Do you believe in God?

  • Thread starter Patrik

Do you believe in god?

  • Of course, without him nothing would exist!

    Votes: 624 30.6%
  • Maybe.

    Votes: 368 18.0%
  • No way!

    Votes: 1,051 51.5%

  • Total voters
Newborns are as innocent as a saint, that is why we love them so, as we grow we become corrupt, you know this already don't you? Still trying to pick at me for not spelling it out I see. I wish we all would just think, a little.
If you take your moral cues from music you end up saying daft and contradictory things, like how you believe that man is evil by his nature but newborns are innocent.

Either newborns are evil and man is inherently evil, or evil is a learned behaviour in man.

To be more than fair to @squadops, you can get there by taking your moral cues from the bible (an immoral book) as well.
A child is pure, do I need to say more? Why do you think I protected mine so much.

I am an idiot full of piss and all that, I thought that was the point.
Newborns are as innocent as a saint, that is why we love them so, as we grow we become corrupt, you know this already don't you?
Then it's a learned behaviour and not, as you originally said, part of man's nature to be evil...
Still trying to pick at me for not spelling it out I see.
Nope - just because you're wrong and have literally just admitted it. Though you certainly didn't help yourself or anyone else by not actually saying anything in the first place...
I wish we all would just think, a little.
A lot of your comments come from a place of no thought whatsoever and fall apart after just a couple of questions and the bare minimum of thought on your behalf. First premarital sex was sinful, now it isn't. Then mankind is inherently evil, now it isn't. Can't wait for tomorrow's installment.

Personally I wish we'd all just think a lot before putting our opinions out there, rather than a little.
The song does not simply suggest or imply, it states very clearly that man is evil by his very nature.
And because this songs states this so very clearly, does that make it true? Is this valid for just this song, or does any song portray the truth? What about all the books that have been written over time?
@Famine I do think as much as I can.

I wish to afford my kids and yours as well, the best possible future for them, I'm sure that you see that. I would leave it there but I know you want more so...

Do not ever ever pound anything into their head, they are smart enough by nature, love them and treat them with respect. It matters very little to me if they see the Lord or not.

Does that make sense to you?

It is simply a part of my life @Denur
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@Famine I do think as much as I can.

I wish to afford my kids and yours as well, the best possible future for them, I'm sure that you see that. I would live it there but I know you want more so...

Do not ever ever pound anything into their head, they are smart enough by nature, love them and treat them with respect. It matters very little to me if they see the Lord or not.

Does that make sense to you?
Thanks for the unsolicited parenting advice, but when it comes from someone happy to espouse opinions that are so quickly and easily abandoned due to underthought and claims that they own their children, I'll file it in the pedal-operated fliptop In tray.
LINK REMOVED does this work for any of you?

It would be me on every part.

Man, that did not seem a very smart place to upload the file lol.
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LINK REMOVED does this work for any of you?

It would be me on every part.

Man, that did not seem a very smart place to upload the file lol.
This is the opposite of trying harder. Say it in your own words.
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Oh I am trying to upload a song that I not only wrote but also played every part, how can that not be me?
Put it on YouTube and then embed it here. Along with the lyrics please, which will make it so much easier to quote, if need be.
here is something an old mate of mine uploaded for me 👍

That would be me, on all parts. Thank you Jerry :bowdown:
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There are no lyrics, I could put it on YT I suppose, you didn't dl it then eh?

The site was full of malicious software (according to my browser at least), opening it in a VM exposed further malicious content. You should stay away from that site, imo.

By the way, your song isn't a song if it has no words ;)
I figured that out, it's the reason I posted the vid above.

My expression is so strong that it does not require words. I do write words and sing them as well however. was the song not enough rock n roll for you?
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This is the opposite of trying harder. Say it in your own words.
LOL I was asked so I delivered, so what.
You seem to have delivered no words, just more videos without any explanation of why anyone should invest any time in them when you can't be bothered to invest any of your time explaining your thoughts.
My expression is so strong that it does not require words.

Personally... after a couple of minutes I found myself wondering if you'd created the piece with a looper. The expression of the rhythm guitar and its riffs changed very little and had little or no progression and the drum track's seemingly unfeeling and repetitive feel only served to reinforce a senseof waiting to go somewhere but never quite setting off.

The solo seemed directionless and almost an early exploration of pentatonic scales and Page 1 ornamentation. There was a great piece of music in their waiting to get out but overall the impression was of a piece made for quantity rather than quality.

Make of that what you will.
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I'm glad you disliked it tbh :D

It's actually a song with lyrics and bass and so forth, it was an early version. Just something I could grab off the net.

The drum track was looped and of course needs to be better, I just played a few beats and then smacked it into my roland machine.

The only thing it could possibly have to to with a god, is that I was given a gift, whether you like it or not.
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I'm glad you disliked it tbh :D

Good, I didn't intend to upset you and, frankly, if you're happy with the music you're making then **** everybody else.

The only thing it could possibly have to to with a god, is that I was given a gift, whether you like it or not.

Musicality isn't a gift, it's an innate human (or mammalian) ability. It fades without nurture but it is not a "gift". People who are musical simply didn't let their musicality fade, regardless of how much they attended an instrument in later years the base ability was innate.