Do YOU still play GT5?

Are You Still Playing GT5?

  • Yes, squeezing every last bit out of it.

    Votes: 190 66.9%
  • No, bored of it, waiting for GT6

    Votes: 53 18.7%
  • Playing GTA 5 Instead.

    Votes: 41 14.4%

  • Total voters
I still play it. Also in my opinion, GTA V wasn't a very good game. I got bored in less than a month while I still play GT5 after three years.
I stopped this summer, actually...but i started again this week, all my friends are online and we're having a lot of fun waiting gt6. I'm also doing a lot of laps alone usually on the nurburgring at night with different cars, premium cars cockpit view no hud.
Still playing gta5 too, though.
Whenever I'm not busy or finished with something, I "sometimes" go on GT5 for online free run (my most favorite).

But I'm waiting on GT6 to be released.
I rarely go online, and when I do it's usually with buddies and in my own lounge. I also do the occasional race. I need more photographic guinea pigs for my photoshoots though.
I rarely go online, and when I do it's usually with buddies and in my own lounge. I also do the occasional race. I need more photographic guinea pigs for my photoshoots though.
Ahh, nice. 👍 Yeah, I usually go online whenever I'm bored or want to test some cars while hanging out with others. I kinda do seasonals too, but have GT6 in my head from continuing to do so. :P
I'm packing up GT5 this weekend.

I've had a massive sort out of games and consoles, with the only current generation system being my PS3. Rather than hoarding, I'm selling everything I've completed and won't go back to and keeping hold of games I'm still playing through like Grand Theft Auto V.

I love GT5 but i've rinsed it and GT6 is coming out in a few weeks so GT5 Academy Edition is being added to the sell pile. It's given me hundreds of hours of fun but i'm looking forward to seeing if GT6 can iron out some of the flaws and improve on GT5's foundations.

Feels good, I've got rid of loads of games, my pile of shame is tiny and now i can focus on finishing it!
Nope. And it's unlikely that I will get GT6 either. GT5 was a real disappointment for me. Tons of things were hampered by them, and 6 just feels like it's going to be all too much of the same.
Ahh, nice. 👍 Yeah, I usually go online whenever I'm bored or want to test some cars while hanging out with others. I kinda do seasonals too, but have GT6 in my head from continuing to do so. :P
I usually screw around in my LFAs, with buddies we get creative and race say Group B or P2P rally, sometimes we do really weird races as well :P

GT6 can't come any sooner :(
Yes, i do.

Still playing gt5 Alot since Release, some breaks of a Few Month but After every Real Race i go to in reallife (mostly Nürburgring and Hockenheimring ) im back to Tuning and racing :)

My fav Cars in gt5 are jag xj13 Chromeline and Kaz GTr Schulze 2011 :]
I usually screw around in my LFAs, with buddies we get creative and race say Group B or P2P rally, sometimes we do really weird races as well :P

GT6 can't come any sooner :(
Haha, that sounds like a lot of fun. 👍 I also had a friend who did a License Test with me online, where I will choose said cars he selects and set a time for me to compete to achieve gold, silver or bronze and even win a car. It was really fun. :)

I'm just begging for the weeks to go by fast to reach GT6's release, so excited! :D
I recently bought a G27 steering wheel + racing chair. So I sometimes practise it. However, because GT6 is so close I can't motivate myself to play the game.
Just getting back into it.

Played on the prologue today for ages I don't know why, I just love it:)
And I check out the OCD and go online with my mate and do drags and run my drift club.
I stopped playing GT5 a fair while ago, due to most of my friends also losing interest in it. Though I do play it occasionally.

I have lots planned for GT6, so I'm just focusing on that now to try and make it a reality. :D

Dude! You need to get that power supply for your DFGT. :D Will make GT more enjoyable for longer. I stopped playing long ago too, but mainly because I lost the ability to play it with the DFGT, and time constraints. GT6 will be better to plan for, mainly because GT5 was sort of a half game. GT6 is the full product. And I'll be playing GT6 with a wheel.
Dude! You need to get that power supply for your DFGT. :D Will make GT more enjoyable for longer. I stopped playing long ago too, but mainly because I lost the ability to play it with the DFGT, and time constraints. GT6 will be better to plan for, mainly because GT5 was sort of a half game. GT6 is the full product. And I'll be playing GT6 with a wheel.

Yes, I know! Even if I do get one I think it would be a better idea to get a wheel stand at the same time, don't have a very good setup at the moment. :lol:
No Ive put GT5 down sadly except for splitscreen .I was racing legit but then discovered realistic engine,turbo/supercharger and chassis swaps that I learned how to make and I thought that this was the highlight of gt5 online era where you never knew what kind of car or with what motor swap you would come across gave the game a unique feel and users could be really creative with swaps just like IRL, but its all good they are gone now.I picked up my GT5 on the release day at 12:25p.m. (receipt) until about 2 months ago.Do I feel like I got my moneys worth out of GT5? Hell ya x10000 I had such a great time online meeting crazy,cool,delusional people in GT5 learning how to tune correctly so I could compete in 1/4 drag and tunnel drag was a big learning curve but made me better everyday and that taught me how to tune properly for road courses also.I have to say that GT5 IMO has one of the best online communities on consoles you can pick your poison with the type of activities you like to do in a car and there will always be a group of people who are into the same thing you just have to find them. I have never had a game to push me to get better at my driving style to compete in the stiff online competition.Over the years since GT5s release Ive bought just about every new racing game that has dropped and always somehow quickly come back to GT5. Its an amazing game and it still amazes me with road feel/physics graphics etc and things that I see online, GT5 has a certain distinct character about its vehicles that feels very life like.Also what I love about GT5 online is that most are real car enthusiast who play and we have heated discussions whilw playing you will find fan boys of most any type of car JDM/EDM/USDM and muscle/KDM. I tell people that GT5 is my Call of Duty when it comes to online gaming it is the best console online community that barely anyone knows about.Right now I play spit screen with friends on GT5 with my swaps because I haven't updated with 2.15 and want to keep my swaps until another way comes around but we have plenty fun with my realistic swaps.I will be getting GT6 but not in as much of a rush as I was waiting for GT5.
I play once in awhile. I got kinda ticked when they patched the modding with 2.12 update. Sure I can understand not wanting to race with the annoying people that were making million hp cars. They could have just had a hard hp limit of say, 3000, though instead of patching it over.
i played last week gt2 gt3 gt4 and gt5 where i race with friends and still i have very clean races to go.
even when gt6 is come out we have to finisch our championship on gt5 for we go race on gt6.

and if i can find my gt1 i wil play it aswell before the release of gt6.
It's been my first time racing online in gt5. Came from Forza and only did SP before.

I must say, the GT5 online system is great. Loving it. Really looking forward to GT6
Yes I am.. I got the game in the summer of 2013 and I will keep playing the game until I reach level 40 at which time I'll move over to GT6.
Yup, still playin' GT5. Since my G25 wheel isn't worn out or broken-- I still drive with that fine instrument.

I've even felt the urge to get out the PS2 and play GT4.