Do you believe in God?

  • Thread starter Patrik

Do you believe in god?

  • Of course, without him nothing would exist!

    Votes: 624 30.6%
  • Maybe.

    Votes: 368 18.0%
  • No way!

    Votes: 1,051 51.5%

  • Total voters
Ofcourse not. I answered the thread title.
Then why did you claim to be the first post in this thread? :confused:

I might have misinterpreted something?
The purpose of a discussion thread, maybe. I'm not sure how to distinguish those posts on a public forum to which we're not allowed to reply from those which invite open debate. Perhaps end them with "Type 'Amen' if you agree"?
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They like to dissect posts for heck of it.
You can put in bold letters that it is your opinion and you don't want to respond. They'll pick your post, words and brain apart anyways...

If you don't want responses, don't post on a discussion board.

@mistersafeway :confused: :cheers: I pray the best for you. May YHWH keep you and bless, May YHWH have His face shine upon you and above all may YHWH give you Shalom, Shalom. Amein

You know that's really quite rude, right?
Then why did you claim to be the first post in this thread? :confused:
:embarrassed: I see what you mean.
Edited my other post. I forgot to write "My". It wasn't my intention to claim that my post was the first post in this thread but that it is My first post in this thread. :gtpflag:
It's alright for belief systems to exist as a hypothetical shoulder to lean on for some people, but don't try to force it upon people. Or use the god of the gaps theory (god created everything science hasn't explained yet). "God" has it's place. But it's no more relevant than santa claus to me.
People have said many times that babies don't come with a manual but the truth is the Bible is the instructions not just for babies, teenagers and adults.

I'm sorry I disagree. If I was forced to follow the bible as a child/teenager it would have had 1 of 2 consequences. Either my eeucation would have been less as it would have 'contaminated' the ceitical thinking process. Or I would be so frustrated to have to be intellectually dishonnest, which would not be a good thing for the mental state of mind.

On the god 'saved' your life. Well I've allways found it disrespectfull to attribute actions to god which he has not done. survive something you shouldn't have you're either really lucky and fysics can explain why. And if someone helped you you deminish said persons efforts for saving you live by stating 'god did it'

On your daughter beeing dead. Well I'm sorry to he as blunt but if you guys did do that and can repratbsaid action I bet you you get a nobel prize. I'm sorrt I can't believe a story based on witnesses a magician does magic tricks in front of a full audience of witnesses yet his tricks are still tricks. And as long as we don't know how to bring back people from the dead I'm filing this under claimed miracle kever to he proven amoungst the hundreds if kot thousands of other miracle never to be repeated to be investigated by science.
I'm sorry I don't believe you.
You know that's really quite rude, right?

Might I ask why you consider that rude? Although I do not share @Racin510s's beliefs, not by a long shot, I do appreciate the sentiment he is trying to express. Sort of like a "may the Force be with you" type thing.
Might I ask why you consider that rude? Although I do not share @Racin510s's beliefs, not by a long shot, I do appreciate the sentiment he is trying to express. Sort of like a "may the Force be with you" type thing.

I will pray that you have understanding at our next white supremacy meeting. I hope that the God and Jesus, who wants to see the superior white race back in charge of this world, comfort and look over you and your family. May He shine upon you and give you peace and prosperity. Heil, heil, heil Trump.

Now we both know I don't believe the above, but if someone did that would be a mildly uncomfortable way to receive well wishes, right? They wish you well, but I imagine you probably don't feel great about the idea of a white supremacist God watching over and looking after you.

Perhaps it's a little uncomfortable for someone to go so overboard in wishing "well" from their god on someone. Particularly someone who clearly doesn't share those beliefs, who for all Racin510 knows is a part of one of those groups in the Bible that should be stoned, stabbed, or married to rapists.

It's all well and good to have one's own opinions, and wishing well on others is not bad in and of itself. But I think in choosing such an extravagantly religious way of doing so to someone who has pointed out some of the flaws in one's beliefs and then retreated in the face of someone who clearly doesn't know what he's talking about is kinda off colour at the very best, and overtly mocking at worst.

It's right up there with apologising and then following it up with "but...". If you want to wish someone who disagrees with you well, then perhaps don't use the language and style of the disagreement to do so. Maybe just say "no worries buddy, good talking with you, have a nice day" instead of name dropping your god three times in two lines.
I'm sorry I disagree.

On the god 'saved' your life. Well I've allways found it disrespectfull to attribute actions to god which he has not done. survive something you shouldn't have you're either really lucky and fysics can explain why. And if someone helped you you deminish said persons efforts for saving you live by stating 'god did it'

On your daughter beeing dead. Well I'm sorry to he as blunt but if you guys did do that and can repratbsaid action I bet you you get a nobel prize. I'm sorrt I can't believe a story based on witnesses a magician does magic tricks in front of a full audience of witnesses yet his tricks are still tricks. And as long as we don't know how to bring back people from the dead I'm filing this under claimed miracle kever to he proven amoungst the hundreds if kot thousands of other miracle never to be repeated to be investigated by science.
I'm sorry I don't believe you.

Might I ask why you consider that rude? Although I do not share @Racin510s's beliefs, not by a long shot, I do appreciate the sentiment he is trying to express. Sort of like a "may the Force be with you" type thing.

Both of you please tell me why you believe in God. What experiences have you had with God? How long have you believed? When I spoke of the Bible being a manual to raise a child it is apparent to me that you did not understand my point. The point is the bible teaches you how to interact with people including babies and children. What did Jesus say about children? @Mr Tree your actions are dictated by your own thoughts and choices. You have free will so you can think whatever you want to, do whatever you want to. Right? Makes no difference whether you believe what I have written or not. I know it's true and so does YHWH. And do you know what is so funny to me? You say these things but don't have the intelligence to proofread what you have written. I'm not saying you are stupid you want to post your opinions filled with misspelled words such as this "eeucation, dishonnest, repratbsaid, ceitical"; that was not all of them just an example. Please do fill me in on your education. How many times have you read the bible from cover to cover?Better yet how much of it do you understand? I question that because "If I was forced to follow the bible as a child/teenager it would have had 1 of 2 consequences. Either my eeucation would have been less as it would have 'contaminated' the , thinking process. Or I would be so frustrated to have to be intellectually dishonnest, which would not be a good thing for the mental state of mind." I have 3 grown children that were taught from the bible at a young age (4-5 years old) and their lives are good and they have all be saved, baptized and filled with the Holy Spirit. My alive daughter is part of the worship team at her non-denominational church and incredible musician. I ask you to please get on your knees in a quiet place and ask Jesus to come into your heart and make you white as snow.

@BobK, I appreciate the sentiment as well.:) It is your right to not agree. I also ask how many times have you read the bible from cover to cover and understood what you read? Do either of not know that the original writings were in Hebrew and Aramaic; there are words in both of these languages that have no translation to any language. You have to understand the original believers of Jesus were Jews. Hebrew words are based on the 5 senses so that the thought or word can be understood.(this is a really good investment of time.) Learn the Hebrew alphabet, it will help you a lot to understand the Torah and the teachings of both Yeshua and Paul

It is these kind of issues that I had not ever posted in this thread. The ignorance of the bible and it's original language is unbelieveable. Please invest about $60 and buy a good study bible that has the words of Jesus highlighted in Red so that you can miss them. Also get a Concordance like a Strong's. Take the time to read the bible from the beginning to the end. The study bible has commentary to help you to understand. A Strong's gives you the meaning and root of every word in the bible. I pray for all of you. It is written that it is the kindness of God that leads to repentance. Repent means to turn away, to never repeat the same thing. In the name of Yeshua/Jesus I ask you ABBA to open the hearts and eyes of all of the people in this thread, not that all need it but in their case please pour out Your refreshing Spirit upon them. Thank you ABBA that the sinner that I am can come boldly before your throne and ask in the name of your son these things. Amein. Bless you both @mister Tree and @BobK. I sincerely hope that the Holy Spirit touches your hearts.

Edit: @Imari, todah rabbah v' ahavah v' shalom
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You say these things but don't have the intelligence to proofread what you have written. I'm not saying you are stupid you want to post your opinions filled with misspelled words such as this "eeucation, dishonnest, repratbsai
The Bible also contains a teaching about berating your brother for a splinter in his eye, while ignoring the plank in your own.

A teaching you seem to have ignored.

Now as for the core of your post, yes the origins of biblical text have been discussed before, specifically the use of earlier texts from other religions. In some cases being borrowed wholesale.
Both of you please tell me why you believe in God. What experiences have you had with God? How long have you believed? When I spoke of the Bible being a manual to raise a child it is apparent to me that you did not understand my point. The point is the bible teaches you how to interact with people including babies and children. What did Jesus say about children? @Mr Tree your actions are dictated by your own thoughts and choices. You have free will so you can think whatever you want to, do whatever you want to. Right? Makes no difference whether you believe what I have written or not. I know it's true and so does YHWH. And do you know what is so funny to me? You say these things but don't have the intelligence to proofread what you have written. I'm not saying you are stupid you want to post your opinions filled with misspelled words such as this "eeucation, dishonnest, repratbsaid, ceitical"; that was not all of them just an example. Please do fill me in on your education. How many times have you read the bible from cover to cover?Better yet how much of it do you understand? I question that because "If I was forced to follow the bible as a child/teenager it would have had 1 of 2 consequences. Either my eeucation would have been less as it would have 'contaminated' the , thinking process. Or I would be so frustrated to have to be intellectually dishonnest, which would not be a good thing for the mental state of mind." I have 3 grown children that were taught from the bible at a young age (4-5 years old) and their lives are good and they have all be saved, baptized and filled with the Holy Spirit. My alive daughter is part of the worship team at her non-denominational church and incredible musician. I ask you to please get on your knees in a quiet place and ask Jesus to come into your heart and make you white as snow.

@BobK, I appreciate the sentiment as well.:) It is your right to not agree. I also ask how many times have you read the bible from cover to cover and understood what you read? Do either of not know that the original writings were in Hebrew and Aramaic; there are words in both of these languages that have no translation to any language. You have to understand the original believers of Jesus were Jews. Hebrew words are based on the 5 senses so that the thought or word can be understood.(this is a really good investment of time.) Learn the Hebrew alphabet, it will help you a lot to understand the Torah and the teachings of both Yeshua and Paul

It is these kind of issues that I had not ever posted in this thread. The ignorance of the bible and it's original language is unbelieveable. Please invest about $60 and buy a good study bible that has the words of Jesus highlighted in Red so that you can miss them. Also get a Concordance like a Strong's. Take the time to read the bible from the beginning to the end. The study bible has commentary to help you to understand. A Strong's gives you the meaning and root of every word in the bible. I pray for all of you. It is written that it is the kindness of God that leads to repentance. Repent means to turn away, to never repeat the same thing. In the name of Yeshua/Jesus I ask you ABBA to open the hearts and eyes of all of the people in this thread, not that all need it but in their case please pour out Your refreshing Spirit upon them. Thank you ABBA that the sinner that I am can come boldly before your throne and ask in the name of your son these things. Amein. Bless you both @mister Tree and @BobK. I sincerely hope that the Holy Spirit touches your hearts.

Edit: @Imari, todah rabbah v' ahavah v' shalom

I'm very sorry for my thick thumbs and a smartphone not beeing the best reviewdevice to edit, I really try to catch as many of those typo's as possible.

Wel you can be sure your daughter was brought back from the dead, I'm sure it never happened. Making such claims without proof is actually harmfull!

I haven't read cover to cover yet but I know some parts no bigger picture can ever make it ok. You know like the story of Job or noah. Where god descided to punish job for a bet with the devil just to show job was faithfull what a disgusting god... Or noah an actual genocide on humanity.

Yeah your children can be very descent and good people. But I bet you the fact they've suspended part of their critical thinking has had bearing on their intelectual career.

I've been raised a moderate christian and I can honnestly tell you my parents believe... so I do know a bit about the religion. I love this topic and watch debates for countless of hours.... It doesn't make me an expert but shows I have a will to understand the other argument.

And since I don't believe in god I'll explain why I don't believe.

I was raised a moderate christian. I've alwats been really curious also about lifes questions. Religion was the first to give answers as it has an awefull recruiting method... Start before the mind is ready to question things you know uo and until to age 14 if you start the indoctrination soon enough. Now luckily I was also interested in science, as soon I realised all those priests and such where just saying what they believe and every time you ask why they have to point to a manwritten book, written by idiots considering knowledge these days. Or you just have to believe... Now if I asked the same question in science class they explain why the things they explain are the way they are I soon realised the path to regression is religion the path to progress is science.
There is no reason for a god to understand how our world works and implementing one would just make for an extra assuption, therefor I see no reason to believe in something that can't be proven... It just seems redundant..

Edit: ow yeah I forget to fill you in on my education. Well I don't consider reading a 2000yr old book education... I was educated as an engineer within the field of electro mechanics. And yeah I can happily admit languages are my weakest point of education, I just never found it to be interesting in the same way I've found science to be.
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You say these things but don't have the intelligence to proofread what you have written.

Ooh, the irony.

The ignorance of the bible and it's original language is unbelieveable.

Holy irony, Batman! This from the guy who claimed the Jesus founded Judaism and Christianity, and that the Bible was the first example of God's word?

Pull the other one. It has bells on.

Edit: @Imari, todah rabbah v' ahavah v' shalom

English. Do you speak it? I'm pretty sure I haven't given you any indication that I speak Swahili.

The Bible also contains a teaching about berating your brother for a splinter in his eye, while ignoring the plank in your own.

A teaching you seem to have ignored.

Now as for the core of your post, yes the origins of biblical text have been discussed before, specifically the use of earlier texts from other religions. In some cases being borrowed wholesale.

@Scaff :confused:. So sorry you feel that my statement was berating. I followed it with I am not saying you are stupid. You are entitled to your opinion. 👍 It's obvious now that I landed in the wrong place. I thought that there would be people who were more knowledgeable about the scriptures. What I found was disbelief and criticism. I am following @mistersafeway, please just forget I was here. It's I who made the mistake of posting what I believe and have experienced over the last 30 + years. I also hope that you have a nice life and are satisfied with your beliefs.:cheers:

I'm very sorry for my thick thumbs and a smartphone not beeing the best reviewdevice to edit, I really try to catch as many of those typo's as possible.

@Mr Tree. I am truly sorry for you. I should have never responded to your post. Please forgive me. I landed in the wrong place as I said above. I hope that you have a nice life.:cheers:. One more thing since I questioned you about your education, being an engineer is very cool.👍 I have a degree in Biomedical Equipment Technology which is medical electronics to work on every piece of equipment that is used in the hospital. I say that because I am very much into science and critical thinking. I really do hope you have a nice life.:)

@Imari, I did not say Jesus created both. I corrected that sentence previously. For some reason I thought you were agreeing but how wrong I was. I surely made a mistake by coming here. The language is Hebrew and it says thank you very much with love and peace. I hope you have a nice life too.:cheers:
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@Scaff :confused:. So sorry you feel that my statement was berating. I followed it with I am not saying you are stupid. You are entitled to your opinion. 👍 It's obvious now that I landed in the wrong place. I thought that there would be people who were more knowledgeable about the scriptures. What I found was disbelief and criticism. I am following @mistersafeway, please just forget I was here. It's I who made the mistake of posting what I believe and have experienced over the last 30 + years.
Its always better to discuss the point in question rather than the person. Feel free to post what you believe and have experienced, but keep in mind that others are free to discuss, question and counter than.

I also hope that you have a nice life and are satisfied with your beliefs.:cheers:
I don't hold any beliefs of that form. I have no belief in any god, gods or absence of god or gods.
@Scaff :confused:. So sorry you feel that my statement was berating. I followed it with I am not saying you are stupid. You are entitled to your opinion. 👍 It's obvious now that I landed in the wrong place. I thought that there would be people who were more knowledgeable about the scriptures. What I found was disbelief and criticism. I am following @mistersafeway, please just forget I was here. It's I who made the mistake of posting what I believe and have experienced over the last 30 + years. I also hope that you have a nice life and are satisfied with your beliefs.:cheers:

@Imari, I did not say Jesus created both. I corrected that sentence previously. For some reason I thought you were agreeing but how wrong I was. I surely made a mistake by coming here. The language is Hebrew and it says thank you very much with love and peace. I hope you have a nice life too.:cheers:

Hey relax mate! You won't hurt my feelings that easily ;) it would be a bit hypocritical of me ;)

Voicing your opinions over here is actually a good thing to do! And if it's what you honnestly believe you shouldn't have to sugarcoat it to spare my feelings :D

I sure hope you have a nice life!

And if you ever want an actual descent discussion about this send me a private message. We might just learn feom each other.

Ooh yeah one thing I hope you take away from this post: it's not because people disagree and voice said diiffering opinion that you shouldn't have voiced that opinion! I believe people should be open about their opinions! And so should you ;)

Hope you take care!
@Scaff, Based on your statement I see that you are the perfect moderator for this thread. You are completely neutral. May I ask you to follow this link and read it. Your choice. I have said all I felt I should. I am very serious about the fact that I landed in the wrong place. I do believe in God. That's my response to the op.

I still believe you've landed in the exact right spot.
To discuss difficult issues with people you agree with is almost worthless ;)

My invitition to a descent conversation still stand and will do so if you would ever be interested!

Take care!

It'll just keep getting resurrected.

Pun intended? :D
Hey relax mate! You won't hurt my feelings that easily ;) it would be a bit hypocritical of me ;)

Voicing your opinions over here is actually a good thing to do! And if it's what you honnestly believe you shouldn't have to sugarcoat it to spare my feelings :D

And if you ever want an actual decent discussion about this send me a private message. We might just learn from each other.

Ooh yeah one thing I hope you take away from this post: it's not because people disagree and voice said diiffering opinion that you shouldn't have voiced that opinion! I believe people should be open about their opinions! And so should you ;)

Hope you take care!

Opportunity accepted. Thank you. Please check your inbox.
@Scaff :confused:. So sorry you feel that my statement was berating. I followed it with I am not saying you are stupid. You are entitled to your opinion. 👍 It's obvious now that I landed in the wrong place. I thought that there would be people who were more knowledgeable about the scriptures.

You'll find that many people here are quite knowledgeable about the scriptures. We simply don't accept them as truth without question. Mostly because honestly, if you accept everything that the Bible says without question it's unbelievably horrific. And not really Christian at all, in the general sense of what the religion tries to preach and practise.

If you're expecting a discussion where it's assumed that the Bible is wholly true and should not be questioned, you'll be disappointed. That's not true of any book, anywhere, any time. If you're willing to discuss and accept that books written by men (no matter how divinely inspired) and selected by men may not be entirely the word of God and that you may have to provide a little more justification for anything you say than "the Bible says so", then maybe there's something interesting we can all learn here.

If you expect people to learn Hebrew simply so that they can converse about the Bible in it's original text, you're in totally the wrong place. Join a Bible study group. While it's true that there's always some nuance lost from one language to another, I find it hard to believe that there's enough lost going from Hebrew/Aramaic/Greek to a good English translation that the meaning changes significantly. Especially after upwards of several hundred years of refining the translation of the most sold book in the entire world.
@Scaff, Based on your statement I see that you are the perfect moderator for this thread. You are completely neutral. May I ask you to follow this link and read it. Your choice. I have said all I felt I should. I am very serious about the fact that I landed in the wrong place. I do believe in God. That's my response to the op.

1. The complexity of our universe doesn't point to a creator, and even if it did why would it be the specific creator you believe in? why not one of the countless other deities who make the same claim?

2. You can't just insert the answer 'God' into any area that science doesn't yet know the cause of, nor does this one escape the same point I raised above. If it was a creator, why your creator?

3 and 4. These are exactly the same as the last two points, as such the exact same questions remain about them.

5. Now this one starts with a mistake (atheists don't believe that no God exists, they have no belief in gods - very different things) and then turns into a classic example of confirmation bias, 'I want to believe in a God, therefore I believe in a God'.

6. This one mixes confirmation bias with the issue of using a source to try and prove itself (using the Bible to try and prove the Bible is not a good standard of evidence at all). It also forgets that the source for much of the Bible is borrowed heavily, and at times almost word for word, from other, earlier sources.

As such we don't have six reasons here, the first four are all the same thing (we can't explain it - so God) and the last two can be applied to any faith as they boil down to 'I want to believe, so I believe and find evidence to support that belief'.
You'll find that many people here are quite knowledgeable about the scriptures. We simply don't accept them as truth without question. Mostly because honestly, if you accept everything that the Bible says without question it's unbelievably horrific. And not really Christian at all, in the general sense of what the religion tries to preach and practise.

If you're expecting a discussion where it's assumed that the Bible is wholly true and should not be questioned, you'll be disappointed. That's not true of any book, anywhere, any time. If you're willing to discuss and accept that books written by men (no matter how divinely inspired) and selected by men may not be entirely the word of God and that you may have to provide a little more justification for anything you say than "the Bible says so", then maybe there's something interesting we can all learn here.

If you expect people to learn Hebrew simply so that they can converse about the Bible in it's original text, you're in totally the wrong place. Join a Bible study group. While it's true that there's always some nuance lost from one language to another, I find it hard to believe that there's enough lost going from Hebrew/Aramaic/Greek to a good English translation that the meaning changes significantly. Especially after upwards of several hundred years of refining the translation of the most sold book in the entire world.

Based on what you said, I am in the wrong place. I do believe the scripture is true. There are many translations so with that there are some conflicts. I do not expect anyone to learn a different language. I am a Jew and Hebrew was part of my early education. When I accepted Yeshua as my Messiah I was banished from family and friends. I have sacrificed much to follow and believe in Yeshua, but I have not yet shed blood. Regardless of the sacrifices I know in my heart that the reward is much greater.

I grew up being told that Yeshua was not real and Christians were murders. That is what the majority of Jewish people believe or they don't believe anything. Yes what the Christians have done is horrific. From that perspective what the Hebrews did to get to the promised land seems that way as well. Would I go and behead a non believer, NO, yet there are people doing this very thing right now in the name of a god. What I have learned in the last 30 + years is that each individual will at some point in their life will have the opportunity to either accept Yeshua as the true Messiah or not at all. That is why God gave us free will. I am not blind being led by the blind. I have 7 different translations of the bible, I also have the Torah and the Talmud plus other Jewish writings. Then there is my library of reference books. I have read the bible from cover to cover well over 30 times. I find something new each time, and also find things that disprove things I previously thought true. IMHO believing in YHWH/Yeshua/Ruach HaKodesh, God/Jesus/Holy Spirit is a journey that will not end until Yeshua returns.

Lastly the earlier post concerning my daughter being raised from the dead is true. I know it is hard to believe and since I have no video of the event or any other of the supernatural experiences then I guess the earth is flat and if you go too far you will fall off.:lol: Heck this is the internet, I could be a troll, a spirit, a person, or just a program that has been designed to respond to certain key words. As I say in my profile I do not intend to force my beliefs on anyone. I am open to discussion or to answer questions, but my responses are going to be determined by my personal experience.
Based on what you said, I am in the wrong place. I do believe the scripture is true. There are many translations so with that there are some conflicts. I do not expect anyone to learn a different language. I am a Jew and Hebrew was part of my early education. When I accepted Yeshua as my Messiah I was banished from family and friends. I have sacrificed much to follow and believe in Yeshua, but I have not yet shed blood. Regardless of the sacrifices I know in my heart that the reward is much greater.

I grew up being told that Yeshua was not real and Christians were murders. That is what the majority of Jewish people believe or they don't believe anything. Yes what the Christians have done is horrific. From that perspective what the Hebrews did to get to the promised land seems that way as well. Would I go and behead a non believer, NO, yet there are people doing this very thing right now in the name of a god. What I have learned in the last 30 + years is that each individual will at some point in their life will have the opportunity to either accept Yeshua as the true Messiah or not at all. That is why God gave us free will. I am not blind being led by the blind. I have 7 different translations of the bible, I also have the Torah and the Talmud plus other Jewish writings. Then there is my library of reference books. I have read the bible from cover to cover well over 30 times. I find something new each time, and also find things that disprove things I previously thought true. IMHO believing in YHWH/Yeshua/Ruach HaKodesh, God/Jesus/Holy Spirit is a journey that will not end until Yeshua returns.

Lastly the earlier post concerning my daughter being raised from the dead is true. I know it is hard to believe and since I have no video of the event or any other of the supernatural experiences then I guess the earth is flat and if you go too far you will fall off.:lol: Heck this is the internet, I could be a troll, a spirit, a person, or just a program that has been designed to respond to certain key words. As I say in my profile I do not intend to force my beliefs on anyone. I am open to discussion or to answer questions, but my responses are going to be determined by my personal experience.
What are your thoughts on the Epic of Gilgamesh and the parrells from this much earlier (and non-Abrehamic) text to the Garden of Eden, Ecclesiastes and the story of Noah?
I thought that was the Atra-Hasis? Or does the Epic predate that? It's been awhile since I've been in college so I might be mixing it up.
Atra-Hasis pre-dates both, which further re-enforces the elements the Bible and Torah borrow.

Atra-Hasis leads to the Epic, which leads to the Torah, which leads to the Bible.

Religions borrow from earlier ones, taking the bits that work and demonizing the bits they no longer need.
Religion.. always a touchy subject the world over :scared: I personally don't believe in any God or higher being and yet I use the names God and Jesus lots of times in single a day.. go figure? :sly:

I do believe in clouds though and some look quite amazing from afar ;)

I'll sneak out of this thread now and go back to some good old cloud watching.. Nephelococcygia! Well until GTS gets released tomorrow anyway :P:tup:
Religions borrow from earlier ones, taking the bits that work and demonizing the bits they no longer need.

You mean like building Islam, Christianity, and Mormonism on the Old Testament? It's a real problem for them though, because they carry some real, horrible, baggage from the earlier versions. Christianity introduced some new horrible baggage too, but not nearly as much as it inherited through the OT. It might have seemed like a good idea to borrow and build at the time, but it has come back to haunt them in a big way.