I will say it again (as you ignored it last time).
Lots of noise about sin that has one slight issue.
It work on the presumption that sin exists!
Good job no-one is claiming that then!
By the way, what came before God?
The bible said that in the last days, people will see good as bad, and bad as good.
If you think killing a child is not a sin, because sin presumably doesn't exist in your world, then it's okay to kill an innocent child. Thanks evolution.
By the way, He cannot be God if something came before Him.
You've either lived a charmed life, or are pretending that you have.
Either way, how dare you!? How dare you spread such bile?
"Never lies"? For all of you people out there have suffered at the hands of those that should have been caring for you, and then had your guilty conscience plague you for finally getting away from them, I apologise for this grossly misshapen lump of clay.
Because it's the truth, and only the truth offends people.
Apparently my post, like many others, has been ignroed so I'll ask again.
Those who sin according to your religion don't have to do anything if they do not believe in the religion you follow.
Also you are treating people like crap because you think they have sined despite never meeting a single one of us in person. What gives you the right? I thought judgememt on people was Gods job, not yours. Unless you think you are God.
You really think that the world is as simple as being either good or evil? Really? And there is one universal truth? If we believed there was one universal truth we would be stuck in the stone age. Without daring to question the truth we wouldn't have gotten anywhere.
Also, if you believe knowledge doesn't change anything, a certain man claming to own a Lambourghini would like to speak with you. Along with the rest of us.
You right, they don't need to do anything, because of free will, they don't need to believe in God or in sin or in a day of judgement, or that whatever they do in their own eyes, is right for themselves.
God has said that no man is good, and every man has sinned. You right, only God can judge. I would say take it up with Him, but I'd rather you ridicule me and scoff at me. I just love forgiveness.
God judges the heart and mind. He knows what is said even if it never departs from a persons mouth.
According to a person of a different religion, you're wrong. That's why in the real world no one cares about "sin" but actions. Including religious people. The "sin" talk is only used in apologetics and religious indoctrination. Nothing else.
Different religions are a free choice, and God says that everything will bring forth after it's own kind. If a family wants to worship other gods, because they are happy with it, so be it. It's again, free choice.
People deny sin in words, but thankfully, they acknowledge it in their hearts, even if the guilt hits them for one second.
At least by now you understand that God judges the heart, even if you choose not to believe He exists.
the truth is offensive, and yes, it has to be. Sin is the biggest problem in this world, hence all the things done, in opposition of goodness.
Where did good and evil come from? No one knows, accept the One who created it, and the two that chose to live with it, it's consequences, and pass it on to their children.
Anyone who lifts up their hands and declares that they don't sin before God, is self righteous, and a liar.
Without Christ, we are all doomed in a world that is getting worse.