If you don't believe in a deity, why do you believe in hell?
Excellent point and question!
I don't believe in hell either.
I also said in one of my replies in this topic "God works mysterious ways". It doesn't mean't I made 180 degree turn and accepted god in past two hours. I though it was joking way to pull out comment in this so hostile turned discussion.
That's also good bridge to dilemma some religious people will make up if I made it up I don't believe in god.
Some of them think I believe satan then. Satanism as religious is opposite polar to other religions which are aware of evil.
For me as atheist it's religious nonsense as other religions.
Other strong believers on the other hand questionates my morality if I don't believe. Moral has nothing to do with religions, You become how you are raised up by rules from family, society and culture. At somepoint of your life you shall be enough experienced and educated in life you can make different between good and bad. If you throw fellow mate with rock and cannot make difference is it good or bad, you can first ask yourself how would you feel to being thrown with rock? In fact some religions encourages people to throw other with rocks... Where's their moral?...
Again, your thoughts on homosexuality, transgender issues, anime, zoophilia (and other paraphilias), feminism, veganism and the oppression you face as a straight, white (minority), male (minority in the developed world) all belong in other threads.
You know nothing about my views of homosexuality. I've described by biology perspective that without outside help non-heterosexual mates cannot get offspring.
You and few others are making false assumptions of me and categorizing me into pigeonholes of your own minds.
I tell you a secret if you didn't get it already. I have nothing against gay people, I want them have all rights to live in piece and harmony and joy with rest of us.
I have zero interest what people do in their own bedroom. Only plausible issue with this could be if I'm looking for new job and I'm equal skilled and talented for task than other job seeker who just happen to be gay. Gay will get chosen because he/she is gay. It'd rather favour flipping the coin for two of us.
Anime is japanese style of art. Not my thing but I have not really opinion of it either. Used Anime word while nitpicking in one of my posts here because I was kind of challenged why I didn't notice asexuals or other little groups on my test.
Zoophilias. Like above word used as nitpicking along with other minor groups.
Feminsim is twin sibling of chauvinism. I don't tolerate either. I'm all for human rights and gender equalizing, but if one group comes to taunt at me and accusing me about offenses and wrong doing my gender ancestors has done in past, it's plain bigotry.
Veganism. There's carnivores, herbivores and mixed ones. At school ages ago were were told it's quite easy to check out from species which one is: teeth.
Sharp teeth are to tear meat and use as weapon for hunting. Blunt teeth are typical for herbivores, so chew gars and leaves. Mixed ones has both teeth.
Humans have both type of teeth. Veganism is alright for them who can upkeep that diet and live with it, but when and quite often veganism turns out to be ism - religion. Then poo begun to hit into fan.
Race is not being on direct topic here, but my roots here in fennoscandinavian are from times when ice age's ice layer was moving away and that time cavemen came here to fish, hunt, fight and farm. They did happen to have pale tone of skin. Finland has not being at any point in position to conquer other countries to build colonies and slay original people. More or less we have been victims of major conflicts. However, still as caucasian I've been labelled at global world about white man who'se history been oppressive and abusing power and I should even feel ashame of it. Why?