Does Anyone Watch Wrestling? (WWE, AEW, TNA, NWA, etc)

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Yeah I am definatly not watching another TNA PPV on live TV ever, ever, ever and I mean EEEVVVVVVEEERRRRRRRR again.

(See what I did there? :lol:) cant watch TNA PPV's live because they aren't shown live over here, they always seem to be on a few days after the event....why don't you want to watch it anyway?
I meant like as they're broadcast.

Because it has way way too many ads to enjoy watching. Imagine Wrestlemania like that. Be longer then the Le Man 24h.
Well record it and fast forward through the ad breaks like I do with Raw and TNA PPV'S...
Looking forward to Hugh Jackman on Raw tonight, thought he was really good first time he came on 👍
I am so sick of that song being sung for five minutes at a time. It gets old fast. Other than that, it was a great opening.
It was really creepy but great and that song sure sticks in your head!
So Extreme Rules event on tonight and here is most likely the final card for tonights show...

Pre Show-weeLC match

Hornswaggle v El Torito

Divas Championship
Paige (c) v Tamina Snuka

Triple Threat match-Elimination rules
Rob Van Dam v Jack Swagger v Cesaro

Intercontinental Championship
Big E (c) v Wade Barrett

2 on 1 Handicap match
Alexander Rusev v R-Truth and Xavier Woods

Steel Cage match
John Cena v Bray Wyatt

Evolution v The SHEILD

WWE World Heavyweight Championship-Extreme Rules match
Daniel Bryan (c) v Kane

Ill be watching it tonight, card looks decent..
Oh yeah, I'm so used to having work the next day. Might just have to stay up for this. Any idea on the order?

Edit - Scratch that, I have nothing to do for 2 hours so wouldn't make it. Don't say what the preshow.
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Enjoyed the show last night, thought the SHEILD V Evolution was best match and that dive that Rollins took from the crowd was awesome! Bryan was always going to retain his title...
When does proclaiming your enjoyment for a Shield match become just spam posts on here. Must have written it 20 odd times on here.
Yeah myself haha. I've written it that much. Every single time any of them wrestles it's a top star match.
Completely and utterly 100% agree with that, they haven't put a foot wrong in 18 months since they debuted!
They really haven't. I'd like to see them develop Reigns some more as it's obvious he's learning from Rollins and Ambrose and has some pretty good spots, he just needs some more time.

But, man, Raw was brutal last night.
I was looking forward to Raw as the Raw after any PPV is always good but last night just dire!

Also Batista was supposed to face Bryan for the title at Payback but he refused for some reason (probably because he knew he would lose!) so it looks to be SHIELD v Evolution and Bryan v Kane in a Buried Alive match...
I saw a post on a forum petitioning for Extreme rules and Payback to switch places. So payback follows WM, and I must say I agree with them. Payback from a defeat at Wrestlemania makes sense, instead they have a load of standard 1 vs 1 matches at a stipulation PPV then stipulation matches at a standard PPV. Doesn't make sense really. To then even a 1-1 from WM and Payback in an extreme match for example Burried Alive match.

Also it seems fitting having Evolution wearing skeleton in caskets on their shirts seeing their fondness for burying people.
I don't get that shirt at all, Skeletons evolve??

Did anyone see that interview they did with Renee at ER before their match?, she looked really uncomfortable between the three of them!
I'm sorry, what was the finish to that cage match?

What started out so promisingly was a resounding Russo-esque anti-climax. And I'm not talking Godfather or Val Venis Russo, I'm talking New Blood blood dripping from the ceiling Russo. But in terms of the match, Cena looked like he could beat all three of them with one arm behind his back. Cena came off too strong and then there was that awful finish.

Rest of the PPV wasn't bad though. Except seeing 30 minutes of Kane wrestling for the straps. As I said though, undercard was great; Evolution vs Shield was super stuff.
It went on for far too long, I was bored of the match by the time Cena tried to escape for 110th time before bringing Luke over the top. The potential is definitely there but it's almost as if they're tip-toeing because they don't want Bray coming off as too much of an MoD-era Undertaker, which is understandable to some degree, but good lord - either invest in the story or pull the plug and go a different way.

As for Kane, I love the guy but his character is so up and down these days it isn't hard to understand why many can't take him seriously.
See, it's about believability. Bray Wyatt crab walking is cool, creepy and passable; chiefly because he can actually do it.

But some kid with a warped voice? Either he truly is supernatural, which is total 🤬, or it's a cheesy mic effect in which case Cena would just look "WTF?" for a second... then exit the cage anyway.

Whatever WWE Creative smoke, I want some of it.
I enjoyed the Kane/Bryan match. I was nice to see that style of match in WWE again. There were some cringe worthy spots. Like when Kane had to push himself off the forklift, even though he was knocked out.
The WWE Roster had this weekend off to give them some rest before the European tour next week and the mental schedule that comes with it!, Tomorrow nights Raw is from the O2 Arena in London...
Daniel Bryan has a neck injury which will need minor surgery on Thursday, he could be out for six to eight weeks but the WWE are going to wait until after the surgery to decide on what to do, he is still the champion for now...
My mate was pretty excited about seeing Bryan on Saturday's live event. That's going to suck for him. :(