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I'm not directing at any one person, mind you. Just the idiots. And no one here has that sort of thing going on yet.
Sorry if that came across wrong.
Originally posted by milefile
So are you saying that Down's Syndrome is beneficial and advantageous? It sounds like it. People have the ability to adapt to almost anything. It probably sounds cynical to you; it would to me, too, if my son was unexpectedly born with Down's Syndome, and I had no choice but to raise him as he was. Of course I'd love him just as much as I would otherwise. But if my wife and I knew well enough in advance, we'd have terminated the pregnancy and started over. It wouldn't have been what we wanted. I don't believe anybody wants a Down's kid, but people make the best of what they are dealt in life. And people also choose.
The central issue here is morality, and DGB and I have been around this block many times. If you believe that God sent you this particular baby for his own reasons and that it is not your place to question or usurp them, then clearly it is morally wrong to interfere with God's will. If you believe something else, like maybe that your baby is a life that you bring into the world with your own natural powers, then the responsibility is shifted, choice comes into play, and you must decide.
Originally posted by GilesGuthrie
Life is hard. It's difficult to make your way in this world even with all faculties working fully. I do not think that it is responsible to bring someone into the world who is naturally at such a disadvantage to the bulk of the populous. It's like they're doomed right from the very beginning. Parents are expected to make decisions in the best interests of the child right up until it reaches adulthood. Would a parent stop a child from hurting themselves? Absolutely. Is it the parent's right to make these decisions on behalf of the child? Yes. Would you be upset if your parents consigned you to a life of disadvantage and misery? I would have thought so. And because of this, if presented with the choice, we would opt to discontinue the pregnancy.
But it depends upon the individuals concerned. As I said above, I respect any parent's decision in this matter, even if it is not in accordance with my own way of thinking.
I sincerely hope I'm never faced with the choice.
yes sorry milefile my connection died and it didn't send my message, for some odd reasonOriginally posted by milefile
What? Why would you post like that? What a waste. Not even a smiley. We all already read GG's post.
lol!Originally posted by wee_man
unless they were driving very fast down a country road and lost control of the car, but then again i still wouldn't wish anything on them