Does Anyone Watch Wrestling? (WWE, AEW, TNA, NWA, etc)

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Raw is from the 02 in London tonight as part of their twice yearly European tour and its an important Raw tonight because we find out what they are doing with the WWE WHC title after Bryans surgery on Thursday...
I doubt that'll happen as well, I've heard he'll be out for around two months, if that's the case then I think that they will make the title vacant and make some sort of competition for a new holder, like a tournament or Battle Royal or something...
As much as I want to see Bryan as champ a two month gap with no champion doesn't make sense. Vancant or interim champ until he gets back then a decider match seems the best way forward.
The most obvious interim champ for me is Orton, it might be Batista, Cena is still in the storyline with Wyatt, don't think HHH will give himself the belt, so its between Orton and Batista for me....unless they do the unpredictable and give it to Cesaro or something....
The most obvious interim champ for me is Orton, it might be Batista, Cena is still in the storyline with Wyatt, don't think HHH will give himself the belt, so its between Orton and Batista for me....unless they do the unpredictable and give it to Cesaro or something....

I think they're either going to give Kane the WWE WHC, or do a tournament for the WWE WHC from now to Payback. Orton, and Batista are less likely to be the WWE WHC for the time being due to there storyline with the Shield.
Well the 'announcement' about the title wasn't an announcement, its been put back to Raw next week when Stephanie McMahon wants Bryan to forfeit the title, like that'll happen!
So tonight we actually find out what's happening with the WWE WHC title (unlike last week on Raw!), although that said I have read that they might keep us guessing for a few more weeks..

...also, only two matches have been made for Payback which is this Sunday, now those matches look good but its obviously not enough to fill a three hour show so they need to make some more matches sharpish...
Well good match or not they're both rematches, one a rematch of a rematch and no effort to cover it up. "I accept a rubber match" yeah, good choice of words John.

You can't really base a PPV off them two matches and probably Swagger/rose, Cesaro/Sheamus. That's a rubbish PPV. That's an O PPV not a B one.
I don't think it was that bad but last weeks was terrible, and I think that currently it doesn't look great and the Bryan situation isn't helping...only thing that can save the day is a CM Punk return...C'mon WWE make it happen!
Final card for the Payback PPV tonight

Pre Show
Hair vs Mask

Hornswaggle v El Torito

Rusev v Big E

Daniel Bryan decision regarding the WWE WHC title

Last man standing match
Bray Wyatt v John Cena

Divas Title
Paige (C) v Alicia Fox

Intercontinental Title
Bad News Barrett (C) v Rob Van Dam

United States Title
Sheamus (C) v Cesaro

No Holds Barred Elimination Match
The SHEILD v Evolution
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So I couldn't stay up to watch the show as I was up at 5.50am this morning for work but I recorded it and watched it this afternoon, I thought it was good, best matches were SHEILD v Evolution and Cena v Bray, man Stephanie got a lot of heat when she mentioned CM Punk like that didn't she?!!

We still don't know what going on with the title though...
I'm wondering how long they'll drag out this title storyline. I'm guessing they're not going to strip him of it because they have to have a reasonable timeline for his return now and if it's too far away they'd have stripped him by now.
I'm wondering how long they'll drag out this title storyline. I'm guessing they're not going to strip him of it because they have to have a reasonable timeline for his return now and if it's too far away they'd have stripped him by now.
Well until the ending I thought Raw was pretty good, The Usos and The Wyatt's had easily the match of the night 9that was a great match!), but this was my reaction to that ending....HOLY JESUS CHRIST ALMIGHTY!!!! *thud* (sound of jaw dropping to the floor!)
:lol: I double posted by accident and you double posted and telling me.

I was always expecting Dean to be the one who turns heel. Not Seth. That surprised me. I knew bluetista would be going after this raw though.
Has Batista actually quit?, when he re-signed it was for two years full time...I think its storyline...
Has Batista actually quit?, when he re-signed it was for two years full time...I think its storyline...

It's story line. He's taking time off to promote Guardians of the Galaxy.

On a another note, the dirt sheets are reporting that Daniel Bryan received word today that he won't be cleared for Money in the Bank. That means he will have to forfeit the title(s). Guess were having a MiTB match for the belts. Should make an exciting match. Might be worth the money just to see that one match.
Why are they treating it like it's new groundbreaking stuff. It's a ladder match, for a world title. That's nothing new. I hope they do go with two though because I like the idea of the briefcase holder bragging to people.
It's not ground breaking. Not by a long shot. But it's going to add some much needed excite into WWE.

I'm also hoping that MiTB will finally end some of these drawn out feuds. I am so sick of Cena vs. The Wyatt Family and Hornswoggle's feud with El Toritio.
"For the first time ever the MITB briefcase match wil be for the WWE WHC."

So will it be the titles or the briefcase hanging there?
I also hope there is another MITB match for the briefcase...thought Raw was Ok, feel bad for Bryan but word is he'll be back for Summerslam..
So news today is that WWE have had another clear-out and released some talent....Jinder Mahal, Aksana, Teddy Long, Camacho, Brodus Clay, Evan Bourne, and Yoshi Tatsu have all had their 'future endevored'!