Do you believe in God?

  • Thread starter Patrik

Do you believe in god?

  • Of course, without him nothing would exist!

    Votes: 624 30.6%
  • Maybe.

    Votes: 368 18.0%
  • No way!

    Votes: 1,051 51.5%

  • Total voters

You state that nothing has to create God, he can just be. Why can't that be applied to other things also?

Because in the worlds world view, it's unscientific, right? One needs to have faith and believe that this is actually the case. People are free to believe it if they want, but science doesn't operate on faith and belief systems, based on what the many people tell me about science. Observing, testing, and repeating.
When they blow up something, which then becomes organized, then I'll confirm it no longer a theory.

The Bible says, "In the beginning "GOD", let there be light".
Science says, " In the beginning, nothing, then all of a sudden BANG. being programmed to remove God.

Are there any other religions or gods that tell us about the beginning, before the bible, that don't require carbon dating?

For once, try not to go on the defense, because no matter what, God cannot be defeated:

You state that nothing has to create God, he can just be. Why can't that be applied to other things also?

Consciousness and conscience, most likely reasons, also going from chaos to organization. Until a materialist can show me what makes me conscious I'll stick with some spirit in my world ;)
The Bible says, "In the beginning "GOD", let there be light".
Science says, " In the beginning, nothing, then all of a sudden BANG. being programmed to remove God.

You should read up on the big bang, that's not how it works. And even if it was, it still sounds heck of a lot more plausible then:

The Bible says, "In the beginning "GOD" and some words, then all of a sudden BANG. Light and oceans, and somewhere along the way a snake and people and an apple for some reason.
You should read up on the big bang, that's not how it works. And even if it was, it still sounds heck of a lot more plausible then:

The Bible says, "In the beginning "GOD" and some words, then all of a sudden BANG. Light and oceans, and somewhere along the way a snake and people and an apple for some reason.

Don't forget sin, shame, suffering, pain, horror, hatred, continuous violence. Yep the Bible tells it all is it was. it also tells how it currently is, and how is will be, if you choose to read on.

Why should I read up on the big bang? Where did it come from, or how did it start? If we get the beginning right, it should be pretty easy to understand.

This is what the people you follow say about it:

Because in the worlds world view, it's unscientific, right?

No, it's simply an idea. It's testable, if something is observed from before the big bang then it's wrong. There's nothing wrong with it as speculation, which is all it is.

Science doesn't know what caused the big bang, it doesn't even know if there was a big bang or what happened shortly after that particular point in time. It's merely the best explanation made by extrapolating from observations of our universe using things we do understand.

You don't seem to understand that someone could propose an idea as the most suitable possible explanation for a set of observations, and yet still hold reservations about that idea until observing it more directly.

Are there any other religions or gods that tell us about the beginning, before the bible, that don't require carbon dating?

Do you actually pay any attention to the world around you? There are many.

Let's put Islam and Judaism aside for a second, because they're based on the same books that Christianity is so they don't really count as "other". Hinduism has it's own creation mythology. So did the ancient Egyptians, and the Greeks. The Zoroastrians did too. Pretty much every religion that attained any sort of following has attempted some sort of explanation, because it's an obvious question that everyone should ask. Some, like Buddhism, explicitly refuse to answer the question as outside their purview (which is actually the smartest thing).

And just because lots of people made up answers to the question, doesn't mean that any of them are right, or even close.

The difference between God and the big bang is that one can explain in a clear, logical, objective manner why they might think that the big bang is a reasonable idea. Even if someone disagrees, they can at least understand clearly how you arrived at the idea of the big bang. One can also explain the deficiencies that the idea has, and how one might know that it was wrong if and when the opportunity became available to test it.

God doesn't have any of that. As we've seen, you can't explain God, let alone do it in a clear, logical and objective manner. You can't explain any deficiencies that the idea of God might have, because it doesn't have any. You can't explain how someone might know that it's wrong, because it isn't. God is simply a massive exercise in hand-waving to try and distract from the fact that you've put absolutely zero thought into the problem at all.
No, it's simply an idea. It's testable, if something is observed from before the big bang then it's wrong. There's nothing wrong with it as speculation, which is all it is.

Science doesn't know what caused the big bang, it doesn't even know if there was a big bang or what happened shortly after that particular point in time. It's merely the best explanation made by extrapolating from observations of our universe using things we do understand.

You don't seem to understand that someone could propose an idea as the most suitable possible explanation for a set of observations, and yet still hold reservations about that idea until observing it more directly.

Do you actually pay any attention to the world around you? There are many.

Let's put Islam and Judaism aside for a second, because they're based on the same books that Christianity is so they don't really count as "other". Hinduism has it's own creation mythology. So did the ancient Egyptians, and the Greeks. The Zoroastrians did too. Pretty much every religion that attained any sort of following has attempted some sort of explanation, because it's an obvious question that everyone should ask. Some, like Buddhism, explicitly refuse to answer the question as outside their purview (which is actually the smartest thing).

And just because lots of people made up answers to the question, doesn't mean that any of them are right, or even close.

The difference between God and the big bang is that one can explain in a clear, logical, objective manner why they might think that the big bang is a reasonable idea. Even if someone disagrees, they can at least understand clearly how you arrived at the idea of the big bang. One can also explain the deficiencies that the idea has, and how one might know that it was wrong if and when the opportunity became available to test it.

God doesn't have any of that. As we've seen, you can't explain God, let alone do it in a clear, logical and objective manner. You can't explain any deficiencies that the idea of God might have, because it doesn't have any. You can't explain how someone might know that it's wrong, because it isn't. God is simply a massive exercise in hand-waving to try and distract from the fact that you've put absolutely zero thought into the problem at all.

So how can you say it is an idea, and that the big bang is observed?
Man is looking at possibly a dot in the known universe, and making an a$$umption. He ignores the parts of the universe he doesn't know about. Rather continue saying "we don't know until we have facts", rather than lead feeble minds on, thinking they came from nothing, yet not confessing this case.

Based on this, God is all around. His fingerprint is seen all over creation. the complete genius of a Designer, even though it's perfection was somewhat degraded by mankind, yet HE still gives us a chance to get back what we had.
The earth being at the right distance from the Sun. That is Gods genius. The Greatest mathematician you will EVER know. That didn't happen from chaos to complete order. Never. Life from non life. Impossible, and worse so if science is brought into it. Everyone is free to believe what they want. You free to believe your big bang heroics as you see fit.
So how can you say it is an idea, and that the big bang is observed?
Man is looking at possibly a dot in the known universe, and making an a$$umption. He ignores the parts of the universe he doesn't know about. Rather continue saying "we don't know until we have facts", rather than lead feeble minds on, thinking they came from nothing, yet not confessing this case.

Based on this, God is all around. His fingerprint is seen all over creation. the complete genius of a Designer, even though it's perfection was somewhat degraded by mankind, yet HE still gives us a chance to get back what we had.
The earth being at the right distance from the Sun. That is Gods genius. The Greatest mathematician you will EVER know. That didn't happen from chaos to complete order. Never. Life from non life. Impossible, and worse so if science is brought into it. Everyone is free to believe what they want. You free to believe your big bang heroics as you see fit.
Hold on a second.

So something that may not have all of the answers, but does have many of them (and is regularly being further validated) should not be shown to people until it has all the answers; but something that doesn't have a single bit of evidence to support it, and was stolen from other religions is 100% correct based on 'cos I said so'!

Not only is that hypocritical to the highest degree, but its also utterly ridiculous. Its the rather predicatively theist fallacy that if something can't be 100% explained then the default answer must be God. No need for any evidence of God, it just must be, its absurd on every level No matter how much you attempt to bastardize the science or how many quote-mined and missleading videos you post.

Oh and what exactly is this "a$$umption" supposed to mean? Did you forget how to use the keyboard?
So how can you say it is an idea, and that the big bang is observed?

I didn't? I said that it was extrapolated from observations.

Rather continue saying "we don't know until we have facts", rather than lead feeble minds on, thinking they came from nothing, yet not confessing this case.

You've built this perception of the big bang that it's something that it's not. Your understanding is wrong.

Nobody sensible claims that the big bang is factual. It's the leading theory for something that we're currently unable to observe. We don't know, it's possible that we can't know, and that's it. Any decent cosmologist will happily admit this.

There's nobody not confessing this. You're fighting strawmen here.

Based on this, God is all around. His fingerprint is seen all over creation. the complete genius of a Designer, even though it's perfection was somewhat degraded by mankind, yet HE still gives us a chance to get back what we had.
The earth being at the right distance from the Sun. That is Gods genius. The Greatest mathematician you will EVER know. That didn't happen from chaos to complete order. Never.

Describe why it's impossible without God.

Life from non life. Impossible, and worse so if science is brought into it.

Describe why it's impossible without God.

Last I checked there were a few decent ideas out there as to how it could happen, but nobody had actually managed to pull it off in a real experiment. Which isn't that surprising, it's hard to replicate exceptionally rare events based on weird chemistry on a benchtop.

Everyone is free to believe what they want. You free to believe your big bang heroics as you see fit.

Like I said:

You don't seem to understand that someone could propose an idea as the most suitable possible explanation for a set of observations, and yet still hold reservations about that idea until observing it more directly.

I don't believe in the big bang. I think it's the most reasonable explanation of the origin of the universe that I've heard, but it still has some staggering problems with it. I accept that it's probably fairly close, but I remain vigilant for new information that will lead me to a better understanding. Something that you wouldn't know about, since you know it all already.

There's no belief required. The universe doesn't change based on what I think of it. It is what it is. The only obstacle to understanding is me getting enough information, and being intelligent enough to put that information together in a way that's intelligible.
The earth being at the right distance from the Sun. That is Gods genius.
What about the genius in the habitable zone moving outward, making it 100% certain that the Earth is doomed. As long as the Moon doesn't doom it first by moving away and throwing the rotation into chaos. Assuming Earth isn't doomed by an asteroid impact first of course. As long as a supervolcano...

There is almost nothing in the universe that would appear to be made for us if you really look.
That's when you interpret the Bible to suit your worldly desires, and self righteousness.
No interpretation required. It's what it quite plainly says.

Furthermore, it has nothing whatsoever to do with my "worldly desires", and for the life of me I can't fathom why you'd even mention it.

As for "self-righteous", only one person currently active in this thread comes to mind to hang that label on.
This is what the people you follow say about it:

You free to believe your big bang heroics as you see fit.

Still can't wrap your head around how the rest of us live our lives can you? Living life without belief, and without "following" others has been explained to you many times, yet you still try to force everyone else into the mold that you'd like us to fit.
If The Bible proves that there's a god then here's a list of books I would like you to believe in as they are completely factual according to your book:
  1. The Harry Potter Series
  2. The Twilight Series
  3. Lord of the Rings
  4. Star Wars Various Books
  5. Mr Men Series
  6. Whinnie The Pooh Books
Do I need to go on? If the Bible or any other holy book proves the existence of a "god" then these books prove the existence of magic, werewolves, vampires and many other things.
If The Bible proves that there's a god then here's a list of books I would like you to believe in as they are completely factual according to your book:
  1. The Harry Potter Series
  2. The Twilight Series
  3. Lord of the Rings
  4. Star Wars Various Books
  5. Mr Men Series
  6. Whinnie The Pooh Books
Do I need to go on? If the Bible or any other holy book proves the existence of a "god" then these books prove the existence of magic, werewolves, vampires and many other things.
No, no, no at all, my friend!

My book is the Undisputable Truth, the others are clearly works of fiction!

Note I didn't say which books(s) is/are mine.

Nor does it matter, really.
No, no, no at all, my friend!

My book is the Undisputable Truth, the others are clearly works of fiction!

Note I didn't say which books(s) is/are mine.

Nor does it matter, really.
So you created my best friend Mr Tickle?
That's when you interpret the Bible to suit your worldly desires, and self righteousness.

How 'bout you come down off your high horse for a moment, and explain to us what the correct interpretation is, how you found out that it's the right interpretation, and how you know to trust that you have the right interpretation. Lay it out in clear, simple, steps for us.

You don't need God in your life, the One that gave you your incredible existence.

Well, since no theists that I know ever seem to be able to provide me with a clear process for finding God, I'd have to conclude that this is true.

Something had to create the big bang. It's fine if you reject God, but there is still the void that there should be something before.


I understand that you cannot think outside the box you're in, but it's perfectly fine for me to understand that God is Eternal. He has got to be the uncreated One, otherwise He cannot be God.

Which Bible? There are numerous variants and editions.

That's a good question for DCP.

Even if we had only one version, the double standard would be there because appealing to absolute truth in the point of the origin of the universe and the cause of the Big Bang and not applying the same thinking to a god or a bible is desingenuous to say the least. :)
The idea is, as the truth is written on your heart that you will properly discern these things. There is no need for interpretations.

That is the idea at least. 2nd Timothy 2:15 and, Romans 2:15 iirc
The idea is, as the truth is written on your heart that you will properly discern these things. There is no need for interpretations.

That is the idea at least. 2nd Timothy 2:15 and, Romans 2:15 iirc

The father of atheism.........

I didn't? I said that it was extrapolated from observations.

Describe why it's impossible without God.

I don't believe in the big bang. I think it's the most reasonable explanation of the origin of the universe that I've heard, but it still has some staggering problems with it. I accept that it's probably fairly close, but I remain vigilant for new information that will lead me to a better understanding. Something that you wouldn't know about, since you know it all already.

There's no belief required. The universe doesn't change based on what I think of it. It is what it is. The only obstacle to understanding is me getting enough information, and being intelligent enough to put that information together in a way that's intelligible.

Because things don't just pop out of no where. When you see it, let me know.
If the big bang fits your world view and lifestyle, so be it. I just don't see how understanding more than what you've already seen, is helping you in your day to day life.

What about the genius in the habitable zone moving outward, making it 100% certain that the Earth is doomed. As long as the Moon doesn't doom it first by moving away and throwing the rotation into chaos. Assuming Earth isn't doomed by an asteroid impact first of course. As long as a supervolcano...

There is almost nothing in the universe that would appear to be made for us if you really look.

Of old You founded the earth, And the heavens are the work of Your hands. 26"Even they will perish, but You endure; And all of them will wear out like a garment; Like clothing You will change them and they will be changed. 27"But You are the same, And Your years will not come to an end.…

But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat; both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up.

Science says that the universe will perish, or implode or explode or whatever they come up with. Amazingly they don't realize that the so called goat herders knew this 3000 years ago. I'm just mind boggled how people see these things with their own eyes, and can't accept what is really happening. This is why one needs a set of Spiritual eyes.
I accept that this will be the case because again, the bible says many will be deceived and follow their own lusts and desires. That is the system of this world.

Don't ever forget why things are not perfect. The fall of mankind. If you ignore this, you will keep asking the same questions.

Also, the universe wasn't made for man. Man was giving dominion over the earth. That's proof of why man can't get out of the earth, to live on any other planet himself. He can just marvel at the vast universe, and hopefully one day, he could show us more and more universe with his instruments.

Still can't wrap your head around how the rest of us live our lives can you? Living life without belief, and without "following" others has been explained to you many times, yet you still try to force everyone else into the mold that you'd like us to fit.

I've never forced anyone to believe in God. I'm merely stating my faith in Him, or perhaps defending my faith.
God defends Himself. You are free to live however you see fit. That's the free will you or anybody has.
If you feel forced, well then, that is something you need to deal with, within your heart, not head.

If The Bible proves that there's a god then here's a list of books I would like you to believe in as they are completely factual according to your book:
  1. The Harry Potter Series
  2. The Twilight Series
  3. Lord of the Rings
  4. Star Wars Various Books
  5. Mr Men Series
  6. Whinnie The Pooh Books
Do I need to go on? If the Bible or any other holy book proves the existence of a "god" then these books prove the existence of magic, werewolves, vampires and many other things.

Knock yourself out. Believing in this books, or believing in nothing is your free will. Enjoy whatever while it last, because tomorrow is promised to no one, and neither the afterlife, whether there is one or not, who knows.
As for me, I'm open minded. I believe that if there is any kind of good or evil out there to explore, well then, I believe that magic is real, and like wise aliens or demons that could be werewolves or vampires. Who knows.

How 'bout you come down off your high horse for a moment, and explain to us what the correct interpretation is, how you found out that it's the right interpretation, and how you know to trust that you have the right interpretation. Lay it out in clear, simple, steps for us.


I'm not on any horse, although I can see how you think I'm the one judging or forcing people. I'm merely stating scripture, and I can see how that is offensive. If it wasn't, the offended wouldn't hate, kill, or be continuously angry at Christians proclaiming absolute truth. People don't like the bible telling them how to live morally, and they wilfully assume that the Christians are purposely doing it.

And Jesus said to him, "Why do you call Me good? No one is good except God alone.

for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.

but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die.
For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

But what does it say? "THE WORD IS NEAR YOU, IN YOUR MOUTH AND IN YOUR HEART "-- that is, the word of faith which we are preaching, 9that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved; 10for with the heart a person believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation.

That right there is telling you that you sin in thought and deed like me, probably everyday. We need a Saviour to redeem us. He did that 2000 years ago, for those before, and after His death and resurrection.
This is the free gift, that people don't even care whether they need it or not.
Forget about people, and take the opportunity as an individual.
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Because things don't just pop out of no where. When you see it, let me know.


Oh and before you attempt to dismiss that in any way, please educate your self to the fact that without quantum physics you would not be able to communicate with us using this particular medium. That's right the very device you are using to state that part of quantum physics can't happen exposes such a claim as utter nonsense (or maybe the internet and computers are the devils work and you are being corrupted just by proximity).

I just don't see how understanding more than what you've already seen, is helping you in your day to day life.
If you own anything with a transistor (of any scale, right down to the smallest computer chip) then that understanding is helping you in your day to day life. So in short just about every electronic device you own or use.

Oh and before you attempt to dismiss that in any way, please educate your self to the fact that without quantum physics you would not be able to communicate with us using this particular medium. That's right the very device you are using to state that part of quantum physics can't happen exposes such a claim as utter nonsense (or maybe the internet and computers are the devils work and you are being corrupted just by proximity).

If you own anything with a transistor (of any scale, right down to the smallest computer chip) then that understanding is helping you in your day to day life. So in short just about every electronic device you own or use.

That's nice bro, but they are discovering what's already always been there. It's nothing new.
Man can only use the creation. Nothing is of his own.

I'm put off by this same ol story already:

A vacuum might seem like empty space, but scientists have discovered a new way to "seemingly" get something from that nothingness, such as light. And the finding "could" ultimately help scientists build incredibly powerful quantum computers or shed light on the earliest moments in the universe's history.

Likewise the technology you refer to. People lived comfortably without these things. Without the genius of creating a brain, and raw materials as a start, man could never accomplish what we see today.
I mean, you must agree that the brain is a fascinating design right?

The bible says that in the end times, mans wisdom or knowledge would increase.
Just think, I'm sitting on the other side of the earth, quite possibly, and I am able to still share the gospel with you, whether you choose to listen or not. There is always a way to get the gospel out, including to those who don't have the technology. The disciples are proof of reaching the ends of the world, since God said that the world would know the gospel.

This question is too big for me, so I rather ask you. is there any country that hasn't heard about Christ?
That's nice bro, but they are discovering what's already always been there. It's nothing new.
Man can only use the creation. Nothing is of his own.

I'm put off by this same ol story already:

A vacuum might seem like empty space, but scientists have discovered a new way to "seemingly" get something from that nothingness, such as light. And the finding "could" ultimately help scientists build incredibly powerful quantum computers or shed light on the earliest moments in the universe's history.
You clearly either didn't read the two links or didn't understand them, neither of which would be a surprise.

Here's another for you to not read....
...I can provide more if you like.

Oh and we are not talking about future devices, the device you are using right now to post (and the infrastructure used to post it) is built upon quantum mechanic.

Likewise the technology you refer to. People lived comfortably without these things. Without the genius of creating a brain, and raw materials as a start, man could never accomplish what we see today.
If by lived comfortably you mean were not able to communicate, trade, create and share art, avoid conflict, live longer and better understand each other, then I guess so.

Personally no I don't agree with that at all, and at some level neither do you (or you would not be using said devices).

I mean, you must agree that the brain is a fascinating design right?
No. It wasn't designed.

The bible says that in the end times, mans wisdom or knowledge would increase.
Just think, I'm sitting on the other side of the earth, quite possibly, and I am able to still share the gospel with you, whether you choose to listen or not. There is always a way to get the gospel out, including to those who don't have the technology. The disciples are proof of reaching the ends of the world, since God said that the world would know the gospel.
And? The psychotic and often murderous way that relgion has used to spread its message over the years is proof of what exactly?

This question is too big for me, so I rather ask you. is there any country that hasn't heard about Christ?
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Because things don't just pop out of no where

Because gods don't just pop out of no where.

When you see it, let me know.

When you see God, let us know.

I just don't see how understanding more than what you've already seen, is helping you in your day to day life.

I just don't see how believing more than what you've already seen, is helping you in your day to day life.


As for me, I'm open minded.

If by "open minded," you mean "completely oblivious to how often I suspend my own critical thinking to accommodate my religious beliefs."

Seriously, look at the three statements above, and how it only took one word to turn your own reasoning back against you. You've never given your own beliefs a serious examination, and it's obvious that it's never occurred to you that you should. You just accept it all blindly. That's not what "open minded" looks like. Not by a long shot.


I'm not on any horse, although I can see how you think I'm the one judging or forcing people. I'm merely stating scripture, and I can see how that is offensive. If it wasn't, the offended wouldn't hate, kill, or be continuously angry at Christians proclaiming absolute truth. People don't like the bible telling them how to live morally, and they wilfully assume that the Christians are purposely doing it.

And Jesus said to him, "Why do you call Me good? No one is good except God alone.

for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.

but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die.
For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

But what does it say? "THE WORD IS NEAR YOU, IN YOUR MOUTH AND IN YOUR HEART "-- that is, the word of faith which we are preaching, 9that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved; 10for with the heart a person believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation.

That right there is telling you that you sin in thought and deed like me, probably everyday. We need a Saviour to redeem us. He did that 2000 years ago, for those before, and after His death and resurrection.
This is the free gift, that people don't even care whether they need it or not.
Forget about people, and take the opportunity as an individual.

None of that babbling even begins to address what I asked you:

How 'bout you come down off your high horse for a moment, and explain to us what the correct interpretation is, how you found out that it's the right interpretation, and how you know to trust that you have the right interpretation. Lay it out in clear, simple, steps for us.
I've never forced anyone to believe in God. I'm merely stating my faith in Him, or perhaps defending my faith.
God defends Himself. You are free to live however you see fit. That's the free will you or anybody has.
If you feel forced, well then, that is something you need to deal with, within your heart, not head.

That's not even remotely responsive to what I said. I have no idea why you think I'm suggesting that you can force someone to believe. What you said was:

You free to believe your big bang heroics as you see fit.

You're accusing others of believing when they may not. This has been explained to you about 500 times in this thread.