Those humble good mulsims you are referring to, are the ones who never read the Quran, or if they did, they completely overlooked a big part of it! They simply decided to overlook all the violence in there!
Despite that, Islam is a big threat to everyone! A good silent majority has no effect on the evil acting minority! They'll either join in eventually or stay aside! In both ways, violence will be spreading!
You visited some mulsim families, I live in Lebanon, a country about 2/3 to 3/4 mulsims and 1/3 to 1/4 christians! I speak of knowledge and experience! I have lots of good muslim friends and I like them, but that doesn't mean I like their faith! Actually it's the very definition of a satanic religion!
If you need some insight on that, I can share with you some youtube videos and articles about how and why Islam is such a threat to the whole world and the whole human civilization!
Accept and love muslims, reject and fight Islam!
Those humble good Christians you are referring to, are the ones who never read the Bible, or if they did, they completely overlooked a big part of it! They simply decided to overlook all the violence in there!
Despite that, Christianity is a big threat to everyone! A good silent majority has no effect on the evil acting minority! They'll either join in eventually or stay aside! In both ways, violence will be spreading!
You visited some Christian families, I live in England, a country about 80% Christians and very few Muslims! I speak of knowledge and experience! I have lots of good Christians friends and I like them, but that doesn't mean I like their faith! Actually it's the very definition of a satanic religion!
If you need some insight on that, I can share with you some youtube videos and articles about how and why Islam is such a threat to the whole world and the whole human civilization!
Accept and love Christians, reject and fight Christianity!
Ohh look the bigoted nonsense works just as well that way around!
Christianity and Islam share the exact same damn roots, they along with Judaism are all Abrahamic faiths, most of which was stolen from even older religions.
All of which have a minority of followers who are intolerant and violent, and a majority who are tolerant and peaceful.
Personally I think its all an interesting, but archaic throwback with no basis in fact. However for the majority who follow a religion without violence or attempting to use it to reduce the rights of others I have no issue with it at all, regardless of the faith.