Do you believe in God?

  • Thread starter Patrik

Do you believe in god?

  • Of course, without him nothing would exist!

    Votes: 624 30.6%
  • Maybe.

    Votes: 368 18.0%
  • No way!

    Votes: 1,051 51.5%

  • Total voters
There are no lyrics, I could put it on YT I suppose, you didn't dl it then eh?
Nope, I have a tendency not to download anything from sites I don't know. But I did listen to your music on YT. And also, you were the one who decided to share your music with us, no one asked.
Yeah, that was my bad and I didn't mean for anyone to get a trouble. I hate the net sometimes.

As far as the music goes, and I did go back and read to see, sure I shared it so what, I can say this much... what do you think happens when I get up on stage? Oh dear I go against all my godly intents and the ladies come running.


I am man.
I was just trying to keep it on topic, tbh I cannot remember why I was asked to post a vid at all :lol:
That's no surprise. Nobody asked. Frankly I'd be a lot more concerned if you did "remember" why you were asked.

Unless the answer is "because God".
Just trying to somehow drag this more or less back on-topic.
That's no surprise. Nobody asked. Frankly I'd be a lot more concerned if you did "remember" why you were asked.

Unless the answer is "because God".
Just trying to somehow drag this more or less back on-topic.

I think he was arguing it was a divine gift.
That's no surprise. Nobody asked. Frankly I'd be a lot more concerned if you did "remember" why you were asked.

Unless the answer is "because God".
Just trying to somehow drag this more or less back on-topic.

I think he was arguing it was a divine gift.
It was because his message or emotions are so powerful, it can only be described through music.
Words not sufficient.
I do believe I have had a stroke tbh. And common Famine, it's just a video, and a pretty cool one at that.

That is a horrid thing to say, I know it was in jest, how ever my response was not. Keep it clean.

Ok, so you're seriously saying that you think you've had a stroke at some point in your life, and that keeps you from being able to take a joke? Ok, I may have offended you with my joke, I'm fine with that. Just trying to give you an opportunity to laugh at yourself a little and help the thread move on.
Ok, so you're seriously saying that you think you've had a stroke at some point in your life, and that keeps you from being able to take a joke? Ok, I may have offended you with my joke, I'm fine with that. Just trying to give you an opportunity to laugh at yourself a little and help the thread move on.

No worries here, but it isn't something to take lightly, of course I am always self deprecating and I always like the joke. That is the truth, I simply thought you might want to think a little before you leap is all.
No worries here, but it isn't something to take lightly, of course I am always self deprecating and I always like the joke. That is the truth, I simply thought you might want to think a little before you leap is all.
We aren't Tumblr.
We aren't Tumblr.

I know that to be true, I didn't mean to make a plight, I'm simply a man. His post did not particularly bother me either, I just wanted to make a small point to him. I think we are all in agreement, as my words are true.

I wanted to say something just a bit more about my music, it's not related to the topic at hand as you know...

I was born on a stage, and I will die on that stage, do not think for one second that I am full of foolish ramblings, I was trained from the age of 3 to play music, I am a professional cellist I suppose although I left that trade after sitting in an opera sweat box for a few seasons. I do speak through my music however which has been so pointed out.

I have played in two professional symphonies and one opera house, this is what I think of it all.


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I gave up on religion. All the times ive been through, all i got was nothing. Only repetitive obligation, false hope, and reinforcing division between groups.

More of human factor than the religion itself but real fact is that its a large part of religion now.
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I voted, "maybe". Ive personally never seen or met God yet but that doesnt mean he/she/it doesnt exist. The universe is a very vast place and even when it comes to our own planet, we know very little, so who knows?
Ive adopted the Agnostic view that as of this moment, I dont believe in God but Im open to the possibility of it.

There are millions of gods, but only ONE can be true.
Only One knows the past and future and gave it to those who search it.
Only One came in like form as a man to serve man, and not sit high and mighty and be served.
Only One judges a man by his heart and thoughts, and not by his deeds and actions, because He said, out of a mans heart, flow the issues of life.
Only One was humiliated and suffered while being completely innocent.

If this is not the God you want to seek, then this is the very reason why you have free will. To go your own way.
Even when you do go your own way, this One God is till waiting for you to change your mind.

It can and it does happen, if God knew you before you were born, and God has always been, have you not also?
is there any other god who claimed to know his people before they were born, or the number of hairs on their head, or the trouble man would cause before the foundations of the earth were laid? Before the Bible or Torah off course?

Of course different religion's have different sins, because religion is required for sin to occur. Morals are not all from religion, but all religion's have their own morals. Confusing religious morals with society's isn't something I've heard before.
Ok, so two people could live identical lives and one could go to hell, and the other heaven?

Also, I don't know anybody that isn't religious that considers premarital sex a sin. People that aren't religious don't talk about sinning.

There is a reason why there are different religions, because they all must do good deeds and burn offerings to their gods, EXCEPT Christianity. You must know the reason why though.
Can a person still do good deeds while having much irritation and annoyance in his heart?
Sex outside marriage is not illegal, but it is morally wrong in the God of the Bibles eyes. Does anyone know what STDs are? Would there be STDs if people didn't sleep around with other people?

Citation please.

What difference would it make to those who already suppress the truth in unrighteousness?

Hi, I'm an atheist.
I hate God because He gives people diseases.
I don't believe in His corrupt Bible, even though I do all the things He says that are wrong, and that I will do by free will.
I'm going to die and become nothing or remember nothing, and never have any memories, but I'd still rather waste my time mocking Christians for believing in the sky daddy...:)

What a life.

Since I still love you guys, you can look at John 1-1 to 14...👍
What difference would it make to those who already suppress the truth in unrighteousness?
This is a discussion forum, therefore we discuss.

However its good to know that you are (once again) making assumptions about what other members do and don't do, that's rather arrogant.

Hi, I'm an atheist.
I hate God because He gives people diseases.
I don't believe in His corrupt Bible, even though I do all the things He says that are wrong, and that I will do by free will.
I'm going to die and become nothing or remember nothing, and never have any memories, but I'd still rather waste my time mocking Christians for believing in the sky daddy...:)
How can I hate something that I don't even know exists?

Its however again rather odd that a person who claims to be Christian can take such an ill informed and biased judgmental tone (and you really should take care before accusing others of murder).

What a life.
Mines great thanks, but again you are not in a position to judge anyone else's life, so stop doing so.

Since I still love you guys,
Your arrogant, judgmental and mocking tone above says otherwise. I'm sure you believe that you do 'love' us, but your actions and words don't support that belief at all.

Didn't your own messiah say "He who is without sin among you, let him be the first to throw a stone at her.", you seem to be throwing a lot of 'stones' around!

you can look at John 1-1 to 14...👍
Which is simply a list of claims made by John, so no it does state quite clearly that its the word of God, and that's without getting into which version of the Bible you're actually referring to.
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Dude you need to lose your stereotypes...
I'm Atheist.
I don't hate you or your God.
I don't need a book to tell me wrong and right.
I don't do most of the things that your God said are wrong, because most of them are illegal.
We're all going to die and be put in the ground or a urn. What happens afterwords? I'll find out when I die.
Excuse me for living with no fears...
Perhaps you guys must go through all these previous posts and see how you'll despise God (of the Bible)
I mean, He won't say "they hated Me first, before they hated you", and remember, His talking about what's in the heart, because people don't like to reveal what's in their heart.

By all means you can deny it. It is your "free will" after all.
Perhaps you guys must go through all these previous posts and see how you'll despise God (of the Bible)
I mean, He won't say "they hated Me first, before they hated you", and remember, His talking about what's in the heart, because people don't like to reveal what's in their heart.

By all means you can deny it. It is your "free will" after all.
Then you will have no problem at all quoting me saying that (and I will also await your evidence of me committing murder as well).
Then you will have no problem at all quoting me saying that (and I will also await your evidence of me committing murder as well).

If you're truly honest with yourself, you would say that at some stage, you were frustrated at me, and really angry because I said things to offend you, even though I merely just quoted the Bible.

That is as good as murder in only a Perfect, True and Just Creators eyes.
If you're truly honest with yourself, you would say that at some stage, you were frustrated at me, and really angry because I said things to offend you, even though I merely just quoted the Bible.
Nope. Debate and discussion doesn't frustrate me or make me angry at all, in fact I find it enjoyable.

That is as good as murder in only a Perfect, True and Just Creators eyes.
What is?
If you're truly honest with yourself, you would say that at some stage, you were frustrated at me, and really angry because I said things to offend you, even though I merely just quoted the Bible.

That is as good as murder in only a Perfect, True and Just Creators eyes.
I am frustrated with you! Telling me I do things that I don't is a starter. Next never actually answering a damn question. I'm still waiting for you to answer @Famine on how to talk to God, who knows I might change my mind. And your overall coming off like a Jehovah Witness, saying we're all sinners and going to hell.
I find it offensive you class me from a group of people just cause I don't believe in what you F'n do.
Still I don't hate you or your God. And if being frustrated at someone is a sin, then you need a new God...
There is a reason why there are different religions, because they all must do good deeds and burn offerings to their gods, EXCEPT Christianity. You must know the reason why though.
Can a person still do good deeds while having much irritation and annoyance in his heart?
Sex outside marriage is not illegal, but it is morally wrong in the God of the Bibles eyes. Does anyone know what STDs are? Would there be STDs if people didn't sleep around with other people?

What difference would it make to those who already suppress the truth in unrighteousness?

Hi, I'm an atheist.
I hate God because He gives people diseases.
I don't believe in His corrupt Bible, even though I do all the things He says that are wrong, and that I will do by free will.
I'm going to die and become nothing or remember nothing, and never have any memories, but I'd still rather waste my time mocking Christians for believing in the sky daddy...:)

What a life.

To the first part, yes, "most" religions push one to do good deeds. Religion (to me) is largely an entity designed to make social interactions within a set group operate more smoothly (instills universal values). That said, it must be noted that I am not saying religion is outdated or inherently detrimental to human progress. I believe that the world would have ended up the same way with or without it. People do good deeds all the time. I know many Christians that do many great things for their fellow man, but they do it because it is "good" in their sense, not because of the Bible. Morallity is subjective, even between individuals. To the STD question. Yes! STD's don't discriminate. If you win the Love Lottery...

To the second part, not all atheists act like Richard Dawkins. I personally dislike it when atheists go out of their way to put down religious people because their belief is not logically sound. Atheism is just another perspective of the world like religion. Live and let live.
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Nope. Debate and discussion doesn't frustrate me or make me angry at all, in fact I find it enjoyable.

What is?

So if I didn't cause you to get angry or frustrated at me at any stage, then I am sorry Scaff.

I am frustrated with you! Telling me I do things that I don't is a starter. Next never actually answering a damn question. I'm still waiting for you to answer @Famine on how to talk to God, who knows I might change my mind. And your overall coming off like a Jehovah Witness, saying we're all sinners and going to hell.
I find it offensive you class me from a group of people just cause I don't believe in what you F'n do.
Still I don't hate you or your God. And if being frustrated at someone is a sin, then you need a new God...

Sorry, but I've got to put it out there. On judgment day, whether you accept it or not, there will be no excuses.
You can't tell me you've never, lied, cheated, stole, looked with lust or "well you do get angry".
Bottom line is, I don't need a new God, because clearly He is Perfect if He judges anger as murder.
Why serve a god who shoves such things under the rug. This is the reason why there are millions of gods to follow, including the one that founded atheist mega churches.
If this is not the God you want to seek, then this is the very reason why you have free will. To go your own way.
Even when you do go your own way, this One God is till waiting for you to change your mind.

That is the one god that I wanted to seek. I spent a long time trying to get her to respond. She never did.

Been waiting for months now, literally, for you to finally provide me some insight on why she refuses.

It is your "free will" after all.

Putting that in quotes seems to suggest you've finally accepted that the concept of free will conflicts with your god. So if free will isn't real, why should we be punished for anything?

So if I didn't cause you to get angry or frustrated at me at any stage, then I am sorry Scaff.

You want to make people angry? So you're admitting that this is all just trolling on your part?