Do You Have A Potty Mouth?

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There are polite words to express whatever you want to express at given moment. These words sound harsh and they don't have any particular meaning, hence why should be avoided if possible.
Speak politely all the time regardless of the situation?

At least, I don't have the time to do that. I could care less about what other people think of my word choices- if people think I'm unintelligent because I choose to swear since I grew up in a family that swears all the time, that's their problem, not mine.
At least, I don't have the time to do that.
What do you mean by not having enough time ? For good selection of words you don't have to waste minutes. A little concentration in conversation is all you need, response of your answers will increase gradually. People say wrong things because they rush without much thinking.
...since I grew up in a family that swears all the time...
The fact that your family swears all the time shouldn't have anything to do with your vocabulary. In fact, you should be the one to stand against it. If you know it is bad why let it influence you ?
...if people think I'm unintelligent...
Intelligence is hardly questionable in this situations. But the fact that you are being rude at given moment is. That is even worse, especially when you're not aware of that.
What do you mean by not having enough time ? For good selection of words you don't have to waste minutes. A little concentration in conversation is all you need, response of your answers will increase gradually. People say wrong things because they rush without much thinking.
I can think rationally when it comes to what and how I speak. I have become a master at creating speeches on a whim, and never during them do I use profanity or common filler words such as "like" or "um".
The fact that your family swears all the time shouldn't have anything to do with your vocabulary. In fact, you should be the one to stand against it. If you know it is bad why let it influence you ?
I grew up in a blue-collar family that has always spoken that way. You may find it wrong, but to us, it is commonplace. None of my sisters swear in front of their kids (except for the one who has a 13 year old), but they all speak like that when they are not around. It won't matter if I stop (which to be frank, I won't) because I tend to get overruled since I'm the youngest of five.
Intelligence is hardly questionable in this situations. But the fact that you are being rude at given moment is. That is even worse, especially when you're not aware of that.

Just as I find it rude that you appear as if you're trying to judge my character on that post while completely ignoring this quote. I know several people who don't like profanity, and as such, I never cuss in front of them.
My vocabulary depends on who I'm talking to. If I'm with my family, I'm very restrained and don't cuss much. But if I'm with a ton of friends, my main form of language is profanity.
In public, I usually don't even speak unless I have to. When I do use profanity while talking to friends, it's because I'm either in a car or because I'm at a private place. I went to a restaurant on Friday and never swore once. The way that your post is written, it makes it seem as if you think that people who swear only swear because the merely feel like it and don't have any idea of how to otherwise convey their logic.

Whether you want to admit it or not,my intelligence comment does stand because people who swear a lot are stereotyped as if they are not as smart as those who don't cuss much. I have a friend who is on track to get his Master's degree in Accounting at age 23, and when he and I hang out, he swears all the time. The same guy also has a job as a bank teller, and in that profession, professionalism is expected. The guy hasn't had an issue at all there since he was hired. Everyone I know who swears often does so when it can be appropriate (i.e. in private) and rarely ever (if never) when it is considered to be in bad taste.
Certainly they are inappropriate for any occasions.

Except swearing contests, surely.

I do have one friend who vows never to use especially strong language. Not because he finds it crude or offensive, but he simply has no need to use it. Plus he's reached a point where he would rather keep his 22 year record intact.
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Except swearing contests, surely.

I do have one friend who vows never to use especially strong language. Not because he finds it crude or offensive, but he simply has no need to use it.

Or when you are geniusly insulting indirectly someone with a bit of dark sarcasm.
I can think rationally when it comes to what and how I speak. I have become a master at creating speeches on a whim, and never during them do I use profanity or common filler words such as "like" or "um".

That is good. But could you answer to the question I posted above:

What do you mean by not having enough time ?

It wasn't a rhetorical one. I responded according to your statement due which my question was initiated:

Speak politely all the time regardless of the situation? ... At least, I don't have the time to do that.
Next part:
I grew up in a blue-collar family that has always spoken that way. You may find it wrong, but to us, it is commonplace. None of my sisters swear in front of their kids (except for the one who has a 13 year old), but they all speak like that when they are not around. It won't matter if I stop (which to be frank, I won't) because I tend to get overruled since I'm the youngest of five.

I do not find it wrong or right, it is how it is. I understand family members influence each other, particulary if you all live in a same house. It is hard to avoid it, I'm aware of that. But if you can find a small hole through which you could run away from that influence just a little bit you should use it. After all, we are talking about swearing which is a bad thing. That is what I meant.

Just as I find it rude that you appear as if you're trying to judge my character on that post while completely ignoring this quote. I know several people who don't like profanity, and as such, I never cuss in front of them.

My previous post may be misleading, so I'm going to rephrase myself:

Let's imagine a teacher engages into a conversation with a student. He has expressed his opinion and now he is waiting for a response from the student. The student may talk back (we don't know what type of conversation they are having) or may use profanity in his sentences. Whatever the case is, the teacher will never question or doubt his intelligence. He may be smart or not so smart but at that moment that doesn't matter.

What matters is that he is being impolite. If he is not aware of that it is even worse because he will continue to do so and if critizied by the teacher for it, he will argue even more.

I have met many people who were smart or not so smart and yet their behaviour towards superiors was inapropriate on many occasions. People with good conversation approach have better advantage towards those who speak carelessly.

Back there I posted general statement that doesn't have to be applicable specifically to you, rather it is based on experience I had in school, college and similar surroundings.

If you've perceived it as rude, please accept my apologies. I didn't value your character neither it is something I want do to since I'm not that type of a person.

In public, I usually don't even speak unless I have to. When I do use profanity while talking to friends, it's because I'm either in a car or because I'm at a private place. I went to a restaurant on Friday and never swore once.

I go one step further. I do not use profanity regardless of where am I or who I'm talking to. If a word doesn't have any meaning there is no need to use it.

The way that your post is written, it makes it seem as if you think that people who swear only swear because the merely feel like it and don't have any idea of how to otherwise convey their logic.

People swear because they don't pay attention to what they say at particular moment or in other words, they just give themselves over to their emotions or influence of other subjects in vicinity.

...people who swear a lot are stereotyped as if they are not as smart as those who don't cuss much.

I don't think they are, neither I heard about such stereotype. Intelligence doesn't have anything to do with one's vocabulary or approach to others.

I have a friend who is on track to get his Master's degree in Accounting at age 23, and when he and I hang out, he swears all the time. The same guy also has a job as a bank teller, and in that profession, professionalism is expected. The guy hasn't had an issue at all there since he was hired. Everyone I know who swears often does so when it can be appropriate (i.e. in private) and rarely ever (if never) when it is considered to be in bad taste.
That is what I find disturbing for most of the time, especially since I often come across these scenarios as well.

If you have a written or non-written testimony of your skills and knowledge, your vocabulary should coincide it. I believe in such case usage of profanity tarnishes your reputation and image other have towards you. That is unscrupulous for me and should be avoided.

And swearing is never appropriate. Nor in public nor in private. Just because nobody is around doesn't mean you can loosen up your vocabulary. It should remain its composure.
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Kick him in the shin and slap him. It is your mission in life to get him to swear.

Others have tried. It was never very effective.

A videogame related "accident" would likely push him to the brink or beyond. Such incidents very nearly brought his streak to an end in the past.
Others have tried. It was never very effective.

A videogame related "accident" would likely push him to the brink or beyond. Such incidents very nearly brought his streak to an end in the past.

Right. The most fun you can have with friends is 4 player GoldenEye on the N64. Set that up and ruin his life. Words, if not bottles, will fly as they do with my friends.

The frustration of being taken down by the Golden Gun or a proximity mine cannot be overstated. It demands cursing.
I don't know I did my fair share of cursing just by playing GT. When I would come just shy of a license test or anything stupid like that
I have yelled a fair number of words at video games over the years.
What do you mean by not having enough time ?
If I slow down to think about my words, I either start to use a ton of filler words that do nothing but make me appear as shy or disengaged or I wind up swearing more because get frustrated due to not thinking of anything else to say. In several situations (depending on context) such as talking with my college instructors or other adults, I don't swear as it is the last thing on my mind. I always have been the type of person who does better when I just do something rather than think about what I'm doing, but that's partially because I'm rather shy and get nervous with just talking to certain people.
If I slow down to think about my words, I either start to use a ton of filler words that do nothing but make me appear as shy or disengaged or I wind up swearing more because get frustrated due to not thinking of anything else to say. In several situations (depending on context) such as talking with my college instructors or other adults, I don't swear as it is the last thing on my mind. I always have been the type of person who does better when I just do something rather than think about what I'm doing, but that's partially because I'm rather shy and get nervous with just talking to certain people.
I got what I wanted from this post. Thanks.
I can't say too many people have a problem with the way I talk, it's fairly generic American Standard.

I do have moments where I fly off the handle or flip my lid, but I'll go on a roll if I'm pissed off, and spew a lot of unnecessary crap.
There is a 100% chance that I've called some of the most wonderful people in the world, the most horrible things while in traffic. Other than that, I do my best not to swear.
I'm just being curious, does anyone feel any remorse after swearing ?

How many of you would take back swearword you've said ?
I'm just being curious, does anyone feel any remorse after swearing ?

How many of you would take back swearword you've said ?

It depends on the context, I take pride in my unbroken streams of invective, I'm not sure I ever regretted swearing because I'm always careful to do it at the right time :)
I'm just being curious, does anyone feel any remorse after swearing ?

How many of you would take back swearword you've said ?
I just yell "Oh, 🤬. I just 🤬 swore, didn't I?"

Seriously, though, I really only do at work and no one here cares so no, I don't.
Cursed a lot today. >> Stress ..... winter tires ..... 2 cars ...... a lot of work.
It depends on the context, I take pride in my unbroken streams of invective, I'm not sure I ever regretted swearing because I'm always careful to do it at the right time :)

I just yell "Oh, 🤬. I just 🤬 swore, didn't I?"

Seriously, though, I really only do at work and no one here cares so no, I don't.

Nope. Never.

🤬 your remorse. :P
Thanks, I appreciate the input. They all have meaning, even as a joke. But am I the only one who think that way ?

I think about profanity as a taboo; I don't want to pronounce it nor even think about it. If I do say it, I feel like I did something inappropriate that blackens image of me regardless if someone is around or not. Sense of guilt is always present at that moment and it takes some time for it to fade away.

And I have sore conscience everytime someone gets offended by my words or actions even though there were absolutely no reasons for it or if I wrongly perceive situation as such. Usually I apologize immediately or rebalance the conversation somehow in more discreet way. Otherwise, remorse remains and it hurts every time I think about it.
I'm just being curious, does anyone feel any remorse after swearing ?

How many of you would take back swearword you've said ?
A little when I was younger and I'd spew profane tirades at video games. Now not really, I usually apologize if I swear in front of a teacher or something but I don't feel any remorse.

I swear a lot but the only times I really go on a tirade and swear aggressively are when I'm angry at someone for saying something moronic. Most swearing I've done lately was when after the shooting in Ottawa my uncle said we need to close all mosques in Canada and ban Islam. I was on the phone with my mom when I read that and she said she's never heard me so heated before :lol:
I tend to drop some really bad ones or crazy phrases while working on a car and something happens.

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