Does Anyone Watch Wrestling? (WWE, AEW, TNA, NWA, etc)

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I'm gobsmacked as to that happening. The betting odds for Brock were between 50-100/1 depending where you looked. After HBK I didn't think it would ever end, after the crappy build up and response to the Taker Brock match I was 100% sure of an Undertaker win. I was just as silent as the Silverdome.
Word was that Taker suffered a concussion during the match. So far, I have seen the wrestling fan world give excuses after excuse as to why Taker lost, but if Taker suffered a concussion, it would have made sense to end the match the way it did and got the man medical attention. Apparently, WWE was well aware that they didn't want another Owen Hart/Steve Austin situation on their hands booked the alternative ending.
Nah, Taker would have won if it was booked that way. It wasnt an accidental count either, the ref would know who was winning that match and if it was taker he never would have put his hand down for the 3 count, notice they always swipe the mat on the 3rd hit when they know its not the end. No excuses here, WWE booked taker is one of his not so good feuds and ended the streak.
So here is my review of the entire event...and be warned its almost totally favourable!

The opening segment
I really liked the opening bit with Hogan, Stone Cold and The Rock, Hulk fluffing his lines again (Whoops! :lol:) It might have lasted a little long but it was Hulk, Stone Cold and The Rock in the same ring at the same time...that might never happen again!

HHH v Bryan
Great opening match, loved Triple H's Game of Thrones style entrance with Sasha Banks, Charlotte and Alexa Bliss from NXT, Trippers looked incredible for someone nearing his mid-forties! And it was a very good, well worked, solid opener, Bryan was always going to win

The SHEILD v Kane/New Age Outlaws
Match went quickly probably to make more time for other matches but this match was only supposed to be filler anyway and the Triple Powerbomb on both Road Dogg and Gunn was awesome!

Battle Royal
Quite enjoyed this, good match to have as filler and a lot of the guys had Wrestlemania moments when they probably wouldn't have had before (guys like Ryder, Gabriel, Otunga etc...) delighted Cesaro won as im a fan of his and him lifting the Big Show up like that was incredible, he is definitely moving up in the WWE world

Cena v Wyatt
I said this could be match of the night...and I think it was! Bray Wyatts entrance was weirdly epic, the whole match had drama with Cena looking angry and tormented at times (he was biting the turnbuckle at one point!) Wyatt had a great match and looked impressive on his 'mania debut, loved the crowd interaction (everybody now 'he's got the whole world in his hands'), bit disappointed with the finish, thought Wyatt should have won...but the match was great...

Undertaker v Lesnar
Well, the match was good...but no idea what really went on, still in shock over the result as I seriously thought that he would keep the streak until he retired so I was just a stunned as the fans in New Orleans were, there are reports that 'taker was taken to hospital after the match and that Heyman and Lesnar went with him but that unconfirmed and im sure we will know more in the next few days, I didn't see him get injured....but I enjoyed the match and 'takers entrance was as epic as usual..

Divas title
don't think it was as bad a predicted but still wasn't good and I think the title should've changed hands, don't know who to but a title change would've spiced the whole Diva division up...

Title match main event
Another good match, didn't like the interruption with HHH and Stephanie but apart from that it was good, that Batista Bomb/RKO through the table looked brutal...Bryan went through a lot last night! he was always going to win of course but it didn't make the moment he won any less brilliant and im really happy for him

So overall I really enjoyed last night, it was a great show and I going to give it 8.5/10!
Sorry for double post but its now confirmed that the Undertaker was rushed to hospital after the match last night with concussion and neck injury and the finish of the match WAS ALWAYS GOING TO BE Lesnar winning, very few people knew about it backstage before hand...
It was brilliant last night! so many talking points, if you haven't seen it then you need to! I'm not going to say anything else because I don't want to spoil it for anyone....but it was brilliant!
Ultimate Warriors Raw Speech - RIP Ultimate Warrior

“No WWE talent becomes a legend on their own. Every man’s heart one day beats its final beat. His lungs breathe their final breath. And if that man did in his life what makes the blood pulse through the body of others and makes them bleed deeper and something larger than life then his essence, his spirit, will be immortalised. By the story tellers, by the loyalty, by the memory of those who honour him and make the running the man did live forever. You, you, you, you, you, you are the legend makers of Ultimate Warrior. In the back I see many potential legends. Some of them with ultimate spirits. And you will do the same for them. You will decide if they lived with passion and intensity. So much so that you will tell your stories and you will make them legends, as well.
Ultimate. You are the Ultimate Warrior fans and the spirit of Ultimate Warrior will run forever.”
Very sad and shocked to hear about that this morning :(

RIP Ultimate Warrior..
I'm watching Raw on my DVR. I had plans on Monday. Anyways, I am watching the Warrior segment and I'm tearing up a bit. So sad. He was my favorite wrestler when I was a kid. Just in shock.
I'm still in disbelief.

The best part about any of this, if there is such a thing, is that he passed on knowing all prior grudges were put to the wayside, was able to get in the ring one final time, shake the ropes and all with a smile on his face.
It would have been awful for him to pass away a day or so before the HOF induction. Not having that last chance to be in the ring.
this week has been pretty shocking for us Wrestling fans hasn't it?, Undertaker's streak gets broken and now the Warrior's sudden passing, so quite a bit to take in and its only Wednesday...anything else going to happen this week?!
mfw I watched Undertaker vs. Lesnar


Awful match, badly executed and no heat from the crowd. The streak has never been that important thanks to WrestleMania IX anyway, but for Undertaker's last match to put over a part-timer who couldn't sell a life raft to someone who's drowning... anti-climax.

Considering how bad the booking was, the rest of the card actually had some good matches.
That's been on the cards for a LONG time so im glad to see its finally done, Interesting to see how they use him...

...also, there has been allsorts going on about this journalist called Nancy Grace, I had no idea what it was about so I went on Youtube last night to see her little report/segment....quite possibly the most poorly researched new report i've ever seen and I am not surprised to see everyone in the wrestle community going a bit mad over it!...just terrible!
Trying to insinuate so many wrestlers died cause of steroid is ridiculous. Including the name of Owen Hart, yes I'm sure it was steroids that killed him and the 70ft drop had nothing to do with it.
That's right ^ a few of them doing of cancer and tumours and things like that, I feel sorry for DDP, he has realised a statement distancing himself from the whole thing but he did stick for the WWE by mentioning the Wellness Policy that has been doing a great job on keeping a lid on the whole thing in the last five years or so 👍
Yeah, DDP had no idea that list was being shown. Said if he knew the segment was going to be an attack on the industry with the steroid stance, he wouldn't have agreed to be on the show.

If it wasn't for DDP, guys like Jake Roberts and Scott Hall would probably be dead today, so you know he's not going to take those kind of stances lightly.
I can't remember the name but there was also a guy who broke his leg in ECW, then died from a blood clot, but again, steroids....
Chris Candido was in ECW, but he broke his leg in a match for TNA and died 4 days later from a blood clot that formed after surgery.
Sting signing is 10 years too late.

As much of a fan I am of the old guys, the part timers are stifling those who are trying to break in. Look at Hogan vs. Michaels at SummerSlam, Michaels' complaint was that Hogan only wrestled for a paycheck and refused to job. We're sort of back there.

I'd rather see Cesaro, Wyatt and Bryan get proper pushes. And a Cena heel turn would make me watch every week again, but it ain't gonna happen. He's more of a face and face of the company than Hogan ever was thanks to mass media exposure and the Make A Wish work.
I think Wyatt has had a proper push though Liquid, in fact I think he has been pushed since he got to the main roster...and Cesaro is currently getting a push as well....and Bryan has risen from a Tag Team Champion about 18 months ago to World Champion now, how is that not a push?...
The whole charade of fighting HHH sucked. The booking sucked. Fortunately, the HHH-Bryan match itself was great. But don't you think that hanging on to Lesnar, The Rock, HHH, The Undertaker and even Bret frigging Hart over the last 3-5 years has been detrimental? Sure, it draws but draws purely on nostalgia and star power and not necessarily on the ability to still pull off a match.

I don't know, it's not as bad as it has been in TNA keeping Hogan, Flair and Foley as chemical zombies, but I still don't like it.
But hang on that's mostly only for Wrestlemania, if you saw Raw then you would learn that Bo Dallas and Adam Rose from NXT will be on the main roster soon and NXT Womens Champion Paige just beat AJ for the Divas belt, they have had a few part-timers on over the years but they are good at producing their own talent, The SHEILD, The Wyatts and Big E all came from NXT.