- 7,183
- Lisboa
You made a sweeping generalisation about ALL atheists. I don't disagree that some atheists behave that way. Possibly even many. But to paint every atheist with the same brush as though we're all just different faces on the same person is terrible.
Is it fair if I label all Christians in this thread as blindly illogical bigots? Because there's some in here that are, but it sure as sausages ain't all of them.
I took issue with you labelling an entire group. I expected you to back off and say that you didn't mean all atheists, like a kind, sensible person who didn't mean to offend every atheist in the thread. But you're apparently fine with it, despite there being evidence (that you even admit that you're aware of) that all atheists are not like that.
How does someone communicate sensibly with someone who is willing to ignore personal positions and assign you the traits of the worst members of a group that you happen to bear some relation to? Seriously, if you're willing to label me as ignorant of how religion and power work together despite me demonstrating otherwise before you even stuck your two cents in, what am I to think of you?
Are you just a hater?
Do you have some sort of grudge?
Should I even waste my time knowing that you'll ignore what I'm saying?
Tell me, how do I deal with someone who is willing to ignore what I say and label me with things that I have never done?
P.S. You should probably also know that "fear" has more than one meaning. It doesn't always mean scared.
@Imari You are wrong on your assumption that I made a sweeping generalization about ALL atheists, and I can't even understand why you keep going. I mentioned "atheists with a particularly smug attitude towards people with faith in God", and those are many, or even most of them, but by all means thay're not ALL atheists. And take good notice that I am not retracting anything, I'm reasserting what I wrote and stating without a doubt that I believe that what I wrote is true, or else I wouldn't write it.
@Imari I didn't assign you anything. I took issue with your condescending "try again" and I voiced my displeasure at it. Don't expect me to back off from there.
@Imari I didn't label you anything. I'm no hater, I have no grudge, and finally what you do with your time is for you to decide, however I just replied because I wanted you to know that I didn't ignore what you said. Now you tell me if this reply was a waste of time.