Do you enjoy reading?

  • Thread starter Barracuda

Do you enjoy reading?

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During the past couple weeks I caught the reading bug and have been reading any chance I get. I tried to get interested in reading a while ago by reading From a Buick 8, but recently reading Christine has gotten me very interested. I'd seen the movie before but the book is so much better and quite different (If they made the movie exactly like the book I'm sure it would be rated R)

Yesterday I brought Christine back to the school library, but still interested I picked up Misery. So far I'm at page 47 and it is already really good. I plan on reading The Shining next because I've heard it is really good, I can't wait.

(all the books mentioned above were written by Stephen King)

So do you enjoy reading? If so who is your favorite author, and book.
I'm studying to teach English in high school, so I guess I had damn well better enjoy reading, and I do.

My all time favorite author is definitely Kurt Vonnegut Jr. Despite some pretty overt symbolism in some of his books, I love the way that he writes, and he never fails to inject his unique sense of humor into each and every one of his books. My favorite book by Vonnegut is definitely Breakfast of Champions but there are so many others that I love, including:
The Sirens of Titan
Player Piano
Welcome to the Monkey House

John Steinbeck is another favorite of mine, he's written so many great books in his time. Including my two favorite books by any author, Cannery Row, and its sequel, Sweet Thursday. Both take themselves less seriously than other Steinbeck novels such as The Grapes of Wrath, but at the same time they are incredibly heartwarming and funny stories about a group of bums and the slums around them in Monterrey, California.

Some other favorite authors of mine include: Isaac Asimov, Ernest Hemmingway, Hunter S. Thompson, JD Salinger, and so on.

I can't stand Stephen King though.
I read allot. Just doing the Harry Potters (dont burn me), but I also like the Dark Materials trilogy and ive got the The Dark is Rising Sequence by Susan Cooper waiting in the wings. Im also a fan of Justina Robson books.
I enjoy reading... but I have no time to :irked:

15 minutes every night before you go to sleep.

I read for pleasure every day. Usually at least 30 minutes a day; sometimes more if I have extra time.
I've read heavily since I was a kid, always loved reading and don't ever see that changing.

I don't have a favourite genre or subject, anything from fiction, non-fiction, magazines, bio's, poetry; it all get read.

Currently have two books on the go (a habit I've had for many years is reading at least two books at any one time - don't know why I just do) which are...

Stalingrad by Antony Beevor (a truly brilliant history of the battle of Staligrad)
Count zero by William Gibson (second of Gibson's Cyber-punk trilogy and a book I have read many, many times).

Reading FTW

I love reading. Currently I am working my way through The Complete Science Fiction Works of HG Wells.

It is hard to choose a favorite.

Some of my favorites include:

Ayn Rand
Orson Scott Card
Anne McCafferey
Stephen King
Robert Heinlen

I also do podiobooks, serialized audiobooks delivered through a podcast. I drive 40 miles to work every day and it helps brek the monotany.

My favorite podiobook authors are Scott Sigler and Mur Lafferty.

If you like audiobooks, or think that you lack eth time to sit down to read a print novel I highly suggest an online audiobook service. You can usually get the books for the same price as the print version. If you sign up as a subscribed member it is always that cheap as you get one book a month. I am a member at

I should also note, there is a reading group in the social groups.
I enjoy reading, but only articles or short stories.
Magazines I can read in one sitting usually.
I can't grab a book anymore and just read :( I fall asleep even if I am really looking forward to it.
But i read :30 everyday with/for my son before bed. (we read a page each)
I enjoy reading when I do it for fun and I'm not forced to. I like science fiction and informative books about cars or trains.
I loathe reading when I am forced to (school), unless it's a good book. This has happened before, most recently with the book Ender's Game. I loved it and finished ahead of time because I couldn't put it down.

I can't grab a book anymore and just read :( I fall asleep even if I am really looking forward to it.

But i read :30 everyday with/for my son before bed. (we read a page each)

Coincidence? I think not... ;)

But seriously, you're on the right track with your son. I did that with my kids and they could both read by the time they went to kindergarten. My elder was current with the Harry Potter books in 2nd grade, and eagerly awaiting the new one.
My favorite author would have to be Clive Cussler. My dad got me hooked on his books back when I was in 6th grade. I just love the action and humor in them, not to mention the antique cars that are mentioned in each book.

Of course when I heard they were making a movie on Sahara, I was so excited! Course then I found out that it wasn't exactly like the book and left out a lot of good plot points, so I was disappointed.

I also enjoy books by Tom Clancy, Micheal Crichton, and Lee Child.
But seriously, you're on the right track with your son. I did that with my kids and they could both read by the time they went to kindergarten. My elder was current with the Harry Potter books in 2nd grade, and eagerly awaiting the new one.

Quite agree, we did the same with our kids, read to them and with them from a very young age and it pays off massively. They read a huge amount, often preferring to read over watching TV, with my 13 year old having a reading ability better that than of school leavers.


Gawd, I'm really great when it comes to reading, I've got a good vocabulary, and my parents always read to me, but I hate it. I can't pick up a book and just go at it, unless it's for school (and you know what, Spark Notes saves me a good deal of the reading process.) It's not like I prefer TV better either. There's only a few shows I actually watch. I'd much rather be the one writing the book.
This has happened before, most recently with the book Ender's Game. I loved it and finished ahead of time because I couldn't put it down.

You have seven more books to finish the series. Technically three, but the companion Shadow series follows Bean (and many of the others) during and after the events of Ender's Game. Also, if you like Orson Scott Card he wrote on some of the Ultimate Iron Man comics.

My favorite author would have to be Clive Cussler. My dad got me hooked on his books back when I was in 6th grade. I just love the action and humor in them, not to mention the antique cars that are mentioned in each book.

Of course when I heard they were making a movie on Sahara, I was so excited! Course then I found out that it wasn't exactly like the book and left out a lot of good plot points the main plot point, so I was disappointed.

I'm sorry, but Lincoln on the boat, and an imposter in the White House, is what made the story important. The movie turned it basically into a treasure hunt, which is not what Cussler (or Dirk Pitt) has ever been about.

And Steve Zahn != Al Giordino. Steve Zahn is not an ex-Navy, former All-American football linebacker of Italian descent.

I'm sorry, but Lincoln on the boat, and an imposter in the White House, is what made the story important. The movie turned it basically into a treasure hunt, which is not what Cussler (or Dirk Pitt) has ever been about.

And Steve Zahn != Al Giordino. Steve Zahn is not an ex-Navy, former All-American football linebacker of Italian descent.

Haha exactly. I loved the idea that Lincoln was actually on the boat, it was a real twist (just like alot of plots in his books). I also was waiting for the part where they hide out in the old fortress and have the battle with the army, but of course they left that out too. Oh, and it would have been cool if they actually had a aircraft hanger filled with Cussler's cars to act as Pitt's house in the book. Steve Zahn really only fit the part in the sense that he's short and has a sense of humour. Other than that though, he looks nothing like I imagine Al to be in the book.

What I wish is if Cussler could turn his books into either straight-to-video movies, or made-for-tv movies that have all the parts of the books...of course that would never happen.
Depends on what I'm reading. If it's something I like, I get really stuck into it, but if it loses my interest, no.
The one thing I hated about reading books in school wasn't the fact that I didn't choose the book, but rather the fact that the entire class had to read at the same pace. Now I'm a fairly quick reader (1st grade level in kindergarten, 5th grade level in 1st grade) and I would always finish the chapter(s) that were assigned before most of the people in the class so I would be bored. Eventually I would end up finishing the book and have nothing else to do, so I would have to pretend to read chapters and just think about other things. :lol:
The one thing I hated about reading books in school wasn't the fact that I didn't choose the book, but rather the fact that the entire class had to read at the same pace. Now I'm a fairly quick reader (1st grade level in kindergarten, 5th grade level in 1st grade) and I would always finish the chapter(s) that were assigned before most of the people in the class so I would be bored. Eventually I would end up finishing the book and have nothing else to do, so I would have to pretend to read chapters and just think about other things. :lol:
In my day Nintendo sold wristwatches with games like Zelda on them.....
I read magazines often and like a good dose of non fiction now and again :)
I'm not a big reader but I like reading Thrillers such as The Godfather by Mario Puzo once a while.
I enjoy magazines, but don't care for reading in general. It's probably because we were forced to read a certain amount of pages in grade school, which made it something I had to do, not something I wanted to do. Damn you, reading logs!
I absolutely love reading. I have a reading level higher than most high school students, regardless of grade. It's really fun to get stuck with a book, and suddenly realize it's 3:00 AM.
I guess I do, as I frequent GTPlanet and a couple of other forums. I don't really get into books, but I enjoy my subscription to MOTOR magazine.
Reading threads on GTP is about the most reading I do. I've tried several times to get into, I just cant stay focused long enough.
Depends on what subject. Most of the school reading I hate. car magazines are a different story, I read them all. And love reading on the internet.
I love to read, mainly non-fiction and sci-fi/fantasy books. I think my favourite non-fiction sub-genre is travel narratives, give me a travel narrative about anywhere and I'll pretty much love it.

Favourite travel authors, although I will read their non-travel stuff as well:
Bill Bryson
Dave Barry
Will Ferguson
Tony Hawks

There are way to many authors I like to list, pretty much if they write well I'll read their stuff. Drew Karpyshyn holds a special place because I e-mail him telling him how much I liked his Mass Effect books and he actually took the time to write me a fairly lengthy e-mail back.
I'm an avid reader and mostly read when I have some downtime at work. If its a good book, I'll read it.

Discovered Haruki Murakami a few weeks ago. I loved The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle and am currently reading A Wild Sheep Chase. People I meet always assume that his work is difficult to read, but in fact it is really accessible!
I read when I can, but I don't have time any more. I do read to the children though, which is (as previously discussed) more important. Giraffes Can't Dance is a lovely story, but it doesn't really do it for me intellectually!

I tend to read non-fiction these days. I read Raymond Blanc's A Taste of My Life on holiday. It turned out I was staying about 100 miles from where Blanc grew up. I finished that, and there were lots of english books in the house we'd rented, so I read Frederick Forysth's The Day of the Jackal, which was fantastic.

To Diablo'; try not to read multiple books by the same author in quick succession, unless they're an actual series. You'll find that the author's style causes the books to all merge in your head. It's fine to read Stephen King just now, but you'll probably find soon enough that he's not that good an author. I've read a lot of Tom Clancy, I went through a phase of reading Clive Cussler, and for those who love William Gibson, I can recommend Neal Stephenson.

It doesn't matter what you read, as long as you read.

Oh, and if your kids are really young, read them what you're reading yourself. They don't care what you're saying, they just like to hear your voice. Both my kids had Autosport magazine as bed time stories for the first 18 months of their lives!
I love reading. Used to be in to Clive Cussler and Tom Clancy, but now I read Robert Jordan, Raymond E Feist, Gearge R R Martin, Bernard Cornwell and Terry Pratchett. Throw in the Harry Potter books (I know, I know... shaddup), the Hyperion series, and some Douglas Adams to make up the rest of it.