Does Anyone Watch Wrestling? (WWE, AEW, TNA, NWA, etc)

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Shame they stuck Brodus with that awful gimmick. WWE flopped on that one not him.

Can say I'll miss Akansa, Tatsu or Camacho though. Evan Bourne I was hoping they'd keep him for a cruiser weight division on the Network.

The 3MB breakup>Shield breakup

Long wasn't too bad until everything was a tag match and he feuded with Drew.
they should've turned Clay heel sooner like he was originally supposed to be, Bourne broke his right foot in five places last year in a car accident, he had a return match on NXT earlier in the year v Tyler Breese but it was clear that he was not ready for a return to the big show...
Straight after two wellness policy violations for Weed. I'm surprised he wasn't released earlier but I jus thought he was going to be kept and brought back. Seems weird to keep someone for a year and not use them but then again, JTG.
I read a story today that WWE is already burying Rose, Bo Dallas, and Paige backstage. So sad. Bring in new talent, hype them like crazy, and kill their career in a month. It's also to note that Bray Wyatt is in deep with the powers that be for injuring Cena's eye. If you recall, he did the same thing to Cena when he was Husky Harris.

Plus, all the cuts today were a shock. I can't believe they killled 3MB.
They also released Curt Hawkins who got into it with Mark Henry on Twitter.

JTG who tweeted "damn why'd I pick up the phone" and my biggest downer Drew Mcyintyre, who I'm a big fan of.

I don't know how it is over there to watch Indy stuff but it sure ain't easy here in the UK.

I know Brodus has gone to Japan though.
I know the majority of the cuts are because finances have apparently been quite slim, but there have been a lot of big indy signs lately too so I'm wondering if they're just figuring it's time to cycle out some of the guys who've been stuck in neutral and try to work in some younger, cheaper talent instead.
It does make sense, for a normal business, but WWE simply can't create talent anymore. People like Drew, Brodus, Hawkins, Chris Hero, they should all have never had any trouble getting over and could walk into almost any other place and get a reaction.

All the new people will just end up filling the gaps left by these people. Which is a massive shame.
These guys are quality talents. They just aren't wanting to use them. They get on the Orton/Cena/Bryan/Triple H/Shield bus and everybody else gets run over it. Drew McIntyre could have been great. But they never let him be. They set these guys up with a gimmick, and they kill him for it. Clay is a classic case. Clay would have been a beast heel.
Well I know Drew initially got into huge trouble for a domestic violence case he was involved in, and they never really gave him another chance. Hero was apparently too disobedient backstage and was repeatedly asked to improve his conditioning and physique, and was even given a couple months completely off of taping to do so but he never committed so they figured it would be best to let him walk. If there's anything positive about Hero in that situation it's that he left on very good terms with WWE, so we may not have seen the last of him, which is good because he's got a ton of talent and charisma. I don't know what happened with Clay at all though.
Such a shame about Drew McIntrye. I've stanned for him for a long time, very talented.

I didn't know you watched, Danny.

I also didn't know Clay proposed the hall of pain. I do know that his entire gimmick was pretty much a rip off of one Ernest Miller originally had.

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I didn't catch that. When was that, and why did he have to escorted out?

I'm with you, I don't him either. Like his brother, though.
I wish he would have stayed fired. He doesn't have the look. He doesn't have the best acting. And I don't think he can wrestle. He's only there because of his real last name, in my opinion.
Dallas flopped the first time and he'll flop the second time. He just doesn't have it. Sorry.

Wow, that surprised me about Pat. Well done for coming out. Round of applause Mr Patterson sir.
It's just sad that he had to closeted for 50 years. I'm glad that we live in a different era than that. Heck, we have an in-ring competitor that is open and proud, and no one cares. That's the way it should be.
It's just sad that he had to closeted for 50 years. I'm glad that we live in a different era than that. Heck, we have an in-ring competitor that is open and proud, and no one cares. That's the way it should be.
I hope if there is any more gay wrestlers which I've no doubt there is that they come out. The world has matured in the professional secter past "ewie he's touching me". Come out, be happy and live your life.
Nothing in wrestling is real except the bumps and broken bones. Not even Total Divas.
He had an NXT retirement match, loser leaves forever. Can't remember who against though.

NXT is the only thing I don't read the spoilers for because I watch for the wrestling not continuation of storylines. I guess Bo lost the match and that was just to make it look more authentic.
Well he had a match on Smackdown last night v R-Truth, also on the show we saw that 3MB's last appearance was being destroyed by Roman Reigns....on his own!, he hit Slater and McIntyre with spear and threw Mahal over the announce table after they interfered in his match with Barrett....
TNA Slammiversary PPV is tonight and they had to change their main event just like the WWE did for MITB, MVP is injured with a torn meniscus muscle so instead they have Samoa Joe v Lashley and Aries v King and the winners of those will face Young in a Triple Threat match for the World Heavyweight title in a Steel will most likely be on here on Wednesday with adverts....
I really wish I could get excited for TNA. I did once upon a time. Back in around 2008. Then Hogan came in and rinsed Dixie for her money.
I agree. Any sport really. Who cares anymore.
Unfortunately, a fair amount of athletes still do, and the guys running the team/organization want a clean clubhouse regardless of opinions, so the root often goes first. From what I've seen though the majority of the WWE locker room has been pretty positive towards Young though. Good to see considering the bad image WWE usually gets for various reasons.
WWE tried to make national news, and they succeeded to some degree. But it all about ratings. I heard that WWE itself "leaked" the Pat Patterson story to TMZ. Even a superstars trials and tribulations are a tool for WWE to enhance itself.

Anyways, I just heard that the MitB pay-per-view will actually have a MitB match. Seth Rollins is the only announced participant so far. So two ladder matches. I'm excited.
Yes I heard about an extra MITB match for a contract on Twitter, sounds good and I think the other match for the title looks good too, good mixture of guys taking part in that....