Do YOU still play GT5?

Are You Still Playing GT5?

  • Yes, squeezing every last bit out of it.

    Votes: 190 66.9%
  • No, bored of it, waiting for GT6

    Votes: 53 18.7%
  • Playing GTA 5 Instead.

    Votes: 41 14.4%

  • Total voters
I don't really race online, don't think online racing will be much of a problem as there seems to be still people organising races on GTPlanet. Main problem is time trials, always seems to be fake times on there, even PD are probably bored with it with reduction to 1 time trial now.

Oh. I understand your point.

Never thought that people would do that online.
It has been gathering dust since early 2012 and my PS3 has been turned off for 6 months now. GTAV iapparently runs better on PS3 but I don't care, I really dislike the system now.
Bought the XL version and I have to say...the daily percentage increase to credits and experience really makes getting to level 40 REALLY easy. Seriously, been running through B-spec races for about a week to get the trophy and I'm already at level 26 and my highest driver is 20. It also makes catching drivers up REALLY fast, too. One race and they'll go from level 0 to level 15.
Not playing every day anymore - I do get the game out at least three days a week though but I do like other games too. Now that I think of it, that's still the majority of my available time, as I work three ten hour shifts per week, which leaves me no time for gaming on those days...

I'd hate to think of how far I've driven on GT5 - I think I'd passed the 250,000 kms mark before my first gamesave got corrupted, so that's almost a half-million kilometers now. I still only received one gold chrome paint chip in all of that time though :grumpy:
I've actually think I'll get back into GT5, with a new replacement copy (had to replace basically all of the GTs I own :lol: )
Been playing almost daily still, almost

(as some days there just isn't enough time to do ANYTHING, sleep/rest/eat/study/etc)

Usually just for a hour or two at a time, lately been testing realistic-hybrids on 'The Wangan' (a.k.a SSR7), sometime solo, sometimes with friends, and sometimes online in rooms not over-run by the '999MPH' cars :rolleyes:

I should probably also mention I've only been playing GT5 for the past year, had a 2-yr break while building-up my real car for track use.
"Playing" is a bit strong. I'm mostly buying cars, painting them and maybe taking a photo or two. Hardly doing any events or any actual racing.
Sure yes, I still have 3 championship, 4 endurance race and about 50 race in special event to complete my A-Spec career.
Well, I got GTAV - that alone is enough to prevent me from playing GT5, but I also decided to get Skate 3, Fallout 3 and MW2 (dunno why, but still) as well. I'll probably return to it at some point to make a hybrid, but I simply have far too many games to play through at the moment to even consider GT5.
If I had a racing wheel it would be worth playing GT5, but sadly I don't.
I went back to it the other day after playing GTAV since it was released. Boy it was quite a shock. The FPS felt a lot smoother and higher than GTA V, although the massive screen tears were still present as usual. Flying around LS in a Comet isn't the same as tearing up the Nürburgring in my grip-tuned RUF BTR (I will probably release the tune soon, keep your eyes peeled!).
GTA5 hasn't left my PS3 since release.

Even before that, I hadn't played GT5 for a month or 2. I played it out, spent countless hours on it with multiple accounts. Brought the spark back for a few months when I bought a wheel.
I'd really rather wait until GT6 comes out to dust off the wheel again.
that's still the majority of my available time, as I work three ten hour shifts per week, which leaves me no time for gaming on those days...

Wish I had your job. 4 days off a week?

I log into GT5 every day to get the bonus. It is the greatest thing ever :-)
I try to gold the latest seasonals and look for unique cars in the UCD and OCD, running two profiles at 39 and 38 so will try to finish at least one to 40/40 A/B. don't care about getting 1000 cars, collecting in this game is pretty ethereal, the photo mode stuff is the only thing to look back on. To me GT6 just looks like a refresh, same cars + some new, same tracks + some new. May as well get it but not overly excited about it. Could have just kept updating GT5 and adding small DLC mods the way I see it.
"Playing" is a bit strong. I'm mostly buying cars, painting them and maybe taking a photo or two. Hardly doing any events or any actual racing.
:) This is pretty much where I was at until my PS3 died on me about 5 months ago...:ouch:
I really should just bust out the cash for a new drive ($100-150AUD) but I'm content to wait it out till December 6th...Maybe we'll get a combo deal down here in Aus. 👍
I play only when:

- There are new Seasonal Events
- I spotted a Tune setup and try it on my cars
- Mostly for taking photos for my fanfics

Other than those, I switch to other games...
Yes I still play at least 3 times a week with my DFGT set up. Found some good people to race against online so it makes it all the more enjoyable. This game has been the best $120 I ever spent. 3 years later I am still playing, cant say that for any other games in my collection.
Yes, used to play it with my wheel but I have nowhere to set it up, instead I just chill in Wangan style SSR7 rooms :)
Ive gone back to playing GT5. I just see certain cars in a race video or on the Web and it got me back into it. I want to put the game away but, theres nothing else besides GTA V that makes me feel better driving. After the Bathurst 1000, I was going to leave GT5 alone. I popped it in and started collecting cars again.
Yes, squeezing every last bit out of it.

Since I hacked my save data (to unlock the secret menu) a couple of days ago and set the FOV to my liking, all I'm currently playing is GT5. It's like an entirely differrent game and for once, I'm thoroughly enjoying it. All the unfinished A-Spec races, license tests, Special Events, seasonal events (for XP and money) as well the Arcade Mode should hold me over for quite some time.
Whenever I'm not busy or finished with something, I "sometimes" go on GT5 for online free run (my most favorite).

But I'm waiting on GT6 to be released.