Do You Have A Potty Mouth?

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Never intentionally swore ever in my 16 years. Curse words just aren't in my vocabulary. Not even 'damn' and 'hell'. Feels like that makes me weird since everybody my age and way younger drop F bombs in almost every one of their sentences.
It depends. Sometimes I swear a lot, sometimes not. My parents don't care what I say though, which is nice.
Yea I swear a lot. I feel as though that's in the job requirements for being an auto mechanic. :P

But really, it's more or less who in with. Obviously with friends or when working on something I swear a lot. But generally otherwise I try and at least tone it down, especially in a more 'professional' environment.

My parents don't really care wether I do or not. My dad probably curses as much as I do really, especially at work. :lol:
I rarely swear, but when I do, I don't use english swear words, as they feel soulless to me...
With my parents/family around? Never. Around others and alone? Apparently I'm really bad. :lol:
With friends, yes. With family, never. I seem to have started to use James May's 'Oh, cock' a lot more though, and using traditional swear words less, which is a good thing.
It depends on the nationality and culture and upbringing if someone swears a lot of not at all.

We Belgians never swear. :lol:
Regardless of who I'm talking to and how I feel at given moment, I always try to keep my language consistent and choose appropriate words. That is not always easy to achieve spontaneously because eloquence is something that increases gradually, as you gather experience going through life. You can't just rush it up.

However, reading helps a lot, particulary dictionaries. For a last four years, I've been collecting words I do not understand and check them in dictionary afterwards. And later, if you can apply a new word in a text or speech spontaneously, you're going the right way. You may surpass members of your generation that way.

But as I said, it takes time and continuous desire to master this.

Still, you must be careful not to use either overly humble or grandiose words. Finding the right balance according to situation and nearby people is the hardest thing. Not all can do that, neither all pay attention to this.

That is what I aim for when I speak Croatian. With foreign languages that is much harder to acheive but eventually that experience should increase as well.

And about swearing...

I believe people swear because they lack skills to express their feelings effectively. No matter how angry or upset you are, your language must never lose usual composure. Practice above and extra care can cure this.

I don't mean to disrespect anyone, it is just my opinion.
I've never used swears in speech. I don't mind them at all, but I happened to pick up the habit of never using them. I'd probably turn heads if that suddenly changed.

The part of my speech that changes with who I'm talking to is how many in-jokes and sarcastic statements I make.
🤬🤬 %#°#é# µ 🤬🤬 ù%´"" 🤬
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I never swear. :embarrassed:
I don't think so. Also where on earth did you got some of those emotions?
I don't think so. Also where on earth did you got some of those emotions?
I got the emoticons duckduckgoing. Clarification: I use the duckduckgo browser instead of google. Also, you can find certain emoticons on other fora. Copy the images of the emoticons and paste these in your post.
I swear quite a lot. I use the F word and S word so often that it's used in almost any sentence I say and it's natural to me. I have gotten in trouble multiple times from me not controlling or filtering the words I say :ill::dunce:, but when I'm typing/writing I can avoid swearing accidentally. I am able to control it, but most of the time I either catch myself right after I swear or in the middle of saying it.
I vary. For the most part I don't really swear but when I'm tired or drunk, if I hear someone else swear I take that as a sign that I'm good to go and then it's entirely out of my hands. Also my siblings tend to swear like troopers so if I'm talking to them I'll usually pick that up and run with it.
I actually started to swear a lot lately. What have i become :indiff:

I always try to control it though. For me, using cuss words are signs that you lose control of yourself. But of course there are times where cussing around your friends sounds really funny :D

Me and my parents sometimes used cuss words but not against each other of course, that would be wrong. Sometimes me and the old man swears when we're driving along and there's a stupid driver on the road :lol:.
Of 🤬 Course I 🤬 do. Holy 🤬 🤬 Why the 🤬 is this even a 🤬 Question!?!
The plenty right? My cursing is like the nastiest porta potty known to man or alien
Never intentionally swore ever in my 16 years. Curse words just aren't in my vocabulary. Not even 'damn' and 'hell'. Feels like that makes me weird since everybody my age and way younger drop F bombs in almost every one of their sentences.

"Damn" or "hell" are hardly cursing, are they?
I rarely even say those in front of my parents. On rare occasions I'll let an F bomb go in front of my mom but usually I don't even say those. My sister is way more relaxed about swearing though.
The family I have to deal with on a daily basis has potty mouth words in their vocabulary. They cannot get through a day without saying at least 3 or 4 swear words. Seriously. As a result, I wounded up saying cuss words on the daily (not in front of my parents that is). There are a number of people in this thread that can confirm this.

But seriously? "Black a:censored:" "Mother:censored:" etc? From people whom should know better?

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