- 29,424
- Glasgow
- GTP_Mars
Wait... so you're saying that one of these infallible texts is... wrong!?That is impossible
Wait... so you're saying that one of these infallible texts is... wrong!?That is impossible
Why?Yes! He drives A #44 Silver Arrow, Just Kidding. Yes! There is too much order in the universe to believe that it all came from A big explosion.![]()
There is too much order in the universe to believe that it all came from A big explosion.![]()
That's what makes the Milky Way evidence for such A conclusion as mine, Why is it so different from the rest? How could it be so different from the rest? If Not engineered to be. And if engineered to be, then by whom is the next question? Some call it A Bang then Evolution which has major gaps in it, Some Say A creator being the complexity of it, either choice takes A leap of faith to believe, in my opinion it is more comprehensive to believe in A Creator establishing order, then A chaotic explosion. That is all.Have you seen the universe? The mostly empty mess with the odd burning clump of stuff?
It might look orderly to you when you look out the window and see a city, but on a universal scale it's really not.
View attachment 550108
That looks a lot like random noise to me.
"I don't know, therefor God did it".Some Say A creator being the complexity of it, either choice takes A leap of faith to believe, in my opinion it is more comprehensive to believe in A Creator establishing order, then A chaotic explosion. That is all.![]()
"I don't know, therefor God did it".
That's what makes the Milky Way evidence for such A conclusion as mine, Why is it so different from the rest? How could it be so different from the rest?
I'm all for questioning beliefs, but I don't think responses like these are really encouraging open-mindedness."I don't know, therefor God did it".
Same old story.
That's what makes the Milky Way evidence for such A conclusion as mine, Why is it so different from the rest?
"People make stuff, ergo God exists."....there is not one person here who thinks his computer or his favorite race car just happened. It required thought and planning.
"People make stuff, ergo God exists."
I'm sold.
I believe in God rather than evolution due to the complexity of creation, there is not one person here who thinks his computer or his favorite race car just happened. It required thought and planning.
Not really your place to tell me what I believe.The human body and brain are by far more complex than a computer or a car but you'll believe that it just 'evolved' while a computer and a car had to be made.
I'll take your word for it. Now, what's the magical number where an eventuality can be deemed to have happened by design? 200? 199? 1?I forget where I read it, perhaps earlier in this thread (we're talkin' years maybe) but aren't there like 200 things that have to be in place for life to exist on earth? Not some of those 200, but all of them?
Not really your place to tell me what I believe.
I'll take your word for it. Now, what's the magical number where an eventuality can be deemed to have happened by design? 200? 199? 1?
Even outside of evolution, simple parameters can often lead to very complex things. Take Conway's game of life, for example. All it is is a set of simple rules that determine whether a certain spot is black or white.Boy ya sure got me there! The human body and brain are by far more complex than a computer or a car but you'll believe that it just 'evolved' while a computer and a car had to be made.
"Just happening" is closer to religion though isn't it? Evolution didn't say "Let there be people".
You can also get quite good results without thought and planning:
I think the biggest hurdle to get over with evolution is the fact that with small variations, it's hard to imagine such complexity arising. But remember that there's been a few billion years for it to take place, and small changes can add up quite a lot in that amount of time.
Except the big bang and evolution are not just wild hypothesis with no supporting evidence, quite the opposite.No, believers believe that God took an active role in creating the universe. Just happening is more like Big Bang I would think.
Itself having a eternal existence with no origin.all and requires blind faith that not just a God popped it all into existence, but that your specific God did it.
I forget where I read it, perhaps earlier in this thread (we're talkin' years maybe) but aren't there like 200 things that have to be in place for life to exist on earth? Not some of those 200, but all of them?
Boy ya sure got me there! The human body and brain are by far more complex than a computer or a car but you'll believe that it just 'evolved' while a computer and a car had to be made.
No idea, but I do know the statistical probability of all this happening by chance is well beyond accepted numbers (hope I'm wording this well enough) of things that can happen by chance.
The universe is a pretty big place.
Yes, but not right away. There is a period of seven years where non-believers basically have free reign, and the Jews will try to live under Messianic Law again. The Jews gets 3 and a half years of relative peace (via a peace treaty, which according to many theologians, the one who broker the deal is the Anti-Christ), after that, the treaty gets broken, and Jews are killed nearly wholesale (with the exception of 144,000, who will be protected by Christ during this time period). Then God's judgment comes and kills off some of the Human population (we can't put an exact number on it.) It finally amounts to the Battle of Armageddon where Christ (and the believers who were raptured up with him) is to return to finish off the Jew's enemies and take his throne.
I still don't get how you guys don't understand, that the OT was for a specific nation, for a specific period.
Jesus Christ gave the New covenant for the world.
He said, "Love the Lord your God, with all your heart and all your soul and all your mind, and love your neighbour as yourself. All the laws hang on these two commands.
Basically, if any law contradicts these two commandments of love, then you must get rid of it.
Also, in the OT, God is true and just.
Deuteronomy 136 If your very own brother, or your son or daughter, or the wife you love, or your closest friend secretly entices you, saying, “Let us go and worship other gods” (gods that neither you nor your ancestors have known, 7 gods of the peoples around you, whether near or far, from one end of the land to the other), 8 do not yield to them or listen to them. Show them no pity. Do not spare them or shield them. 9 You must certainly put them to death. Your hand must be the first in putting them to death, and then the hands of all the people. 10 Stone them to death, because they tried to turn you away from the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery. 11 Then all Israel will hear and be afraid, and no one among you will do such an evil thing again.
Off course he would be jealous if His creation chose to worship idols / self logic.
If your husband or wife worshipped other men or women over you, wouldn't you be jealous?
The God of the bible is universal. 2500 different translations, no wonder the bible is the most sold book in the world. This proves that a True God, really wanted His message to reach the ends of the world as He said:.
Boy ya sure got me there! The human body and brain are by far more complex than a computer or a car but you'll believe that it just 'evolved' while a computer and a car had to be made.
I forget where I read it, perhaps earlier in this thread (we're talkin' years maybe) but aren't there like 200 things that have to be in place for life to exist on earth? Not some of those 200, but all of them?
Then Jesus is a contradictory individual, as in Matthew he says something totally different.I still don't get how you guys don't understand, that the OT was for a specific nation, for a specific period.
Jesus Christ gave the New covenant for the world.
He said, "Love the Lord your God, with all your heart and all your soul and all your mind, and love your neighbour as yourself. All the laws hang on these two commands.
No it doesn't say that at all, that's your interpretation to meet your desired meaning.Basically, if any law contradicts these two commandments of love, then you must get rid of it.
So murdering everyone on Earth apart from one family is true and just.Also, in the OT, God is true and just. Off course he would be jealous if His creation chose to worship idols / self logic.
If your husband or wife worshipped other men or women over you, wouldn't you be jealous?
Our God is a relationship loving God, and since we are made in His image, we also have relationships, and have love.
No true (and your also told to imitate Jesus who likes a bit of whip action, and God (who is Jesus) who likes a bit of genocide).Islam on the other hand, are told to imitate Muhammed. If you look at the last ten years of Muhammed's life, you will understand why muslims are butchering not just infidels, but themselves as well, for being hypocrites.
The quran doesn't have a new or old covenant. They only obey the final word of the quran.
Its the same damn God you worship.Allah is not a universal god. Clearly the quran was written for the arabs, since it can only be interpreted in Arabic, and only 15% of them speak Arabic, and muhammed said it can only be understood in classic Arabic. Even fewer speak it.
If he was so universal why does every story in his texts occur is on tiny part of the Middle East, on one planet at the out rim of one galaxy in the universe?The God of the bible is universal. 2500 different translations, no wonder the bible is the most sold book in the world. This proves that a True God, really wanted His message to reach the ends of the world as He said:
12Because of the multiplication of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold. 13But the one who perseveres to the end will be saved.
14And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.
35Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will never pass away.
If he was so universal why does every story in his texts occur is on tiny part of the Middle East, on one planet at the out rim of one galaxy in the universe?
If its was so universal I would expect it to have a far greater reach and scope than that.