If we're all going to die and not remember anything, why waste your time trying to please a God?
That's your religion, not mine. I don't believe that. Everyone must be judged. No one is allowed to get away scot free. God cannot be God if He is not Just, and just sweeps sin and crime under the carpet, like religion does.
Also, I don't try to please God. Again, that is religion.
I worship my Lord not because I have to, but because I know what He has done for me, and He is worthy of my worship.
Others worship football games, women, drugs, money, scientists, theories, self logic, lust, sin etc, but me and my house, we choose to serve the Perfect Saviour.
It's also fitting that people believe in an uncaused universe, but can't believe in an uncaused God. Such is our free will.
As I expected.. no response to my question.
Why do you worship a God who has condoned, at any point in time, to any people, for any reason, to seize the virgin girls of their enemies, slaughter the rest, and keep the virgins "for yourself"? In the US someone who seizes and rapes the children of the enemies they slaughter is called a rapist, murderer, and pedophile and is given about the worst conviction we can muster. That person would be the worst among us, yet you worship someone who condones and encourages this behavior and call him the source of perfect morality.
Feel free not to respond to this either (I know you like ignoring things that don't fit nicely into your view of your religion). Just let it stew in the back of your mind that your God is the God of rapists and pedophiles. Just let it gnaw at you when you're at church that your perfect morality condoned barbarism of the worst kind. Keep in mind too that your God is without time, he sees all across all time, and so his take on morality is exactly the same today and will always be the same as when he was cool with Moses rounding up the little girls, slaughtering their parents and brothers, and enslaving them. That's your God, right now. Christ did not change his take on morality, Christ just brokered a deal, and apparently a temporary one.
because no matter what answer I give you, your heart is trained by yourself to reject it immediately, because your logic is greater than you. It is your authority. My Authority is the Saviour Jesus Christ. It is personal and Spiritual. You wouldn't understand it. Sorry. See, the bible points out people like you. The bible read you before you were born. The path you would choose to become who you are today. If you are proud of who you are. That is great, because you use your free will just like everybody else.
Jesus said He is the door. Great, you probably picturing Him being a physical wooden door, opening and closing like any other. Such is the carnal mind, lusting over the things of this world.
So, when you are ready to deny the things of this world, then we can talk. Until then, you will continue doing what you say to yourself is right.
You also said the most silliest thing I've ever heard.
To love your neighbour is committing adultery.
So if your neighbor is your brother, his wife and their teenage daughter, then you are committing adultery, homosexuality, and you are a pedophile? Carnal mind indeed bro.
The Greek word
agape is often translated “love” in the New Testament. How is “agape love” different from other types of love? The essence of agape love is goodwill, benevolence, and willful delight in the object of love. Unlike our English word
agape is not used in the New Testament to refer to romantic or
sexual love. Nor does it refer to close friendship or
brotherly love, for which the Greek word
philia is used. Agape love involves faithfulness, commitment, and an act of the will. It is distinguished from the other types of love by its lofty moral nature and strong character. Agape love is beautifully described in
1 Corinthians 13.
Outside of the New Testament, the word
agape is used in a variety of contexts, but in the New Testament it takes on a distinct meaning.
Agape is used to describe the love that is of and from God, whose very nature is love itself: “God is love” (
1 John 4:8). God does not merely love; He is love itself. Everything God does flows from His love.
Agape is also used to describe our love for God (
Luke 10:27), a servant’s faithful respect to his master (
Matthew 6:24), and a man’s attachment to things (
John 3:19).
Finally, God made a promise to the Israelites. An eternal promise. He can't be God if He breaks that promise, correct?
Have you seen Israel today, after 2000 years of exile and separation?
If God didn't destroy Israel's enemies before they destroyed Israel, then God would have failed, correct?
To this very day, God never fails His word and still protects Israel, being outnumbered heavily from the surrounding enemies. Grasp on that, because nothing you say can change this amazing fact.
Why is Israel still standing? That small New Jersey sized land? Well er, I don't know. I think a specific God said He will always protect them. Go figure.
You don't WISH to say what you want, else who are you wishing from? The spaghetti monster?
No, you choose to scoff as the bible says such people we can be sure will exist. Same as Danoff, you immediately reject the bible, because your logic is your own god.
It just surprises me that you keep coming back to read the same response from us Christians, as if you are waiting to hear something different that may trigger you to believe in God. It doesn't work like that. Can you deny yourself? That is the question.
The fact that you continue to argue against Christianity and the bible and the God of Israel, must tell us that it must be true, else why argue against it time and again? Rally Art answered your question you've asked about the laws Christ came to fulfill, but you still choose not to accept it. It's that simple.