So here is my review of the entire event...and be warned its almost totally favourable!
The opening segment
I really liked the opening bit with Hogan, Stone Cold and The Rock, Hulk fluffing his lines again (Whoops!

) It might have lasted a little long but it was Hulk, Stone Cold and The Rock in the same ring at the same time...that might never happen again!
HHH v Bryan
Great opening match, loved Triple H's Game of Thrones style entrance with Sasha Banks, Charlotte and Alexa Bliss from NXT, Trippers looked incredible for someone nearing his mid-forties! And it was a very good, well worked, solid opener, Bryan was always going to win
The SHEILD v Kane/New Age Outlaws
Match went quickly probably to make more time for other matches but this match was only supposed to be filler anyway and the Triple Powerbomb on both Road Dogg and Gunn was awesome!
Battle Royal
Quite enjoyed this, good match to have as filler and a lot of the guys had Wrestlemania moments when they probably wouldn't have had before (guys like Ryder, Gabriel, Otunga etc...) delighted Cesaro won as im a fan of his and him lifting the Big Show up like that was incredible, he is definitely moving up in the WWE world
Cena v Wyatt
I said this could be match of the night...and I think it was! Bray Wyatts entrance was weirdly epic, the whole match had drama with Cena looking angry and tormented at times (he was biting the turnbuckle at one point!) Wyatt had a great match and looked impressive on his 'mania debut, loved the crowd interaction (everybody now 'he's got the whole world in his hands'), bit disappointed with the finish, thought Wyatt should have won...but the match was great...
Undertaker v Lesnar
Well, the match was good...but no idea what really went on, still in shock over the result as I seriously thought that he would keep the streak until he retired so I was just a stunned as the fans in New Orleans were, there are reports that 'taker was taken to hospital after the match and that Heyman and Lesnar went with him but that unconfirmed and im sure we will know more in the next few days, I didn't see him get injured....but I enjoyed the match and 'takers entrance was as epic as usual..
Divas title
don't think it was as bad a predicted but still wasn't good and I think the title should've changed hands, don't know who to but a title change would've spiced the whole Diva division up...
Title match main event
Another good match, didn't like the interruption with HHH and Stephanie but apart from that it was good, that Batista Bomb/RKO through the table looked brutal...Bryan went through a lot last night! he was always going to win of course but it didn't make the moment he won any less brilliant and im really happy for him
So overall I really enjoyed last night, it was a great show and I going to give it