Hahaha I promised myself not to reply because the level of ignorance in here is quite shocking and sad!
I cannot for God's sake understand how you don't see what's around you! The dangers surrounding you! And yet you still keep defending it blindly!
English is not my original language so it'll take me some time to reply to everything and I don't have the time to!
I invite you all to watch this guy's videos
avid Wood! He was a former atheist, like most of you I suppose (judging your replies), and he is a VERY SCIENTIFIC methodical person that analyses everything and don't speak out of feelings but rather logic and facts!
He makes lots of awesome videos. He also makes debates against some of the most known Muslim and atheist debaters!
Again, he's very objective and discusses books, texts and facts, so go open your mind a little bit about what's really going on out there!
He does make some irony sarcasm fun videos too, if you like.
Now to go back to your verse above, your analogy is full of mistakes:
Please read the whole paragraph starting at verse 11!
1- This is a "example, instance, parable, exemplar, proverb". It's a made up story He told them just to make them understand how faithful we should be.
2- In that parable, the king represents GOD. The creator of everything! He makes you live and die! So if He wants to kill someone (let's suppose that), He can absolutely do it. It's His right, as we are His creation! He's the only one who has that right actually!
3- Enemies of God refers to Satanic empire! Satan and his followers!
Throughout the new testament, God makes sure to let us know that He loves all His creation! We are all His kids! He loves us all!
So we can't be His enemies, no matter how bad we behave! It refers to Satan and his followers, whom should be also our enemies!
Notice in that example, he didn't call after the bad servant to be killed, but after his enemies! So it's not him!
Wrong actually!
Yes there are fanatics in every religion, that's obvious!
But you are discussing here the people which I'm not! Some will always be good and some bad! This is how it will always be!
I'm discussing the ideology here!
Islam by definition is terror! Muhammad himself said "I was made victorious through Terror!". Islam spread by wars and conquests.
Christianity is the definition of love! Jesus teachings are the biggest proof! Christianity spread on the dead bodies of the early apostles who were killed and eaten by lions!
Big difference! HUGE actually! Like day and night!
I said it started and will happen soon enough for you to witness!
I also told you to mark my words and remember them!
So I still stand by it because it's the natural flow of things!
If you read history you should know that!
Seems you didn't read what I wrote!
I never said quoting the old testament is wrong! I said reading it alone, as if the new testament never existed, is not a Christian behavior! Because that'll be Judaism! Their book ends there! Jesus came to continue the story (as I said in that post too).