First off, you mean "...Which Website's Review Matters to You?" Rant over (maybe)...
As far as game reviews go. Some of you may have known how I am with game reviews of GT games. I have an anti-mainstream take on how GT games are reviewed. I don't want them to say that Gran Turismo is the best game series since sliced bread. However, I don't want cheap shots or something like that against GT because almost everyone finds some kind of cheap shot against GT. Like I saw a two-page spread in one edition of Play magazine with a beautiful picture of the Citta D'Aria track... all to talk about the "cardboard people" thing. Or in one magazine, I read "unlike in GT4, you can take a picture any time you want (talking about PGR3 or PGR4)." I think the mindset is that since Gran Turismo is the trendsetter and the Goliath, a minor disappointment is a BIG disappointment to some people. Or as an analogy, it would be like when a sports reporter would say or write (and this is just as an example):
"...the New York Yankees are the best team in Major League Baseball, but they always find a way to fall on their faces, and the New York sports media does little to help support them when the Yankees are ailing."
It's like some reviewers try to find a way to properly talking about positives and negatives, but are reluctant to attack at a small cut and make it into a flesh wound when it comes to exploiting negatives. So do I trust game reviews? Yes and no. Or, more like yes and hell no. Yes because I want to know as much as I'd like to about a game. Hell no because most people have sky high expectations and valley low patience. One negative is seemingly a big negative to some reviewers. The best reviewers of a game can be found by looking in the mirror. Now if you've never played a GT game before and if GT5 will be your first, then you want an honest and complete review devoid of "fanboyism" and cheap shots. And if a bunch of mainstream jackasses make a beyond decent game seem like an epic fail, then it will ultimately have to come down to the best review anyone can make- your own.
So I care about reviews, but don't particularly trust them. That's my spirited take on this deal.