Do you shift at redline?

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Max E.
just happened to stumble upon this thread and didn't go through the whole thing with a fine toothed comb to see if anybody has made this suggestion before but this is what i do when i need to find the optimal shift point for any car:

i simply take the car to the 400m and test different shift points until i find the one that gets me to the trap fastest.

good luck.

I was just about to post the exact same thing. It's the best way to learn where the sweet spot is.
This topic is very old, but still, I will tell you: what I've heard is that you should first look at the car specs and find the RPMs where the max power peak occurs; once with that data you should try to aim to shift about 1000 RPM after the max power peak, doing this you will start in the next gear close to the max power peak. i.e. a car with max power peak at 5100 RPM -> shift in 3rd @ 6300 RPMs and in 4th you will start at around 5000-5100 RPM