem, not mine.
Like I say, the truth hurts, as it suppose to. A lie will just lead them on.
Christ was very real when he called the scribes vipers and hypocrites. They didn't say He was offensive. They were able to assess their hearts and verify the truth in His claims. The beauty of conviction.

Those who sin according to your religion don't have to do anything if they do not believe in the religion you follow.

Why do you think that everyone who doesn't have the same religous ideologys as you deserves lesser respect? I am not exactly an expert on the bible but doesn't it kind of say to treat everyone equally and be kind and stuff? Or is this going to be like the crusades where only Christians apply to the rules and that they can hate or kill anyone else who isn't of the same religous stripe.
Okay cool, so if they are guilty, why do you still sin? If you don't deserve justice, why do you sin? Very simple question.
The question, as asked, is not simple. Again you don't consider anything except what you want to hear. Sin is an arbitrary term, arbitrary to the point of uselessness. If blasphemy is a sin, anyone guilty of blasphemy is guilty of nothing. No one is harmed. By definition it is a sin, but also has no negative moral weight.

So why do people sin? Who cares, it's not relevant to anything. Why do people harm each other? Various reasons. It would benefit us to seek out those reasons. Up to this point, religious texts have added nothing to our knowledge, so they are a very poor source for explaining why X is in the world.

I have no idea what you mean when you talk about deserving justice.

Also, you say stick to the truth. What is truth? Who decides what is truth? If we all decide, then who is right?
No one decides what the truth is, it exists regardless. Every individual can look for it, and yes different and incorrect conclusions can be drawn. However allowing everyone to search at least leaves open the possibility of finding the truth. Trying to invent the truth with a bad source will not get us anywhere. It doesn't matter if there is a single source, it's still wrong if it's made up.

You will always have a free will. Repent and move on, or remain in this fallen world, of continuous death, pain and suffering? You are going to die in this world soon, whether today, tomorrow, or when you're 90 something. No matter how man seems to give you hope of living on other planets. The reality is always, inevitable death. It's an enemy right?
Death is just an occurrence. It's not really important. Some religions make it out to be an enemy to scare people into submission, but that doesn't validate any claims. Say what you want about death, but the rest of your story needs to make sense. Right now it doesn't.
The question, as asked, is not simple. Again you don't consider anything except what you want to hear. Sin is an arbitrary term, arbitrary to the point of uselessness. If blasphemy is a sin, anyone guilty of blasphemy is guilty of nothing. No one is harmed. By definition it is a sin, but also has no negative moral weight.

So why do people sin? Who cares, it's not relevant to anything. Why do people harm each other? Various reasons. It would benefit us to seek out those reasons. Up to this point, religious texts have added nothing to our knowledge, so they are a very poor source for explaining why X is in the world.

I have no idea what you mean when you talk about deserving justice.

No one decides what the truth is, it exists regardless. Every individual can look for it, and yes different and incorrect conclusions can be drawn. However allowing everyone to search at least leaves open the possibility of finding the truth. Trying to invent the truth with a bad source will not get us anywhere. It doesn't matter if there is a single source, it's still wrong if it's made up.

Death is just an occurrence. It's not really important. Some religions make it out to be an enemy to scare people into submission, but that doesn't validate any claims. Say what you want about death, but the rest of your story needs to make sense. Right now it doesn't.

Sin is a sin. When you do something wrong, you have a guilty conscience, that never lies.
Denying it, is perfectly free will. It's better to be honest and say, "I do sin, and I like it"

Yep, and if we all decide on truth, we can't all be right. One truth was set. We live in a world of good and evil, by choice of Adam and Eve. We can choose to not live in this world that is dying. If you love death, than you are in the boat you want to be in. If you not afraid of the unknown of after death, then the boat your in probably gives you great comfort. Good for you.

Knowledge doesn't change the way of the world, which as you can see, death pain and suffering, unless you are part of the super rich, and kings, and mighty men, and rulers etc.
I don't have the knowledge you possess, but I still have everything in my blessed life. I couldn't ask for anything else.
Finally, all stories won't make sense if one chooses not to agree with it, for example the story of nothing bringing everything t existence is something I choose to never agree with. Others prefer it. Free choice.
Sin is a sin. When you do something wrong, you have a guilty conscience, that never lies.
Denying it, is perfectly free will. It's better to be honest and say, "I do sin, and I like it"

Yep, and if we all decide on truth, we can't all be right. One truth was set. We live in a world of good and evil, by choice of Adam and Eve. We can choose to not live in this world that is dying. If you love death, than you are in the boat you want to be in. If you not afraid of the unknown of after death, then the boat your in probably gives you great comfort. Good for you.

Knowledge doesn't change the way of the world, which as you can see, death pain and suffering, unless you are part of the super rich, and kings, and mighty men, and rulers etc.
I don't have the knowledge you possess, but I still have everything in my blessed life. I couldn't ask for anything else.

I will say it again (as you ignored it last time).

Lots of noise about sin that has one slight issue.

It work on the presumption that sin exists!

Finally, all stories won't make sense if one chooses not to agree with it, for example the story of nothing bringing everything t existence is something I choose to never agree with. Others prefer it. Free choice.
Good job no-one is claiming that then!

By the way, what came before God?
Sin is a sin. When you do something wrong, you have a guilty conscience, that never lies.
You've either lived a charmed life, or are pretending that you have.

Either way, how dare you!? How dare you spread such bile?

"Never lies"? For all of you people out there have suffered at the hands of those that should have been caring for you, and then had your guilty conscience plague you for finally getting away from them, I apologise for this grossly misshapen lump of clay.
Sin is a sin. When you do something wrong, you have a guilty conscience, that never lies.
Denying it, is perfectly free will. It's better to be honest and say, "I do sin, and I like it.

Apparently my post, like many others, has been ignroed so I'll ask again.

Those who sin according to your religion don't have to do anything if they do not believe in the religion you follow.

Also you are treating people like crap because you think they have sined despite never meeting a single one of us in person. What gives you the right? I thought judgememt on people was Gods job, not yours. Unless you think you are God.

Yep, and if we all decide on truth, we can't all be right. One truth was set. We live in a world of good and evil, by choice of Adam and Eve. We can choose to not live in this world that is dying. If you love death, than you are in the boat you want to be in. If you not afraid of the unknown of after death, then the boat your in probably gives you great comfort. Good for you.

You really think that the world is as simple as being either good or evil? Really? And there is one universal truth? If we believed there was one universal truth we would be stuck in the stone age. Without daring to question the truth we wouldn't have gotten anywhere.

Also, if you believe knowledge doesn't change anything, a certain man claming to own a Lambourghini would like to speak with you. Along with the rest of us.
If I were to wrong someone, be it by hurting their feelings or something worse, I can only imagine the person in question would rather I apologize to them and attempt to make it right, than apologize to a deity who wasn't involved so I don't blow my chances at eternal reward.

And I know which I would prefer to do.

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