Do you want burnout paradise style damage in GT5?

Rand al Thor

i get the feeling after reading that retarded digital foundry article that alot of people were expecting damage to be something completely different?

people were moaning for damage and now when they get its not good enough. i really wonder what sort of damage will sate their desires. It already looks better than forza's damage for **** sakes
The amount of detail and processing that the Cell has to do with GT5P is very impressive. But Grid like damage might be a bit too much for the Cell. Maybe something close to it but not exactly like it.
The amount of detail and processing that the Cell has to do with GT5P is very impressive. But Grid like damage might be a bit too much for the Cell. Maybe something close to it but not exactly like it.

Yes but Grid runs on the cell too. So it is possible. Infact, GRIDs graphics are almost as good as GT5Ps. But I'm not sure if it has the same number of cars on the track at a time as GT5P does.
Yes but Grid runs on the cell too. So it is possible. Infact, GRIDs graphics are almost as good as GT5Ps. But I'm not sure if it has the same number of cars on the track at a time as GT5P does.

GRID is also a much simpler game in regards to physics etc. The reason games like GT5 and Forza don't have such crazy damage I suspect is because they put all that processing power into more realistic physics etc to make the racing much more realistic, something which GRID certainly compromises. I mean don't get me wrong, I enjoy GRID and the damage is fantastic, but it's clear that simulators such as GT/Forza use each consoles resources elsewhere instead.

I don't think we would be seeing GRID levels of damage in GT/Forza until the next generation of consoles, since if they attempted it this time round, they would have to make compromises with the realism to achieve that.

Having said that however, GT5 really is going quite far with the doors/boot damage. Although they have yet to implement crumple zones, if they do (along with shattered glass) they might just achieve it. I think the main thing about GRID's damage that impresses me the most however is tire loss, and if they could implement a system where a nasty crash will make you lose a tyre or some such, then I would be very impressed. Can't see it happening though.
Grid does run on the Cell also, but it also demanded a bit less than GT5P did when it came detail, lighting, etc. GT5 might be able to pull it off, but it'll be difficult to do imo.
I don't think we would be seeing GRID levels of damage in GT/Forza until the next generation of consoles, since if they attempted it this time round, they would have to make compromises with the realism to achieve that.
I think it has more to do with licensing issues than techical ones. You have to remember that all the cars in GRID are race cars; I doubt the car manufacturers want to see that kind of damage being inflicted to their ordinary road cars.
Would like to see damage along the line of F1 Championship Edition, where the damage is mechanical as well as cosmetic. Meaning you do enough damage you destroy your car, meaning you hit a wall or a tire barrier at 100+mph your race is over.

Damage in race cars only is fine,as long as it is realistic.
BP's damage would be great, or at least something like it. It might be a bit too much for the cell to handle, but they did it with BP and no lag! so... who knows.
At least it should be on the level of what GT claims to be,we all know in real life a hit to front suspension hard enough and thats it your done.
We should have the option for that kind of damage in private lobby racing,such as FC gives you the option to limit driving aids to the other parties.
Also for the offline series of races such as Championships.
Well, if you want BurnOut, get BurnOut. I wouldn't want any part of that game in GT5. Yeah I like it, but the physics aren't as good as GT. Plus, BurnOut and GRiD have the same feel to it in my opinion. Except for me, BurnOut's crashing and damage physics feel too comical. So no, BurnOut style damage in GT wouldn't be so great.
Burnouts damage system wouldnt work, it looks spectacular in high speed crashes but thats it. Ever drove slow agains a wall or traffic? Nothing great will happen.
Yes but Grid runs on the cell too. So it is possible. Infact, GRIDs graphics are almost as good as GT5Ps. But I'm not sure if it has the same number of cars on the track at a time as GT5P does.
GRID's graphics is nothing like GT5P IMO.
I think it has more to do with licensing issues than techical ones. You have to remember that all the cars in GRID are race cars; I doubt the car manufacturers want to see that kind of damage being inflicted to their ordinary road cars.

Well I suppose but at the same time, Forza 2 has standard road cars also, with damage too. Now granted, Forza 2's cosmetic damage is (in my opinion) pretty terrible. I mean I played the game a fair bit but, it's a game where you have a 200mph head-on collision going round the track the wrong way and... your bumper falls off 👎

The point is though that the Forza devs get to damage these cars both visually and mechanically. I know it's a tired arguement to claim, "Oh well Forza has it!" but it does baffle me since they have a lot of the same manufacturers in both games. I'm not sure how each game compares when comparing which one has which car manufacturers but if there were one or two car manufacturers refusing to allow their cars to be damaged, I really think Polyphony Digital would do well to just remove their cars from the game, and go for universal damage.

I mean, I'd rather have 800 cars with damage than 1000 cars with only 170 damage-enabled. It's a frustrating situation really since PD says one thing, but then there's Forza which has somehow managed it. As far as preferences go, I'll gladly take GT over Forza for a variety of reasons, but the next time Kazunori claims that some manufacturers don't allow damage, I'd really like to see an interviewer/journalist attempt to debate the subject with him by mentioning how Forza has managed to license it with no problems, and push for real answers.
I would like damage along the lines of Toca 3. I also liked the brutality of Rallisport Challenge.

As for Randal and your problem with people who aren't happy with the damage we have, if you got promised a computer for xmas then got a 286dx would you really not feel kind of sore?

This is what happens when you over promise to build hype and dont follow through... your fans get pissy.
I'm not expecting Burnout damage, but I am pretty pissed at the stupid doors thing. Since when did crashes pop doors open? I could imagine a wreck bending a door inwards and requiring some jaws-of-life to get the driver out, but since when did you see doors flapping about after a car accident?

And while I don't expect to see the car disintegrate, I think it'd be enough just to see a small bit of deformation going on at the point of impact and some shattered glass to go along with it. Even the smallest bit of body deformation--and I really mean a tiny bit here--would turn GT's current bumper car "damage" into something that feels a helluva lot better. Just a little "crunch" when you hit something and you actually feel like you hit something.
Yes but Grid runs on the cell too. So it is possible. Infact, GRIDs graphics are almost as good as GT5Ps. But I'm not sure if it has the same number of cars on the track at a time as GT5P does.

Sorry, GRID's graphics are no where near GT5P. It's just all low last-gen poly cars with a **** load of HDR smudged all over the cars to gaussian out the rough bits.
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I'd like damage, but can I just remind everyone that GT got it's name and reputation without damage, or for that matter, day/night cycles, changing weather and reverse lights :dunce:

The level of damage is great - I won't be using it too often - and really I'd just be happy with all cars (well at least the racers and production cars - hopefully with the concept cars).

I'd like damage, and I'm happy with it.
Well, if you want BurnOut, get BurnOut. I wouldn't want any part of that game in GT5. Yeah I like it, but the physics aren't as good as GT.

*epic facepalm*

They're not the same things!

Gran Turismo is a straight up driving simulator. Burnout, on the other hand, is the polar opposite. A great, fast, arcadey thrash through traffic filled streets.

To compare GT and Burnout would be to compare the taste of, say, a marrow versus shaving cream :dunce:
I think it has more to do with licensing issues than techical ones. You have to remember that all the cars in GRID are race cars; I doubt the car manufacturers want to see that kind of damage being inflicted to their ordinary road cars.

The thing is, most likely only racecars are going to be getting damage in GT anyway. Anyway i am pretty sure the damage is going to improve leaps and bounds beyond what it was at Gamescom. Considering the E3 trailer is supposedly real time, i think it is safe to assume we will get damage along the lines of what happened to that scooby, which is perhaps better than Grids.
I dont want burnout's damage in GT5, because I dont really care about visual damage. I just want the mechanical damage and it to affect performance, and having a good sense of momentum change when you hit something. What the cars actually look like at the end, I dont really care.
I wouldnt mine having Forza 2 Damage in the game... pretty basic but has mechanical and physical damage thats good enough for me.... I would like Mechanical for the sole purpose of racing online because not everyone that plays video games plays fair and online would turn into bumper cars for them and they would always knock you out the way and keep going. With Mechanical Damage it makes them thinks twice about hitting you and makes it seems more realistic
I dont want burnout's damage in GT5, because I dont really care about visual damage. I just want the mechanical damage and it to affect performance, and having a good sense of momentum change when you hit something. What the cars actually look like at the end, I dont really care.

however, ending a race with a car that's been machanically beaten up and looking in pristine condition graphically isn't what most people would find appealing for a game of such proportions, wouldn't you think ?
cosmetic damage to some extend, regardless of personal taste, is as much needed as mechanical damage in GT5
Damage doesn't have to go too far for me.
And i would live with the fact the race is over for me when i crash it into the wall..
most of the times after crashing you've no chance to win the race so what's the difference:)