Do You Have A Potty Mouth?

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I try to limit my swearing when my nephews who are 3 and 4 are in the house, but when they are not in the house I swear more than a sailor.
Is it even possible to express oneself fully without the use of colourful language? I should 🤬 think not! Sometimes I'm swearing without even realising or meaning to. But then I'm a generally grumpy and pessimistic person as well.:lol:
Yes, I do, and I try not to around people that may find it inappropriate. When I'm around friends and people that could care less, if you don't want to hear it, cover your 🤬 ears.
Never quite realised how much I swear until I went to university, and then in my flat it kind of became a running joke how much I use the swear words in the middle of sentences, usually refering to objects.

Since I have came back for christmas I have found myself naturally swearing less though. Strange :P
Never quite realised how much I swear until I went to university, and then in my flat it kind of became a running joke how much I use the swear words in the middle of sentences, usually refering to objects.

Since I have came back for christmas I have found myself naturally swearing less though. Strange :P
It's the atmosphere of Uni. You're all adults at this point. No one is going to walk up to you and say, go to the principal's office.

Everyone is relaxed and no one cares.
I think it depends on the person. I've noticed that when some people cuss, you get a feeling that they are very disgusting people, but others don't give you this feeling. Not sure why this is. So yeah, I guess it depends on the person spewing these words, and how others interpret it.

Personally, I rarely cuss. Only when I'm pissed off. I normally use "goddammit" a lot, or "Jesus f* Christ" if I'm really having a bad day...
Going to somewhat elaborate what @HuskyGT said. I can't remember who it was who mentioned this - either Louis C.K. or George Carlin - but swearing is described as a simple natural reaction. It's a way to show others your emotions strongly. It's like using bold or italics in a forum. It gets people's attention so they know how you feel about something even more clearly.

So yes, I swear. Everyone does or did at some time. Whether it's a natural reaction after being injured or used as an attention getting technique, it's always around.
Well, there is an Irish guy, very quiet and doesn't say much, working out in the fitness where I (try) to work out. A couple of months ago, I used the **** word and he heard it. He immediately started shaking his head and I knew then that I did something wrong (in his eyes).
Since then, he doesn't even look at me anymore when I'm (trying) to work out. He's ignoring me all together, I think. :D

I didn't know that using the **** word was that sensitive for English speaking people.
I don't like it when people say damn, either.

Luckily for you you don't live in Belgium. :D

It's not an issue here having a, kind of, potty mouth as long as you don't overdo it.

I believe I did something wrong with the crosstrainer I was setting up for a workout. He was on the rowing machine, next to me.
No, find it quite strange to swear. I'll try now.

I'm 🤬 off that I missed the deadline to get my name in Project CARS.
Pissed is the best ya got? You're right, you don't swear a lot. :lol:

Edit: 🤬
I think the big issue is how people communicate on the internet vs the real world. It seems like internet harassment / aggresive behavoiur online is very common.

However I try to keep it clean as much as possible both in real world and online. I always think that having a 'potty mouth' will make you sound/look imbecil
I do tend to swear quite a lot and with varying severity and it becomes a bit of a problem in a professional environment. But there we go.

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