Do you believe in God?

  • Thread starter Patrik

Do you believe in god?

  • Of course, without him nothing would exist!

    Votes: 624 30.6%
  • Maybe.

    Votes: 368 18.0%
  • No way!

    Votes: 1,051 51.5%

  • Total voters
I knew it! I knew it!
The Spaghetti Monster is finally coming for you, miscreants!
@TenEightyOne , i had to think for a while about why you have written that rather agressive comment, and the only thing i can find is that you thought that "you, miscreants" was related to the map and targeted to people living there. It was referring to all of you/us here.
Also, i'm mocking the CNN graph, not the potential victims. I'm sad you thought otherwise as it implies that i'm looking to be hurtful, and although too much people on internet doesn't care much about others, assuming bad intent by default can't make things better.
@TenEightyOne , i had to think for a while about why you have written that rather agressive comment
There's nothing aggressive about it. He's just pointing out it might be better to wait to make jokes about a natural disaster of extraordinary magnitude until the danger has passed, rather than while it's unfolding.
I live in Lebanon, a country about 2/3 to 3/4 mulsims and 1/3 to 1/4 christians!

I've traveled and worked in the Middle East and North Africa.

Hi @Georgeagea, it may look like someone is trying to put his limited experience above your life-long experience of meeting muslims from variety of social classes, but don't get disconcerted about it, it's only not very straightforward way how to say that people should be judged individually. And ultimately it's people who choose how they follow certain ideology, especially as ambiguous as islam is.

Nope, you don't get to claim that while you are also attempting to 'other' people.

You also don't get peace when ignoring basic evolutionary psychology. We can go on about ideal world here, but in reality you get brexit, Trump and rise of far-right political parties.
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Hi @Georgeagea, it may look like someone is trying to put his limited experience above your life-long experience of meeting muslims from variety of social classes, but don't get disconcerted about it, it's only not very straightforward way how to say that people should be judged individually. And ultimately it's people who choose how they follow certain ideology, especially as ambiguous as islam is.
All religions are ambiguous, it's engineered in, make them specific and they would fall apart.

I would also ask that you don't quote me out of context again please.

The location of your birth doesn't provide you with an automatic knowledge or lack of bias.

You also don't get peace when ignoring basic evolutionary psychology. We can go on about ideal world here, but in reality you get brexit, Trump and rise of far-right political parties.
I'm not sure exactly what you are saying here?
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Hi @Georgeagea, it may look like someone is trying to put his limited experience above your life-long experience of meeting muslims from variety of social classes, but don't get disconcerted about it, it's only not very straightforward way how to say that people should be judged individually. And ultimately it's people who choose how they follow certain ideology, especially as ambiguous as islam is.

Life long experiences when it comes to culture often leads to an ethnocentric viewpoint.

The best way to view a particular culture is be an outsider with an open mind free of any preconceived notions. It's why anthropologists rarely study their own culture or sub-culture.
sigh ... and I'm not saying otherwise.
You appeared to be, given that in a conversation about two faith you specifically used it to describe only one of them.

If you want to apply it to all faiths then that's not how your post was ever going to come across.

Sure, btw. it wasn't meant as continuation of original discussion.
I'm aware, which doesn't however change the matter. It's out of context in either case.
You appeared to be, given that in a conversation about two faith you specifically used it to describe only one of them.

If you want to apply it to all faiths then that's not how your post was ever going to come across.

Whole post was addressed to Georgeagea so I was considering his viewpoint on one particular religion, it really wasn't continuation of original conversation.
Whole post was addressed to Georgeagea so I was considering his viewpoint on one particular religion, it really wasn't continuation of original conversation.
While it was addressed to @Georgeagea it was @Scaff's experience or lack thereof that you were calling out, here on a public forum. If you want a private conversation, send him a PM, otherwise others commenting on your posts is fair game.
While it was addressed to @Georgeagea it was @Scaff's experience or lack thereof that you were calling out, here on a public forum. If you want a private conversation, send him a PM, otherwise others commenting on your posts is fair game.

Sure, it was form of an open letter and I don't mind others commenting on my posts, conversation above is more about specifying some point in my post. And I'm also not calling out @Scaff, because I believe he is aware that personal experience is always somewhat limited (however expansive when compared to average Joe).
Many of the people I've been in training with have explained that God guided them to adopt from a particular country, or a particular child. They're explaining how they're making multiple trips to some war riddled nation in Africa because it was God's plan. They have faith that God will return them home intact. That's a biiiiiig risk. Some of those nations are not exactly safe places to travel. Some of them require that you pay the orphanage in cash. How safe do you think it is to travel through some African warloard's land with a bag of $5,000 in cash? Twice. Are you getting a child that was stolen from their parents to be sold to you? Are you getting a child that was conceived for the purpose of making money off of you? Are you risking your existing children's happiness and stability by making this choice to risk your life (most of them have kids already)?

Faith can lead people to make ill-informed decisions. If it takes the place of rational thought (which it must), it comes at a real cost.

Case in point:

"Only God knows exactly where it will lead or what all can be accomplished, seen, experienced or learned while we travel. So we put ourselves in His hands.” Turns out, when you take your hands off the wheel, you can end up in captivity for 5 years in Pakistan. Horrible situation obviously, which I would wish on no one, but this is exactly the sentiment I was talking about.

It's one thing to take a calculated risk, understand that bad things can happen, and decide that it's worth it to take the chance. It's another entirely to mistakenly think that someone else is steering the car and to use that as a reason to take your hand off the wheel.
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I was glad to see this forum back long ago. I have watched this thread and get notifications when there is a new post. I just want to my perspective of things that I have read here.. Religion is just a set of rules made by man. Over many centuries people of all over the world have believed in and worshipped many different gods. That's fine with me but also saddens me as well. The god I believe in has a name and it is not God, but YHWH, which has been pronounced Yahweh. He is the god of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob who sent his son Yeshua to die on the cross for all mankind. Yeshua arose from the dead after 3 days and there were many witnesses to this event. Yeshua lived a perfect sinless life being fully YHWH and man. His purpose was to be a living example of how to live and worship YHWH. YHWH, Yeshua, and the Ruach HaKodesh are one in the same not 3 different entities.

People have said many times that babies don't come with a manual but the truth is the Bible is the instructions not just for babies, teenagers and adults. Much confusion has evolved about the Bible. The bible was the first written example of the instructions that YHWH wants man to follow. YHWH has no interest in religion. YHWH wants a personal relationship with everyone. Yeshua is the only way to have a relationship with YHWH. YHWH never intended for there to be religion but simply to have a personal relationship with each individual. He gave everyone free will to chose who and how to worship Him and how we are to treat each other. There were 2 religions that came about from Yeshua's death and resurrection. Judaism and Christianity. Both have committed the one thing that YHWH said. That to neither add to or take away from the words written in the bible. The end result caused the Jews not to believe Yeshua was the true Messiah and it caused Christians to cast aside the most important part of the bible, the Torah and directed by men to follow the words of Paul. To do away with all of the Holy Days, to forget the Sabbath which is sundown Friday to sundown Saturday not Sunday. Christianity is a mix of YHWH's instructions and instructions for pagan worship which has also added to and taken away from the bible. Judaism is just as guilty because not only do they not believe Yeshua is the true Messiah but have also added to the bible that makes it even harder to have a relationship with YHWH. There is so much more but there isn't enough space to go further in depth to what I have written. Check my profile page. If you have questions please PM me. If you don't agree with me that's fine with me. I have been a believer in Yeshua as the true Messiah for over 30 years which is more than half of my life. I have never once regretted or disbelieved anything else. I have been struck by lightning and I am still here and YHWH has preserved my life many times. To all I say Shalom, which means peace. I sincerely hope what I have written finds it's way to the person or persons that YHWH had me write this for. Amen
There is so much more but there isn't enough space to go further in depth to what I have written. need. The internet and bible itself have documented these religions extensively. You don't have to regurgitate those statements here. I'm not sure what there is to really disagree with in your post. You spout recitations of dogma, which, are mostly accurate depictions of that dogma, and then simply add "I believe", which... ok great. Thanks for sharing.

Why do you believe? I'm not interested in what your religion says as much as why you find it convincing.
There were 2 religions that came about from Yeshua's death and resurrection. Judaism and Christianity.


Judaism is just as guilty because not only do they not believe Yeshua is the true Messiah but have also added to the bible that makes it even harder to have a relationship with YHWH.

Also nope. Judaism predates Christianity by a long way, Christianity derives from Judaism and is entirely stuff added to the original Jewish works (which remain untranslated by the Jews themselves, while English New Testaments are generally five times translated).

Aside from that I have to agree with Danoff, thanks for sharing, but why? need. The internet and bible itself have documented these religions extensively. You don't have to regurgitate those statements here. I'm not sure what there is to really disagree with in your post. You spout recitations of dogma, which, are mostly accurate depictions of that dogma, and then simply add "I believe", which... ok great. Thanks for sharing.

Why do you believe? I'm not interested in what your religion says as much as why you find it convincing.


Also nope. Judaism predates Christianity by a long way, Christianity derives from Judaism and is entirely stuff added to the original Jewish works (which remain untranslated by the Jews themselves, while English New Testaments are generally five times translated).

Aside from that I have to agree with Danoff, thanks for sharing, but why?

@Danoff, the reason I believe is when accepting Yeshua as my savior, repenting of my sin was a tangible experience with witnesses. My heart was changed along with my relationship with people. I have no religion only a relationship with my Abba in shamayim. On my profile I only state that I am Jew that believes Yeshua/Jesus is the true Messiah. I have been healed and been use to heal, I have seen miracles and used for miracles. One of which was praying over my dead daughter and she came back to life. She was checked by a nurse that was near by and had no pulse or respiration. I simply placed my hands on her and prayed. This was witnessed by nearly 40 people. There is life and death in the spoken word or as stated in the Bible "there is life and death in the power of the tongue". Satan and demons are real. The only dogma is that I believe the Word is given to men but divinely inspired from YHWH.

@mistersafeway, you are right Judaism predates Christianity by hundreds of years. In fact there is Judaism that is written and Judaism that is only spoken. The is also mystical Judaism called kabbalah. In the sentence where I wrote 2 religions came about from Yeshua's resurrection; I should have clarified that Judaism predated Christianity.

Lastly, I was expressing the same right that all the rest of you have. I shared that I believe in God and why. I did not say anything that was accusational or anything about what anyone has written. Thank you both for your response. Shalom.
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Lastly, I was expressing the same right that all the rest of you have. I shared that I believe in God and why. I did not say anything that was accusational or anything about what anyone has written.
They like to dissect posts for heck of it.
You can put in bold letters that it is your opinion and you don't want to respond. They'll pick your post, words and brain apart anyways...
They like to dissect posts for heck of it.
You can put in bold letters that it is your opinion and you don't want to respond. They'll pick your post, words and brain apart anyways...

Responding, asking questions and refuting arguments is now "dissect for the heck of it"?

I don't see a problem if someone refutes any of my points on any subject with rational argumentation and facts. Also, if I post an opinion and someone wants to know more about it, it's normal. I can simply ignore or I can continue the conversation.

Also, the same bad, fallacious arguments come up quite often from people who believe in gods. There's not much to dissect.