Both of you please tell me why you believe in God. What experiences have you had with God? How long have you believed? When I spoke of the Bible being a manual to raise a child it is apparent to me that you did not understand my point. The point is the bible teaches you how to interact with people including babies and children. What did Jesus say about children?
@Mr Tree your actions are dictated by your own thoughts and choices. You have free will so you can think whatever you want to, do whatever you want to. Right? Makes no difference whether you believe what I have written or not. I know it's true and so does YHWH. And do you know what is so funny to me? You say these things but don't have the intelligence to proofread what you have written. I'm not saying you are stupid you want to post your opinions filled with misspelled words such as this "eeucation, dishonnest, repratbsaid, ceitical"; that was not all of them just an example. Please do fill me in on your
education. How many times have you read the bible from cover to cover?Better yet how much of it do you understand? I question that because "
If I was forced to follow the bible as a child/teenager it would have had 1 of 2 consequences. Either my eeucation would have been less as it would have 'contaminated' the , thinking process. Or I would be so frustrated to have to be intellectually dishonnest, which would not be a good thing for the mental state of mind." I have 3 grown children that were taught from the bible at a young age (4-5 years old) and their lives are good and they have all be saved, baptized and filled with the Holy Spirit. My alive daughter is part of the worship team at her non-denominational church and incredible musician. I ask you to please get on your knees in a quiet place and ask Jesus to come into your heart and make you white as snow.
@BobK, I appreciate the sentiment as well.

It is your right to not agree. I also ask how many times have you read the bible from cover to cover and understood what you read? Do either of not know that the original writings were in Hebrew and Aramaic; there are words in both of these languages that have no translation to any language. You have to understand the original believers of Jesus were Jews. Hebrew words are based on the 5 senses so that the thought or word can be understood.(this is a really good investment of time.) Learn the Hebrew alphabet, it will help you a lot to understand the Torah and the teachings of both Yeshua and Paul
It is these kind of issues that I had not ever posted in this thread. The ignorance of the bible and it's original language is unbelieveable. Please invest about $60 and buy a good study bible that has the words of Jesus highlighted in Red so that you can miss them. Also get a Concordance like a Strong's. Take the time to read the bible from the beginning to the end. The study bible has commentary to help you to understand. A Strong's gives you the meaning and root of every word in the bible. I pray for all of you. It is written that it is the kindness of God that leads to repentance. Repent means to turn away, to never repeat the same thing. In the name of Yeshua/Jesus I ask you ABBA to open the hearts and eyes of all of the people in this thread, not that all need it but in their case please pour out Your refreshing Spirit upon them. Thank you ABBA that the sinner that I am can come boldly before your throne and ask in the name of your son these things. Amein. Bless you both @mister Tree and @BobK. I sincerely hope that the Holy Spirit touches your hearts.
Edit: @Imari, todah rabbah v' ahavah v' shalom