Do you care about Reviews? When GT5 is Reviewed which Websites Review matters to You?

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I'll go and watch the GT 5 Review of first day. they always talk about the good and the bad things, review games in 4-8 minute videos, and i think they are pretty neutral and fair to my fan-games^^
I'll read them for information, however they rarely impact on whenever i buy the game or not. Too many games this generation have been over-rated.
Websites are often biased towards whoever pays them for advertising space anyway. If PD advertise with them they'll no doubt give them a favorable review. If they don't, or if Turn 10 do advertise with them heavily, they might not get such a positive review. Money talks.
I play this one game where it got an average of a 4.5 (something like that) and I still play it. Reviews imo- are pointless unless its someone I know personally, or its a friend. But I rarely buy games- the last game I've bought for my PS3 was GT4 on ebay since I was done with GT5:P a while back
I certainly will read the reviews of GT5, not to decide whether I'm going to buy it or not since I will buy it anyway no matter what, but simply because reviews probably will give us a hint about how good GT5 will attract the masses.

Reviews contend a lot of different aspects of a game and I think it's important to distinguish between them. If GT5 would score bad review points in for instant in menu systems or for being to complex I wouldn't care too much, but if the game would get 60/100 in graphics or sound that would be a disappointment compared to other games in this genre.
I listen to the points made in reviews but not the scores so much.

I usually put my trust into in that respect.
It depends on the game. Generally speaking I ignore reviews these days, as a numeric rating is so old fashioned IMO. Forums and speaking with friends yield more than enough information.

I'll buy GT5 regardless, as I'd be happy with just GT5P with more cars and tracks. Beyond that, I really don't care how many tracks it has, or how many cars it has - it is what it is. Gran Turismo in all its glory on PS3. It's what I bought the console for in the first place.

I certainly will read the reviews of GT5, not to decide whether I'm going to buy it or not since I will buy it anyway no matter what, but simply because reviews probably will give us a hint about how good GT5 will attract the masses.

Reviews contend a lot of different aspects of a game and I think it's important to distinguish between them. If GT5 would score bad review points in for instant in menu systems or for being to complex I wouldn't care too much, but if the game would get 60/100 in graphics or sound that would be a disappointment compared to other games in this genre.
The thing is, you are buying it no matter what, so why do you care how GT5 will attract the masses, or if it had bad menus, sound, or graphics?
Games that I'm sure about like NFS Shift for example I read rewiews but then again nothing is better than to rent the game and try it for yourself.
But for GT5, a game that I've waited 5 years for it, bought a PS3 and a wheel to play it. I will buy it as soon as it is released.
I never read full reviews.

If it's a game I've never heard of then I'll read the review summaries on Metacritic but more often than not my decision about whether or not to buy a game is based on trusted* friends' advice :)

I like to see games which deserve it getting great review scores but higher sales are much nicer!
I read reviews for pretty much every game I'm interested in, but I don't rely on them (unless they say a certain game is really, really bad - then I take their word for it).

When it comes to sim racers, I find 99% of the reviewers out there don't "get it," probably because the only racing game they've ever played was Burnout and realism bores them.
Heres a recap on the average scores of the full games so far...Click the links for individual scores.

Gran Turismo 1 96%
Gran Turismo 2 93%
Gran Turismo 3 95%
Gran Turismo 4 89%

The Highest metascore for a PSP game so far is God of War: Chains of Olympus 91%
Here's another thing to consider... Gran Turismo has been the best racing game of the modern era, as I've said before. Some feel that the Gran Turismo series is the tell-all for how all racing games should be and what most try to emulate or better. The character Gran Turismo games has will make many feel that there's a need for something different to come along. That's what happened when in a Forza Motorsport commercial, another cheap shot to GT was taken when the very first Forza was touted as being "better than Gran Turismo 4." So because GT's brought so much to the table, so many other developers feel they have to make their game to be vastly different from GT, as if the Gran Turismo series is too boring by today's standards and in need of a different kind of game.

That's something else to consider. And guess what? When GT5 comes out, I'm sure a great host of other games will try to compete for the same real estate both on the PlayStation 3 and on other consoles and PC platforms. Everyone tries to outdo everyone else. It's a leap frog game that will keep lasting until companies go bankrupt or get bought out.
I don't bother with reviews at all. I try out demos. No demo, I rent. No rent or demo? I buy if it looks like a game that I have wanted and I have researched the plots, screengrabs, etc.

GT5 could get a 1 out of 10 (10 being the best), and I would still buy it.
Some good points in this thread.

I think that seasoned gamers (and I started on the ZX81!) pretty much know what's going to float their boat prior to a game coming out. I've never pre-ordered a bad game for example and I'd wager not many of you chaps have either.

If I'm in two minds I will always read a review, it tells you a lot about the game in short format...and the reviewer in many cases. If I am prepared to wait then forums after a couple of weeks will speak volumes, good and bad. Hopefully by the time I've made up my mind it's dropped in price as well.

As for GT5, it's a no brainer surely? 10/10 - if not it will be one of those occasions when we find out more about the reviewer. Also, who could review this game after a day or two? Really?
Heres a recap on the average scores of the full games so far...Click the links for individual scores.

Gran Turismo 1 96%
Gran Turismo 2 93%
Gran Turismo 3 95%
Gran Turismo 4 89%
This is exactly why I don't trust review sites. GT4, a game which is better than GT3 in just about every single aspect was reviewed lower. And note: the lowest scoring Gran Turismo. This is why I consider most reviewers to be weakbrains.
I only use reviews as a guider when I'm looking to new franchises. To even think about a review influencing my judgement on GT5 without playing it first-hand is crazy!
i'm a teenager so when i want something i have to try to perswade my parents to let my buy it. if i want something i find reviews doesn't matter what website then find the good ones and use that to try to perswade them to let me buy it. if they are bad reviews i ussually egnore them. if i want to buy something nearly nothing can stop me wanting to buy it
Considering how long they have worked on GT5, if it's not at least a 9 to me then I will consider it a letdown.
I am a tough critic too, the only games I can think of that would get a 9 would be:
socom 2 =changed online console shooters and made them very popular
COD modern warfare=graphics like never seen before on an online shooter
Tecmo bowl=brought real athletes to a major game for the first time
The newest metal gear solid=I just really liked the story and game.
GT1=consoles real first attempt at sim racing
pit fall= first adventure game that I know of
fourth and inches for the commodore 64=first real football game
hardball=first real sports game

As long as PD has worked on GT5 it should change the way racing games are looked at by all developers.
All of those games changed the way their genre was looked at. If GT5 doesn't take racing games to a new level, and bring some new features we have never seen before, then it will be a letdown to me. As long as it's taken them to make it, it should really completely blow away every other racing game ever made.
As long as this game is taking, it should have all the bells and whistles, complete damage, livery editor, more cars then imaginable, more tracks then you will ever race, best physics the ps3 could supply, and pretty much everything else that they have been asked to do from sim racers everywhere.

5 years or however long they have been working on this game is a long time. I really don't see how we won't get everything we want. I think(or at least hope) that PD has really kept a bunch of features hidden from the media so that when officially announced will blow us away. At least that's what I tell myself before I go to bed at nights.
I'll only check reviews for a game i'm on the fence about. A good example of this was Dead Space, personally i would have given it a 10 but many reviews were 80 ish. So was motorstorm and both iterations i played constantly.

Each gamer has their own favorite genre and will enjoy games regardless of reviews. Gt5 will be a no brainer for when its released nexy year.
Heres a recap on the average scores of the full games so far...Click the links for individual scores.

Gran Turismo 1 96%
Gran Turismo 2 93%
Gran Turismo 3 95%
Gran Turismo 4 89%
The Highest metascore for a PSP game so far is God of War: Chains of Olympus 91%

Really nice post man, thank you. I just CAN NOT believe that GT4 recieved 60!!! per cent by Computer Games or what it's called like. This is insane. And it says as explenation: A racing game with no damage and no reason to stay on track. ...yeah...right...unbelievable :ouch:👎👎👎
Reviews mean jack to me. If i like a game i buy, simple as that. I aint no sheep. What people like is purely a matter of perception. Something Fanboys do not seem to understand.
The problem I find with game review sites is that it's usually someone who's not really in to a sim game who reviews it.