Do you think this is funny?

  • Thread starter milefile
I'm not directing at any one person, mind you. Just the idiots. And no one here has that sort of thing going on yet. ;) Sorry if that came across wrong.
Originally posted by milefile
So are you saying that Down's Syndrome is beneficial and advantageous? It sounds like it. People have the ability to adapt to almost anything. It probably sounds cynical to you; it would to me, too, if my son was unexpectedly born with Down's Syndome, and I had no choice but to raise him as he was. Of course I'd love him just as much as I would otherwise. But if my wife and I knew well enough in advance, we'd have terminated the pregnancy and started over. It wouldn't have been what we wanted. I don't believe anybody wants a Down's kid, but people make the best of what they are dealt in life. And people also choose.

The central issue here is morality, and DGB and I have been around this block many times. If you believe that God sent you this particular baby for his own reasons and that it is not your place to question or usurp them, then clearly it is morally wrong to interfere with God's will. If you believe something else, like maybe that your baby is a life that you bring into the world with your own natural powers, then the responsibility is shifted, choice comes into play, and you must decide.

I agree in part. No one wants to have a child with any type of defect. If my aunt and uncle had the choice before the birth they might have chosen to abort. (not likley though) If you ask them today though they will both say they are better people because of their daughter.

As far as the morality issue goes I think you understand my position on that. I believe every person has a soul reguardless of that persons mental or physical capacity. God put that soul into that person and God will claim it when the body is used up.
I don't know if God sends babies into the world with defects for a particular reason. I have a feeling he doesn't but I also have a feeling he doesn't stop it from happening either. I believe things happen and it's up to us to do the best we can in those situations and God will judge us on our actions. I think my Aunt and Uncle will be judged favorably for their actions in this situation.
Originally posted by GilesGuthrie
Life is hard. It's difficult to make your way in this world even with all faculties working fully. I do not think that it is responsible to bring someone into the world who is naturally at such a disadvantage to the bulk of the populous. It's like they're doomed right from the very beginning. Parents are expected to make decisions in the best interests of the child right up until it reaches adulthood. Would a parent stop a child from hurting themselves? Absolutely. Is it the parent's right to make these decisions on behalf of the child? Yes. Would you be upset if your parents consigned you to a life of disadvantage and misery? I would have thought so. And because of this, if presented with the choice, we would opt to discontinue the pregnancy.

But it depends upon the individuals concerned. As I said above, I respect any parent's decision in this matter, even if it is not in accordance with my own way of thinking.

I sincerely hope I'm never faced with the choice.

rats, i posted a reply but it didn't come through! :(

i'll write a quick one again.

i agree with giles's comment. i also hope that i never have to make that choice!

it annoys me that people like that girl are made fun of, however it angers me much more when the people being made fun of are not disabled they just look different.

contraversially perhaps i believe it is ok to make fun of someone's race or culture, they aren't alone and if u find something weird u can make fun of it sure.

but there's a limit, you shouldn't make fun of someone when it is causing them or others around them pain. even if u are laughing at 'choices' that someone made, which someone mentioned earlier.

people who bully others or sadistically torment them because of their own insecurities are pitiful and i hope that in future there will be a way to isolate these people from society.
Originally posted by milefile
What? Why would you post like that? What a waste. Not even a smiley. We all already read GG's post.
yes sorry milefile my connection died and it didn't send my message, for some odd reason :odd: its updated now though...
is it not a bit wrong to sat you would abort your baby if this was to happen to it? i mean ok they could end up with the mental capacity of a 6 year old for the rest of their lives, but is that a good enough reason to abort your baby?
I have to say (I'm just comming in on the convo half way through here only reading the first post), okay I'm a guilty one of actually using that picture before, like years ago (I thought it was photoshopped or something :confused: ) and used to think it's funny. Then on the bus home from school the other day a man with mental dissabilities got on the bus. It was quite obvious fromt he out set he had this and was talking to himself out loud about really random things. Of couse the other younger kids on the bus (I'm the oldest on there now) started making fun of him and laughing at him. It suddenly hit me that the people who make fun deserve to have the persons dissability they make fun of for at least a week and see how they cope. It's no way their fault for the dissability (unless they were driving very fast down a country road and lost control of the car, but then again i still wouldn't wish anything on them). So I gto very infumed and actually turned round and told the kids to intially shut up. And me and some mates had a biatch at them after he got off for their imaturity.
Also recently whilst on holiday in Cornwall I saw a bunch of townies walking downt he road behind a group of downs syndrome kids. Me and my freinds were on the other side of the road watching all of this in dis belief. The townies then proceded to turn round and spot the kids. They thne burst out laughing and started to try and kick a football 5 times at the disabelled kids, and the kids were crying out in fear, as they weren't in the position to do anything back. Fortunatly some coppers were also walking down the road and pulled the townies over to have a chat with them and caution them.
Anywayz my little story's and opinions.
Originally posted by wee_man
unless they were driving very fast down a country road and lost control of the car, but then again i still wouldn't wish anything on them
lol! :D

but yeah the rest of ur post is sound. the story with the football and coppers sounds horrific though. im glad those goons were stopped :/
Yea. My freind greg said that if the coppers weren't there (he's quite a big lad) he was gonna go ova and beat the living crap outta the townies. I think i would of followed and joined along with the rest of us!
Hmmm im just joining this and i also have a problem with people who feel they need to physically hurt someone else beacuse they are different or dont believe the same thing you do. Whenever i see this i just wanna beat the **** out of some of these people. Like those townies. I woulda waited till the cop left and had another chat with them. People like that piss me off so much.

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