- 577
- TheLadiesMan
Just took my own advice and tried the Tsukuba and Suzuka Expert races and dropping myself behind Violet from the start.
It really is a good fun pace for me. I was basically just following Violet through the traffic and then the last lap would usually be me trying to keep pace and try to pass cleanly. Worked great IMO. I wasn't aggressively trying to pass. All the AI cars worked well. Often wheel to wheel and no one was doing anything eradic or hitting me. They were clean races. A lot of fun.
Obviously I could pass Violet without much effort if I exploited the other cars around us, but I think trying to smoothly get through traffic, as if Violet was a team mate, and then once we were both out front and making a run for it.. It just all felt good and worked well.
So I still stand by my thought process that Sophy can't handle people with eradic driving behavior or sudden surprise moves. I think it was built upon and calibrated based on data from the top drivers and they know how to drive well with etiquette. You shouldn't do that stuff in the A+/S tier online racing or the real world either. People forcing another driver off the road by "squeezing" them over the white line is no bueno. And when the AI does see the squeeze coming, it backs out which is what any reasonable person would do. You're not going to destroy your car/lose the race because this lunatic is all over the road. You back off and live to fight another day.
What I really want to know is how it handles all the other scenarios; to know how close this thing is game ready. Will it compensate for tire/fuel wear? Does it get into a giant car pile up crash when multiple AI are trying to enter the pits? Does it know how to navigate other cars when there is a large speed differential? Blue flag behavior? How big of a grid is possible? How does it perform in wet conditions?
It really is a good fun pace for me. I was basically just following Violet through the traffic and then the last lap would usually be me trying to keep pace and try to pass cleanly. Worked great IMO. I wasn't aggressively trying to pass. All the AI cars worked well. Often wheel to wheel and no one was doing anything eradic or hitting me. They were clean races. A lot of fun.
Obviously I could pass Violet without much effort if I exploited the other cars around us, but I think trying to smoothly get through traffic, as if Violet was a team mate, and then once we were both out front and making a run for it.. It just all felt good and worked well.
So I still stand by my thought process that Sophy can't handle people with eradic driving behavior or sudden surprise moves. I think it was built upon and calibrated based on data from the top drivers and they know how to drive well with etiquette. You shouldn't do that stuff in the A+/S tier online racing or the real world either. People forcing another driver off the road by "squeezing" them over the white line is no bueno. And when the AI does see the squeeze coming, it backs out which is what any reasonable person would do. You're not going to destroy your car/lose the race because this lunatic is all over the road. You back off and live to fight another day.
What I really want to know is how it handles all the other scenarios; to know how close this thing is game ready. Will it compensate for tire/fuel wear? Does it get into a giant car pile up crash when multiple AI are trying to enter the pits? Does it know how to navigate other cars when there is a large speed differential? Blue flag behavior? How big of a grid is possible? How does it perform in wet conditions?