If time on earth correlates to sentence, why would someone who hasn't done something terribly bad be sent to earth as a baby with horrific bone cancer or a hole in the heart for their 3 month, or even 3 day, sentence?
Why would those with a longer sentence for a heinous crime be given the chance to build a more comfortable life down on earth?
As far as the baby thing that could be more to do with the punishment to the parents, they have suffer through that time.
And for the baby maybe they where being a smart ass when they got sentenced, like when people get cancer. They are sentenced to 70 years prison but the last 10 years of that you have to suffer from cancer.
The people who have a smaller sentence get to go back to the place where there is no cancer, disease or people who want to stab you with a knife and steal your wallet and phone, so the longer your here the more you have to put up with things like that.
There's quite some considerable gap between the last dinosaurs and the first humans - even more depending on what you consider a human to be...
... which also begs the question of why the Earth has only been used as a prison for heaven for the last (as an upper limit) 300,000 years. Or were the residents of heaven sent back to live as lemurs and shrews?
Before earth was used as a prison people who did wrong went straight to hell, the whole prison on earth started by giving people a 2nd chance.
What about the people that kill themselves? Isn't that escaping prison? Where do they go to?
People who kill them self's might have mental demons in there head and that could part of the sentence.
You are sentenced to 40 years but going to live life in prison with mental issues.
if earth was prison why are there different religions?
Answer: the different religions where formed by only some of the things different people can remember about "heaven"
Some peoples heaven had virgins.
Where does god fit into all this?
Answer: when we do something bad on earth we go to court to face a judge but in heaven the 'judge's' a called 'god's" that's why there are so many different versions of god.
The judge/god who sentenced some people to earth had 8 arms another god had a big grey beard and wore a white coat etc.
There are many gods/judges.
That beings me to ANGELS, angels are what the jury members are called up there.